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SECTION: BSET 1A SS1D 12/1/2015


Rising heat temperature has been an awful experience, especially here in the Philippines that we have a
tropical climate and heat temperature can be intense sometimes not just the feeling of the heat in a
bright day but also the constant change in weather that can damage any aspect in life. As a person there
are many ways to help mitigate climate change and lessen the effect of it. It may contribute a little help
but at least there are still the intention to mitigate or prevent climate change.
Because of climate change we experience a certain effect that can damage our health and lessen or
increase basic needs in life.
I am going to elaborate the effect of climate change that I experience, second is how can I help in the
mitigation of climate change and lastly to identify the effect of climate change to the global economy.
I will first elaborate the certain effects of climate change that I experience and perhaps other people in
the area have experience the same thing.
Due to the hot and humid weather of the Philippines our family has to make adjustments especially on
our monthly budget what I mean in adjusting budget is sometimes we consume more than before,
because there are days that the weather is intensely hot and we have no choice but to open our aircon
throughout the day and we don’t turn it off for consecutive days because of hot weather, because
normally, we only open the aircon at night. And due to this comfort reason, our electricity bill is higher
this year than the past year.
According to the data Environmental Protection Agency of USA climate change is likely to increase the
demand of electricity during summer seasons because of intense heat and decrease during winter.
As of increasing electricity demand local people of the Philippines as I am also experienced health risk
concern when transporting from places to places, an exact example of these health concern is loss of
consciousness due to heat temperature, nosebleed, and skin rash and this is a prevalent effect of
climate change.
As the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that health can be affected by climate
change. This includes water and food borne illnesses, increased in mortality rate due to increase of
diseases related to extreme weather events.
Climate change is one of the probable causes of high demand in electricity and other health risk concern
but, what causes climate change? We perhaps know the factors and main source of this problem, but
we are not doing anything? Or were practically ignore this for some reason? So, as a concern human
being of earth what should we do? As a student that holds the future what should we do or contribute to
mitigate the effects of climate change?

As a student I can prevent the effects of climate change by joining an organization or advocacies that
fight the effects of climate change and tracing back carbon footprints. Also educating family and relatives
to conserve energy and lessen our personal pollution, it might be hard to achieve but we can go through
practice starting from the simplest one to mitigate climate change. And lastly, I know that our barangay
communities also have an advocacy to mitigate climate change like conserve energy and water,
cleaning communities through the help of the whole neighborhood, and especially cleaning and
inspecting sewage and drainage once or twice a week and I can help by engaging through these

Now that I elaborate the two topics, I will procced to the last topic which is how climate change can affect
the global economy?
There are a lot of factors that can affect global economy and climate change is one of them.
Climate change can cause a scarcity on food, water, and energy supply supply that will not only
triggered inflation rate but also prevalent hunger especially on the low-income countries and this means
malnutrition which can put a burden to global health and decrease economic growth due to the slow
productivity and expense on health concerns and issues.

Climate change are causes of many factors that causes by human activities in which in the end human
also suffer from there own doings, so we better conserve energy, water and other essentials to prevent
climate change.

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