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 Study of the anatomical and functional
development of the individual species.
 Processes and events involved from the
fertilization up to childbirth.


 Germ or sex cells

 Female: OVUM—produced in the ovary; egg GAMETOGENESIS
cell & oocytes.
 Process of production of gametes
 Male: SPERMATOZOA—produced in the  Meiosis
testes; sperm.  Product: haploid cells


Corona radiata – multicellular - development of sperm cells

- Spermatozoa arises from the spermatogonia
Zona pellucida – non-cellular; secondary membrane; which invest the walls of the tubules of testis.
thick glycoprotein.
Cytoplasm – “ooplasm”, granular and has few non-
living yolk granules, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and
Nucleus - surrounded by the nuclear membrane contains
chromatin network and one or more nucleoli.

- development of an ovum
SPERMATOZOON - The ova arises from oogonia which proliferate
from the layer of cells of the germinal
Head – oval, pear-shaped on profile contains nuclear
epithelium lining the surface of the ovary.
elements and vacuole
Neck – possess neck granules in contact with the head
and extends to the anterior centriole
Body – connecting piece; possess two centrioles,
mitochondrial granules
Tail – chief piece – 3/4th total length of sperm,
cytoplasmic sheath.
3 Phase of Prenatal Development

1. Germinal
2. Embryonic
3. Fetal

Begins at fertilization and spans the first 4 weeks of
1. Diploid oogonia
2. Primary oocytes
3. Secondary follicle – Graafian follicle  Involves cellular proliferation and migration
4. Secondary oocyte with some differentiation of cell populations
5. Ovum and second polar body
Fertilization – fusion of male and female sex cells.
Occurs in the upper end of the oviduct within 24 hours
after ovulation resulting to a fertilized egg (zygote)
- Spermatozoon penetrates the ovum
Blastomere – any cell that results from division of a
fertilized egg

o Blastomeres form a solid mass (16-32 cells)
o Short duration only (3-4 days post fertilization)

o Blastomeres formed during cleavage will
arrange themselves to differentiate into various
groups and layers
o Circular, hollow, cluster of cells produced at the
same time as an embryo is developing

1. Embryoblast (Inner Cell Mass)
- Mass of cells within a primordial embryo that
will eventually develop into the distinct form of
a fetus

2. Trophoblast (outer layer)

SIMILARITIES - Contribute to the placenta and nourish the
 Occurs in reproductive organs
 Both produces (n) gametes
 Involve meiosis

 3rd week of development

 GASTRULATION – cells in the blastula
rearrange themselves spatially to form three
layers of cells:

1. Ectoderm
2. Mesoderm
3. Endoderm

o “Nidation”
o Involves the blastocyst to the surface epithelial
cells of the late secretory phase endometrium
and its proteolytic penetration through this
epithelium into the underlying stroma
o Last about three days
o 9th day – after ovulation, the embryo is totally
implanted in the endometrium and derives
nutrients from blood and secretions there.
Cells of Embryoblast rearrange into two layers:
 DIFFERENTIATION – process by which
1. Amnion unspecialized cells become specialized
- Contains the amniotic fluid which protects,
regulates the temperature and contains
antibodies for fetal development.
2. Yolk Sac
- Provides nutrition and gas exchange between the
mother and the developing embryo

ECTODERM – skin & nervous system

MESODERM – bone, muscle & connective tissue
ENDODERM – linings of the digestive and respiratory
system, and form organs such as the liver and pancreas.
 8th week of pregnancy – embryo develops into a
 Pregnancy divided into three stages called
1. First trimester
2. Second trimester
3. Third trimester


 Determines the formation of the primitive
stomodeum or oral cavity
 onset at 24 days
 the head fold – establishes the oral cavity
bounded by the developing brain and cardiac

 series of rounded, mesodermal ridges on each
side of future head and neck region that begin to
develop about 4th week of embryonic life

 38 weeks – fetus normally ranges from 36 to 51
centimeters (14-20 inches) in length and weighs
between 2.7 and 4.6 kilograms (about 6-10
 For contraction which permits locomotion, Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm
constriction, pumping, and other propulsive
Sarcoplasmic reticulum – smooth ER
Sarcolemma – cell membrane


