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Seton Hill University

Learning Objectives
Attainment Grid

Fully Partially Not Description

Achieved Achieved Achieved

I. Communication and
Problem Solving
Use the expressive arts as a mode of x See DLP
inquiry or expression
Demonstrate leadership, negotiation, X SBU 295 Personnel/Human Resource
relational, and consensus skills Management, I was a part of a group for a
team simulation where we negotiated and
came to a consensus to train our classmates
on how to use excel.
Use technological skills to access X I have obtained knowledge in Google Docs,
information, organize knowledge, Excel, Google Slides, PowerPoint, Microsoft,
and communicate Google Sites, SCRIBD, Ultimaker Cura,
Zoom, and PSPP in numerous classes at
Seton Hill.
Propose new solutions to current X SBU 505 Project Management, I was
issues assigned to write a paper to propose a
problem on campus or a workplace, then
recommended a solution that would resolve
the issue. I proposed adding a sidewalk
between student housing leading to the back
of the Cove and McKenna.
Express arguments or main points X See DLP
clearly, in written and oral
Transfer knowledge and values into X Apart of the Women’s Cross Country and
sound decision-making applied my knowledge and values into
making sound-decisions for myself and as a
representative of the team.
II. Historical, Cultural, and
Global Awareness
Communicate in a second language X See DLP
at the introductory college level
Analyze the impact of history, X SHY 340 The Middle East, had numerous
geography, and socio-cultural discussions and discussion posts on the
dynamics on global interactions from history the Middle East experienced do to the
a variety of disciplinary perspectives geographical location, leading to sociological
struggles within the people and the economy.
Analyze current and historical events X See DLP
through the lens of spirituality and
Assess privilege and oppression from X SLA 400 Integrative Senior Seminar, we
the perspective of culture, race, class, completed a Cultural Identity Presentation
and gender sharing about our experiences and listening to
our classmates cultural identity. Gave unique
aspects between my life and others.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry
Generate and analyze numerical and X SBU 100 Principles of Accounting and SBU
scientific data 101 Principles of Accounting II, recorded
financial data in a balance sheet, generated
profit & loss statements, income statements,
and more.
Locate and analyze expressive media X See DLP
to gain information or comprehend
the significance of an issue or an
Organize and manage resources in a X SBU 240 International Business, I was a part
creative way to achieve impact of a group project that created a powerpoint
and paper on Parma, Italy discussing the
different cultural barriers the U.S.
experiences and must overcome to conduct
business in Italy.
Find, evaluate, and apply information X See DLP

Interpret quantitative information to X SSS 250 Introductory Statistics, utilized

present a logical argument based on PSPP to create graphs and problem solving
supporting data with equations to create supporting data.
IV. Self Reflection and
Demonstrate ethical decision-making X SEL 106 Composition and Culture,
grounded in philosophical inquiry completed a multimodal project on the
endangerment of Giant Pandas and the
attempts China’s government put forth to
protect the species.
Apply Catholic social teaching to the X SNT 160 Nutrition for Life, I volunteered at a
analysis of contemporary social food give away and served food to complete
issues my community hours for the class and wrote
a paper about Catholic Social Teaching as
how I took part in helping the community.
Recognize the value of diverse X SRT 280 Jesus, wrote a paper covering the
spiritual and religious perspectives variety of spiritual connections we have with
the environment and how the spirituality
within people provides a unique perspective
Christianity as to God’s creations of life.
Integrate the practice of charity with X See DLP
the skill of justice
Exercise responsible freedom and X See DLP
civic engagement based on an
informed value system

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