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Comparing Numbers Rubric

Criteria 10 Pts. 5 Pts. 0 Pts.

Student wrote multiple
Student wrote sentences Student did not answer
sentences relating to the
that answered the the question, or the
Quality of Response topic. The content was
question but was lacking answer did not reflect the
thorough and
details. assignment correctly.
Student wrote zero
Student wrote only two
Student wrote more than sentences, either by not
sentences, or the
two original sentences completing the
Length of Response sentences were not
that did not repeat assignment or giving a
original (repeated
information. response that was not a
complete sentence.
Student’s grammar and
punctuation exceeded five
Student’s grammar and errors, did not complete
Student’s grammar and
Grammar and punctuation was the assignment, or the
punctuation had two or
Punctuation moderate (more than two response was not a
less errors.
mistakes). complete sentence
(lacking an opportunity to
grade this criteria).

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