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READING – Part 7
Chapter 1
1. Vocabulary
Synonym and word form
1. enhance (v) 1. nâng cao (v)
Laser sensors have enhanced the accuracy of our
car assembly equipment.
Note: Ghi chú:
 improve (v)  nâng cao, cải thiện (v)
 enhancement (n)  sự nâng cao (n)

2. endorse (v) 2. tán thành (v)

Ms.Vitty endorsed the consultant’s proposal for
cost savings
Note: Ghi chú:
 endorsement (n)  sự tán thành (n)

3. differ (v) 3. khác biệt (v)

Dyson Technologies’s new hard drive differs from
the previous models in terms of size and weight.
Note: Ghi chú:
 differ from ~  khác biệt với ~
 difference (n)  sự khác biệt (n)
 different (adj)  khác biệt (adj)
 differently (adv)  một cách khác biệt (adv)

4. conform (v) 4. phù hợp (v)

The café decided to renovate its patio to conform to
the new regulations on outdoor setting.
Note: Ghi chú:
 conform to/with A  phù hợp với A

5. substitute (v) 5. thay thế (v)

Note: Ghi chú:


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 1
 substitute A for B  thay thế A cho B
6. resolve (v) 6. giải quyết (v)
The technician resolved the issue with the
malfunctioning printer in less than 10 mintues.
Note: Ghi chú:
 resolution (n)  sự giải quyết, cách giải quyết (n)
7. suspend (v) 7. tạm hoãn (n)
Unless the patent can be acquired, the hybrid car
project will have to be suspended.
Note: Ghi chú:
 suspension (n)  sự tạm hoãn (n)

8. resume (v) 8. tiếp tục (v)

The investment seminar will resume after the short

9. unveil (v) 9. công bố, tiết lộ (v)

The museum will unveil its new exhibit during a
special event on Friday
Note: Ghi chú:
 reveal (v)  công bố, tiết lộ (v)

10. extend (v) 10.

Because of the heavy workload, the manager has
decided to extend the deadline by a week
Note: Ghi chú:
 extend an offer  đưa ra lời đề nghị
 extend an invitation  đưa ra lời mời
 extension (n)  sự mở rộng, sự kéo dài (n)
 extensive (adj)  có phạm vi rộng rãi (adj)

11. commence (v) 11. bắt đầu (v)

The company’s board meeting commenced with a
review of last quarter’s sales figures.


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 2
Note: Ghi chú:
 initiate (v)  bắt đầu (v)
12. specify (v) 12. nêu rõ (v)
Customers are asked to specify their methods of
payment at the bottom of the order form.
Note: Ghi chú:
 specific (adj)  rõ ràng, cụ thể (adj)
13. commend (v) 12. khen ngợi, tuyên dương (v)
Ms. Owen’s supervisor commended her on the
detailed and informative presentation.
Note: Ghi chú:
 commend somebody on/for ~  khen ngợi ai đó về ~

14. consult (v) 13. tham khảo ý kiến (v)

For any tips on the machine’s maintenance, operators
may consult the technicians.
Note: Ghi chú:
 consult somebody (about/on ~)  tham khảo ý kiến ai đó (về ~)
 consult something  tra cứu

15. reserve (v) 15. đặt trước, đăng ký trước (v)

Staff attending the promotions conference must
reserve their own hotel accommodations.
Note: Ghi chú:
 book (v)  đặt trước (v)
 reservation (n)  việc đặt trước, việc đăng ký trước (n)

16. deliberate (v) 16. thảo luận, bàn bạc (v)

The members of the board delibeated all afternoon
over the merger proposition.
Note: Ghi chú:


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 3
   deliberate over ~  thảo luận, bàn bạc về ~

17. exceed (v) 17. vượt hơn (v)

Airline policy states that carry-on baggae must not
exceed a weight of 10 kilograms.
Note: Ghi chú:
 excess (n)  sự dư thừa, sự vượt hơn giới hạn (n)
 exceedingly (adv)  cực kỳ (adv)

