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A detailed 5E Lesson Plan in Science 2

Prepared by: Rachelle Marie B. Panganiban

I. Objectives:

1. To identify the meaning of matter.

2. To distinguish the three properties of matter.
3. To enumerate examples of matter

II. Subject Matter

A. Identifying properties of Matters

B. Reference: Understanding properties of matters for grade 3
C. Materials: Laptop, projector and pictures as an example.
D. Values: To let the student be motivated in learning.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Good morning, Everyone Good morning, teacher Rachelle.

Who will lead the prayer? One student will volunteer

Sign of the cross

“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have
recourse to thee.
Checking of attendance
Who are absent today? Please check your seatmates. …..Checking

B. Motivation / Review

What is our lesson yesterday? We discuss about the ecosystems.

Okay, let’s go on to out topic for today.

We will discuss about THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER.


Show them a picture with a word and have them read

the words related to the properties of matter.

(Everyone reads)




Okay class, Lets have an Activity. I will group you into two. Okay, teacher Rachelle.

I have here some pictures which is related to the properties of

Afterwards, choose one representative to classify on which
property of matter the material belongs.

I will call the representative of group 1 to classify each picture

from which of the property of matter they belong.
Good morning everyone.. This is our answer.

Balloons belong to Gas

Pencils belong to solid

Juice belongs to Liquid

Gas belongs to Gas

And the Cabinet belongs to Solid.

Wow, that’s great Allen.


Okay class, let us further discuss the properties of matter.

Please listen carefully. Okay, ma’am.

First what is matter?

 Matter - Matter is a general term describing any

physical substance.

Let us discuss the three properties of matter.

1. SOLID - A solid is a sample of matter that retains its
shape and density when not confined.

Some examples:
 common table salt
 table sugar
 water ice
 frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice)
 Glass
 Rock
 most metals
 wood.

2. LIQUID - The liquid state of matter is an intermediate

phase between solid and gas.

Some examples of liquid

 Blood
 Honey
 Wine
 Water
 Mercury (a liquid metal)
 Oil
 Milk
 Acetone

GAS - Gas is a state of matter that has no fixed shape and no

fixed volume.

Some examples of Gas

 Hydrogen

 Nitrogen

 Oxygen

 Carbon Dioxide

 Carbon Monoxide

 Water Vapor
 Helium

 Neon


Okay class, since we are done on our discussion. Let me

evaluate you by giving you a quiz.

Write if the pictures show as solid, liquid or gas.

1. Picture of a soft drink

2. A picture a flower

3. Picture of a balloon
4. Picture of a rain

5. Picture of a pencil
Since we are done for our tasks today, I won’t give any Yehey! Thank you teacher.

Stand up everyone.

Who will lead the prayer? (One student will volunteer)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world
without end. Amen

Thank you for today class, Take care and good bye. Thank you teacher. Good bye.

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