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My Top 5(or so) College Choices

List five schools that you are interested in attending. Three of the schools should be reasonable
considerations, one school should be your “safe” school and one school should be your “reach or dream”
school. Be sure to save this in your AVID Portfolio.

My Dream School The University Of Nebraska

Location Lincoln, NE

Admission Requirements GPA of 3.5 and higher, new freshmen students must complete
UNL's Application for Admission, submit a nonrefundable $45
application fee

Tuition In-state tuition 9,690 USD, Out-of-state tuition 26,820 USD

Room and Board Cost Room and board is $11,830, books and supplies are $1,044 and
other fees come in at $1,962.

Interested Majors Business/Project management

Why do I want to attend... I would love to attend because my dad went there and he was
born and raised there. I also had a tour when I was 14 when we
visited and it was so beautiful!

Reasonable Choice UCSD

Location San Diego, CA

Admission Requirements Graduated from high school and they will calculate a weighted
GPA that awards credit for any honors, AP or IB classes that
you've completed.

Tuition 52,864 USD

Room and Board Cost $15,156

Interested Majors Business/Project management

Why do I want to attend... If I don't go out of state then I would choose to go to a local school
so that way I am still close to my family.

Reasonable Choice ASU

Location Phoenix, Arizona

Admission Requirements All course requirements for highschool and at least a 3.0 GPA or

Tuition In-state tuition 11,338 USD, Out-of-state tuition 29,428 USD

Room and Board Cost On campus is $13,510 and off campus is $9,684

Interested Majors Business/Project management

Why do I want to attend... I wouldn't be too far from home but I would also have the freedom
to be independent.

Reasonable Choice Cal State Long Beach

LocationChoice Long Beach, CA

Admission Requirements Graduated from high school and have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA

Tuition In-state tuition 6,834 USD, Out-of-state tuition 18,714 USD

Room and Board Cost $13,358

Interested Majors Business/Project management

Why do I want to attend... The campus and view are breathtaking and I would be right on
the beach and very close to home.

Safe Choice Palomar

Location San Marcos, CA

Admission Requirements Has graduated from high school

Tuition In-state tuition 1,344 USD, Out-of-state tuition 9,604 USD

Room and Board Cost $20,538

Interested Majors Business/Project management

Why do I want to attend... It is very close to home and also a safe choice just because it is
one of the cheapest schools and I wouldn’t be in that huge of a
debt compared to the other universities.

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