18. appoint (v) 18. bổ nhiệm, chỉ định (v)

A recruiter is appointed to attend job fairs and
select potential candidates for employment.
Note: Ghi chú:
 be appointed to ~  được bộ nhiệm, chỉ định
 appoint somebody as ~  bổ nhiệm, chỉ định ai đó
 appointment (n)  sự bộ nhiệm, sự chỉ định

19. address (v) 19. giải quyết (v)

Labor union officials will address the recent
changes to the benefits package.
Note: Ghi chú:
 address issues  giải quyết các vấn đề
 address a problem/concern/question  giải quyết vấn đề/mối lo ngại/thắc mắc

20. solidify (v) 20. củng cố, làm vững chắc (v)
The two firms solidified their partnership by
agreeing to work together on all future projects.
Note: Ghi chú:
 solidity (n)  sự vững chắc, tình trạng vững chắc (n)
 solidly (adv)  một cách vững chắc (adv)

21. represent (v) 21. trình bày, thể hiện (v)

These figures represent a significant increase in
profits, especially in the American market.
Note: Ghi chú:
 representative (n)


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 người đại diện (n)
22. retain (v) 22. giữ gìn (v)
Federal laws require land developers to retain the
historic figures of neighborhoods
Note: Ghi chú:
 maintain (v)  giữ gìn, duy trì, bảo trì (v)
23. hesitate (v) 23. ngần ngại (v)
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact one of
the bank’s representatatives.
Note: Ghi chú:
 do not hesitate to ~  đừng ngần ngại ~
24. verify (v) 24. xác minh (v)
Please include the original receipt so that the
company can verify the date of purchase.
Note: Ghi chú:
 verification (n)  sự xác minh
 confirm (v)  xác minh (v)
25. waive (v) 25. bãi bỏ (v)
The credit card company will waive administrative
fees for account holders spending over 10,000$

26. amend (v) 26. sửa đổi, cải thiện (v)

The local business community is working to amend
a law that would increase foreign competition.

27. last (v) 27. bền bỉ, kéo dài (v)

The ink catridages for Tel-tech printers don’t last as
long as those of its competitors.
Note: Ghi chú:
 last for ~  kéo dài trong khoảng ~


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28. withstand (v) 28. chịu đựng, chống chọi (v)
High-rise buildings have to be strictly inspected and
built to withstand various external shocks.
Note: Ghi chú:
 resist (v)  chịu đựng, chống chọi

29. relocate (v) 29. di dời, dịch chuyển (v)

Volentia announced plans to relocate its main
office to China.
Note: Ghi chú:
 move (v)  di chuyển (v)
 relocation (n)  sự di dời, sự dịch chuyển (n)
30. assure (v) 30. cam đoan, bảo đảm (v)
The chairperson assured the investors that the
merger wouldn’t affect the stock value.
Note: Ghi chú:
 assure somebody that ~  cam đoan với ai rằng ~
 assurance (n)  sự cam đoản, sự đảm bảo/bảo hiểm

31. accommodate (v) 31. chứa được (v)

The luxurious beachfront rooms can easily
accommodate up to seven occupants.
Note: Ghi chú:
 accommodate X guests/people  chứa được X khách/người
 accommodate increased demand  đáp ứng nhu cầu tăng cao
32. implement (v) 32. thực hiện, tiến hành (v)
Sun Telecom has implemented an updated policy
on long-distance rates.
Note: Ghi chú:
 implement security measures  thực hiện các biện pháp an ninh
 carry out (phrasal v)  thực hiện, tiến hành (phrasal v)

33. indicate (v) 33. chỉ rõ (v)

Research indicates that employee performance is
linked to job satisfaction.
Note: Ghi chú:
 studies indicate that ~  các nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng
 indication (n)


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 sự chỉ rõ, việc chỉ rõ (n)

34. undergo (v) 34. trải qua (v)

Barken Corporation will undergo transitions in
organizational structure due to recent promotions.
Note: Ghi chú:
 undergo transitons  trải qua những chuyển biến

35. acquire (v) 35. đạt được, giành được (v)

The developers wish to acquire land for a new
industrial park.
Note: Ghi chú:
 get, gain (v)  đạt được (v)

36. emerge (v) 36. nổi lên, xuất hiện (v)

PharmaMed has emerged as a new force in the
pharmaceutical market.
Note: Ghi chú:
 emerge as ~  nổi lên như ~

1. support art education in local communities 1.

