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Risk Assessment Title: Epoxy Coating System

R/A Number: - Revision:

Risk Assessment
Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control
Item Task (Steps) Current Risk Final Risk Remarks
Potensi Bahaya Potensi Kecelakaan Pengawasan yang dilakukan Pengawasan Tambahan

Attachment #1. Risk Assessment.

- Always using PPE mandatory

- Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
Selalu menggunakan APD wajib
Tripping & Slipping, prior to commence works.
- Provide proper acces
Preparation Tersandung & Personnel injury Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
1 Sediakan akses yang layak 2 3 6 2 1 2
Persiapan Tergelincir Cedera sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.
- Conduct regular housekeeping
- Displaying safety signs
Lakukan pembersihan secara
Tampilkan tanda keselamatan

- Store must be tightly sealed

Store poor condition condition
- Check MSDS if emergency if exposed to worker
Kondisi Personnel injury Tempat penyimpanan harus tertutup
Store material 2 3 6 Cek MSDS bila ada pekerja terkena dampak dan 2 1 2
penyimpanan yang Cedera rapat
buruk - Never store exposed open the air
Jangan menyimpan diudara terbuka
- Temperature inside container must
Personnel injury be maintained as per MSDS - Check regulary temperature inside container
Termperature 2 3 6 2 1 2
Cedera Suhu ruangan penyimpanan harus Lakukan pengecekan suhu secara teratur
sesuai MSDS
- To place safety signage at work place.
Untuk menempatkan rambu pengaman di
tempat kerja
Slipping and Tripping - Always using PPE mandatory - Clearance area from Obstacles,
Survey works Personnel injury
2 Tersandung & Selalu menggunakan APD wajib 2 3 9 Lakukan pembersihan area dari hambatan, 2 1 2
Pekerjaan Survey Cedera
Tergelincir - Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
prior to commence works.
Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.

Always using complete PPE including

gloves, helmet with chain strapped, full
Installation - Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
body harness, safety shoes.
Scaffolding Fell down Personnel Injury, prior to commence works.
3 Selalu menggunakan APD lengkap 2 3 6 2 1 2
Pemasangan Terjatuh Cedera Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
termasuk sarung tangan, helm dengan
Perancah sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.
rantai yang diikat, sabuk pengaman
seluruh tubuh, sepatu keselamatan.
Always using complete PPE including
Slipping and Tripping
gloves, helmet with chain strapped, full
Tersandung & - Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
body harness, safety shoes.
Tergelincir Personnel Injury, prior to commence works.
Selalu menggunakan APD lengkap 2 3 6 2 1 2
Falling objects Cedera Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
termasuk sarung tangan, helm dengan
Benda / material sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.
rantai yang diikat, sabuk pengaman
seluruh tubuh, sepatu keselamatan.
Scaffolding collapse Multiple Injury, - Only competent person errect 3 3 9 - Ensure that the scaffolding used on firm, 2 1 2
Perancah ambruk Beberapa Cedera scaffolding horizontal and even ground surface only
Hanya orang yang kompeten yang Pastikan bahwa perancah hanya digunakan
memperbaiki scaffolding pada permukaan yang keras, horisontal dan rata
Risk Assessment Title: Epoxy Coating System

R/A Number: - Revision:

Risk Assessment
Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control
Item Task (Steps) Current Risk Final Risk Remarks
Potensi Bahaya Potensi Kecelakaan Pengawasan yang dilakukan Pengawasan Tambahan

- The ground is firm and level,

Tanahnya kokoh dan rata,
- The ground surface is free of
Permukaan tanah bebas dari
- Use standart material approved
Gunakan material yang telah
- Inspect scaffolding material weekly
Periksa material perancah setiap minggu
- Ensure the scaffolding, support, jack
base, bracing are installed properly
Pastikan perancah, dukungan, plate
jack, bracing/silang dipasang
dengan benar
- Conduct regular system inspection
for scaffo
Lakukan inspeksi sistem reguler
untuk perancah (sistem penandaan)
Use of ladders (Fall Personnel Injury/ - Always using complete PPE 2 2 4 - Conduct training for Working at Height to 2 1 2
from height death including gloves, helmet with chain workers who will be work at height
Falling Objects) Cedera / Kematian strapped, full body harness, safety Melakukan pelatihan untuk Bekerja diatas
Penggunaan tangga shoes. Ketinggian kepada pekerja yang akan
(Jatuh dari Selalu menggunakan APD lengkap melakukan pekerjaan di atas ketinggian.
ketinggian termasuk sarung tangan, helm - Maintain 3 points of contact when climbing the
Benda yang Jatuh) dengan rantai yang diikat, sabuk ladders at all times
pengaman seluruh tubuh, sepatu Pertahankan 3 titik kontak saat menaiki tangga
keselamatan. setiap saat
- Do not carry materials by hand - Use a tool belt to avoid carrying tools by hand
when climbing ladders. Materials when climbing ladders
must be hoisted up by rope. Gunakan sabuk alat untuk menghindari
Jangan membawa material dengan membawa alat dengan tangan saat menaiki
tangan saat menaiki tangga. Bahan tangga
harus diangkat dengan tali. - Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
- Protect the access ladder opening prior to commence works.
by fixing a hinged platform door or - Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
fixing handrailing around at the sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.
working level.
Lindungi lubang akses tangga
dengan memperbaiki pintu platform
berengsel atau memperbaiki
pegangan tangan di tingkat kerja.
- Provide access to board mid rail,
upper rail
Menyediakan akses ke papan
tengah rel, rel atas
- Use standart material approved
Gunakan material yang telah
- Ensure only material secure (the
Risk Assessment Title: Epoxy Coating System

