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Secara kesimpulannya,projek tanaman jagung memberikan pengalam yang paling berharga

pada setiap ahli kumpulan dapat menanam dan merasa hasil air tangan sendiri.Kebanyakan
pokok jagung kumpulan kami boleh dituai tetapi ada juga yang masih muda.
BUAH MATANG:Pada masa itu kami telah belajar beberapa cara untuk mengetahui buah
jagung telah masak atau belum.Antara kaedah untuk mengetahui kematangan buah jagung
iaitu jika bulu berwarna putih ia bermakna buah jagung masih muda manakala bulu yang
berwarna perang ataupun kekuningan ia bermakna buah jagung telah masak.

Jumlah pokok yang kami tanam sebanyak 75 pokok dan jumlah penuaian buah jagung matang
yang kami perolehi daripada batas kami adalah sebanyak 116 buah tidak termasuk dengan
buah jagung yang muda manakala buah yang rosak 6 sahaja.

GRED BUAH JAGUNG :Selepas penuain selesai,kami mengasingkan buah yang gred A dan Gred
B iaitu buah yang paling besar dan buah yang sederhana.

Selain itu juga kami dapat belajar dari segi harga mengikut gred buah jagung.Pada masa itu
kami dan kumpulan lain telah membuat pembincangan mengenai harga untuk setiap gred iaitu
untuk gred A kami menetapkan harga RM2 manakala harga untuk gred B RM1.20sen untuk satu
buah jagung.
PEMBUNGKUSAN:Selasai sahaja menetapkan harga,kami membuat pembungkusan
menggunakan plastik yang telah dibeli oleh pensyarah,semasa pembungkusan juga terdapat
beberapa etika kebersihan dan kekemasan yang telah kami lakukan iaitu dengan membuang
lebihan daun daripada buah jagung supaya nampak lagi kemas.Pembungkusan kerbersihan dan
kekemasan penting kerana ia dapat menarik perhatian para pelanggan.Etika yang tidak
mematuhi syarat akan menyebakan pelanggan tidak tertarik untuk membeli.

Kutipan yang kami perolehi daripada menjual jagung tersebut adalah sebanyak RM450
termasuk jagung kumpulan lain.Akhir sekali,kami berharap dapat mengendalikan projek
tanaman jagung pasa masa akan datang serta akan menyimpan segala ilmu yang telah
On 24 November 2022 Thursday, the DAG2B class harvested the corn that was planted on 5
September 2022. Most of the corn plants in our group can be harvested but some are still
RIPE FRUIT: At that time we have learned several ways to know whether the corn fruit is ripe or
not. Among the methods to know the maturity of the corn fruit is that if the hair is white, it
means that the corn fruit is still young, while the brown or yellowish hair means that the corn
fruit has been ripe. cook

Ripe fruit Immature

The total number of trees we planted was 75 trees and the total harvest of mature corn fruit
that we obtained from our border was as much as 116 fruit, not including the young corn fruit
while the damaged fruit was only 6.

GRADE OF CORN FRUITS: After the harvest is complete, we separate the fruits that are Grade A
and Grade B, which are the largest fruits and medium fruits.

In addition, we were also able to learn about the price according to the grade of corn. At that
time, we and other groups had a discussion about the price for each grade, that is, for grade A
we set the price at RM2 while the price for grade B was RM1.20 cents for one piece of corn.
PACKAGING: After setting the price, we make the packaging using plastic that has been bought
by the lecturer, during the packaging there are also some hygiene and tidiness ethics that we
have done, which is to remove the excess leaves from the corn fruit so that it looks neater.
Cleanliness and tidiness packaging is important because it can attract the attention of
customers. Ethics that do not comply with the conditions will cause customers not to be
interested in buying.

The collection we got from selling the corn was as much as RM450 including corn from other
groups. Finally, we hope to be able to handle the corn crop project in the future and will keep
all the knowledge that has been poured.

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