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Junior High School Department
SY 2020 – 2021


Second Grading Period

Name: _______________________________________
Grade Level and Section: _________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Contact Number: _______________________________

Mrs. Celina C. Gamao

Subject Teacher

“I care and Share”

A pleasant day to all of you!

Teacher - Mrs. Celina C. Gamao


The world of theater began not as a literary genre but as a ritual of sorts by ancient civilizations.
This was one of the ways peoples of long ago expressed their beliefs in mythical beings, and divine
gods and goddesses .As a ritual , performance of drama functioned as a form of knowledge that showed
the relationship of man to God As time passed , Its purpose evolved as it serves to teach, entertain,
influence, and empower.

Among the English playwrights, William Shakespeare considered as the greatest dramatist as he
captured through his plays, the complete range of human emotion, and conflict that transcend their
origin in in Elizabethan England. From then on, English literature has developed and evolved in
different forms. As time changes, the tradition of theater has been preserved developed and emerge
on its own.

In this module , you will do the following:

Lesson 1
-get acquainted with the terms related to drama or play
-identify the characters and societal realities in the play
- arrange the events of the play
- give one’s viewpoint regarding the content of the play

Lesson 2
- identify the conflict in the play
- make a plot summary
- explain how justice was obtained by Hamlet

To do well in this module , you need to read and understand the following:

The plays
1. Merchant of Venice
2. Hamlet

As you go along the module, you need to search for the answer to the question,

Is social justice achievable?

English 9
Second Quarter 2020-2021

TOPIC : The Merchant of Venice ( a Shakespearian play ) Activity
At the end of the week, the students CAN make connections between texts to particular social
issues, concerns , or dispositions in real life by
1.1.getting acquainted with the terms related to drama or play
1. 2 identifying the characters and societal realities in the play
1.3 arranging the events of the play
1.4 .giving one’s viewpoint regarding the content of the play

Activity 3.1.a.
A pleasant day to all of you. I would like you to sit up straight. Free your mind of worries and anything that
disturbs you and say I am ready to do my school work.

Activity 3.1.b

How would a playwright present a social issue What makes this manner powerful?

Linking Statement
Are you aware of some social issues that we are facing in our day to day life. Today, you are going to find
some of the societal realities being brought out in the play. You will also be giving your view point. Then, you
will also connect with your partner for a collaborative work.

Be familiar with the terms that you are bound to encounter as you read the plays of William Shakespeare

Aside words an actor speaks to the audience which other actors on the stage
cannot hear
Soliloquy a passage that reveals a character’s thoughts to the audience but not to
the characters
Exeunt departure of two or more characters from the stage

Exit departure of one character from the stage

Monologue a long speech by a character which can be addressed to other characters

Act main divisions of a play

Dialogue- conversation between and among characters

Dramatis personae list , usually found at the beginning of each play , of the characters in a
Epilogue an afterword in any literary work

Protagonist- an afterword in any literary work

Read the play entitled “ Merchant of Venice found in your ECAS textbook pages 56-64

To better understand the play , you may click this link
Checking for Understanding
Activity 3.2. Matching Type
Match the items found in Column B with those found in Column A.
Write the answers in the worksheet.
____ 1.Shylock a. eloped and married Lorenzo
_____2.a pound of flesh b. saved Antonio
_____3.3,000.000 ducats c. contained Portia’s picture
_____4.young lawyer d. penalty for nonpayment of the debt of Antonio
_____5.lead casket e. Jewish moneylender
_____6. Jessica f. amount of money that Antonio borrowed



Activity 3.3.a.SEQUENCING OF EVENTS- Arrange the events taken from

the play” Merchant of Venice” in the order in which they occur. Write the
number (1-8) before each letter. Then , connect with a partner and discuss
your answers. Write the answers in the WORKSHEET.
___ a. Portia faced a problem due to her abundance of suitors and they had
to take the challenge of choosing the right casket containing her picture
___b. Portia disguised herself as a young lawyer named Balthazar saved
Antonio’s life stating that the bond allows Shylock to cut a pound of flesh ,
but does not allow him to spill any drop of blood
___ c. Antonio borrowed money from Shylock in Antonio’s name
___d. Jessica eloped with her suitor , Lorenzo. She brought her father’s jewels
and her mother’s ring
___e. Portia asked the ring from Bassanio to test his loyalty, then revealed herself.
___f. Shylock made an agreement that if in case , Antonio could not do the repayment,
a pound of flesh will be taken from his heart
___g. Shylock got angry with her daughter but happy because Antonio’s ships had
been lost at sea thus Antonio, could not pay back the money
___h. Bassanio chose the right casket and would be the one to marry
Activity 3.3.b

Have you encountered difficulty in arranging the events?

