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Конспект уроку

з теми

для 11-го класу

Цілі: навчальні: - систематизувати та активізувати вживання вивченої

лексики в розмовних та граматичних структурах;
- ознайомити учнів із значенням нових лексичних одиниць
та навчити правильно використовувати їх у знайомих
граматичних структурах ;
- вчити учнів логічно висловлюватись на основі
мовленнєвої ситуації;
- навчати учнів вилучати основну інформацію з
прочитаного тексту;
- вчити учнів детального розуміння прослуханого тексту;
- розширювати знання по темі за допомогою
комунікативних вправ в режимі Т-Р, Р1-Р2;
- використовувати елементи STEM навчання на уроці.
розвиваючі: - розвивати навички роботи в парах;
- розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву
реакцію учнів.

виховні: - виховувати культуру спілкування;

- виховувати любов до іноземної мови та активне

ставлення до її вивчення.
освітня: - формувати уміння обирати ефективні стратегії для
розв’язання мовних та мовленнєвих завдань.
Обладнання: підручник, проектор, ілюстративний та роздатковий матеріал,
презентація Powerpoint, відео

If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.

Carlos Santana

Хід уроку

I. Greetings. Organizing the class. Conversational warming-up.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you! I am also happy
that we have guests today. Do you like guests? As for me, I adore them. They bring a
lot of joy and happiness into my life. I suggest we start our today’s lesson with
something nice and pleasant. Let’s do a puzzle. Take a piece of the puzzle, write a key
word and say who you love or what you like justifying why.

Students’ possible answers:

1. I love my parents for their care and understanding.

2. I love my friends, as they are always helpful.
3. I love my family, because they support me in everything I do.
4. I love my pet. It’s so cute and funny.
5. I love art. It gives me inspiration.
6. I love music. It is always present in my life.
7. I love my classmates. They are always fun to be with.
8. I like my school. I’m taught important things here.
9. I like my hobby. It makes my life exciting.
10.I adore poetry. It touches the deepest points of my soul.
11.I love sport. It makes me feel vibrant and energetic.
12.I’m fond of travelling. It broadens my outlook.
13.I’m keen on dancing. It makes me fit and graceful.
14.I love nature. I feel calm and relaxed whenever I go to the countryside.
15.I love English. You can’t do without it in modern world.

Teacher: Take a look, our puzzle is done! What’s this? Yes, it’s a heart. That’s
what we’re going to speak about at our lesson today.

II. Vocabulary. Idioms.

Teacher: A heart is a symbol that escapes being put into words, that is
certainly true. However, throughout the ages people have made up many proverbs,
sayings and idioms about this mystic notion, about where it comes from and what it
signifies. Our next task is called “Broken Heart – Mended Heart”. Each heart is cut
into two separate pieces. The first half contains the beginning of an idiom. You are to
find the end of it.

1. Heart and / soul 

2. To follow / your heart 

3. To get to / the heart of something 

4. To have a change / of heart 

5. To have your heart / in the right place 

6. To lose / heart 
7. To wear your heart / on your sleeve

  Teacher: Let us check the idioms up. You have not only got the correct
answers, but have also found your partners for the next task. This time you are to
match the idioms to their definitions. Please, work in pairs.

Heart and soul  to understand the central, most essential

aspect of something

To follow your heart  to be well intentioned

To get to the heart of something  to change your mind

To have a change of heart  to act according to your emotions and


To have your heart in the right place  energy, enthusiasm

To lose heart  to openly express your feelings

To wear your heart on your sleeve  to give up, to feel discouraged, to lose

Answer key:

1. Heart and soul – energy, enthusiasm

2. To follow your heart – to act according to your emotions and desires

3. To get to the heart of something – to understand the central, most essential

aspect of something

4. To have a change of heart – to change your mind

5. To have your heart in the right place – to be well intentioned

6. To lose heart – to give up, to feel discouraged, to lose hope

7. To wear your heart on your sleeve – to openly express your feelings

Teacher: You have noticed that the paper hearts are of two different colours. They
are red and pink. Now the students with the red and the rosy hearts will make up two
groups. Working as a group, fill in the gaps with the idioms in the correct form to
make the text complete.

My friend Maria is _____________________ of any party. She always

_______________________________ and never wishes anything bad to people
around her. Maria ____________________________ , though, so, if she dislikes
anything about you, she will definitely tell you. However, don’t
_________________________ and feel sad, as she _________________________
quite often and before long can consider you to be the best person on earth. What I
really value in her is that she always does her best ________________________ of
your problem and _____________________ in trying to help you get out of it.

Answer key:

My friend Maria is heart and soul of any party. She always has her heart in the
right place and never wishes anything bad to people around her. Maria wears her heart
on her sleeve, though, so, if she dislikes anything about you, she will definitely tell
you. However, don’t lose your heart and feel sad, as she has a change of heart quite
often and before long can consider you to be the best person on earth. What I really
value in her is that she always does her best to get to the heart of your problem and
follows her heart trying to help you get out of it.

