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For Quick Revision of NCERT Biology Value based Data

if head Cu off still live fvr 1. weeks

4-K abdominal A2pmenk
1 pair #ertes
(Lataral Atde)
MuRhroon land M-7% abdominal Rezment
2 0varie 26 abdominal A2zman*
each ovary formed by 8ovarian tubule/0varioler
pair Bperm athe ca sH ebdominal apmer
size of 0ohacoe P"8mn)
00heca COntain 14 to 16
female proedure o 1o oaheca
Nymph row by moulHing abot 13 imn
fr2 reach adult form
*Im fog 10-12 vasa eferentia praRent in each
A maure female fog lay 2500 fo 3000 ova at a hmy
Discovery of mucleus by Robert Broun 1831
Cell Aeory Matthiag. Schleiden Ci838)-German
Theodore Schwam 839) - Bribiss
Rudolf Virchow C18SS)
* myoplasma 03 Am
Bacreria 3o Su
Eypi cal backri 2um
RBC 7m in diameter
virues O02 4 to 02Am

*Ribo80me + I5 X20 m
*Membrme of 52 7 pmtein
40 Aipid
*Envenkim of e micmßopa 49503
* Fluid Masaic Mode of pla4m membrane by Singer
Nicolgom 1972
*nolai body dizcoverd by Camillo Golgi1898
flat disC haped ciatern al> :S14 in dianer
9o volume of plank ce(1 occupied by vacuoles.
Mito ch om dria
P Diamader 0s2-1uty averaJa0 54m)

* Chlorpplazk
r engh-
width 2-4 um
Number ot ck{oroplas
meaophyll Ce
covary ll 20+o
Dis of Riboaome
953) by aeorg Palada
Cilia4 Flogella
basa body 2+Tmic kubule
Qrr9+0 mt
Centriole mietbule arrqngemant.
feri nudear
Biomolecules &pate 10-50m
**3Youp of aty acid
11 Carbon
Arachidonic acid nave 20 Carbon including R-gro
* Palmikic acid nave
* Biomoleculsa --
micromolecule Mu oop Dalton
macromole cule w 7oop0 Dalto
Lipids mw 80o dalkon
Thee are 20typa amiao acide
0 esseial lo non eszeukial
Averag CompoRiho» of ce(
water 70-p0
Prprem 10-15
Carbo hydrate 3
Lipide 2
Nucleic Acids 7
Lons -
Pitch/Lenghh of Helin 34A'"(8-DNA)
of DNA
Glyco y8 5 10 mtabelic 6tep ih 10 eYmes
*Blood glucose Lwel in a healhy pavsoH 80-/00 ma
damaged 40'Cemprature
enenzymes t above

eny mes tro urikermak 0anism qre funeHowak

upo o90'C eprature
* Thumb rulk rak of x"decreated for
every 10° omprakure chang
changa by half

Co t H0 co
r= 200 molecule/hr wiAouk enzy
6 lakh moleule/see ( wih Carbonit ahhydrue
Y Mzyme
Enzymes oivided into 6Clas 4 tach class
furhe divided into -13 sub clasae. 4amed
by 4 digid ymber
Cell Cycle'
Hum cell divide onte in every 24 4
* Celly le of yea4d+> po minutes.
* m- phase uman Cell Cyele 1 hr
Tnberphose mo hn s
CelI yele ot
E. coli= 20 minute
Typ 0t 99uaporins = 8 (w ater chanhel)
Waermelo hqve mare ha 92 wafey
Dry mater oherba cesuA plamta =*lo=IS
frah w of
*A dry Reed AHll ave 10-15 water of ik weigle
A Corh plant abserb3 3Aiter watr in a day.
*A muatard þlant abzorb wottr equol tv it
in ab out Sh.
*By ifuaioa moenenk of molecule acmRS
*ypi cal plant cel (Soum) *aker appoximafely 25
Spred of wader 4pw ard in ylemy napiratin
Pull 4pto 15 m/h

LesA n 1 of watr reachimg uaven ia

48ed im phosyntMeais 4plant gows.28 of
i isoa t by trantfiration
* Trqmapirakion Can Creat rARure sufficient o
if+ a Kylem ized Col umn of water
130 m high.
* Tramkpirakion cobla eof 80ne ims 1-s'C by
evapouraive cooling
* Hydropenicktec knique
Juliu von Sachs (186)
able h detec- vary Jaw
of mineral presen
*Morethan 60 LAE elenenka are gound in
different plana.
* loncentrakion of nubrient in plam

Macromutrient 2 0
10 mmole
k dry weiglt
Licrpmutrient K 1o mmele/ 0f dry mater

* There are 17 essevial elemert 4gbeneficial dennt

for plant3 macro mitv
nudrien Na, Si, Co, Se
ahim itroanas e ezyme
Durin Na fix
8ATP for1 Nh prduction.
ot oxy gen by Joseph Priantley C1774)
expe-imert -1770 (Belljar, mint plank- j
* PrienHeys nice, Cqndle
JAli# Von Sachs proove hat gucote is fomed
854 in pheosynhes is * atored 4 tarch.
Gycle Cs Gc le) -> inake af 1 Co23ATP
* kelvin
G ycle run for 1 glucase formakim
* Law o limiing factor (905) by Blackman
*Light gatyrationm occms at 10 of fall ayn light
* Saturation for CO2 Cen centrakion