R/A Number: - Revision:

Risk Assessment
Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control
Item Task (Steps) Current Risk Final Risk Remarks
Potensi Bahaya Potensi Kecelakaan Pengawasan yang dilakukan Pengawasan Tambahan

Pastikan hanya bahan material yang
aman (material papan)
- Ensure any tool secure by lanyard
Pastikan alat apapun aman dan
dipasang kartu identitas
- Provide safety signs (falling object
Berikan tanda keselamatan (Bahaya
Benda Jatuh)
- Always using complete PPE
including gloves, helmet with chain
strapped, full body harness, safety
- Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
Fell down Personnel Injury, prior to commence works.
Selalu menggunakan APD lengkap 2 3 6
Terjatuh Cedera Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
termasuk sarung tangan, helm
sebelum dimulai pekerjaan.
dengan rantai yang diikat, sabuk
pengaman seluruh tubuh, sepatu
- Provide proper safety boots
- Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
Apply Epoxy Slipping and Tripping Sediakan sepatu bot safety yang
Personnel Injury, prior to commence works.
4 coating Tersandung & baik 2 3 6 2 1 2
Cedera Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
Pengerjaan Epoxy Tergelincir - Wear hand gloves
sebelum dimulai pekerjaan
Gunakan sarung tangan
- Noise and - Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
- Use complete PPE including ear
Inhalation prior to commence works.
plug and proper respirator,
hazard Personnel Injury, Lakukan pengarahan terhadap semua pekerja
Gunakan APD lengkap termasuk 1 4 4 1 1 1
Bahaya Cedera sebelum dimulai pekerjaan
sumbat telinga dan respirator yang
kebisingan dan - Hazardous handling PTW
penghitupan PTW Hazardous terlampir
- Use standard PPE glasses, mask,
gloves and safety shoes and long
gloves, special gloves for chemical
Gunakan APD kacamata standar,
- Wash with soap and water.
masker, sarung tangan dan sepatu
Cuci dengan sabun dan air.
keselamatan dan sarung tangan
- Skin Contact - In case if contact, immediately flush eyes with
panjang,sarung tangan khusus
Kontak kulit plenty of water for at least 15 minutes,
bahan kimia
- Eyes Contact Personnel Injury Jika terjadi kontak, segera basuh mata dengan
- Preparing potable eye wash 2 4 8 2 1 2
Kontak Mata Cedera banyak air selama minimal 15 menit,
Persiapkan tempat pencuci mata
- Conduct training for hazardous material handling
- Preparing MSDS data
Melakukan pelatihan untuk penanganan bahan
Persiapkan data MSDS
- Do not leave waste material
(Hazardous material)
Jangan meninggalkan bahan limbah
(Bahan berbahaya)
Risk Assessment Title: Epoxy Coating System

R/A Number: - Revision:

Risk Assessment
Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control
Item Task (Steps) Current Risk Final Risk Remarks
Potensi Bahaya Potensi Kecelakaan Pengawasan yang dilakukan Pengawasan Tambahan

Prepared By:  Severity (S) Frequency (F) Risk Rating (RR) Very High High Medium Low
A - Architect (Architect engaged by Samsung C&T) R=SxF 15-25 8-12 4-6 1-3
PM – Project Manager 1 Minor Injury 1 Improbable
CM – Construction Manager 2 Major Single Injury 2 Possible Unacceptability Limits S 5 4 3 2 1 F
LM – Logistics Manager 3 Major Multiple Injuries 3 Occasional More than 5 is unacceptable re-assess task 5 25 20 15 10 5
PLM – Plant Manager 4 Single Death 4 Frequent and preventative actions. 4 20 16 12 8 4
HSEM – HSE Manager 5 Multiple Deaths 5 Regular 3 15 12 9 6 3
PS – Project Supervisor (Samsung C&T / Subcontractor) S = 0 is deemed to be the limit of practicability 2 10 8 6 4 2
SC – Subcontractor of control measures. 1 5 4 3 2 1

Risk assessment complied by:

Risk Assessor

NAME Position Signature Date

Risk assessment approved by:


NAME Position Signature Date

HSE Department

NAME Position Signature Date


NAME Position Signature Date

Risk Assessment

Title :

R/A No. :


Name : Position : Signature : Date :

SCT Construction Engineer

Name : Position : Signature : Date :

SCT HSE Manager

Name : Position : Signature : Date :

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