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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 dạng Line

graph ngày 05/09/2020
The diagram gives information about the process of making carbonated drinks.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Phân tích chi tiết

Đoạn tổng quát (Overview):
 Có 4 bước chính trong quy trình chế biến, bắt đầu với bước làm sạch nước và kết
thúc với việc các thức uống có gas được đưa đi phân phối 

Thân bài 1: Mô tả quá trình từ làm sạch nước cho tới khi hoàn tất quá trình carbonate
hoá dung dịch

 Bước 1: Nước được đưa qua máy lọc và chất làm mềm nước cứng hay các hoá
chất khác được thêm vào nước.
 Bước 2: Nước được đun nóng sau đó được đưa qua ống làm lạnh; sau đó carbon
dioxide được thêm vào tạo ra nước có gas.

Thân bài 2: Mô tả quá trình thêm các chất phụ gia tới khi hoàn thành sản phẩm và được
bán tại các siêu thị

 Bước 3: nước có gas được đưa vào vào một bồn chứa để trộn với các chất phụ
gia, bao gồm chất tạo màu, chất tạo vị.
 Bước 4: Cuối cùng, nước uống có gas được đóng gói vào chai hoặc lon, và những
lon hoặc chai đó được đóng vào các thùng. Các thùng thức uống này sẽ được vận
chuyển đến các siêu thị để bán.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

The diagram shows the stages involved in the production of soft drink.

Overall, there are 5 stages in the process, beginning with preparing the water for the
drinks, and culminating with the packaging and delivery of the finished product.

In the first stage of the process, water is put through a filter before a softener and
other chemicals are added to it. Once the water has been processed, it is then pumped
on to stage 2 where it undergoes evaporation and carbonation. During this stage, the
water is heated and runs through a cooling pipe before carbon dioxide is added,
creating carbonated water. 

In the third stage of the process, the carbonated water is put into a mixing tank where it
is mixed with colouring, flavouring, and sweetener. The resulting mixture is then
filtered before being packaged into cans and bottles. Finally, once the bottles and cans
have been packaged into boxes, they are transported to supermarkets where they are
ready to be sold.

(164 words)
Các từ vựng cần lưu ý
 a filter: máy lọc nước
 a softener: chất làm mềm nước cứng
 evaporation: quá trình bay hơi 
 carbonation: quá trình carbonate hoá dung dịch (thêm carbon dioxide vào chất
 resulting mixture: hỗn hợp được tạo ra

1. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Miêu tả quá trình tiến hóa của ngựa
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Miêu tả quá trình tiến hóa của ngựa
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Qúa trình tiến hóa của ngựa:

The picture describes the horse’s evolution from 40 million years ago until now, focusing on the bone
structure of its foot. Overall, as the animal gets more prominent in size and longer limbs, the toes
disappear one by one, eventually replaced by a sole hoof.

Eohippus, which existed circa 40 million years ago, was the ancestor of the horse. It was much
smaller, standing at about one-fourth the size of a modern horse. All four legs and the tail were
relatively short, and, on each paw, there were distinctively four toes. About 10 million years later, the
Eohippus became the Mesohippus, which was slightly larger and taller. The foot had lost one toe, and
the middle toe had enlarged to create a symmetrical structure. Notably, the Mesohippus had started to
develop what would become the horse mane.

At around 15 million years ago, the Merychippus appeared. This pre-historic horse largely resembled
the modern horse but at about half the size. The foot still had three toes, but the middle one was
greater in size and protruded more to the front. The mane had also become more visible. Finally, the
horse today has all the toes reduced just to a single hoof. It is taller, with lengthier limbs, a more
defined tail, and a clearer mane on the neck.

2. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Miêu tả sự tiến hoá của công cụ cắt thời
đồ đá
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – sự tiến hóa của công cụ cắt thời đồ đá:
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – sự tiến hóa của công cụ cắt thời đồ đá:

The pictures describe the evolution of Stone Age cutting tools between 1.4 million and 0.8 million
years ago. It can be seen that the latter design had seen vast improvements in the size, shape, and
finishing quality.
Tool A, which dated back to 1.4 million years ago, was rather small and rudimentary. At about 7cm
in length, the tool was thin and did not display much craftsmanship. The front and back views were
plain with only some slight chiselling effort while the side was rough and not very indicative of a
cutting utensil.
Tool B showed many updated features compared to the older version. First of all, it was larger and
sturdier due to a better water drop design with a broad base and a pointy top. Second, both front and
back sides were grounded more evenly and smoothly. Finally, although the tool’s thickness stayed
relatively the same after 0.6 million years, the side edge was undoubtedly much more finely

3. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Miêu tả quá trình làm nhà tuyết của
người Eskimo
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – quá trình làm nhà tuyết của người Eskimo
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – quá trình làm nhà tuyết của người Eskimo:

The given diagram illustrates the process of building an igloo, a type of dwelling made by the Inuit
people. It can be seen that the igloo is made solely of snow and that at least 10 steps are required to
create this sort of shelter.
Initially, only hard-packed snow can be used to make igloos because of its toughness and thickness.
After being collected, the snow is sawed into rectangular blocks, of which the largest ones are used to
form the base of the igloo. When the base is complete, the next blocks will have their edges smoothed
by the builder to be placed on top one another, until a dome-like structure is shaped. Then, a hole is
dug under the igloo’s wall in order to make an entrance, while on top of the dome, a significantly
large block of snow will be used to cover the final opening. Thus, an igloo is shaped.
In the subsequent steps, softer snow is shoveled upon the igloo to provide further coverage, after
which the builder makes sure that this snow is also packed tightly into all crevices between blocks.
The inside of the igloo is burnished by hand, and afterward, the shelter’s entrance hole is covered
with more snow blocks to prevent exposure to the cold. To conclude the process, small holes will be
poked on the dwelling’s wall and roof to allow ventilation.

4. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Quy trình vận chuyển hàng hóa lên tàu
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Quy trình vận chuyển hàng hóa lên tàu
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Quy trình vận chuyển hàng hóa lên tàu:

The diagram shows how goods are transferred within a harbor. It can be seen that two cranes, namely
the quay crane and the RMG crane, play a vital role in handling goods.
Initially, when a freighter docks, a gigantic quay crane is utilized to help the vessel unload cargo. The
quay crane does this by picking up items from the vessel’s cargo compartment, followed by moving
them back into the land. On land, the cargo is subsequently taken by vehicles to the yard, where it is
stacked and arranged by a machine called the RMG crane onto vehicles that take it to the gate.
Afterward, the goods are transported either by rail or by road to their next destination.
The process of placing cargo on a freighter works inversely, as goods are first delivered to the
harbor’s gate by truck and train, then brought to the yard. There, they are also stacked and arranged
by the RMG crane to prepare them for the last loading stage. Finally, at the quayside, freight is loaded
by the quay crane onto the vessel.

5. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Miêu tả cấu tạo và cách hoạt động của
khinh khí cầu
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Miêu tả cấu tạo và cách hoạt động của khinh khí
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Miêu tả cấu tạo và cách hoạt động của khinh
khí cầu:

The given diagram depicts the mechanism inside a hot air balloon. It can be inferred that the hot air
balloon’s operation is dependent on the principle where hot air rises to the top and cool air flows to
the bottom.
The balloon itself is called the “envelope”, formed by sewing together “gores”, which are vertical
sections comprising even smaller horizontal panels. On top of the balloon is a flap known as a
parachute valve; during the hot air balloon’s flight, the valve controls the escape of excessive hot air
and seals itself when hot air needs to be kept in. Meanwhile, the base of the balloon, called the
“skirt”, is tied to the basket – the balloon’s passenger space – with several strong ropes. The basket’s
most crucial parts are its propane cylinder and burner, responsible for providing the ignition that
makes flight possible.
In order to fly, the burner mixes propane from the cylinder with air to produce flame and make hot
air. As the air inside the balloon becomes hotter, it will rise to the top due to having a lower density
than the cool air.

6. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Coffee Production

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Coffee Production
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Coffee Production:

The flow chart illustrates one method to produce coffee. Overall, there are twelve steps of the
process, beginning with the sorting of beans by hand and culminating in packing and selling coffee to
the market.
In the initial phase, coffee beans are carefully sorted by hand before being cleaned in the sieving
process. These beans are then dehydrated under the heat of the sun for four consecutive weeks. Once
the coffee beans are completely dried, they are raked and turned. After this raking and turning phase,
the beans are subsequently stored in a tall silo.
In the next stage, coffee beans are transported to a mill by a large truck, where they are hulled by
workers. Following this, the beans undergo the grading process in which a sizing screen is used,
before they are ready to be bagged. Having been placed into separate bags, these beans are sold to
coffee merchants. Afterwards, coffee beans are roasted, before they are packed and finally sold to end
7. Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Sugar Cane

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Process: Sugar Cane

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 Process – Sugar Cane:
The diagram gives insight into how sugar is made from sugar cane. Evidently, this isalengthy process,
beginning with the cultivation of sugar canes and concluding with the end product being produced.
Initially, sugar canes are grown on fields for anywhere between 12 and 18 months, until they are
ready to be harvested, either by hand or by the harvester. Then, they proceed to be squeezed
inacrushing machine to produce sugar cane juice, which is led intoalimestone filter in turn. The step
of running sugar cane juice throughalimestone filter ensures that the juice is purified, and that any
residue is left behind.
Following filtration, the juice is heated inside an evaporator to condense it intoasyrupy substance.
Once evaporation is complete, the separation of sugar crystals from the syrup will take place as the
liquid is spun inacentrifuge. The result of this step, sugar crystals, is dried and cooled to await future
possible steps.

The diagrams below show how sand dunes are formed.

2. Dàn bài
 Introduction: Paraphrase đề bài
 Overview: Về bản chất, đây là một dạng bài process. Do đó, ta
cứ phân tích có bao nhiêu bước, gồm những bước nào, bắt đầu
từ đâu, và có những thành phần nào tham gia vào process này,
rồi viết lại thành 2 câu.
 Body 1 và 2: Mô tả chi tiết quá trình hình thành cồn cát, bắt đầu
từ hình 1 đến hình 3. Chú ý các thành phần và vị trí của chúng
để mô tả sự thay đổi của chúng.

3. Bài mẫu Sand dunes diagram Band 8.0+

The diagrams illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand
Overall, there are three stages, beginning with sand particles being
blown by the wind and ending with them stacking on top of each other
to make sand dunes. Besides, four elements are involved in
this natural phenomenon, including sand particles, wind, wet ground,
and dry ground.
To commence, sand particles scattered all over the ground are driven
by wind. Specifically, the wind blows downward to carry them from dry
ground to wet ground, which contains water to increase the adhesion.
As this process continues, particles of sand start to pile up on top of
each other.
Once formed to a certain height, the sand dune creates
a blockage, deflecting the wind upward on one side and forcing it
downward on the other. This results in sand particles on the top of the
dunes rolling downhill to other nearby wet grounds and forming other
hills of sand.
157 words– Band 8.0+ – Written by TalkFirst!

4. Từ vựng cần highlight

 Formation (C2): sự hình thành.
 Stack: xếp chồng lên
 Element (B2): thành phần
 Natural phenomenon (C1): hiện tượng tự nhiên
 Scattered (C2): rải rác
 Adhesion (C1): tính kết dính
 Pile up (B2): xếp chồng lên
 Blockage: vật chắn
 Deflect: bật hướng, làm đổi hướng
 Downhill (C2): xuống chân đồi hoặc vị trí thấp hơn

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