C¢ Plant 360 1



450 u1/
i Planda
*In Fermentakiun More than 13 alcohol concentration
is poiRon ous for yeas tself.
s0 dieillation ia required
* Reapirahion reaprotibm 36/38 ATP forn
Anaemlic ratpir aion -> 2 ATP fornation
CGlycolyR )
lsaR han 7
QRrDbic respa
*Bareak down
of 1 glucame
gives 6 6 CO2L4
10NADH2 bb ycle
2 Kreb's Gyele 30ATP
ebr 6 Calycalyais
reb'a Cycle 2GTP 2 ATP
Tofal 33 ATP
*Respirotory otient ELAR orkanCarbohydrate
for fate 1
07 for Tripamikin (fHy acid
L09 for potei
Plant Corouwth
Roo. apical meristem ive rise to more than 175So
Mew ce lls per hour.
Cells wotermalon may incree size by up to
3,So,000 kimes.
During mid 1960s pyrification
charåcterisakion ot 3 difernt kypaf inhibiors
(A BA)
There qre morehan 00 ibberellinareported
liferant Ani
ifere uch aR fmgi * hizhur plnta.
&Spraying crop wih gibberellin 1creaaBe
4rcane y
the Angth ostern, hua mcreasing ield
much 20 ones acre
Diosion Child 02 CPramolar abgent)
fosnula 2 02
Dental Ladult Bno ny
*lleight of Jever 12=1:S EJ
pH Saliva 68

intaine 78
*Stvmach tore food for Shour.
Starch digkd by alivary amy
(ake 707
*30is digted by fan cretkic qmy l
Carb ohydrake
Prmtein Fat
* KCa/
CGross Calorific Value S65
Physiologiead Calsrifie Value 4 07
Breahing rafe -
*Respir atory Volme
Volume 50.0 ml
(Tlidal 25003000 mA
(RU) Residual
{1001200 m
Volume =>
IRV>3000-3S 00m
TV+ERv => 4S00 =7600
EC= ERV+RV >2100-23 00
VC 400046 00mA
Air Alveoli Oxignokrd Bload Demy blood
in m)
Co d 03 40 40

* Solubility of Co in
20- 25 Hme igher Hak ofa.
* ThickneRA of dif uaiom mem brane af alveali = a«2m
* Solubility of Co ia B00 imu hizher han in bfood.
Trama pork ot gare
02 = 271 aR Oxy Hb t3 daolue in plen
1 BC
LO,=o 20-2S7. aR arbamins Hb 70 7,0
Bicarbonahe m ABC
4 7in pluh
Each haumoglo bin mole Cuda Com maximym
molecule Cary
of 0
Every loo ml ofoxy nated blood Can
sm daliver aromd
O2 to the ue un der mormal

*Every oo mof de oxy enated blood

approxinately 4mk deliver
latry of Co to alveoli.
Blood SS1Plarma 9092t oter
6-87 prnein
L45 formed RBC,we¢, Plotele
* RRC S-5S nilliom/mm of blood
ife span d2o days
*N8C 60008o00/mm3 of slood
r Basophil 0S-
WBC E osnophil 2-3
Monocyte -g
6-8 of tols wBC
FLynphotyte 20-25
Platelets/Thrmbs tyteg 45-3:S lakh/nm of lood.
* Nymber o} cham ber of r2 FiBha3
Heart F Anphibia, Reykile
L4 Birds, nanm ala, oodile

Number o impulge B SAN 70- 7S7nin

CAchon pokential EAM+ He beak- (72/ms)
*70 blood foaively flow atrium on to vnbicle
30 blood flow by akrial ayatole
Dyrakion ot a Cardiac cle iis 08ecemd
qu approxr ately 70 mLof
Each vetiele Pup Volyme
blood stvke
oukput = Hemt be at X Shnke vo(4
CarCar diac 72 X 70
72 So00 mk /min

Normal bloo d fress yre 12-0/Ponmdg

Hypertension 4-0/90 Hg mgner.

Pleash 10=|2C
kidney dk S-7 cc
wi PhickheAs>2-3
LweiJht > (20 170

Kack idhey have 1 millio nephron

XRenal blood flow dloo|20m/nin
of Cardiac outpu
Cn.FR m/mi Lter/dauy
* 1S 18o
is 99 is reaba0rbed
Urlne raleased 1-1:S Aiker/day
* 70-8o/ reabsorplion occur in PcT
elecolyhe + waler) aximom raabtorptia
*ORmolarity of kidety rkex > 3oo mOsmol/4ih
ne dulla » 4200
ariy ofblood 3o0 mamol/0iter
* Human kidney Can rdute. 4- hime n centrate
urine Hhan iniHal ilHrak formed.
2S-30 o ure ia ex creted out Per day
*Novmal blood urea Jwel # 17-3o myo0ns
*OurLungs remeve Coa-200ml/mis
*40-So . of body weight in by mugcles.
Skeletal 8yakem 2O6bone
+Verkbral,columh + Starmunt Ribr
LApepndicul ar
imb (30x4) + Pechral zirdle (4) +
126 Pelvic girdle
Skull Craiym - 68

- Fa2
ear ole
L Hysid
*Verkebral Column TnlgSC
Riba (12 pair) Verkbnslemal 1 7 pai
*1oh pair

* Nervous
1aH a paiy
Nat-E punp fraport3Nat ouhword foY
2kt inb
he cell
*Resting membrAme
potential-70 mV
ot nerve cun durkion in mammalk =p 4d0=130
speed m
1 o 2 of poncreaje hawe 12 milliaTs leks of
Lmgey hamR

* Life Span Butterf ly -2wrek

Cro w S yers
Cmco dile 60 ycors
TortoiRA 100-LSo yeo%
Cys o Amocla 3 Jayared hard covarm
*Bambo0 f0wer 0nly 0n ce
affer So-100 y2ors
*Strobilanths kmhiana tlower n cej 12yegr2
Number of Chrmoßome in meioye (2n) Sepkmber
House fly - 12
Rat t2 Potato +8
Dog 78 380
Buterfly -
Caf 38 Onion 16
Fruit ly-
Ophioglostum (a fery)- t260
Honay ba-
Rice- 24 Drome-16|
Maze 20
Sexuad re proebectton
in flower ing plank
Am in djanvle,
* follen grain a therally spherical20k5
*60 angioapernm follen grain shed in 2 clec

* 40 angioaper ollen ain ahed 3 Celled staga.

