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b. Listening to various The Retention stage.

Because as I
music listen to a certain song I keep on
remembering or retain the lyrics in
my mind. Based on my personal
experiences I think of myself that in
this given situation I am in The
Retention Stage as I as a listener
has been attending, understanding,
and evaluating the lyrics the songs
for some circumstances is when I
am listening to Kdrama’s sound
track, It really catches my taste of
music so I’ll research what is the
song or artist trying is say and what
does the song meant to deliver so in
that point the lyrics were stored and
my memory allowing me to record
or to retain what the song is trying
to communicate.

c. Attending a seminar The Physical or Attention Stage. Based

on my experiences seminar is known
to be important for academic purposes
and when applying job used for the
background. In seminars I listen well
because it provide crucial information
and as we listen to other people's
ideas, we may find inspiration that can
help us to grow and to be a better
person or to acquires knowledge that
beyond what we know. For example is
when that seminars tackles about the
importance of some certain cultures so
through that seminars it provide me an
understanding and opportunity to be
able to have a variety of knowledge
towards each other countries.
d. Giving pieces of advice to a friend The Sematic or Comprehensive
Stage because when before giving an advice to my friends first is I try
to understand their problems or comprehend well and proceed to giving
an advice. Because giving an advice we really need to pay attention to
what our friend’s problem is, pay attention to what the other person is
saying as listening is more important than talking. I then to tune my
feelings in as well as story and imagine what she is feeling. by
comprehending well creates a good relationship with other individuals.

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