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The Contemporary World




 Globalization as a complex Phenomenon

- A complex phenomenon which means it occurs in multi level.
EXAMPLE: More developed countries - higher the level of Globalization compared to developing country.

 Globalization as an uneven process

- It proves globalization is an even process and
- It affects people differently
EXAMPLE: Teenager more advance than an elderly
OFW has sad stories and other have happy stories

 Globalization as economic process

- Most of accounts views globalization in this manner
- Integration of Markets
- Wider Global Markets (Free Trade)

 Anti-Globalization Movements
- Activist Movement in the 1990s (anti)
- Resist trade deals among countries
EXAMPLE: 1994 Zapastista Uprising (Southern Mexico)
1995 Revolt Against Globalization (France)
1999 Battle in Seattle (USA)


“Globalization in Multidisciplinary”
- relate to politics, media, education, communication

Academics call this an interdisciplinary approach that is being used in this General Education course.

According to Manfred Steger:

“Globalization is the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and
across world-space.”

Globalization (Expansion)
- Creation of new social networks
- The multiplication of existing connections that cut across traditional political, economic, cultural and
geographic boundaries.

Globalization (Intensification)
- Expansion, stretching, and acceleration of networks
- Not just by multiplying global connections but by making it more closely knit and expanding their reach

Expansion - traditional banking as an expansion of globalization
Intensification - Online Banking (mobile banking, fund transfers, or the usage of internet to provide banking

 Globalization (Time and space)

- People begin to feel the world becomes smaller.
- a widespread belief of powerful people that the global integration of markets is beneficial for everyone,
since it spread freedom and democracy around the world.
- Steger posits that definition of globalization must be differentiated with the ideology he called Globalism.


For anthropologist Arjun Appadurai there are different kinds of globalization occurs in multiple and intersecting
dimensions of integration he calls “SCAPES”

 Ethnoscape
- Global movement of people
- travel abroad, work abroad, Refugee, vacation, migrate

 Technoscape
- Circulation of mechanical goods and software
- Gadgets, devices, applications,
- Facebook software

 Mediascape
- Flow of Culture
- KPOP - blackpink, USA we think burgers, Korea - kimchi, fashion flow of culture
- Content of Facebook
- flow of media across borders

  In earlier historic periods, it could take weeks or even months for entertainment and
education content to travel from one location to another. From the telegraph to the
telephone, and now the Internet (and myriad other digital communication technologies),
media are far more easily and rapidly shared regardless of geographic borders.
 EXAMPLE: Brazilian telenovelas may provide entertainment on long-distance African bus
trips, Bollywood films are shown in Canadian cinemas, and people from around the world
regularly watch mega-events such as the World Cup and the Olympics from wherever they
may live.

 Financescape
- Global Circulation of Money
- gcash, paymaya, visa, mastercard
- flow of money across political borders

 Ideoscape
- Realm where political ideas move around
- Federalism, Religious Beliefs, Principle, Philosophies
-  refers to the flow of ideas

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