2. acknowledge that you have received the 2.
3. appear to need special assistant 3.
4. satisfy the demands of its regular clients 4.
5. arrange an appointment 5.
6. Ask a clerk at the information desk to assist you. 6.
7. cancel a meeting 7.
8. determine the cost of expansion 8.
9. The desk can be assembled without the use of 9.
10. The new pololicy is intended to reduce air 10.
11. The doctor chose to operate on Ms.Chung. 11.
12. utilize the new method 12.
13. double their income 13.
14. supply replacement parts 14.


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 7
15. prevent construction accidents 15.
16. His skills match the company’s requirements. 16.
17. encounter opposition from the university 17.
18. A lawyer certified the contract. 18.
19. cooperate on the project 19.
20. We must strive to meet the deadline. 20.
21. seveal the newest model 21.
22. gauge the applicants’ abilitites 22.
23. Audits are regularly scheduled. 23.
24. prohibit smoking indoors 24.
25. Research is proceeding smoothly. 25.
26. attract bargain hunters 26.
27. Raised funds will benefit local schools. 27.
28. expedite the ordering process 28.
29. renew the lease agreement 29.
30. Mr.Hill presided over the council meeting. 30.
31. need to obtain a license 31.
32. release funds 32.
33. handle the packages carefully 33.
34. They will remain in Denver after the merger. 34.
35. order a new edition 35.
36. Organizers will meet once more to finalize 36.
37. review the year-end report 37.
38. enforce the policy on absences 38.
39. Traffic is being diverted. 39.
40. perceive something is wrong 40.
41. He will ship the goods tomorrow. 41.
42. in order for the rebate to apply 42.
43. oversee the branch in Shanghai 43.
44. authorize a second printing 44.
45. confirm the booking 45.
46. present an official ID card 46.
47. submit photocopies 47.
48. duplicate last year’s successful event 48.
49. follow the instructions 49.
50. The consultant asserts that changes are needed. 50.
51. terminate the contract 51.


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52. ensure that the forms are signed 52.
53. occupy an office on the ground floor 53.
54. require more details 54.
55. The exhibition _____ paintings by local artists. 55.
□ features □ đề cao
□ approaches □ tiếp cận

56. _____ the offer 56.

□ process □ tiến hành
□ decline □ từ chối

57. _____ a decrease in demand 57.

□ cause □ gây ra
□launch □ khai trương

58. _____ the headquarters 58.

□ stray □ đi lang thang
□ visit □ ghé thăm
59. The board _____ that the CEO will resign soon. 59.
□ asks □ yêu cầu
□ expects □ mong chờ
60. _____ a list of suppliers 60.
□ compile □ biên soạn
□ maintain □ duy trì

61. The package _____ airfare. 61.

□ includes □ bao gồm
□ surrounds □ bao quanh

62. _____ a reliable travel agency 62.

□ promise □ hứa hẹn
□ use □ sử dụng

63. The analyst ____ that stock prices will rise. 63.
□ predicts □ dự đoán
□ prepares □ chuẩn bị


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 9
64. ____ one’s thoughts 64.
□ accumulates □ tích lũy
□ organize □ sắp xếp

65. ____ the necessary document 65.

