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SRI AGUSTINA (1940601054)



Praise be to God Almighty for all His graces so that this business planning proposal can
be compiled to completion. The purpose and objective of the preparation of this proposal is to
fulfill the task of the Introduction to Business course.
In the process of preparing this assignment, there must have been obstacles, but thanks
to the support of various parties, the author was finally able to complete this proposal.
Therefore, with all humility I would like to express my gratitude to those who have helped
contribute material and ideas.
I hope that this proposal can increase my personal knowledge and experience and the
wider community about business. There are still many shortcomings in this proposal.
Therefore, the authors really hope for suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for
the perfection of this proposal.

Tarakan, June 25 2021


General Description of Business

Business Name : Banana Nugget

Price per box : Rp. 16.000

 Background
We raised this Banana Nugget business because there are several factors,
namely because Banana Nugget whose main ingredient is banana is a food that is easy
to get and much favored by some people in Indonesia. Banana Nuggets are indeed often
a very delicious side dish to eat. In addition to having a delicious taste, the sweet and
crunchy taste of bread flour and toppings also makes the tongue do not want to stop
chewing it. For those who like to eat bananas, of course you are already familiar with
the menu banana nugget, but maybe some of you don't know how it looks and tastes.
Of course, all the ingredients and methods used use quality bananas and other
ingredients. The purpose of my business is to emphasize more on getting maximum
profit, channeling my hobby of cooking, and also to improve my skills in making
various dishes.

 Vision and mission

 Business Vision to provide healthy and delicious food and to satisfy consumers.
 Business Mission to provide and implement good and quality services for
customer satisfaction.
 Benefits of Making
We made this proposal to be useful, such as for independent study to fill spare time
after lectures, it can also be useful for:
 Helping entrepreneurs to develop businesses and test strategies and expected
results from the perspective of other parties (investors).
 Helping entrepreneurs to think critically and objectively about the field of
business that will be run.
 As a communication tool in presenting and convincing ideas to other parties
 Help increase the success of entrepreneurs.

 Purpose of Proposal Preparation

 This proposal was made to fulfill the task of entrepreneurship subjects.
 As a condition for taking the entrepreneurship practice exam.
 Entrepreneurial initiative as a business owner in opening a business.
 Advancing people's lives and improving the community's economy.
 Making students more creative and innovative about entrepreneurship.
 Train students to be good entrepreneurs.
 Gaining experience and knowledge about entrepreneurship.
 Useful for collaborating with other business founders.
 Can open up new jobs.

 Customer

Market segmentation for sellers of Banana Nugget

products, namely in the Tarakan City area with an online
sales system through social media.

The target or target customers are from all walks of life,

from children to the elderly and the Tarakan community in
The products we sell are not much different from other
food businesses. However, the price we offer is the selling
point that sets it apart from other products.

The business concept that I created uses an online system

that utilizes followers as witnesses of market segmentation
and our customers.

Potential customers include people in the city of Tarakan

who are lazy to leave their homes to look for cheap, tasty
and nutritious snacks. Customers are not only limited by
age and class, anyone who likes it will definitely want to
order our products.

 Product

The general public who tend to look for food that fits their finances. We provide food products
that adjust to financial conditions, besides the products sold are also delicious and healthy
products. So that it can meet the nutritional needs of the community.

The products sold are food products made from bananas, bananas are usually known as rural
food, but now I want to develop it again by processing these bananas into interesting foods, so
that bananas can be widely known by the public, the way we introduce this banana is broadly,
namely by making processed products from bananas that are as attractive as possible without
reducing the nutritional content contained in them. Bananas contain lots of important nutrients
for health, the content included in bananas are: potassium or potassium, fiber, iron and rich in
oxygen, so this food can be consumed by all people, from children to the elderly.

This product already exists in the community, but the Banana Nugget business is different
from ordinary bananas, this product is the result of such modifications that it becomes a new
and interesting product that can compete with modern foods, so we have a pretty good
opportunity in marketing Moreover, this banana is a new variant that can attract consumers
to feel the new sensation of this banana.
So that our products are easily recognized by the public and students, we innovate by adding
ingredients such as topping almonds, nuts, cheese, coco crunch, and so on so as to distinguish
these foods from existing ones. superior and of very good quality, so that consumers can easily
identify this product.

The belief that this product will be well received by the wider community, because the products
we make have a fairly high quality because the basic ingredients use bananas which contain lots
of nutrients as well as hygienic manufacture.

 Marketing
Product sales are carried out by selling online through the WA group, and also through social
media accounts such as Facebook and Instagram.
As for direct sales (offline) such as among the local community, as well as small stalls.
We also receive loyal complaints and feedback from customers as product evaluations. Every
sale we ask for a testimonial from the customer on our service and product quality.

