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‫متابعة ورصد الحالة الصحية‬


 It indicates observing the patient's health state ‫مالحظة ورصد الحاله‬

‫للمريض عن طريق قياس‬ ‫ الصحية‬through measuring the following Vital
signs ‫العالمات الحيوية أألتيه‬:
 Heart rate ‫معدل ضربات القلب‬
 Temperature ‫درجة الحرارة‬
 Pulse ‫النبض‬
 Respiratory rate ‫معدل التنفس‬
 Blood pressure ‫ضغط الدم‬

Normal Values : )‫قيم وقياسات طبيعية( مضبوطة‬

HEART RATE = (60 – 100 pbm) ( beats per minute ‫ دقه في الدقيقة‬100 ‫ إلى‬60 ‫من‬

TEMPERATURE= (36.0 – 37.2 )degree Celsius +‫ درجة مئوية‬.

BLOOD PRESSURE = 90/60 – 140/90 .

RESPERATARY RATE = 12-20 breaths per minute.

Bpm = beats per minute ‫دقة في الدقيقة‬

Breath per minute ‫نفس في الدقيقه‬

TBI = Traumatic brain injury ‫إصابة الدماغ بالصدمات‬

ICU = Intensive Care Unit. ‫وحدة العناية والرعاية المركزية‬

ICP = Intracranial Pressure. ) ‫الضغط داخل القحف ( الدماغ‬

During measuring ‫أثناء‬the vital signs ‫ العالمات الحيوية‬we may hear the nurse
saying the following words : ‫كلمات على لسان الممرضة لها عالقة بقياس العالمات الحيوية‬
 Your temperature is thirty eight point five ( 38.5)
 Now relax while measuring your heart rate. That is one hundred and
twenty 'bpm' (beats per minute ‫)) )نبضه في الدقيقة‬.
 Your blood pressure is a hundred and fifty over ninety.
 Your respiratory rate ‫ معدل التنفس‬is around ‫حوالي‬ eighteen bpm (beats
per minute ‫( نبضه في الدقيقة‬
What is bpm = beats per minute.
What do 150 and 90 refer to ?

= 150 is the systolic pressure ‫ الضغط اإلنقباضي‬when the heart contracts ‫عندما‬
‫ ينكمش القلب‬and forces out blood ‫ ويخرج الدم‬.

= 90 is the diastolic pressure ‫ الضغط اإلنبساطي‬when the heart relaxes ‫عندما‬

‫ ينبسط القلب‬and fills with blood between beats ‫ ويمتلئ بالدم أثناء نبضاته‬.

Signs and symptoms

Hypothermia ‫انخفاض حرارة الجسم‬
The condition of having an abnormally low body temperature, typically one that is
dangerously low.

Ultrasound ‫الموجات فوق الصوتية‬

sound or other vibrations having an ultrasonic frequency, particularly as used in
medical imaging.

Oximeter ‫مقياس التأكسج‬

Noun ‫مقياس التأكسد‬

an instrument‫ أداة‬for measuring ‫ لقياس‬the proportion ‫حجم وتناسب‬of oxygenated

hemoglobin in the blood ‫ الهيموجلوبين الم}كسد في الدم‬.
Electroencephalogram ‫= الرسم الكهربي للدماغ‬ EEG
a test or record of brain activity produced by electroencephalography.

electrocardiogram ‫رسم القلب‬ ECG

a record or display of a person's heartbeat produced by electrocardiography.

The General Anesthetic ‫المخدر العام‬
The main goal ‫الهدف الرئيس‬of using general anesthetic is to prevent ‫ ليمنع‬the

patient from waking up ‫ من االستيقاظ‬in the middle of the surgery or


The general anesthetic is given in three parts :

 1st part makes you sleep very fast ( Count 100-99-98-97-95

… sleep ).

 2nd part makes you paralyses ‫ تشل‬the muscles and makes

you unable to move or breath normally. So you are helped to breath

by a ventilator ‫ التنفس الصناعي‬8‫ جهاز‬.

 3rd part keeps you without pain and the surgery passes

painlessly. ‫ بال ألم‬that is because it contains a painkiller like morphine

During these three parts the vital signs are monitored ‫يتم رصدها ومراقبتها‬

carefully :The heart is monitored and controlled by an ECG

(( Electrocardiogram)) ‫ رسم القلب‬8‫جهاز‬

The brain is also monitored ‫ يتم رصده ومراقبته‬by The EEG

(( electroencephalogram) ‫ عن طريق جهاز رسم المخ‬.

 Other vital signs are monitored ‫ يتم رصدها ومراقبتها‬such as the amount

‫ مقدار‬of hemoglobin and level of carbon dioxide .

 The drug of the general anesthetic is so powerful that it causes ‫يسبب‬

hallucination ‫ الهذيان والهلوسة‬.


Listening Questions based on Unit 13

1- The patient now is in the hospital ……………….

( ward – Intensive care unit – Renal U nit )

2- He is there because of a fatal……………………….

( infection – concussion – bacterium )

3- He has a ………………..pressure.

( high – very high – low )

4- ICP means the pleasure inside the patient's………………

( stomach – skull – veins )

5- His ICP pleasure is now …………………

( twenty – twenty five –- twenty seven- twenty six)

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