& Pollen
9ain viability oficef wheat --36 min
Rosaceqe, Leguminostae 4 Solanaceae -> 1 month
*Mature female ganeorhyte of qginspern Enbryo AnG
7-Celled, 8-nucleato
* Pollination bywater iA
rare in angiotperm "n
i inited o abou 30 g4nera, mosfly monocnf-.
* Tallent flower Amor phopha|lus 6feet in heigll:-
For pollen gevmin aio we Can uRe 10 Auyr 8olukio
After S-30 nin ue C 8ee pollen ube wi
Low Po weY of micoe Cope
*The oldest viahle eed is hak of a lupine
(Lupinus arcHicu) excavaded from
Areic Tundrq.
T germinaked flowered af
kr 19000 aYA of

Dake palm (Phoenix dackylifera) discavered during

archeolazical excavalim at King Her d palace
Mear dead sea 2000 ye old viable keed
Hupmen Re pracducfion
Scrotum helps im maimtaining he Lww kemprokunn o
2 2s°C lowr han norm body mp)
*Teates g t 4=scm cm
widh>2-3 Conaim 1 to3
Seminiferoys ebyle
* Eack testin haR about 250 fas ticular
* Lengh of each ovary bules.
2-4 cm
Lengh of fallopian
he glandlor tiasue of ench breasf is divi ded into
1S-20-mammary obe
milli on Apem
&Huma male eja culale about 200300
during QCoidus
hqve normal
normal ferlilily 6o of Aperrs
for Bi2e
Bhape amd for at leag40 of them mu1
Bhow YJ004 developma Aay 2 million
Dyring embryonic
each doel as. dvary ",
o0g0nia are formed wihm
pubverty ony 60, 000fo, ono primary
* At
gre ef im eacK ovary. +((2.a0s0 160ooo)
ersbru al flow3-Sda
* Menatrual Cyc/e daya)
In Human megualion (menstrual ycle) ceas es
aroynd So ye o of 0g Menopause
Embryo wik 8-16 blaptomera in called moryla.
Soid B1
laRbS montha.
The hma ejnany forne4
* Durim namoy 14 monlh
Limb + digits tmed.
By By
e end of 2nd mmh
By the end of 2 wnek (4st insler®Sd
monh mast
of major 0oga amed ke Aimbs4 xterhol
genibals 9re úell devejoped
monh-4novamot of fvrkus & Hoir
During Si 07 had obsArve
By he end t 24wek (1nd imukr 5n?
eyeAd Agerastd
Body Covenoih ihearehaia,
eye Lashes
hakur is taly duelope
B e end of g monh
Keprodueive Heal.K
family plamning were iniiated 1951
Im 1900 rorld Populskio 2billion
GIndia apulakion -350 millioi 199-2)

*In 20 00 world Popul skion 6billiom

Tn dia Popudahin- billon (Ced in A)

Accor oling to 200 Cancus 7epork, he populahion

grDwtrate wos aill around 7 i.7/|0os/ye
bythia rare 04 populatiom Could double in 33 yem
Periodic absence
> 18-17* da of mensknal cyele
Couple avoid om Coiu o pr* umwanded

*Oral Comtra ceptive pilla aken daily 21 day Conti

L afer 94P 0f 7 dayp
during menekruakibn
Saheli i on Aturiodol week rill
er g2ny
ave bren
pill TUD wilhin 72 hour of toiku
found to be ry efeckive.
Nearly 4S-So million MTPs qre Performed in a
yar allow He world which i of
tofal COn cieved fgo y IM 4ylr
*aovk. of India degalised
TP in 1971
*MT 4re ComAidered rel akevely sate during ha
1t fingtr ie. 4p 12 nek/3 mon
of a99
The a
Perkong r
Very STD
Inabiliky ko coneieva ve affer 2yes of unprahckd
Coitu is called infertiliky.
Principles of Inhendan te
Mendel work 0 arden Pa4 fvr yeora
( 18S618 (3)
brerding Pea plnt yarieieg.
select 1frue
mendel publis% i work 0 inherikan ce of charatker
Mendel remain receniaed Hl19

in 186S u1
by Hugo de Vrin,
Redis covery 0f Mendel's wrk
1900 Corrin 4 Von TAchemark
Chromofomal heory of imheritan
c4 i
1902 .
bySirttom md Boveri
experimenrt on Drso phila
*Morzan igy
gana grecombih
Bodly Colour eya only Csloyr
re ation.
linked t ahow 3
Bocly gize ne Bhow 37:27
Eye Coloyr 4 atton
- K-boly X-chrnofrne)
akion in nec
*Henking dukr minde insect
* Ko type of
blindnese OCcu in gbout- 87 of male
Colour females in ha world.
0y about o.4-. of
cell anamia Point mkahso»n occs
* In Bickle -zlobelin,
DNA 6H Co don of m-RNA of
Syndrome Trismy of 2 Chromo4one
Lamg don Dowm (1866)
dir ca vered by

*ThaleRRmia d-2ha fom each parenk = 4

CHLA1, HbA) Chromofome
prom eack
--4 9un prank 2M
maion in 4ne CHBB) Ckromo8eme
pumhitahiei diaorour
Mole cular BasiR f In derifonte
Bacteriophaya 174 as
be pir
Bacterio phaga Lambda has 48S02
XI06 bae peir
Pair (e
* Escheri chia Coli has 4:6
bp in diploid cell.
* Hum an DNA hos 66X/D
first idertified by Friedrich heische
in 1869 He mamed i Nuclen.