 Human Resources
In this endeavor we do not need a lot of human resources to help. This business does not require
skilled human resources and special skills such as graduates, etc., but what is needed is people
who are willing to work diligently, patiently and hard.
We as Banana Nugget business owners play a big role in running this business. Here is our role
in running this business.
Expertise Responsible Target
Product processing Making products Various variations of Banana
Nugget toppings
Packaging Product packing Keep the product always neat
and hygienic and attractive
Promotion Introducing the product to The product is widely known
many people or expanding
product marketing
Finance Manage finances Generate maximum profit with
growing business

 Production Aspect
A. Materials :
1. Kepok bananas are a bit old
2. Bread crumbs
3. Wheat flour
4. Sufficiently sweetened condensed milk, chocolate, almonds, nuts, nutella, grated
cheddar cheese, for topping
5. Enough water to dissolve the flour
6. The oil for frying

B. How to make Banana Nugget :

 Cut the banana into 4 parts. Or according to taste
 Dip the banana slices into the dissolved flour, then roll in the breadcrumbs until
all the bananas are covered in breadcrumbs.
 Store banana nuggets in a closed container for easy storage in the freezer.
Nuggets can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 month
 Before serving, fry the bananas until golden brown. Arrange on a plate and
sprinkle with toppings according to taste.
 Sales Location
The location chosen is a place that is crowded with people, namely the Taman Berkampung
area. This location is often visited by people jogging or just sitting relaxed with friends and
family. In addition we also choose the nearest campuses and schools.
1. Room/Place needed
We don't need space to sell our wares, because we sell them on a regular basis
(not permanently), offering them directly to the public.
2. Operating Hours
The time to do this business service is for in Taman Berkampung we sell only
for Every day starting at 14.00 - finished. In schools during recess.

 Swit Analysis
Every activity to start a business, the first thing that must be done is to measure our ability to
the environment or competitors, namely through a SWOT analysis.
1. Strength
The strengths of this product are:
a. Selling products for all circles of society
b. Products made from bananas are no stranger to society
c. Guaranteed and hygienic product ingredients
d. Durable
2. Weakness
The disadvantages of this product are:
- The resulting product is easy to imitate.
3. Opportunity
a. Strategic place.
b. Directly offered to the public so it's easy to sell.
4. Threath
There are competitors who sell the same product at a lower price
 4p Analysis
1. Product
The product being sold is "Banana Nugget" which is a familiar food in this era of
2. Price
The price per portion varies depending on the selected flavor variant and the average price
is Rp. 16,000, - and this price is very affordable and relatively cheap.
3. Promotion
In promoting this product by spreading it through social media and directly offering it to
the public
4. Place
Taman Berkampung, Because of its location which is quite crowded and easily accessible
to the public (consumers). Then we provide online via Facebook and Instagram.

 Fixed Cost
Name of goods Quantity Unit price Total
Plastic container 1 Pack Rp. 30.000,- Rp. 30.000,-
Small Plastic Fork 1 Pack Rp. 15.000,- Rp. 15.000,-
Amount Rp. 45.000,-

 Variable Cost
Material Name Quantity Unit price Total
Kepok Banana 2 combs Rp. 8.000,- Rp. 16.000,-
Cheese 1 stick Rp. 15.000,- Rp. 15.000,-
Almond 1 pack Rp. 25.000,- Rp. 25.000,-
Peanuts 1 kg RP. 15.000,- Rp. 15.000,-
Chocolate 1 stick Rp. 15.000,- Rp. 15.000,-
Nutella 1 pack Rp. 45.000,- Rp. 45.000,-
Wheat flour 1 kg Rp. 10.000,- Rp. 10.000,-
Milk 1 tin Rp. 10.000,- Rp. 10.000,-
Bread crumbs 1 pack Rp. 20.000,- Rp. 20.000,-
Cooking oil 1 pack Rp. 20.000,- Rp. 20.000,-
Amount Rp. 191.000,-

 Unforeseen expenses
Information Quantity Price Total
Miscellaneous - Rp. 50.000,- Rp. 50.000,-
Amount Rp. 50.000,-

 Revenue Analysis
If the Banana Nugget is sold at a price of Rp. 12.000/pack and sells 50 packs, the income that
will be obtained = Rp. 500.000,-

 Profit/Loss Planning Analysis

If the capital used from all the estimated costs is Rp. 286.000,- per 50 packs.
Then the profit minus the capital will result in a profit/loss. Rp. 500.000 – Rp. 286.000 = Rp.
39.000 per 50 packs. Then we will get a profit of Rp. 214.000 for the sale of 50 packs of Banana
 Testimoni
Here are testimonials from our customers, for more info visit our Instagram account

Thus the presentation of the business plan proposal that we have compiled. We apologize if
there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this business plan. Hopefully it can provide
benefits for all readers and writers to foster motivation in opening a business. We really hope for
constructive criticism and suggestions for future improvements. Thank you.

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