□ alert □ cảnh giác
□ complete □ hoàn thành

66. Mr. Gordon will ____ tomorrow’s test. 66.

□ adminster □ giám sát
□ revise □ ôn tập
67. ____ the files 67.
□ examine □ xem xét
□ find □ tìm
68. ____ service coverage 68.
□ expand □ mở rộng
□ incline □ có khuynh hướng

69. The film is expected to ____ an award. 69.

□ employ □ tuyển dụng
□ receive □ nhận được
70.____ a production slowdown 70.
□ renew □ đổi mới
□ avoid □ ngăn chặn

71. Staff are ____ that S + V. 71.

□ reminded □ nhắc nhở
□ remembered □ nhớ
72. Cactus plants can ____ desert climates. 72.
□ tolerate □ chịu đựng
□ preserve □ bảo tồn
73. ____ the dinner guests a drink 73.
□ offer □ mời
□ select □ chọn
74. ____ a card to pass through the secured gate 74.


HALO tự hào là trung tâm dạy TOEIC LISTENING hàng đầu tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 10
☑ insert □ đưa vào
□ involve □ bao gồm
Hacker Tests
1. Professor Wilson is ____ the essay deadline 1.
because many students have exams for other
classes next week. (A) đặt
(A) placing (B) cung cấp
(B) supplying (C) gia hạn
(C) extending (D) cung cấp
(D) providing

2. The advertisement ____ that the company’s 2.

products come with a two-year warranty.
(A) retails (A) bán lẻ
(B) specifies (B) chỉ rõ
(C) distributes (C) phân phối
(D) solicits (D) van xin
3. The courses at the career development center are 3.
designed to ____ the interview skills of job
seekers. (A) tiếp cận
(A) access (B) nâng cao
(B) enhance (C) giao phó
(C) delegate (D) chấp thuận
(D) accept

4. A group of enviromentalists ____ the issue of 4.

climate change, making reference to the
temperature increases in Nothern Cananda and (A) yêu cầu
Russia. (B) để lại
(A) requestes (C) tuân thủ
(B) left (D) giải quyết
(C) conformed
(D) addressed

5. Turwind Air has announced that it will be ____ 5.

flights from Orlando to Vancouver because of
declining passernger numbers.
(A) reflecting (A) phản chiếu
(B) enclosing (B) đính kèm


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(C) suspending (C) tạm hoãn
(D) departing (D) khởi hành

6. Because Mr. Kim needed to receive the parcel 6.

before his meeting on Monday, he inquired whether
it was possible to ____ shipping.
(A) emphasize (A) nhấn mạnh
(B) demonstate (B) trình bày
(C) expedite (C) xúc tiến
(D) recognize (D) nhìn nhận
7. A number of reports ____ that providing 7.
employees with more freedom to make decisions
gives them a greater sense of responsibility in the
(A) inspect (A) kiểm tra
(B) interfere (B) can thiệp
(C) indicate (C) chỉ rõ rằng
(D) invoke (D) cầu khẩn
8. When Ms. Choi ____ difficulties with the 8.
projector. She had to stop her presentation and ask
for assistance.
(A) duplicated (A) sao lục
(B) issued (B) phát hành
(C) encounterd (C) gặp phải
(D) returned (D) quay trở lại
9. Residents can ____ a building permit by 9.
downloading an application from the website and
submitting the completed form to City Hall
(A) tear (A) xé
(B) contain (B) chứa đựng
(C) restore (C) hồi phục
(D) obtain (D) tiếp nhận

10. Your subscription to the online newsletter may 10.

be ____ at your convenience simply by sending in a
cancellation request by e-mail.
(A) terminated (A) dừng lại
(B) exterminated (B) tiêu diệt


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(C) fabricated (C) thêu dệt
(D) practiced (D) thực hành

11. The car manufacturer plans to ____ its newest 11.

vehicle model at the auto show scheduled for June.
(A) unveil (A) tiết lộ
(B) collect (B) sưu tập
(C) construct (C) xây dựng
(D) portray (D) phác họa

12. The caterer was asked to ____ the butter and 12.
sugar in all his recipes with healthier alternatives.
(A) initiate (A) bắt đầu
(B) anticipate (B) mong đợi
(C) subtitute (C) thay thế
(D) gurantee (D) đảm bảo

13. Adminstrative personel must submit an official 13.

request form to ____ approval for office supply
purchases in excess of $25.
(A) create (A) tạo ra
(B) expand (B) gia hạn
(C) broaden (C) mở rộng
(D) acquire (D) nhận được

