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P1 :


Lesbian: đồng tính luyến ái nữ.

Gay: đồng tính luyến ái nam.

Twinkie: những người đồng tính nam có vẻ ngoài nữ tính và có cách hành xử
giống nữ giới.

Bear: những người đồng tính nam có vẻ ngoài nam tính và mạnh mẽ.

Bisexual: song tính luyến ái

Transgender: người chuyển giới.

Queer: người dị tính (nói chung).

Non-binary (Enby): phi nhị nguyên giới

Intersex: liên giới tính

Asexual: vô tính luyến ái

Gender expression: thể hiện giới

Sexual attraction: thiên hướng tình dục.

Gayder: những người có giác quan mạnh mẽ trong việc nhận biết người đồng tính.

Heterosexual: dị tính luyến ái

Homosexual: đồng tính luyến ái

Pansexual: toàn tính luyến ái

Sex assigned at birth: chỉ định giới tính

Cisgender: người hợp giới

Ally: một người không cho rằng mình thuộc cộng đồng LGBT nhưng thể hiện sự
ủng hộ và đấu tranh cho sự bình đẳng của cộng đồng này.
Biphobia: không thích hoặc có thành kiến với người song tính.

Homophobic: kỳ thị giới tính, không thích, có thành kiến với cộng đồng LGBT.

Closeted: mô tả một người LGBTQ chưa tiết lộ xu hướng tình dục hoặc bản dạng
giới của họ.

Coming out: quá trình một người lần đầu tiên thừa nhận, chấp nhận và đánh giá
cao xu hướng tình dục hoặc bản dạng giới của họ và bắt đầu chia sẻ nó.

Fag: một cách xúc phạm để gọi một người đồng tính.

Gender dysphoria: chứng phiền muộn giới tính

Gender expansive: truyền đạt mức độ nhận dạng và biểu hiện giới tính rộng rãi,
linh hoạt hơn so với hệ thống giới tính nhị phân (chỉ gồm nam và nữ).

Gender fluid: giới tính lỏng lẻo

Gender transition: chuyển đổi giới tính

Outing: mô tả việc tiết lộ danh tính đồng tính nữ, đồng tính nam, song tính hoặc
chuyển giới của ai đó cho người khác mà không có sự cho phép của họ.

Transphobia: nỗi sợ hãi và căm ghét, khó chịu với những người chuyển giới.

Transvestite: một người thích mặc quần áo của giới tính khác, thường là để thỏa
mãn tình dục.

Two-spirit: mô tả một người có cả tâm hồn nam giới và nữ giới.

Controversial topic ( N ) : đề tài gây tranh cãi

Be divided into : được chia thành

Initialism ( N ) : một nhóm chữ viết tắt được tạo ra bằng cách lấy những vần âm
đầu của mỗi từ trong một cụm từ