Diaance barwean we ba^e par i
i8 34-A
X10? . totul mumbar of base pair
So Jenghh of DNA isPpd
A typico ucleoome
Contain 200 bp

ariff:h expevimenk wi
Strepto coccu Pmeunonige backeria =
*1933-44 Oswald Avery Colim MacLeod qnd
Maclyn McCarky uge trmatorming Prineiple of+
Griffi K
experimere and Concluded hat PNA e
g-nee matean al
* 1952 Alfred Havshey 4 Marha Chase
wih bacferio phaue , E coli baekriq 4+
ikotopas radioacin
of st P 3Stp-experimunt
froove DNA inteiom
h material F Blendin
*1958 Mathew Meaela
ont Framklin
Pove e
of DNA replic ahon, Rei conserrakie nan
uw E. Cali 0 NHEC
E.i coli divid in every 2o minure
3 minues. b
DNA rrplicakibm n Camplbe
Ro f falymuia akion npli calia n of E.
4PPmxinatey 2000 brpec
*Eukaryoter hawe 3 yps f RNA Polynrae
RNA (28S 18S 58S) I
ha kNA (n-RNA)
RNA un dergo Cappihg 4 Jailiy. Ia ilisg
*hndenylake rekidus (200-oa) added a 3end.
* No. of NBose=4 (A,6, G T) in DNA
ype f Amino acid = 20
So No. of doy
Co ripkt forn)
A ugaked heor Genow

*Tn 6+ adon here is 3 fop edoas.

Ribosone of struckral
cwsinde ANAr (RAA) 4
a bow 80, difere n protin
r-RNA in Backeria i
enzy Kibozye.
Lac Operon Cosinka Tulatory 43struckral
ne 2,7,a
Human henome Project CHGP
Launched in 120
Complhhd in 2o03 13 yer Prjeck
Beqyencin of Chomoon 1 Complkkd in May 2006
be inning
utimated Cast i # US
poal i o idnkihed S3 pev bp
i Hunman a(2g00-25000 th4
*Huma anoma condajn I64-7 million nuclestHde
The qverag ne Conrist* of3000 basesbat.bu
12 vary tely. (largea gana= dyabrophis 2+niliohba
*19:3 Y.
in alf People
nucleoide bares are exactly ame
*So of dis coered ne's fmcione ar 4nkhsw
aes han 2/ of gn oma Cade for pmtein.
* Chrmmasone 1 he8 mas- gunef 2968 ana
he fewest 23D
K Scientinkr iderhihied ilio» SN in Himan.
hqn 2. of neme tode for pmtein
do nut Code
high dgrs of folymorphism KELP)
Basis ofF
DNA hngar prinking
If re quenty ot an allle ifopdakion
9re oder than 0-o1, it sho w hat he w
allel formed bmwahvm which rezulske
Ch ara Cfer dfennt
* Bize of
of VNTR 0 to20 kb
* Tha Uhivee ia almoat20biliontyegra old.
* Earth war suppared so have bean formed
* Lite appearedsoo mio 20Ys after he tormation
of eorh, ie. +billion yems back. 39 bya)
*I9S3 S.L: mille expari menE wih wakr vapour
CH Nng H =P
*Firs mm (ellalor
form of life auld han originafd
3 billim yegr back.
The first celular form of uih did mot poRn'bily
originated Hll 2000illion yeo
According to Cpn vewkion a religious iheratuY
They oSpecial orea
earh ia abo #o00yeq-ol
Tri Ceraopr> havin horm
Tyranno4auru 20 fert Jog

1850r Before indurkri disahios > More whi wing

1920 afler m dusrialis abior, > More dark ig moh
2 billo yeo o #rst ullular furm trokayot
AboutLip app-eMred on egrth
Invrdebrotu ere tormedacHve S.00.ya
35o myq

ishes evolwd Aroun d

Jawleewpods exis anund 320 mya
See 4 few plgha
wih atbu-4 shroug. ins Cauld mov o Janed
Fish Lwakr 3so mya
gnd o back.
1936 oelacanh/sbeine Caughe in Souk Afrca
An cestore of amphibi
diftrek shapa gnd aize deminale 00
Rephiles of
ear in hu naxk 200 millan yer(200nya)
phle erslvd 2 o0 mya
* sike
>Zchyo5a rk disappeor erh gbout y
DinoquYEAuddenly frm
Romapithec were
called Dryopi thecA and
Primdes abou
exiRin 15mya walke in
About 3-4mya maike han +fret,
* They are nat taller
eastern frica
cua li vnd in Eart Afican 2raRr lan d
qbout 2 mya 6S0-800 ec
of Hom habilie
Cranial Capa cily
ind 1Smy4
Java_ manHom ereckus)
Crania Capa ciky 900 cc
* of Java man diacovPred in
in av 1891

Nemderh al m an ive d in ar eagt t cextral

Asia betwren 1Lakh to t0 00 years back.
Cranial Capaeiky of Neandarthak nan-1400 c
* During ice age 7So00lo06o yer a moder
Homo Bapiens aroke
Pre historic cave art developed abou 18 o00 ye

* Agriculkure Came around 0 000 yeg* ack and

hman seftlement started
Human Healh and
*I typhoid fwer bocly temprate39 'c
Cammon cold uaually Jant for 3-7 daya
&No, of dieulphide bond presen* in a» ani booy molecule
is16 H2L2