Teacher: I hope you do know the idioms now that you have done so many
tasks with them. Look at the screen! There are only definitions. Read a definition out
and try to remember the idiom. Well done, thank you!

III. Video. STEM education (Biology).

Teacher: As you know, the word “heart” has quite a number of definitions and
meanings. The major ones are on the screen.
A heart is

1. A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory
2. Love and feelings
3. Compassion and sympathy

Pre-watching Task

We are going to work with all these important definitions today. Let us first of
all speak about the heart as an organ. I am sure you know much about it. Some of you
are even going to take a ZNO test in Biology soon. Thus, I guess you will easily
understand which of the following statements are true and which are false.

1. The heart is located in between the two lungs. (T)

2. The heart is a hollow muscular organ of a rectangular form. (F conical)
3. The heart is about the size of a head. (F a fist)
4. The heart is basically a pump. (T)
5. There are five chambers: three upper and two lower. (F 4 chambers)
6. The right and left sides of the heart have separate functions. (T)

While-watching Task

Teacher: “The Heart in Numbers” is the next task you will do while watching
an educational video. Watch carefully and fill in the missing numbers.

1. ______ of the heart is located to the left of the body. (2/3)

2. ______ is located to the right. (1/3)
3. An adult heart is about ______ cm long. (12)
4. It is ______ to ______ cm wide. (8.5 to 9)
5. The heart is ______ cm from front to back. (6)
6. The weight of the heart is ______ to ______ grams in males. (280-340)
7. It weighs from ______ to ______ grams in females. (230-280)
8. There are ______ chambers: ______ upper and ______ lower. (4: 2-2)
9. The heart beats ______ times per minute. (72)

Post-watching Task

Teacher: Will you now turn over your sheets of paper with the sentences,
recollect a fact from the video and say it to the class.

Students’ possible answers:

1. The heart is an important organ that keeps us going.

2. The heart is located in the thoracic cavity in between the two lungs.
3. The heart is a hollow muscular organ of a somewhat conical form.
4. An adult heart is about 12 cm long.
5. The heart is 8.5 to 9 cm wide and 6 cm from front to back.
6. The heart is about the size of a fist.
7. The weight of the heart varies in males and females.
8. There are four chambers: two upper and two lower.
9. The atria and ventricles work as a team.
10.The heart is basically a pump.
11.It sends blood around the body.
12.The right and left sides of the heart have separate functions.
13. The heart beats 72 times per minute.
14.It beats all day and all night.
15.The heart is a hard-worker.

IV. Reading.

Teacher: The second definition of heart is love and feelings. Life is full of
love. We love our families and friends, relatives and pets, our homes and hobbies.
Love is, by far, the most beautiful, exhilarating and mind-blowing emotion we can
It has its ups and downs – it may lift you up, it may bring you down. It might
make you the happiest person in the world, it can also put you through hell. Anyhow,
we all need somebody to love.

Pre-Reading Task

Teacher: Which European city is considered to be the most romantic one?

That’s true: it’s Paris. Now we are going to read a nice story about true feelings in the
French capital. The story is cut into pieces. Please, look the paragraphs through and
put them into the correct order.

Romance in Paris

I took a sip of cappuccino and relaxed in the first-class seat of the Eurostar train
as it sped towards Paris. I wasn’t really sure why I was on the train in the first place. It
certainly wasn’t typical of me to drop everything and run off to somewhere like Paris.
Actually, my wife Sandra keeps telling me I’ve become boring in my old age. In fact,
Sandra was the reason why I was heading for the French capital.

When I got home from work the night before I’d found a note from Sandra on
the kitchen table. It said that she needed to get away for a few days and would come
back later in the week. She’d done the same thing several times during our twenty-
two years of marriage. When she got fed up with things at home she would pack a bag
and go, but she always came back when she was ready.

We had been having a few problems recently, and I had to admit that our
relationship had got a bit boring since our youngest daughter had left for university.
After re-reading Sandra’s note, it suddenly occurred to me that the following day
would be exactly 25 years since Sandra and I first met in Paris. We had always
celebrated this date together, but this time she had obviously decided to spend it away
from me.
I couldn’t really blame her. I’d been working such long hours that we barely
saw each other. When we did have some time together, I was usually so exhausted
that I simply fell asleep in front of the TV. I suddenly felt I had to go to Paris on the
anniversary of our first meeting. On my own, perhaps, I would be able to see things
more clearly. I decided to catch the first Eurostar train the next morning.

Soon after the train arrived at the Gare du Nord in Paris, unsure of where I was
going, I bought a ticket and went straight down to the Metro. As the train rushed
through the black tunnel, I found my mind going back to that day, 25 years before.