Be attracted to : bị mê hoặc bởi

Gender / sex ( N ) : giới tính

Sexual orientation ( N ) : thiên hướng tình dục

Scientific research ( N ) : nghiên cứu và điều tra khoa học

Homosexuality ( N ) : đồng tính luyến

Diversity ( N ) : sự phong phú

Illness ( N ) : chứng bệnh

Disease ( N ) : căn bệnh

Prejudice and discrimination ( N ) : định kiến và phân biệt

Knowledge ( N ) : kiến thức và kỹ năng

Understanding ( N ) : hiểu biết

Be surrounded by : bị vây hãm bởi

Isolated ( adj ) : bị cô lập

Domestic violence ( N ) : bạo hành mái ấm gia đình

Threaten to : rình rập đe dọa

Media ( N ) : truyền thông

Symbol ( N ) : hình tượng

Legal ( adj ) : hợp pháp

Same-sex marriage ( N ) : kết hôn đồng giới

Social movements ( N ) : hoạt động giải trí xã hội

Project (N): dự án

Civil right ( N ) : quyền con người

Raise the awareness of : tăng nhận thức về

Contribute to : dẫn đến

Science explanation : lý giải khoa học

Gender identity : bản dạng giới

Catalyst: chất xúc tác

Gay rights movement: phong trào đấu tranh giành quyền bình đẳng cho người đồng

Solicitation of same-sex relations: việc gạ gẫm quan hệ đồng giới

2. Game

3. Video LGBT

=> Define : LGBT, or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender. A lesbian woman is one who is attracted to women. A gay man is
one who is attracted to men. A bisexual person is someone who is attracted to
people of genders both the same and different to their own. Transgender is a term
used to describe someone who does not conform to society’s view of being a male
or female, the sex which they were assigned at birth .Next, I want to talk to you
about Gender Identity. How can someone realize they belong to the LGBT
community ? Some may be sure about how they feel, and others may take more
time to be sure of their sexual orientation. Everyone is different and there is no
right or wrong age to realize you are lesbian, gay or bisexual. Sexual orientation
does not need to be fixed forever – for some people it will be, and for others it will
be fluid and it might change over time .We need to understand why someone can
be LGBT. Newest scientific researches have shown that homosexuality is a
common variant of biodiversity. Dr. Bruce Bagemihl has written in his book “
Biological Exuberance ” that homosexuality has appeared in about 1500 kinds of
animals. We can’t deny the appearance of homosexuality in nature. Finally,
scientists from many prestigious organizations have come to the conclusion that
homosexuality is a natural sexual tendency, an expression of human sexual
diversity. It is not a disease

4. Gender identity : is how a person sees themselves – their subjective sense and
personal experience of gender. Only that person can determine their gender
identity. Many people have gender identities. are male or female, but some are not.
Those who are not male or female may perceive themselves as either gender, non-
binary, intersex, or genderless. Male and female are two identities. gender is the
most common, but it's not the only option. Gender binary is the hypothesis that
there exist only two separate and unchanged genders. We now know more than
two. gender, that gender does not always coincide with biological sex and can
change over time. For many people, their gender identity and biological sex are the
same, but for others it is not. Sometimes people with mismatched gender identities
and biological sexes seek to change their social and physical roles to better match
their gender identity, which can include changes. social change, such as the use of
a different name, title, clothing, hairstyle, or makeup. There are cases of resorting
to medical changes, such as hormone injections, sex reassignment surgery. This
process is called transformation. Gender identity is different from sexual
orientation. Sexual orientation is gender-based attraction. Words used to describe
sexual orientation include gay, bisexual, lesbian, heterosexual or "heterosexual or
straight." Gender identity is complex. much more than being "male" or "female".
Especially nowadays, diversity in gender expression is being recognized and
supported more.

P2 :

P3 :


Throughout its history, the LGBT community has adopted certain symbols for self-
identification to demonstrate unity, pride, shared values, and allegiance to one
another. These symbols communicate ideas, concepts, and identities both within
their communities and to mainstream culture. The two symbols most recognized
internationally are the pink triangle and the rainbow flag

•A pink triangle has been a symbol for the LGBTQ+ community initially intended
as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity and
love for queerness. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the
Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had
been identified by authorities as gay men.In the 1970s, it was revived as a symbol
of protest against homophobia and for queer liberation and has since been adopted
by the larger LGBTQ+ community as a popular symbol of LGBTQ pride and the
LGBTQ rights and queer liberation movements.
• The rainbow flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
pride and LGBT social movements. Also known as the gay pride flag or LGBT
pride flag, the colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the
spectrum of human sexuality and gender. Using a rainbow flag as a symbol of gay
pride began in San Francisco, California, but eventually became common at LGBT
rights events worldwide.

• Other symbols

*The ace ring, a black ring (also known as an ace ring) worn on the middle finger
of one's right hand is a way asexual people signify their asexuality. The ring is
deliberately worn similarly to one would a wedding ring to symbolize marriage.
The use of the symbol began in 2005.

* Blue feather : In the Society for Creative Anachronism, LGBT members often
wear a dark blue feather to indicate affiliation with Clan Blue Feather, a group of
SCA members promoting the study of LGBT culture and people in the Middle
Ages. Because of this affiliation, blue feathers have also been used at some
Renaissance Faires and Pagan events.

* Freedom rings : Freedom rings, designed by David Spada and released in 1991,
are six aluminum rings, each in one of the colors of the rainbow flag. Symbolizing
happiness and diversity, these rings are worn by themselves or as part of necklaces,
bracelets, and key chains.They are sometimes referred to as "Fruit Loops".