14. Travel expenses claimed by employees cannot 14.

____ the amount specified in the memo from the
accounting department.
(A) exist (A) tồn tại
(B) prevent (B) ngăn chặn
(C) delay (C) trì hoãn
(D) exceed (D) vượt quá
15. Mr. Ewing phoned his supplier to ____ an order 15.
of merchandise for his new store in Manchester.
(A) contact (A) liên hệ
(B) confront (B) tuân thủ
(C) confirm (C) xác nhận
(D) contend (D) tranh luận


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16. For information on flight schedules, passengers 16.
should ____ displays located throughout the
departure area of the terminal.
(A) browse (A) xem lướt qua
(B) consult (B) tra cứu
(C) pursue (C) theo đuổi
(D) inform (D) cung cấp thông tin

17. The financial adviser ____ that investments in 17.

new projects will increase as a result of the
government tax incentatives.
(A) predicts (A) dự đoán
(B) ponders (B) cân nhắc
(C) dwells (C) mãi nghĩ tới
(D) releases (D) giải tỏa

18. Disagreements between the branch managers 18.

____ when the company began implementing
measures to consolidate the oversea offices.
(A) disclosed (A) phơi bày
(B) emerged (B) nổi lên
(C) acted (C) hành động
(D) arranged (D) sắp xếp

19. Mr. Jenkins asked his travel agent to ____ 19.

tickets for the early morning flight to Toronto next
Tuesday. (A) bổ nhiệm
(A) appoint (B) yêu cầu
(B) require (C) đặt
(C) reserve (D) đính kèm
(D) attatch

20. Ms. Anderson has ____ an office on the third 20.

floor for five years now, but she will be moving one
floor up following her promotion.
(A) subcribed (A) đăng kí
(B) occupied (B) cư trú
(C) divided (C) phân chia
(D) associated (D) liên kết


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Downtown Finance Center Renovations
The Downtown Finance Center is about to (21) ___ extensive renovations, including a design of the
building’s facade and lobby. The aim of the work is to give the Finance Center a competitive edge in
attracting high-end corporate tenants for its office space.

After competition, the building will appear (22) ____ different due to the addition of a mirrored glass
exterior that will change color based on the time of day. Also, the upgraded seating areas in the lobby will
(23) ____ more people than before, with special attention given to comfort and space.

What is remarkable is that the Downtown Finance Center has taken a very unconventional move regarding
the renovation. The center appointed freelance architect Janice Pana, who recently made her debut in the
architecture community after winning the Vemon Design Society’s Young Architect’s Award. (24) ____.
However, the center believes that her ability will allow her to meet the challenge.

The renovation will begin September 1 and is expected to be completed before the end of the year.
21. 21.
(A) deliberate (A) thận trọng cân nhắc
(B) undergo (B) trải qua
(C) alleviate (C) xoa dịu
(D) retrieve (D) khôi phục

22. 22.
(A) commonly (A) phổ biến
(B) substantially (B) đáng kể
(C) supposedly (C) giả định rằng
(D) temporarily (D) tạm thời

23. 23.
(A) escalate (A) leo thang
(B) empathize (B) đồng cảm
(C) isolate (C) cô lập
(D) accomodate (D) chứa được

24. 24.
(A) Many have complimented the building’s color- (A) Nhiều người đã khen ngợi những chiếc đèn đổi
changing lights. màu của tòa nhà.


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(B) Tenants like sitting in the lobby now that it has (B) Những người thuê thích ngồi tại tiền sảnh đã
been redesigned. được thiết kế lại
(C) Employing an individual contractor rather than (C) Việc tuyển dụng một nhà thầu cá nhân thay vì
a firm is a rare decision. công ty đấu thầu là một quyết định hiếm hoi.
(D) Work in the area is ongoing but will be (D) Công việc đang diễn ra tại khu vực nhưng sẽ
completed soon. sớm hoàn thành.


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