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Intended publication: Journal of Tropical Life Science

The Effect of Prenatal Yoga in Third-Trimester Pregnant Women on Reducing Anxiety Levels
in Facing Childbirth: Literature Review
Anxiety Reduction Through Prenatal Yoga : Literature Review

Sri Wahyuningsih
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

Nurul Hayati
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

Rizeki Dwi Febriansari

Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

Miftahul Hasanah
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

*Corresponding author:
Sri Wahyuningsih
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Jember

*Corresponding author: ABSTRACT

E-mail :
Anxiety is emotional condition and individual subjective experience of objects
that unclear and specific due to anticipation of danger allows individuals to take
action deal with threats. Excessive anxiety can complicate labor and cause pro-
longed labor so that is possible for the life of mother and fetus to be threatened,
and can even cause death to mother. Selection of interventions used to overcome
anxiety problems in form of relaxation therapy prenatal yoga. The purpose of
this Literature Review is identify effect prenatal yoga practice in third trimester
pregnant women on reducing anxiety levels dealing with childbirth. This study
uses a Literature Review with a search for journal articles on the Google Scholar,
Garuda Ristekbrin, and Science Direct databases. The average p value in the arti-
cles reviewed shows a p value of 0.000 < (ÿ 0.05) which can be concluded if
there is a very significant change related to implementation of prenatal yoga in
the third trimester pregnant IVU the face of childbirth. The implementation of
prenatal yoga is carried out 1-2 times a week gradually until facing labor with a
duration of ± 35 minutes. Giving prenatal yoga is a non-pharmacological therapy
that is easy, inexpensive and safe for pregnant women who experience anxiety if
it is done regularly and in accordance with the correct prenatal yoga procedure.
The application of prenatal yoga is expected to be combined in health services
for the community as an intervention to reduce anxiety in third trimester preg-
nant women.

Keywords: prenatal yoga, pregnant, anxiety

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