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I. Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is true.

If the statement is false, underline the incorrect word and

write the correct word on the space provided.

__________1. Hermophrodites are formed when someone’s external genitalia are not consistent with his/her
gonadal sex.

__________2. Congenital defects such as atrophy in a male’s testes can make them sterile.

__________3. The period wherein the reproductive organs grow to their adult size and become functional under the
influence of rising levels of gonadal hormones is called MATURITY.

__________4. Erogenous Zones are parts of the body that are sensitive to sexual stimulation.

__________5. A sexual act done by a single person is considered a solitary behavior.

__________6. The hypothalamus and the limbic system are responsible for regulating involuntary responses.

__________7. Vaginismus is the inability to ejaculate in coitus.

__________8. Natural Method is a cost-effective method and does not involve foreign body introduction into the
human body.

__________9. Menarche is the occurrence of menstruation which happens two years after the start of puberty.

_________10. The behavior that entails the movements of sexual behavior occurs in wider social contexts is known
as sociosexual behavior.

_________11. Syphylis is caused by an infection with bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. Genital ulcers and inguinal
lymphadenopathy or buboes are its clinical manifestations.

_________12. Trichomoniasis is caused by a one-celled protozoan, a type of tiny parasite called Trichomonas
vaginalis. The parasite passes between people during genital contact, including vaginal, oral or anal sex.

_________13. The plateau phase is the peak of sexual arousal and causes intense feelings of pleasure.

_________14. When person is becoming sexually excited, the brain sends messages throughout the body to prepare
for sex and this is known as the excitement phase.

_________15. The Symptothermal method helps a woman predict her ovulation by tracking the changes in her body
temperature during menstrual cycle.

II. Matching type. Match the method of contraception with its description. Write the letter of the correct answer in
the space provided.

___1. Vasectomy

___2. Cervical Mucus Method

___3. Transdermal Patch

___4. Calendar Method

___5. Ovulation Detection

___6. Vaginal Ring

___7. Female Condom

___8. Male Condom

___9. Tubal Ligation

___10. Subdermal Implants

___11. Coitus Interruptus

___12. Hormonal Injection

___13. Cervical Cap

___14. Chemical Barriers

___15. Intrauterine Device

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