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Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines




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SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

Part 1
1. Elaborate the physical activities during primitive society.

During primitive time people don’t have an idea about what is physical

education. It is obvious that physical activity has been a part of the lives of all people.

On the physical activity of primitive societies, there is something unique to reveal. It

can be seen from the activities of physical activity of primitive society in the process

of gathering food to be able to live in the jungle, as well as physical activity done at

the time of hunters and gatherers who have an element in shaping the physical

abilities and skills of individual motion. During this time physical activity was related

first to survival activity and incessant search for food, clothing, shelter and protection

from a hostile environment, and the propagation of his species. Play and games, too,

were an important part of living for these primitive people. Their games served

several purposes. First, play was that part of their total activity for basic necessity of

life struggle and survival. Second became a means of preparing youth for adult life,

as games were taken from life’s activities. Third, games and play became a

recognized way to improve one’s strength, speed and skill, qualities necessary for

survival. Fitness in primitive times was necessary for survival and generally always

took care of itself. As man evolved socially and his environment changes as he

learned ways to control it, his physical activity also evolved. As civilization advanced

and man emerged from savage state and evolved up through the various levels of

Paleolithic and Neolithic man, his games and sports no doubt reflected this change.

However, there was no need for organized physical activity in a primitive society. As

civilization developed society had to become more structured to keep pace with the

complexity of civilization, organization of man’s physical activities in play and military

training became inevitable.

2. Differentiate and expound the physical activities in Athens and Sparta Greece.
The differences of physical activity between Athens and Sparta is different, in

Athens it consists of physical training, athletics and music, writing, reading, dancing,

ethical poems and arithmetic. Because Athens the individual’s life was not controlled

and regulated as in Sparta, and they enjoyed individual freedom. Athens also gave

training about both peace and war.

In Sparta the main objective of their physical activity was to contribute to a strong

and powerful army. Spartans believed in a life of 'discipline, self denial, and

simplicity,' and so the purpose of education was, simply, to produce an army. The

young men were taught a wide variety of physical skills. They practiced jumping,

running, gymnastics, throwing a spear, and throwing a discus. Sparta gave training

about war only.

3. Dark Ages: Explain and elaborate Asceticism and Scholasticism.

Asceticism is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures,

often pursuing spiritual goals. Many religious traditions, such as Hinduism,

Buddhism,Jainism, and some Christian groups for example, the Desert Fathers

include practices that involve restraint with respect to actions of body, speech, and

mind. The founders and earliest practitioners of these religions lived extremely

austere lifestyles, refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material

wealth. They practiced asceticism not as a rejection of the enjoyment of life, or

because the practices themselves are virtuous, but as an aid in the pursuit of

physical and metaphysical health. They eschewed worldly pleasures and led an

abstemious lifestyle. Scholasticism it is also method of critical thought which

dominated teaching by the academics of medieval universities in Europe from about

1100–1700, and a program of employing that method in articulating and defending

dogma in an increasingly pluralistic context. It originated as an outgrowth of, and a

departure from, Christian monastic schools at the earliest European universities.

Scholasticism had the belief that the most essential items in one’s education are
facts: that the key to a successful life is the development of the mental or intellectual

powers. This belief which was held by the scholars at the time passed down from

generation to generation so that scholasticism as a movement presented a challenge

to physical education. An effect of this de-emphasis on physical activity was that the

institutions associated with early Christianity would not allow physical education to be

one of the important subjects in their curriculum.


Explain the diagram, Include the citations that will support your answer. (Do not copy
the explanation in the reference given to you)

The major Important in our lives is engaging physical activity. Because physical

activity helps us to be physically fit. To put it simply, physical activity and physical fitness is

important for everyone. Children, adolescents, and adults of all ages need regular physical

activity. Physical activity promotes good health, and you should stay active throughout all

stages of your life regardless of your body type or BMI. Understanding the benefits of

physical fitness and knowing how active you should be can help you maintain good health
and improve your overall quality of life. Here are a few benefits of regular physical activity

that demonstrate the importance of physical fitness. Many studies have shown that regular

physical activity increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of premature mortality.

Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental

state as well. If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will not be

able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning

well. You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and

eating right. Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that require a certain level

of physical fitness. For example, hiking to the top of a mountain is a rewarding experience

that instills a sense of accomplishment and provides spectacular scenery, but there are

people who cannot experience this due to fitness limitations.

According to Mairena Sánchez-López, 2008 a large part of the variability in physical

fitness is genetically determined, environmental factors, and particularly physical exercise,

also influence physical fitness. In children, the relationship between physical activity and

physical fitness is less clear. It has been argued that physical activity in children and younger

adolescents is unlikely to modify physical fitness because it is largely unpredictable and non-

systematic, and occurs in relatively short bursts. The lack of agreement between studies

which have examined the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness in

children and adolescents could be due to the variety of methods used to measure both

physical fitness and physical activity. When trying to evaluate the effects of physical activity,

it is important to take into account the difficulty of obtaining valid and precise measurements.