Activity 3.3. c Write the needed information inside the box.
3 things I learned

2 things I found interesting

1 question I still have


Activity 3.4.a. Read and understand the given questions. Write the answers in the worksheet.

1. What kind of a friend is Antonio?

2. Explain the misfortune that falls on Bassanio.
3. How does Portia try to let Shylock show mercy to Antonio?
4. Do you think the Duke of Venice gave a just verdict to Shylock specifically on the
sharing of his wealth to the state and Antonio? Explain
5. What happens in the court of Venetia? Is this scene typical in the modern courtroom?
Cite lines to explain your answer.
6. How is the conflict resolved?

Activity 3.4.b

If your friend is in need , are you willing to help even if you know that you might be in a big trouble?
Yes or No, Why?

Serrano, Josephine , ECAS Through Anglo –America Literature 8th edition
Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 2018 -pages 56-64

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Summary and Analysis

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


JHS Assistant Principal


English 9
Second Quarter 2020-2021

Week: 2
TOPIC: Hamlet Activity 4.1.a-4.4.c
At the end of the week, the students CAN make connections between texts to particular social
issues, concerns or disposition in real life by
1.1 identifying the conflict in the play
1.2 making a plot summary
1.3 explaining how justice was obtained by Hamlet

Activity 4.1.a.

A pleasant day to all of you . Before we will start, I would like you to sit up straight. Then, recall a story that
you read which you found very interesting. Now, it’s time to start another day of learning.


Activity 4.1.b- Explain the meaning of the given quotation in your own words. Write the answer in the space
provided for below the picture.

Linking Statement

Did you get what the quotation likes to point out. Today, you are going to read the synopsis of William
Shakespeare’s play and you are going to identify the value that the play would like to bring out. You will also
connect with a partner for a collaborative work.



Synopsis- is a summary which serves as a selling point for possible supports or producers. A
full synopsis is typically only 250 words, which translates to only about half a page . Although
it has to be very concise , it also has to be interesting since its purpose , after all , is to entice.

Read and understand the synopsis of Hamlet then, answer the questions that follow

A Synopsis of Hamlet
By Scott Bartelson, Management Associate
Czachórski: Actors before Hamlet

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is home from school to mourn the death of his father, King Hamlet, who has
died two months earlier. Hamlet is disgusted by the marriage of his newly widowed mother, Queen
Gertrude, to his Uncle, King Hamlet’s brother, Claudius, who now has the throne.

Shortly thereafter, a ghost has appeared to guards on nightly watch as well as Hamlet’s good friend,
Horatio, who thinks the spirit has a likeness to the former King Hamlet. When prompted to speak by
Horatio, the ghost will not. Horatio asks Hamlet to wait for the ghost and see if it will speak to him. The
ghost of his father beckons Hamlet to follow him and reveals that his brother Claudius poisoned him in
the ear. Hamlet vows to avenge his father’s murder.

Meanwhile, Laertes, son to the King’s advisor Polonius is set to return to France. Before he leaves, he
tells Ophelia, his sister, to be weary of Hamlet’s affections towards her. Polonius gives Laertes advice on
how to act abroad and orders Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet.

Hamlet’s sanity begins to be questioned by all. Claudius and Gertrude are both concerned; Polonius
suggests it is Ophelia’s rejection of his advances. Claudius and Polonius decide to spy on Hamlet and
Ophelia. Claudius further employs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two childhood friends of Hamlet, to
spy on him further. Hamlet quickly realizes their intentions.

Second Quarto cover page of Hamlet

A troupe of players happens to be in town and Hamlet utilizes the actors to determine the validity of his
father’s murder. He will have them perform the very act of murder, killing a king through poison in the
ear, which the ghost has claimed. He asks Horatio to watch Claudius’ reaction throughout the play. While
the court is watching, Claudius is enraged and leaves the play convincing Hamlet that he is the murderer.