* Handkerchief code : Handkerchiefs worn in back pockets communicate sexual


In some New York City gay circles of the early 20th century, gay men wore a red
necktie or bow tie as a subtle signal.In the 1970s, the handkerchief (or hanky) code
emerged in the form of bandanas, worn in back pockets, in colors that signaled
sexual interests, fetishes, and if the wearer was a "top" or "bottom".

* High five : There are many origin stories of the high five,but the two most
documented candidates are Dusty Baker and Glenn Burke of the Los Angeles
Dodgers professional baseball team on October 2, 1977, and Wiley Brown and
Derek Smith of the Louisville Cardinals men's basketball team during the 1978–
1979 season. In any case, after retiring from baseball, Burke, who was one of the
first openly gay professional athletes, used the high five with other gay residents of
the Castro district of San Francisco, where for many it became a symbol of gay
pride and identification.

* Purple hand : On October 31, 1969, sixty members of the Gay Liberation Front,
the Committee for Homosexual Freedom (CHF), and the Gay Guerilla Theatre
group staged a protest outside the offices of the San Francisco Examiner in
response to a series of news articles disparaging people in San Francisco's gay bars
and clubs. The peaceful protest against the Examiner turned tumultuous and was
later called "Friday of the Purple Hand" and "Bloody Friday of the Purple
Hand".Examiner employees "dumped a barrel of printers' ink on the crowd from
the roof of the newspaper building", according to Some reports state
that it was a barrel of ink poured from the roof of the building.The protestors "used
the ink to scrawl slogans on the building walls" and slap purple hand prints
"throughout downtown [San Francisco]" resulting in "one of the most visible
demonstrations of gay power" according to the Bay Area Reporter. According to
Larry LittleJohn, then president of Society for Individual Rights, "At that point, the
tactical squad arrived – not to get the employees who dumped the ink, but to arrest
the demonstrators. Somebody could have been hurt if that ink had gotten into their
eyes, but the police were knocking people to the ground."The accounts of police
brutality include women being thrown to the ground and protesters' teeth being
knocked out. Inspired by Black Hand extortion methods of Camorra gangsters and
the Mafia, some gay and lesbian activists attempted to institute "purple hand" as a
warning to stop anti-gay attacks, but with little success.[citation needed] In Turkey,
the LGBT rights organization MorEl Eskişehir LGBTT Oluşumu(Purple Hand
Eskişehir LGBT Formation), also bears the name of this symbol.

* White Knot

A White Knot

The White Knot is a symbol of support for same-sex marriage in the United States.
The White Knot combines two symbols of marriage, the color white and "tying the
knot" to represent support for same-sex marriage. The White Knot has been worn
publicly by many celebrities as a means of demonstrating solidarity with that
The White Knot was created by Frank Voci in November 2008, in response to the
passage of Proposition 8 in California and bans on same-sex marriage, and denial
of other civil rights for LGBT persons across the nation.


+ The trend of exchanging rainbow avatars to support LGBT

+ A series of famous singers and actors supporting the LGBT community during
pride month( Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, Mariah Carey, ...)

+ Support same-sex marriage in many countries

+ People around the world marched in support of the rights of the LGBT
community: Abortion care, trans people's right to live freely, people's right to vote
+ Our freedoms are at stake and we need you with us.

II. Typical events in VietNam supporting LGBT community .

1. Awakening to the Rainbow

Awakening to the Rainbow is an event held on the occasion of IDAHO May 17,
2013 - the day to prevent stigma and discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender people. The event was held in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City , Da Nang
and Can Tho with the large participation of the LGBT community and equal rights
advocates. It was this event that created an extensive platform for the participation
of the LGBT community in other public events in provinces across the country. It
breaks the limition that homosexuality is concentrated in big cities like Hanoi and
Ho Chi Minh City.

2. Queer Forever Festival

Queer Forever Festival is the first 'queer' art festival in Vietnam taking place in
Hanoi from December 14 to 29, 2013, connecting contemporary art and
Vietnamese culture with 'queer' perspectives. "Queer Forever!" showcases
contemporary artworks created from a 'queer' perspective, along with a series of
community discussions on the topic of 'queer' in Vietnamese cinema, literature and
visual arts. The festival has received an enthusiastic response from the LGBT
community, the art community and the general public.
3. Comment on amendments to the Constitution on personnel content and anti-
discrimination and analysis towards the LGBT community.