 Composed of bundles of very long, cylindrical MUSCLE FIBER

multinucleated cells that show cross-striations
 Contraction: quick, forceful, and usual under Sarcomere – functional/contractile unit of muscle fiber;
voluntary control Z line to Z line
During muscle contraction – sarcomere shortens when
thick and thin filaments slide over each other
Myofibrils – actin and myosin – are the contractile
elements of skeletal muscle

A band – thick myosin filaments

I band – thin actin filaments
CARDIAC MUSCLE TISSUE H Zone – lighter zone; a region consisting only of the
 Has cross-striations and is composed of rod-like portions of the myosin molecule with no thin
elongated, irregularly branched individual cell filaments present
that lie parallel to each other M Line – a region where lateral connections are made
 Contraction: involuntary, vigorous, and between adjacent thick filaments (less characterized
rhythmic myosin filaments)
Z disc – dark, thin line in the center of I band


 Composed of grouped, fusiform cells with weal,

involuntary contractions.
 The density of intercellular packing see
Actin filaments – thin(5-8nm) myofilaments are MUSCLE REGENERATION
composed of:
Skeletal Muscle – satellite cells become activated after
injury, proliferating and fusing to form new skeletal
1. Actin – G-actin molecules arranged into double muscle fibers
helical chains called F- actin Cardiac Muscle - lacks satellite cells and has no
2. Tropomyosin – long thread like molecules lie along regenerative capacity early childhood
the surface of F actin strands and physically cover actin Smooth Muscle – capable of a more active regenerative
binding sites during resting state response.
3. Troponin – a small oval shaped molecule attached to
each tropomyosin

Neurons – nerve cells

Glial Cells – supporting cells
Nerve Ending – structure in which the distal end of the
axon of a nerve fiber terminates

Myosin filaments – thick(12-18nm) myofilaments are

composed of: NERVOUS SYSTEM
Central Nervous System (CNS) – brain and spinal cord
1. Light meromyosin (LMM) – makes up the rod-like
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - cranial, spinal, and
backbone of myosin filaments
peripheral nerves conducting impulses to and from the
2. Heavy meromyosin (HMM) – forms the shorted
CNS (motor and sensory nerves respectively) and
globular lateral cross-bridges, which link to the binding
ganglia which are small groups of nerve cells outside the
sites on the actin molecules during contraction.



Myoblasts – embryonic mesenchymal cells
Satellite Cell – proliferate and produce new muscle
fibers following muscle injury DEVELOPMENT OF NERVE TISSUE

 Nerve tissue originated from ectoderm

1. Neural folds and neural groove form from the

neural plate
2. Neural folds elevate and approach one another
3. As neural folds prepare to fuse and form the
neural tube and dorsal epidermis, neural crest
cells loosen and become mesenchymal
4. The mass of neural crest cells initially lies atop
the newly formed neural tube

 Produce the myelin sheath that provides the
electrical insulation for neurons in the CNS
 Extend processes that wrap around parts of
several axons, producing a myelin sheath.


1. MULTIPOLAR NEURONS – have one axon
and two or many dendrites
2. BIPOLAR NEURONS – with one dendrite and
one axon
– single process that bifurcates close to the
perikaryon, with the longer branch extending to
a peripheral ending and the other toward the
CNS. Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes)
- Found only in the PNS and have trophic
interactions with axons and allow for their
myelination like the oligodendrocytes of the
- most numerous glial cells of the CNS and are
characterized by numerous cytoplasmic processes.
- regulate constituents of the extracellular environment,
absorb local excess of neurotransmitters, and secrete
numerous metabolites and factors regulating neuronal
- monocyte-derived, antigen- presenting immune Blood
cells of the CNS and are evenly distributed in
 specialized connective tissue in which cells are
both gray and white matter.
suspended in fluid extracellular material
- secrete several immunoregulatory cytokines and
constitute the major mechanism of immune
 Average Adult – five liters of blood moves
defense in CNS tissues
unidirectionally within the closed circulatory
- Distributing vehicle, Transporting O2, CO2,
metabolites, hormones, and other substances to
cells throughout the body
 Formed Elements
- ERYTHROCYTES – red blood cells
- LEUKOCYTES – white blood cells
- THROMBOCYTES – platelets

- whitish lipoproteins complex whose abundant
lipid component is partly removed by standard
histologic procedures, as in all cell membranes
- By acting as an electrical insulator, myelin
greatly speeds up action potential conduction

 an aqueous solution, pH 7.4, containing
substances of low or high molecular weight that
make up 8–10% of its volume.
 The composition of plasma is usually an
indicator of the mean composition of the
extracellular fluids in tissues.

