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FUBAR – The Seven Samurai 2nd Edition

Introduction Kusarigama and Nunchaku, as well as Troop & Points Listings

unarmed combat techniques. In game terms
These rules are based in the 15th-16th
these are all +1 to close combat. Samurai Daimyo
centuries so beloved of the classic Samurai Elite, Samurai Armour, Heirloom Daisho @
films of Akiro Kurosawa. Thus they are not An Abbot is a master of the martial arts and
gets +2 in close combat. 15pts.
entirely historically accurate.
Ninja Assassins Elite, Unarmoured, Heirloom Daisho @
This Supplement is designed to be used with 14pts.
FUBAR Medieval 2 Edition. Ninja use their Ninja-to short swords along
Add a Mount for 5pts, and a Composite Bow
with a number of unarmed combat attacks.
of 2pts.
Armour They can also throw shuriken (Range 6", 1
Shoot Point). Samurai Masters
Because of his training an unarmoured
Samurai in close combat has a armour save Veteran, Samurai Armour, Heirloom Daisho
of 6+. Mounts @ 13pts
Samurai Daimyos and Masters, and Warrior All Samurai are trained to fight and shoot on Veteran, Unarmoured, Heirloom Daisho @
Monks, have an unarmoured save in close foot and when mounted. 12pts.
combat of 5+. Mounted Samurai get no penalty when Add a Mount for 5pts, and a Composite Bow
This is increased to 4+ when a Samurai is moving and shooting. of 2pts.
fully armoured and this save is good against Samurai (including Ronin)
all forms of attack. Organization Seasoned, Samurai Armour, Daisho @ 10pts
A Warrior Monk Abbot is a master of the As this is game for small unit actions, not Seasoned, Unarmoured, Daisho @ 8pts.
martial arts and gets a 4+ save in all major battles the following rules for
circumstances. Add a Mount for 5pts, and a Composite Bow
organization are for guidance only.
for 2pts.
Ashigaru are either unarmoured or wear Samurai
light armour. Ashigaru
Samurai forces should be led by a Daimyo or
Ninja have an unarmoured save in all Seasoned, Light Armour, Naginata or Yari @
Samurai Master. You should not have more
circumstances of 5+. To target Ninja with 8pts.
than one Daimyo or Master per force.
ranged weapons you must first make an Seasoned, Unarmoured, Naginata or Yari @
A typical force will have 1-2 units of 6-8
Expertise check to spot them. 6pts.
Samurai supported by 2-6 units of 8-10
Ashigaru. Add a Tanegashima for 2pts.
Weapons th
Warrior Monks
If the game is set in the 16 Century up to
Samurai Warriors half of the Ashigaru can be armed with Abbot, Elite, Unarmoured, Martial Arts @
All Samurai carry the Daisho, a pair of Tanegashima Muskets 14pts.
swords: If a Samurai unit is mounted the Daimyo or Monk, Veteran, Unarmoured, Martial Arts
The Katana, a long sword that can be Master shall also be mounted. @ 10pts.
used one or two handed. Ronin Ninja
The Wakizashi, a short sword that is These are mercenary Samurai who owe Veteran, Unarmoured, Stealth, Ninja-to,
used one handed. allegiance to no Daimyo. Usually there will Shuriken @ 12pts.
A Samurai that fights with the Katana two be one Samurai Master amongst them and
2-4 units of 6-8 Ronin.
handed gets +2 to his close combat attacks.
These can be fielded mounted or on foot, or Green, Unarmoured, Farm Implements @
A Samurai that fights with both swords at
in a combination of both. 3pts.
the same time gets two attacks with +1 to
one of the attacks. The Seven Samurai option Optional Rules
Note that some Samurai Daimyos and Ronin can be hired by Villagers to protect Death before Dishonour
Masters have Heirloom Daisho that get +3 them, so you can have 1 Master, 1 unit of 6- If a Samurai Daimyo or Master is killed, and
in close combat if used two handed and +2 8 Ronin and 2-4 units of Villagers as a force. his men then do not go on to win the
if used as a pair.
Warrior Monks engagement half of them will commit
All Samurai are trained in Archery. Their Seppuku (ritual suicide).
Monks often fight to protect their
Composite Bows are the equivalent of
monasteries and the villagers that work for The Shugenja
them. Any force can hire one of these mysterious
Ashigaru Soldiers
Thus a Warrior Monk force will have an masters of magic for 20pts. They are
Ashigaru use long weapons such as the Abbot, 2-3 units of 5-7 Monks and 0-6 units Veteran, Unarmoured and Unarmed.
Naginata (Polearm) and the Yari (Spear), of 8-10 Villagers. Each turn the Shugenja can perform one of
which both give +1 in close combat. They
Ninja Clan the following feats of magic:
are also armed with short swords.
These are never fielded as a separate force. Heal one figure who has been injured this
Later in the period Ashigaru can be armed
Instead a unit of 3-6 Ninja are hired by a turn (range 6”).
with Tanegashima Muskets. These are the
Daimyo to assist his forces. Curse one figure so they have to reroll each
equivalent of Crossbows.
Generally they will be hired to assassinate die roll they make this turn and take the
Warrior Monks worst result (range 12”).
the leader of the Daimyo’s enemies and will
These are armed with a range of exotic make every effort to locate and attack this Hide their unit from missile fire for 1 turn.
weaponry from Bo Staffs and Kama, to person.

© Craig Cartmell April 2011

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