This is the first time that the LGBT community and 6 other social groups have
contributed ideas on human rights. During this process, many workshops were
organized with the participation of LGBT people and their families. A petition was
compiled with more than 2000 comments and was sent directly to Mr. Phan Trung
Ly - chief editor of the draft Constitution and 500 National Assembly deputies,
emphasizing the equal rights, without discrimination for people. treatment of
homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.

4. Campaign “I Agree”

This campaign has received more than 70,000 supporters and spread widely in
society. Many famous people such as Journalist Ta Bich Loan or MC Thao Van,
Writers Nguyen Ngoc, Trang Ha, singers Thu Minh, Ho Ngoc Ha have supported
same-sex marriage. The campaign has created conditions for workers, builders,
security guards or street vendors to voice their support. Many organizations,
companies and institutions offer services that support same-sex marriage by
placing “I Agree” signs in their offices and locations of business. The campaign
marked the spread of the LGBT rights movement in Vietnam to all social groups,
breaking down barriers that caused fear on the topic of homosexuality and same-
sex marriage.

 Solution

So, how can we help more and more LGBT people to come out and have the same
rights as any other person ? As LGBT doesn’t belong to any type of illness or
diseases, society needs to respect the diverse forms of each individual, respect the
rights of LGBT people. We also should promote and spread the true knowledge of
LGBT on the media, social networks so that all people can have the right
awareness. Avoid the portrayal of images of LGBT people based on “ gender
pattern ” prejudices. This will contribute to the reduction of prejudice,
discrimination against the LGBT community in Vietnam


1. Respect

2. Promote and spread out

3. Avoid portrayal.

III. Social stereotypes about LGBT

 LGBT face discrimination : In the first-ever comparative survey across 19
Member States of the views of public officials, health officials, teachers and
police officers, the positive impact of EU initiatives was largely
acknowledged. However, they also recognised the lack of information and
professional training about the needs of LGBT people prevents them from
acting to help counter the discrimination LGBT people continually face.

 Equal rights of LGBT: “LGBT people have the same rights to education, to
healthcare and to be treated equally as everyone else. They too have the right
to live their life in dignity, free from fear and discrimination,” says FRA
Director Michael O’Flaherty. “FRA’s latest findings reveal how some
doctors still wrongly believe that homosexuality is a disease. They
underscore the need for the EU and its Member States to empower public
officials to act on their duty to deliver high quality service to help end the
suffering many LGBT people experience.”

 Campaign to raise awareness and misconceptions about LGBT: Society can

have hostile views towards LGBT people and professionals can harbour
prejudices, such as believing that homosexuality is a disease that can be
caught. This points to the need for more positive EU and national awareness-
raising campaigns, such as in the EU’s list of actions to improve respect for
LGBT people and their rights. All professional groups have low levels of
awareness and knowledge about LGBT needs. This underlines the
importance of professional training, and civil society partnerships and
cooperation to help counter prejudice, especially towards trans people in
healthcare, and better deliver the same high level of service that most other
people enjoy.
 Lack of understanding about LGBT in the school environment: The lack of
objective information, particularly in schools, can result in bullying and
prejudice in later life, and force LGBT youths to hide their sexual
orientation/ gender identity. Member States should work with education
authorities and schools to formulate targeted campaigns to help make
schools a safer and friendlier place for LGBT people.

 Examples of cases of discrimination against the LGBT community: For

example, after one patient with HIV disclosed to a hospital that he had sex
with other men, the hospital staff refused to provide his HIV medication. In
another case, a transgender teenager who was admitted to a hospital for
suicidal ideation and self-inflicted injuries was repeatedly misgendered and
then discharged early by hospital staff. He later committed suicide.
Discrimination affects LGBTQ parents as well: In Michigan, an infant was
turned away from a pediatrician’s office because she had same-sex parents.
Even though many states, such as Michigan, lack explicit statewide laws
against LGBTQ discrimination in health care, Section 1557 of the ACA
provides federal protections.

- Game : Random 1-9

- Summary = Q&A
- Video : + Define
+ Prejudice
+ International and Vietnamese activities in support of LGBT

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