Hamlet comes upon Claudius in the chapel, kneeling down to pray. He considers killing him then and
there, but since Claudius is in mid-prayer, and will therefore go to heaven if he dies, Hamlet decides to
wait until Claudius is committing some sin, so that he will go to hell like Hamlet’s father before him.

Hamlet meets Gertrude in her room and an argument ensues. When he hears Polonius who is hiding
behind the curtain shout for help, he stabs him thinking it is Claudius. The ghost appears to Hamlet to
refocus him on the task of killing Claudius.

Fortinbras, Prince of Norway, whose father’s lands were seized by the late King, decides to head to
Denmark. Claudius demands that Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern head for England. Claudius has
sent a letter with them ordering Hamlet’s execution during the trip. While at sea, however, Hamlet
discovers his planned murder and switches the orders, causing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to be
executed. Hamlet returns to Denmark.

Meanwhile back at Elsinore, Ophelia has gone mad with grief. Laertes returns from France and learns it
was Hamlet who has killed his father, Polonius. Claudius suggests that Laertes duel with Hamlet and
poisons the tip of Laertes foil for a fatal blow. If Laertes loses the duel, Claudius will put poison into a
drink for Hamlet. Gertrude enters and announces that Ophelia has drowned.

In the graveyard, Hamlet reminisces on a friend of his whose skull he has found. When the processional
arrives with Ophelia’s corpse, Laertes and Hamlet argue. A duel is scheduled.

During the fight, Gertrude accidentally drinks from the poisoned chalice and dies. Hamlet is wounded
with the poisoned sword, but in a scuffle, the foils are switched and Laertes is also wounded with the
poisoned foil. In dying, Laertes confesses Claudius’ plot to kill Hamlet. Hamlet stabs Claudius and
Hamlet dies asking Horatio to tell his story. The Norwegian forces arrive at Elsinore, and Prince
Fortinbras seizes control of Denmark.

Checking for understanding

Activity 4. 2. Read and understand the questions. Write your answers in the WORKSHEET

1. Explain the conflict in the play.

2. After the death of King Hamlet , who took over the throne as king of Denmark?
3. How was Prince Hamlet able to know the person who killed his father?
4. Explain the confession made by Laertes when he was dying.
5. How did the play end?


Activity 4.3. a.
Directions : From the given synopsis in the GUIDED INSTRUCTION, make a plot summary
through a flow chart. After doing the activity, connect with a partner and discuss your answers.
Write your answers in the WORKSHEET.

3. climax 4. falling action

Activity 4.3.b

Have you encountered difficulty in making the plot summary.


Activity 4.3.c
After reading the synopsis, what were you able to learn?

Independent Practice

Activity 4.4.a. Answer the given questions briefly but concisely.

1.What part of the play did you like best and why?

2 Choose a scene in the play that you considered full of suspense.

3 How was Hamlet able to obtain justice with regards to his father’s death?
Activity 4.4. b.

Do we always have to trust our friends and relatives? Yes or No, Why

Performance Task- LET ME DO IT

Activity 4.4. c Writing A Play Synopsis

Directions: Now that you have the idea on play synopsis.. you are going to do it. Write the play
synopsis of the play “ The Beggar and The King : You have to make the synopsis using your own
words. Use the given space in the WORKSHEET


1. Originality-5
2. Content -5
3. Correct order of events .-5
Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School
Fr. Barua Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City
Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Date:
Grade Level: Subject
Worksheet No. Activity Sheet No.
Topic / Content:

Guided Instruction


Activity 3.2.
___1. ___4.
___2. ___ 5.
___ 3. ___ 6.

Guided Practice

Activity 3.3.a
___ c.

Independent Practice

Activity 3.4.a.
4. ________________________________________________________________

Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Fr. Barua Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City
Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Date:
Grade Level: Subject
Worksheet No. Activity Sheet No.
Topic / Content:

Guided Instruction


Activity 4.2

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________

Guided Practice

Activity 4.3.a

1.exposition 2. rising action

3. climax 4. falling action

5. resolution

Independent Practice
Activity 4.4.b
1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
Activity 4.4.c. Writing A Play Synopsis-Performance Task

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