Mucesal - associated lympheid higgue (MALT) onstitytee

Qbout So of ymphsid tismue nhuman bocly,
*ATDS wa 4irat reported in 1981
In the lart 25 yeava 0r.So ADSAPTead all
0ver he wor|d kilimg more hm 25 million 4r^on.
Incub akiom feriod of AID Sto lo yera.
More han 1 million People ufer fron cacer in Trdig
a dore mumber
of them di trom it annyalky.
Tobacco ha been utd by human bmgfor more
hon 4+00ye
* Adoles cence feriod (218 yeara of a
StrategieR for Enhan cemt in Food roductisn
70 of he world livnkdock populakiom ia in ndiq
nd China b i Condibution fo ha werld
tarm prvduce i only 2S
Inbra ing
making batween cloealy rel aked individual
same breed foY
wihinhe aration. 4
Out eroRsing > mating bewan a nin al of Rame brnnd
bu having no Common 4ncestors 0 eher Aide
of heir pedegree -5Anrakion P
In mOET by FSH indute d uper ovul atto
p y cle
The covure d noferkils»d a -20Celle 8tagus 9re

re Scaly tranakd o srogak mahar

Convenhim al plan bredimg Btarks > Po00-11od0

usually only in fzw loo to
10o c>4s akow
1000 Cr4 show
Pladbraedin inH0p/4*in
desible cominati gn. repegrh
xEvaluddho» 0f w variety of
field i fllo wed b testing he materials iin
farmeTs' Aeld, for at est3gnwmA sgonA

a everal Lo cakion in he twyntry

accounts for approximotely33poplation,
* Agriculura employs nerly 62% of he
India's amd
Indias GDP
Revolutio mid
26plin the fod aPPY"
* Durin4 rod 19602000
produrbion »J1millim eunes to 7S
wheat omnes millim
tonnes to 89 S
Rice pmduchioa 13Sillian.million tonneg

* In 963 ßeveral varietin of wheat inbodure d
n India Senali ka 1igh yeilding
Eal yan Soma disegses rekjgJaat
* In 966 derivaki4 t eni dw0rf varieky ofise
inooluted in Tndia. later butor
yielding Aami dwonf
developed ih Inodiq.
variebes Jaya and Ratna wre
evon loo
*Crop Japs es Cqn 4pto
oftn 2-3o
Bufering hger e
frem hidden
3billion paaph
have adesu aete food*
More han qmoy-
840millian eople do not ouweloped in whi ch
More han
2000, Maze hy bid
doubled yore to ixis Hng
qmiho acid i
* L akes 3-10 of grain to pro dute 1
meat by aminal covming
orethan25g ot human °pulattom
udfesin prom hungar 9md mamutrikon.
* It Aas baen Calculated hat a 2So F Co
Projein per day
Pro du te 200o Mehylephilue mhylo trephw
A micnorganiaAm
Can be eXpeeked to produce 2S omeA fpndeia.
2s0 otorganin day
TiBSye Culure 195o, hole plad- Could ba
nerared from explant
*nicdbeR in Human Welfare
* Fleming, Chain and Florey
Noble Prize f494for
Were awrded ehe
discovery of enicillin.

*Bioga plant A0-Lr fet deep tank

Biotechnology Pimei ples 4d froceRA

Stenly Cohen omd Herbert BoyeY creak-

In 1972
14* Tecam binar+ DNA by inrodueing anibiohic
plasmid of Salmonella yphimurium
TdiRdon in
TAAtaiciom endonuelese MZYYme we ne
In 1963
Jblaed fom E. Coli whie rud gnwh of
Reatricriom endamuclease recognize 8paciH
of 6 base palindromic nuclealida Aeptence
Today we now more han900 reabrickion
enzyme8 hat have been iRoleked trm 230sbais
*To make compadent hoat for tranaformaki o wi
Reornbimak ane - by incubating Hu hent cell
wik ®NA 0, icefolowed by uak skack (), qnd
Aen pukting hem back on ice
DenDen aturation , a 9'C
at 72c
0ycle of
>22billionPCR Cofy ofDNA.
*Volume ofbioreacdovs= 00 1000:Jter*

Biotechnoly_ and I_Applicakiog

* 3 Citi cas resarch,ot

providing bont cakalyas-

opfhimal Candikion
CeaiDowmRsream pmcehAng rapeukic
he recombinank
present bout 30
tha orld over.
*At human e
aPPToved tor hym
qm UR
have been ui ca re
Hurapa uHa
of hase
* In Indi
preeny being markebed Cwm pany Prpore
1993 Eli Lily inoducing
*In ro E Coli by
A f B prpide chai ih
DNA A4 9H: of
£ coli
he pl mi of
m 1990
Merapy w given
clinical Jne
firkt yeqr old girl wih
ADA deficieny,
to a4a
tramyonic amimek qe
f txiBking
*9S trmsyenic cow, koRie, produre
In 1997. firrk
d ilk ( 2:-3/Ai)
ma pmein riche
*There are an estimate d 2akh vrietiaA af ric
in Tndia al4e
* 27 documee d varisies od Barmi rice are
mwn dia.
In 1?97 Amaricam Compqny patenr
rihda 0 Ban m ah Kice hmugh h
Us Paent qn d Tra demark ofice
In dianparliame recenty cleard he 2
amendmen of he Tndian Patend B:|1 uhicwhich
im clude bio pra y iRAUe, patnt tems emerny
provis iom 47a eerch and duvelopment initiative.

Organig n & Populakione
Mean Amual frcipilhalin
*Biomas Meon Annual Tempredur
0°c 10 to 120 Cm
Arcic Alpine Tundra *-10°to
Coniferous forest 0°to 4 So to2G0 em
Grasrland D to 25°c So to 100 cm
Des ert to 20 + (o
o So cm
lemperote Forast >2 lo to 20 'c =o 7o
to 23o cm

Tropi cal Fores- #

4 20 to 2s °c ISo to 430 cm
*Tempratvrftopical ds erpey in symmey Soc
Salt concentration (in fars dhousond) f

inlan d water<
hyporsalLine agoon 2100
* m deep 6ea 2Soom) Bo 4r Ce of
0 enaYH
MerH Only
hy do Hurmal
vek for ife
* 191 of amimals nerly all plans are Cantormer
ny Qmimaly are Teglabrm
Bir de, mammas 4 s0ma hr Gnimas.
A igh alikde (73s0om) Perren must have
2Xperien ced aid 4icknes*. Nayig, fahigu,heart palpi
*Arch@ebacheria thermo acidophila flourieh in a-
springs 9nd deep 8*a ydrthermal vea where
fempratores far exceds oo.'C

Tn deep ea press yre Could be 2100 akm»