Sirin, 2018 stated that Physical activity, Physical fitness, cognitive function and

academic achievement. The evidence indicated that physical activity has a relationship to

parts of the brain that support complex cognitive processes during laboratory tasks. It also

showed that physical activity is important for growth, development and general

healthphysical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic

behavior, all of which are important components of improved academic performance. These
include enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior. And

there’s more. Active Living Research says, In some cases, more time in physical education

leads to improved grades and standardized test scores. In schools that are under

government mandates to bridge the achievement gap and when those mandates encourage

“teaching to the test”, physical education can actually help improve students’ scores.


1. Explain and expound pre-requisites for learning. (Support your answers by

giving citations)

Pre-requisites for learning is very important to us specially in teaching.

Learning information without the proper pre-requisite can be challenging to understand.

A prerequisite is anything that you need to know or understand first before attempting

to learn or understand something new. Effective teachers organize and present content

knowledge and skills to students in a manner that helps the students access, interact with,

and learn the material. Additionally, students value teachers who effectively convey their

knowledge of the subject area through strong communication skills.

Maturation are closely connected. Certain amount of maturation is a pre requisite for

learning to occur. While both learning and maturation bring about changes in a person, there is a

difference between the two. Maturation may be considered as the development brought about by

growth of the neural and muscular system, while learning is an outcome of stimulating situations.

Maturity plays a major role in student success and governs personal responsibility, shared

communication, openness to new ideas, and ability to find solutions to problems.

According to Sattler 2016, a leading authority on intelligence is more about how we

interact with our environment than an innate ability. He goes on to point out that

measurement of intelligence is a sampling of cognitive skills and knowledge at that point in

time. Sattler indicated that no one intelligence test measures the full range of abilities
related to intelligent behavior. Our knowledge about children continually changes. For

instance, we now know that babies have far more complex problem solving skills than

once thought possible. This means that the revision and development of intelligence

testing changes as we understand more about ourselves, how children learn and what

they know.

Level of aspiration, Education is a process and kind of activity in relation to human

beings. It is a continuous effort to develop all capacities of the students to control their

neighboring environment and to fulfill their needs. Though education is a part of human life, it

cannot help the pursuers unless they have the required amount of educational aspirations.

Individuals will have aspirations, Is all stages of life, So that people try for their self

enhancement. The aspiration during student’s period influences their behavior.

Goswami&Rahman (2013) pointed that the level of aspiration provides the learner

with the stimulus energy that help her/him to have a sense of achievement. As a teacher we

must to consider our students, we need to encourage them to strive more and tell them what

is purpose of going to school every day.

Reaction time, when we say reaction time it is the amount of time that takes places

between when we perceive something to when we respond to it. It is the ability to detect,

process, and respond to a stimulus. In order to have good reaction time, it's necessary to be

focused and understand the information well. Like for example, the runners, after hearing the

gun, will be able to distinguish the sound from other background noise and know that it is time to

start running process the stimulus.

2. Cite one (1) theory of learning and explain the usefulness of it in physical


The social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura's. It is a perspective on human

development and learning. Since development is a lifelong process, his theory concerns the

changes in the psychosocial functioning of adults as well as children. Development is not a

monolithic process. Human capabilities vary in their psychobiological origins and in the

experiential conditions needed to enhance and sustain them. Thus, Bandura created a

"Model of Causation" which expresses a three-way approach: behavior, cognition, and other

personal factors and environmental influences all operate as interacting determinants that

influence each other. As a P.E. teacher, we have the opportunity to create with our lessons

the very social system which Bandura states. Obviously, every child has a certain ability

level and in a typical class there will be a wide range of ability levels. However, we set up

environmental factors through our lesson design, management strategies, interactions with

students, and the quality of social interactions we nurture in our classes. This simple fact

greatly impacts upon the perceptions, actions, and behaviors of all the students. The

physical education experience can be an essential factor in the positive growth and

development of our students; not only limited to the physical/recreational/leisure time

pursuits, but in the total sphere of human development.

D. Select at least 2 moral values and explain the implication to physical education.

Respect for Excellence, excellence is defined by our ability to strive towards virtues

and if virtues are an extension of our own values and if we respect others based on shared

values and their ability to live out those values virtuously and if we assume that people do not

respect those whom they consider vicious. Then Being respected by those you respect is an

excellent way of seeing into the “mirror” of virtue and excellence and is why you feel good

when you learn somebody you respect respects you.

the implication of this in physical education is that we need to teach our students how to be

respectful with others specially in having a sports competition Being respected

by important people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful toward

others. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're

different from you or you don't agree with them. 

Pursuits of Happiness, as a Physical educator we need to consider the happiness

of the students like for example in giving different activities. Because I do believe that if the

teacher will promote happiness in the class the student can easily learn on what they are


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