 an electrical impulse skips from node to node Blood Cells
down the full length of an axon, speeding the
 Studied in smears
arrival of the impulse at the nerve terminal in
 Prepared by spreading drop of blood in a thin
comparison with the slower continuous
layer on microscope slide
progression of depolarization spreading down an
 AZURES – mixture of acidic (eosin) and basic
unmyelinated axon.
(methylene blue) dyes; useful in staining
cytoplasmic granules containing charges
proteins and proteoglycans
 Red blood cells
 terminally differentiated, lack nuclei, and are
packed with the O2 carrying protein
 Under normal conditions, these corpuscles never
leave the circulatory system.
 Flexible biconcave disk
 The plasmalemma of the erythrocyte, because of
its ready availability, is the best-known
membrane of any cell.
 It consists of about 40% lipid, 10%
carbohydrate, and 50% protein
 Erythrocyte cytoplasm is densely filled with
hemoglobin, Thrombocytes
 lasts only for 120 days
 Platelets
 Cell fragments derived from
megakaryocytes of bone marrow.
 Function: rapidly release the content of their
granules upon contact with collagen to
begin the process of clot formation and
reduce blood loss from the vasculature.

Blood Clot Formation

Histopathology (RBC)
SECONDARY AGGREGATION – increased platelet
 ANEMIA – decreased number of erythrocytes, aggregation
pathologic condition characterized by blood
concentrations of hemoglobin below normal BLOOD COAGULATION – fibrinogen from plasma,
values von Willebrand factor promotes cascade forming a
 SICKLE CELL ANEMIA – inherited disorder thrombus or blood clot.
caused by a mutation of one nucleotide in the
CLOT RETRACTION – interaction of platelet myosin
gene for hemoglobin beta chain
and actin
CLOT REMOVAL – plasminogen activators,
 White blood cells plasminogen
 Diapedesis – migrate to the tissue where they
become functional and perform various
 Key players in the defense against invading
microorganisms, and in the repair of injured
 CHEMOTAXIS – process of attraction of
neutrophils to bacteria which involves chemical
 Two Group:
1. Granulocytes
 polymorphic nuclei with two or more
lobes; neutrophils, eosinophils, and
 Golgi complexes and rough ER –
poorly developed.
 They have few mitochondria and depend
largely on glycolysis for their low
energy needs.
2. Agranulocytes
 do not have specific granules, but they
do contain azurophilic granules
 The nucleus is round or indented.
lymphocytes and monocytes
Circulatory System
 Includes blood and lymphatic vascular system
 Blood vascular system, cardiovascular system
 HEART – organ that pumps blood
 ARTERIES – series of efferent vessels that
become smaller as they branch. Function: carry
the blood, with its nutrients and oxygen, to the
 CAPILLARIES – smallest blood vessels,
constituting a complex network of thin tubules
that branch profusely in almost every organ and
through whose walls the interchange between
blood and tissues takes place. Structural Plan of Blood Vessels
 VEINS – result from the convergence of
Tunica intima
capillaries into a system of larger channels that
continue enlarging as they approach the heart, - Has one layer of endothelial cells supported by a
toward which they convey the blood to be thin subendothelial layer of loose connective
pumped again. tissue with occasional smooth muscle cells
HEART Tunica Media
- The middle layer, consists chiefly of concentric
layers of helically arranged smooth muscle cells.
Interposed among the smooth muscle cells are
variable amounts of elastic fibers and lamellae,
reticular fibers of collagen type III,
proteoglycans, and glycoproteins, all of which is
produced by these cells
Tunica Adventitia
- “Tunica externa”, consists principally of type I
collagen and elastic fibers. This adventitial layer
is gradually continuous with the stromal
connective tissue of the organ through which the
blood vessel runs.

Lymphatic Vascular System

 System of thin-walled endothelial channels that
collect excess interstitial fluid from the tissue
spaces and return it to the blood.
Vessels of Microvasculature  LYMPH – flows in only one direction, toward
the heart.
Microvasculature – arterioles, capillaries, and venules-
which can only be seen on the microscope.

 Site of interchanges between blood and the

surrounding tissues both under normal
conditions and during inflammatory processes.

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