*Exporankial nwh dN rN (reb-d)
Geometric Jowh dN=TN mbrimsic )
for Norway rat Y-0.0IS
for flour bertle r =02
n198 tor
nTndia Populakio E0020

In he ncky infertidal
Commyniky American
Pacific Ceagt he Bdarfis1 Piasder a FyRtone
Fpecis when all tartish wer removed,

Loae be Cane exkince witi ayear

inverte lake
of invee
becaute of interspecidie
intecbs qre nown to
fo be
*Nearly 25 ofall
Phydo phye
*The Abing dom fortoise in halapagas Tslnds
became exdinct wikin decade ea)
a affer goat
wre innobuced 01 the iland.
*MacArhur ho clsalyreladed species, of
warblkr were able to aveid Comptiion due
to behavioyrak diference m Keir foraging activilHos
* Human Jiver ule
*Humam depm ds tw imtermediote
ts (a Snail d a tish) 6 tomplele. its de
Cycle TotalTotal 3 hosts raquired.
whole bioasher iA 170 billion fay
*The annual NPP of
doy of weigak) orgame matter.
About 70 0f earh Bur-face i CAVered by oceqa
bu pro darivity of oceqma are. onlysS bill, NPP 33% of
it me0s NPP f lnd 67
= |billion
According o 0ne eAtimare 4-163 (4 bilib tay
m biosphere through
Car CAr bo ied
ph odosyrthes ia aually
i.e NPP 170 billiom don of organic mater
Cayrbo alone
40 billio 0
PAR is
h So y, of todal incidexsolas
ra di uhtom,
Capre 0nly 210 of PAR
* P]anbx
enery is dransderred fo each
*Only 1
trophic Jwel tom he Joer ophi lwel.
nPyramid of mmber of grassland omly 3top-amiv
are B4pporded m eco8YRdembag4d d procurhioy
omerly 6 rillioms plants.
* Primary produ cer (Plamkatvert only 1% f
mery Aunligh aveileble h Hen
a enery m h
io NPP

*Carbon Consitutu 49of dry eigl of organian

7 of total ?4antily of global carban i
om d disaolve 'oceans
im regeyvoir
Atmuphere Contin mly 4 tal glsbal ark
KRobert Constan24 and i4 collangueg
an avery Price of US$ 3 illion hn4 pu
i er
of tnda mantal ecasytemn resorces Thia
7ha i
nearly ruice he valye of lobal gnss atim al
prda t (GNP whi eh i U 1B tMllion)

xCost(soi formatom Soy.

Re creaio <0%
Nutrient Cycling - <Ioy of /33 ys $
climate noJulatio, 6 sillio
Habikad-for wild ife ->6

Biodi vrsity qnd Conservafion

of species of anks >20000

Number beeftes 3,00000
fishes- 28,000
orchids 20, o00
tham5o,000genzically diferen atrai
(2 Jakh)
* India h more
rice varieties ot ango om
to. 2004-) totad numbar of planks
*According TUCH
more than-smillio
animalRpecie describod Ro far ir
May's esinake haglobal spacior
* Accordmg to Robrt
congervafiw &a cinkifie )
dinreily about 7milliom (ove
extreme eskimat oFal mum ber of
Accordmg to Some
20 to So millionk.
Rpecies ran ge om
7270 are qim als
Im o al diecomrec Apecies morethqm
plartr qre momove dhan 22%
o+ Hhe kofa. t.e.
Amomg nimal ineecte ae 70%
our of auary do animas on hie planu 7are imaec*.

* 2 4 of world' Land arta

8:18:1 of global Rpecies d'versiy
Tndia one of ha counry ot world.
*From In dia
12 mega diveraiky
of plmka. 1d
wie ao09 &fecion off animals gre rcordd,
kAccording do Roberk
May's erimakion only 22 ot.
total pacier h we. been recordud
Ro tar
In n Jndia
India -mothaniakk fland- Apeciea nd
ho han-3 Jakh animal apeciea
Yet t
be dik coverod.
hod in rain foreska. (Tropical ram
torertr) here migld- be at
Bpecios waiking do ba discoered ad2millim inket
Tropical reaion (235N h 23.s' S)-> maximum No. of speier.
Clombia acaded near equator) »4400 Specieof birde.
New York N)
oreen land
105 8pecies of birda.
(7NN 56Afe cios of birds
India Tenpra 4 Tropjcal ragiom)
la3R) more) 7120 Bpeciee of birds
Tropical fores- (ike Equgdov) uo 0ime
aR many Apecier
f qngiospermk a foreat f
qre im temperate gimAika Midwuk ofuSA).
* Tropical
rain forent of South America
Plana speis>40,0oo
Fixhe 3,000
> Birda
Maymmas 13 00
Amphibima 4-27
Re phler
slnvarhebrakes 2 378
, >425,000
Alexandr von Humbeldt e specier area
S z.bA
ngS gc + 2 kog A Ct+
S 8feci es richnass ogS
A= area
z = slope (grRs i0m Ceetficint)
c intre*pt (Y-axi Area

*value of Z ies in the rmse of 0.1o 0:27.

for Z 06 o 2

For tnit eakimg birds md moamm als im pical forak

Z i fo un d to be 1S
colonit ation of hopical facific Tslamds by Hum ana
iA d tohav Aed to the exfinction of mpn an
2 000 n aive brda' sfecies
IUCN Red List (2004) docotmends he
exincion ot 784 Apecie last Sooyeqr*
338 Verfrbratr
ente bratu -AimalsS apecioa
Apecies (c97)
359 in
L87 lank Rps cies
dig appear wihin Jas 20 ye ma akgna
* 27, pecies
*ore an 1S,Soo Apecies world wide ar facing he
reak of extinckion. 12% of birde Bpeciee
ofwhic h more Hen 650 23 sf all mnmalz ecies
r mIndiq P32 of all gmyhibiam Ryecier.
3 f al ymnAferm fcies.
Since he origin4 diversiicaliom of jke
Life 0 av
hene wer 5 pko de of ass exineio t Pecin
*Current epecie eincion rote -a eshm ated to be
0o to 1000 imegfaster hm Pr hymam t1m E
Haf of all aps on e«rth mizt be wiprd ou wi#in 100 Ye are.
* Topical ram foresk Han 14
of emha lnd Aurface
On ce Co erin
b i
how Ccor
more han
6 due d habik losa 4 trYmakakíon.
The Nile perch indo duced indo Lake Vicloria
Cin tasch Afica) Jud more han 200 8feCies of
cichlid fial
* JUrehas 25 ,
of he druge Currotly 2old in he
worldd- wide are derivod trom planke ahd
of plants codibute to he tradihond
medicim ued by maki propls aroun d he worl d.