I’d been working in the Paris branch of a London-based merchant bank. I

remember it was a beautiful spring day and I’d decided to spend my lunch break in
the Tuileries gardens. I had bought a baguette and some cold meat and found myself a
bench next to a pool. I’d only been there a few minutes when a gorgeous young lady
came up and asked if she could join me. She had a thermos flask of coffee and a bag
of fresh fruit. We sat on the bench, shared our lunch and chattered for ages. Her name
was Sandra and she was working in Paris as a nanny. We fell in love, and eventually
married three years later in London.

Coming out of the Metro, I realized I was quite close to the Tuileries so I
decided to see if I could find our bench. As it was nearly midday, I bought some lunch
– the same lunch I’d had 25 years before. Then I headed for the gardens, making my
way through the tourists who crowded the Rue de Rivoli. I paused at the gates of the
gardens, wishing that Sandra was with me. I eventually went through the gates and
walked along the path past the same green trees, statues and flowerbeds.

When I arrived at the pool I saw that the bench was still there. It was empty, so
I went over and sat down. I took the food out of the bag, tore off a piece of the
baguette and began to eat. Suddenly I heard a woman’s voice behind me. “May I join
you?” it said. Startled I turned around. In disbelief, I watched as my wife, holding a
thermos flask of coffee and a large bag of fruit, came round and sat next to me. She
looked wonderful. She’d had her hair done and was wearing a floral print dress.
“Sandra!” I exclaimed. “I was hoping you’d come, Bill,” she smiled.

While-Reading Task

Teacher: Let us read the story. While reading, underline all the words and
phrases connected with love and affection.

Post-Reading Task

Teacher: I hope, you liked the story, didn’t you? Relations in marriage is a
difficult business. It’s not easy to preserve your feelings and keep your marriage
going. Sandra and her husband have managed to do it and now they are ready to
answer all your questions. Kate will play the role of Sandra and Alex will be her
husband. You are free to ask whatever you want.

Students’ possible questions:

1. Alex, why did you decide to drop everything and run off to Paris? (Sandra was
the reason why I was heading for the French capital. She left a note got away
for a few days)
2. Alex, how long have you been married? (We’ve been married for 22 years)
3. Sandra, why did you leave your husband on the eve of your anniversary? (Alex
has become boring in his old age. Actually, I’ve done the same thing several
times. When I got fed up with things at home I would pack a bag and go)
4. Did you always come back? (Yes, when I was ready)
5. Alex, did you notice a change in your relations? (Frankly speaking, I did. We
had a few problems and our relations got a bit boring since our daughter had
left for university)
6. Sandra, what made you mad in your husband’s behaviour? (Well, I do admit
that he’d been working long hours. We barely saw each other. When we did
have some time together, Alex simply fell asleep in front of the TV)
7. Alex, do you still remember where you met your wife 25 years ago? (Sure. It
was a beautiful spring day and I decided to spend my lunch break in the
gardens. A gorgeous young lady asked if she could join me.)
8. Sandra, what did you do on the day of your 25th anniversary? (I travelled to
Paris, went to the garden where we had met and found my husband sitting on
the same bench and eating the same lunch)
9. Alex, were you happy to see your wife? (I was on cloud nine. I’m very thankful
to her for such a wonderful surprise)

IV. Listening.

Pre-Listening Task

Teacher: I guess it’s high time we got down to the third definition. Heart also
means compassion and sympathy. Who do we usually sympathize with? What do we
feel compassion for?

We are going to listen to the song called “Another Day in Paradise”. It’s about a
homeless girl. It’s quite old but it’s timeless. While listening, correct the mistakes in
the lyrics.

Another Day in Paradise

She calls out to the boy on the street

'Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to stay,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?'
He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't see her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been smiling
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't run but she's trying

Oh think twice, 'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her hands
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every house
Cause she didn't fit in there
Oh think twice, 'cause another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, just think about it, think about it

Another Day in Paradise

She calls out to the man on the street

'Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?'
He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying
Oh think twice, 'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
Cause she didn't fit in there
Oh think twice, 'cause another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, just think about it, think about it
Post-Listening Task

Teacher: Just imagine, that you are film-makers. You witnessed the scene
described in the song. Write a scenario for a video clip to the song. It should be based
on the life story of this girl: her past life, her present life and her future life.

House Happy end
Friends Appearance

Hobbies Past life Family


Dreams Children

girl Future life
Teacher: Now that you are ready, choose a speaker from the students in your
group and let them present your part of the project to the class.
You are full of wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing them!

V. Summing-up. The results of the lesson. Home assignment.

Teacher: Actually, we share not only our thoughts and ideas. We share our hearts
every day of our life. Often we do not even notice it. Today I want to share my heart
with you and give a piece of it to each of you.

This is a Fortune Box. Take a fortune-telling heart, read a wish attached to it, eat a
candy and then the wish will definitely come true!

I thank you for your excellent work at the lesson not only on this day but always.
Your home task is to learn the idioms and to make up sentences using them

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