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Beaconhouse School System

Southern Region
Cambridge Branch North Nazimabad
Cluster 32

21 October 2021

Dear Parents,

In order to improve the discipline at BSS North Nazimabad Cambridge Branch the following rules are
being communicated to you:

1. Mobile Phones:
We at North Nazimabad Cambridge allow students to use the school land line phones to make
calls to their parents if the need arises. However, some parents want their children to carry
mobile phones with them in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, this flexibility allowed by
the school is being misused and causing distraction during lessons and school time.
It has been decided that students are not allowed to carry cell phones to school. If any
student needs to carry the mobile phone for the purpose of traveling (as some
students book rides through apps) or emergency contact, these students will get
approval on a written application and submit their phones to the school office in the
morning and collect them back at the dismissal time. If a student is found carrying or
using a mobile phone it will be confiscated, only to be returned in May 2022 (i.e. at the end of
the academic term). The school will not accept any responsibility for loss, damage or theft of
the confiscated equipment.

2. School Uniform:
The school uniform requirement for summer is as follows:
Girls: White school uniform shirt with half sleeves, white shalwar, navy blue sash or dupatta
and black school shoes (Pumpies)
Boys: Grey trouser and white shirt with half sleeves, black belt and black formal school shoes.
Fancy belts and accessories are not allowed.
Students are allowed to wear simple white or black joggers or white P.E shoes only on the day
when they have P.E class.
Colored joggers are NOT ALLOWED.

Winter Uniform Specifications

Girls: White school uniform shirt with full sleeves, white shalwar, navy blue sash or dupatta
and black school shoes (Pumpies) along with Blue blazer OR Grey Cardigan.
Boys: Grey trouser and white shirt with full sleeves, black belt and black formal school shoes
along with Blue blazer OR Grey Pull over
Any other kind of jacket/hoodie/blazer is not allowed.
Students who violate the uniform rules will be asked to go home after the third
violation/reminder. Uniform violation will be monitored at school through a daily log.

3. Late Arrival:
Traffic jams are a regular / common occurrence on the roads leading to the school. Parents
are requested to leave their homes keeping allowance for the traffic jams so that their children
can reach school on time. School gate will close at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Students who are late more
than three times will be asked to return with their parents/drivers. Late arrival at school is
being monitored at school through a daily log.

Ms. Saira Iqbal

Headmistress Incharge, Cluster Convener
Cluster 32


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