* Amazon foree
(LumgR f earh))
fmduce 20of Foial 0yh
arh by photosyrthesie .
Rmax inum afLcies divursiky
Bio diwraityHotepok
Ca vura
imiHally 2 ww idmified
Jeen khan 24 oker 9moe addod
earHA Aand now olal 34 in he wrld
im diq
wertn Ghar-i Lmka
Tn o- Byrma
*Strict pmtion glay4maga
of hotapel reduce extinckion ofsps by
Eorhh Symmit CI992) tor biodivmaiky
Rio de Jnerio sueamable uilizahionn
of tts benefits

World Summit (2002)> for sueaivable dwnlop

Johameebur bio dy y awf
So Afica
190 Couxttrier pledged
to Hir
Commitment aciee by
Ln India
Biosp her Reser e 14
Nahion al
Naion foa k 90
wildlif Sanctmies +So
Envome»tal TRRueR

* 1972 Nakiona Commi fee tor Environmental plaming

Coor dim akion

Water (Prevewlion an d cobl of rolluion) Acd

hip ko mo veme nk*
*1980 Jointt Forent Managomen
*4981 Air rrewwkibn & Conbrlf pollukion) act
A98f Bhopa Tgaday
94 Piniekry tEnvironmik 4 ForgF
* 4286 virommm uk (Po4*cHion) AcF (NEPA)
oike in clu ded m aiv pollukio
* 1287
4987 0ni al Protoco l CCamada ) -oozme dapahoy
*-1988 Nationad forest poliey
198 10wial polocol le coma effeckive
1997 # y oo rocal for climake chanye (cop-3
XEsimaod naximun Conce wtraioy Cin ppm) of mvale i
dainkin wakr Cd 0.00S
Mn 00S
1-PPm 800 Pph

AiP 012

Zn S0
precutor Can remon 9 ravkeulabe
chaut frpm a hrmal Po ar plank
A rdmg to CPCB parhicuda Aize 2.(Mn 6)Lus
hormful for 4mah Pm2SD
Expo84re to extreml ig oun d , 1Sod
more prated by ake of f a jet plahe
Tn 1990 Delki ramked h. qmo he H
most Polluted cities of tha worl.
ryn ChNG
Al buse of Delhí were comerked to °n
by he en d of 2002. (Co= hel4 in Delhi)
*Eyro I Norms Slpher in Patbo|15o pm
(1 Arril 2095T)
Sulphr in disel350-Ppm
* Armakic hy droc arboma
are o ba corkanmed a
42 f He con Cermed tueL
* The gol, acor dimy to he
road map. iR do reduce
to 50 ppm m atol 4 diosel
down md mn
he luel to 3syof oromati yed caybon,

frm 1Apil2 00S ? Eo IT * All over In diq

EunIL 11 cikies.
* From 1 April
201. Euro I> All over Tmdiq
1 cikw
Delhi, mumbai, kolkata,
Ahmedabad, Pume Chma, Bangdore, Hyderaba
, Surat, ampur,
Accordimg to an
kimake, 9 uba-antia fall
in Co and S0L wel hu
ben toumd
bkwun 1197 nd 200 ii Delhi

Amere 1% impurikis make domeski Aawag

auma unif
tor URe water
Do wafer
Cold 10ppm
D.0. of wader is below 6rrm row f
tishee get inhibidod.
BOD 0f clean water ix s Kn 5 ppm
pollutd water Could ave Bop value
ppm more
Indrgrated wante_Wafer Treatmank*

I Arcata Nor coat of Gliformia)

2 Ska
Sedimentatíom and filterakion of po|ludqnks
Neuhradisakio, Absorgdin ond aceim:lakfon of
llukanes (hravy mulal) by
6 Conneeked marths
over 60hecdayes ot marshland
Plenb, algak, kngi*
Bocteri e gnun.
Case of Remedy hor plorkie wau
stuoly Bang alare
Ahmed han CPlas:kic Sat renufarkurer)
Polyblend fine fowder of reuycled modifi*d
nhamce He waker mpellant* properky
Bikumam And 1increas e
Toad Aife by a fartor of 3.

* URihg khas tcrique, yyeor 2002, moehan

40 m rad in Bargalsne har almady been
T hae commended that forage 0. muçleay
ua afhr suficient *-reatmve should be done b
84idably shiel ded Gosaihers byrried, wihin A
about So0m deep below Rurfa ce
witho kmprakor
enhouRe etfect the averaa
at urate of Earh would a chilly
18°C raher hom he puen
1SC Vr of

* Relatine con budion o Various gasee

toral global warmin nhe4e

60 CO2
26 CH4
14- CFC
R Ome vaker va poyr wi 0z0ne

Durins he prk Cenkuxy he enprahur oof

Eerrth has creed byo6C, mDe of it
curin 3oytr* lant- 30 ye

*According o esimafe, akmord4o forrsts

hawe bee Jas in he pica, Campred to Only
L im the temperake ezion.

