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Janki Solanki AU1813051

1. High-context communication will use communication that concentrates on core
framework, significance, and quality in the message, and just not the words
Nations that fall into this category are Japan, China, France, Spain, Brazil, and more.
A high-context individual, places great importance on relations and find them more as
ends than medium, even though they could certainly be regarded as part of a system
that allows task achievements. As a result, much of this person's time is spent
nurturing and sustaining those connections. Since relationships are so significant,
keeping harmony amongst them is important; hence, preventing explicit and obvious
arguments that could upset someone is normal. When these relations are established, a
fairer border build among who are with you and who are not.

low-context communication requires communications to be clearly said so that there’s

no possibility of misunderstanding, and if a message isn’t transparent enough, it will
slow down the course of interaction. In the most severe circumstances, putting any
sort of unrequired information for understanding can be disastrous.
Some of the nations that fall into low-context communication are Western societies
like the UK, Australia and the United States.

monozygotic twins who have grown together can and do communicate more
economically than two layers in the courtroom during a trial as the twins develop
some form of independent communication, using tags or pet names, signals or
gestures, abbreviations, or lingo that they only use with each other.

2. A person is a slow message meaning, he or she cannot be decoded fast, and the other
person takes time to understand and interpret his or her messages. Some examples of
slow messages are poetry, book an ambassador, art, TV documentary, prints etc. these
messages which takes time to understand. In contract to prose, headlines, cartoon, TV
commercials, Easy familiarity, manners, which can be decoded faster, whether the
person is from different culture or the same. Additionally, for a slow message person,
it takes time to get to know someone well, the message is slower in some cultures
than in others. in USA it is not too difficult to know people quickly while in Europe
people take time to make informal relationships.

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