* n dia a bgaming of 20 extury = toresk Gve

30 Lod area
tha nd of 2oh. Century forss- cover
19-4 7 land avea.
Naktonal foreat polie
y (170r)afIn dia na
Tecommendue ha
33 forest CoVer for plainu Om
67 for he hille.
In 173 m any ople off Biahnoi Comn
RQCrifis hir lie ROv
NCERT Biology

Yer wide d aka

1731 Many eople ot Bishmoi Csmmmiky sqcrifiu

Hhoir ivea * Saving tree (Jo dhpur)

1770 frieas-ley' xporiment Belt Jar, Mice, Pt- Plod; Cande.

covary of oxy 9e Prietlay

1774Dk by Joshehriestey

19 38 Mathias Schlieden Giver GoIt Thory

1939 Theodor Schwayn
Befpr indu riadirahb=p more whike wing meH
18 So

18S4 von Sache prooved hat glu cose

tomed in phofosymhuir 4 Rtored as akarch.

Omni Cellula e cellul by "
Rudolf Virchow
Complate he cell tuory.

1856 18 63 Mendel wUrk 0 94rdun pea

Hydmo po mics rchmique deelepe d by Juliua voy Sachk
18 6o o
18 6S MenMendel publiehar hi wOrk indri amce
of chara che
18 6 Down's Sym drome el
iscovere d by Lapdon Dowyn

18 69 > DNA waR 1 idenkified by Friedrich Mincher

arme d as "Nuc lein".
Forai l of Java mad ditcs ered in Java
1891 Henking ditcavereod
oX-bo (- chromeoe) in

imect. (X0- ype sex dkrmiuoiow)

1892 Dincovery of Tmv by D.J. Iva»ouky

1876 M.w. demonatrake infeckiou
of Tmv
Dicovery of Golgi Bodly by Camilloaolgr

1900 Redieco very of Men del' work by thrre

scieniat Hugo de Veri
kar Cor ece.

1902 hromosDmal Huory of induriante give

by Sutton Bovory
19 0S Law
of limiAing, factor for plan w

19 20 Afler InduebiUeakion msr blacle math

I28 Fredvich rif:H Tramaformabiom xperimun

0n Strehcocc w ymumomeas baceria.
1933-19 44= Avery, Macleood MeCarty
Tans bormahion pine iyle of Grilfik
xari mF 4 onclude Hhoa DHA i
Genhe mokerial

1938 CoctaCanha/ Lobeins Cau g iSou Afia

An ces korš of qmphilbia.

19 47 At a
of our ivdapshdanc dia'
4PIPMaely 3So million.
195Os P Electon micnscope invention
Tisye culte starkad
19S1= Family plammng were imikated
1952 Hashey Chase ex perimant more Corectly
Proove h at PNA iiA gennkic m aterial.
953 TP Discovery ot ribasome by Gieorge Pala de.
SL Miller Expeiment of evolutim
Double helicad struchureremodel of DA
ven by Wats0m Cice.
1958 Malthew Meselson
CE. coli in frankin Shaht experimend
NHCI medium) proova
epicakio is
semtonservai ve
Taylor tudy on vicia
aba flan= use
matyre oidine and prpove semicomsarvafive
DNA replicakion
1960s oreen evolukio
112 63 Restmchioa endonuclease isolaked
wheak vaiekies Sonalika fom E. coli
Qnd Disasag resiskankj 4 Falyau Sona (Higa Yield
intmduced in ndiq.
196 1 kime NCERT Biolog Boole
Published. for Senmor secan dary
66 Deríee Sami dwm voieflos of ice
inro eued in Inoid,
97 Gov
T Piscovery of
Tndia legadise
by T 0. Diener
1972 Fluid Masaic Model
plasmg merbrme
re combinant
Nicolsoy b
P* DNA_ developed
a1 d Staly Cohen by
Hr bert Boyer
Nakional qnd
commitee for environmotal planning
Coordin atkioy was establiched
Uild ife pntaction act in India.
1974 Water Act
chipo mvemsn

198os Joint foresk mana,ge mawt

1981 Air ack

ALDS wa firt eported
Intyinsit u rak of India r=0:020s
1983 Eli Lily a Anericah Comfany prepare
fom E. Coli

1984 Bhspal Tragdy

Miniskry of Evinhmunt amd Foreat etebla

1986 Emviohmant Act NEPA

7 87 Noia includid in air pollukisn

frptoco Can ada)

19 98 Nai omal Foroxt folicy

1989 D Montria mtocal becoma sfeckhive

19 90s Delhi rymed 4- qmon moRF
pollurd ciHag.
Fird eliit ad uraPy
170 old wlh ADA deficin ty,
4 year irl
Humam Ge heme Projet (HGP) Jamche o.
Norld fopulakiom wA 2

Sumnik for Biodirai'ky Com or vahon

1992 EarJ
i Rio ole Jamario

1997 kyoto odocol clmako chonge (Co?-3


An Amarica» (ompay yof fale rigls o

Bosmaki Rice hrough ha Us Pakent and
Trakomark fice
Firkt -0m89enic Cow "Rosie" Pro ducod
h4An milk oiein.
Endia's posulakibn 1 btllion
2000-P world's ropulahbn 6 bill
kechmique >4o km road loid.
( Ugins Ahmad Khank
INorld Summ for u8kainable devalopmeut
2002 Afrina)
of bi diwratky (Tohans burg Souh

Al All Buses of Delhi ware Canverred Tuh o

fCNG by ha enel of Me yaar. (CoP-8)

HGP Complated

2 004 Accor ding to IUCN 17 o 18 million kpeciag

Exhnchion of 78t apecien

im Last Soo yorA
Eun-L Q oer LN DIA
200S 1 April- mo pollkd city of IHp.
206 Sequencing of 1 chroosonu humk Complted
may (HGP
- IIL all over Tndia
0T0 1 April Eo-
Eu 1 13 cikias
2011 d populakon- 7.2 billto
n dia' foplatn 12 billidn

MTP (Amandmant) Act.


Thank You

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