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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

(Name of the School)

(Address of School)

S.Y. 2016-2017


The learner demonstrates understanding of basics science concepts, applies science process skills, and exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problems
critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people and make informed and
unbiased decisions about social issues that involve science and technology. This understanding will lead to learner manifestations of respect for life and the
environment, bearing in mind that the Earth is ONLY HOME.


 Learners distinguish mixtures from substances through semi-guided investigations.

 They realize the importance of air testing when conducting investigations.
 After studying how organ systems work together in plants and animals in the lower grade levels, learners can use a microscope when observing very small
organisms and structures. They recognize that living things are organized into different levels: Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. These
organisms comprise populations and communities, which interact with non-living things in ecosystems.
Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Students recognize that materials combine in various ways and through different processes, contributing to the wide variety of materials.

Students demonstrate that homogenous mixtures can be demonstrated in various techniques.

Day 4 4.2 Acid and base on 4.2.1 Investigates action of acids and bases on metal and
metal and building building materials by:
a. Identifying the different variables in the

b. Observing the action of the acids and bases on the


Week 7

Day 1 c. Identifying the effect of acidic mixture and basic

mixture on metal and building materials; and

d. Describing the action of acids and bases on metal

and building materials.

Day 2 4.4 Proper handling of acid 4.4.1 Practices handling of acids and bases by
and base demonstrating and following proper ways of
Course Outline: Science Grade 7

handling acids and bases

Day 3 4.5 Neutralization of acid 4.5.1 Investigates neutralization of acids and base by:
and base
a. Identifying the amount of acids and bases in the
solution; and

b. Determining the pH of the solution.

Week 8 5. Substance and Mixture

Day 1 5.1 Substance 5.1.1 Recognize a substance that has a unique set of
properties by identifying some characteristics of a
substance such as density, melting point and boiling

Day 2 5.2 Mixture 5.2.1 Investigates the properties of mixture of varying

concentration by:

a. Identifying some characteristics of mixture such as

melting point and boiling point; and

b. Determining the components of a mixture such as

size, density, solubility, and electrical charge.

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Day 3 5.3 Substance and Mixture 5.3.1 Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of
properties by:
a. Comparing the characteristics of substances and
6. Elements and compounds

6.1 Recognize that substances are classified into elements

Day 4 and compounds by:

a. Identifying the components of a substance that are

classified as elements; and

b. Identifying the components of a substance that are

classified as compounds.

Day 5 6.2 Recognize that compounds consist of specific element by

identifying the different elements in the compounds

Week 9
Day 1

Day 2 6.1 Gathering data 6.1.1 Gather information about common elements by
listing the pattern and trends of an elements through
6.1.2 Metals and non-metals its atomic number and atomic mass
6.1.2 Recognize the elements considered as metals and
nonmetals by identifying the properties of metal and

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Day 3 6.2 Metals and non-metals 6.2.1 Recognize the elements considered as metals and
nonmetals by identifying the properties of metal and

Students learn that organisms consists of cells, most of which are grouped into the organ systems that perform specialized function.
Students learn that asexual reproduction results in genetically identical offspring whereas sexual reproduction gives rise to variation.
Students show the interactions occurring among the different levels of organization in ecosystem.

Time Frame Learning Content Learning Objectives References

Second Quarter At the end of the period, the students CAN: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s

Week 1 7. Parts and Function

Day 1 7.1 Levels of organization 7.1.1 Differentiate organ system, organs, tissue, cells from
each other by:

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

a. identifying the characteristics of organ system,

organs, tissue, and cells;

Day 2 b. identifying similarities and differences of organ

system, organs, tissue, cells from each other; and Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
c. describing how a like and how different are they.
8. Microscopy 8.1 Identify parts of the microscope and their functions by:

Day3 a. pointing out all the parts of the microscope; and Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
b. matching the parts of the microscope to its
corresponding functions
Week 2 9. Animals and plants cell 9.1 Differentiate plant and animal cells according to
presence or absence of certain organelles by: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying the characteristics of plant cell
Day 2 b. identifying similarities and differences of plant cell; Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
and Manual
Day 3 c. comparing the characteristics of plant and animal Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
cell. Manual
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Week 3 10. Microorganism 10.1 Describe the structure of microorganisms using Manual
microscope by:

Day 1 a. identifying microorganisms in the microscope in

terms of its structure; and

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Day 2 b. illustrating the structure of microorganisms in the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
microscope. Manual
Day 3 10.2 Identifies beneficial and harmful microorganism by
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
listing all the beneficial and harmful microorganisms
in the reading selection
Day 4

Week 4 10.3 Explains why the cell is considered the basic unit of
life by: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying characteristics a cell that can be
considered as the basic unit of life; and
Day 2 b. describing how these characteristics influence the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
cell to be considered as the basic unit of life. Manual

11.1 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction 11.1.1 Compare asexual and sexual reproduction by: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 3 a. identifying the characteristics of asexual and
sexual reproduction;
Day 4 b. identifying similarities and differences of asexual Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
sexual reproduction. Manual
Week 5 Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
11.1.2 Differentiate offspring resulting asexual Manual
Day 1 reproduction with that from asexual reproduction in
terms of similarities to parents by:

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

a. identifying the characteristics of offspring

resulting asexual reproduction with that from
asexual reproduction in terms of similarities to
Day 2 b. identifying similarities and differences of
offspring resulting asexual reproduction with that Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
from asexual reproduction in terms of similarities to Manual
parents; and
Day 3 c. describing how a like and how different are they Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
from each other. Manual
Week 6 12.0 Fertilization 12.1 Describe the process of fertilization by:
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying processes involve in fertilization; and
Day 2 b. illustrating how these processes involve in Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
fertilization by citing instances. Manual
Day 3 b. illustrating how these processes involve in Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
fertilization by citing instances.(continuation) Manual
Week 7 13.0 Biotic and Abiotic 13.1.1 Identify which of the things found in the
13.1 Ecological relationship environment are abiotic or biotic

13.2 Flow of energy a. listing all the things found in the environment; Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
and Manual

Day 1 b. matching the things found in the environment as

living things and non-living things.
13.1.2 Describe the different ecological relationships found Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
in the ecosystem by: Manual

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Day 2 a. identifying the different ecological relationships

in the environment such as competition, predation,
commensalism, mutualism and parasitism that are
found in the environment; and
Day 3 b. illustrating the different ecological relationship
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
by giving examples.
Week 8 13.2.1 Describe how energy transformed through the
feeding relationship by:

Day 1 13.3 Effects of changes in one a. identifying energy in the environment that Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
population transform through feeding relationship; and Manual

b. illustrating how these energies transformed

through feeding relationship by giving examples.
13.3.1 Predicts the effect of changes in one population in Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
the ecosystem by: Manual

Day 2 a. listing down all the important details about the

13.4 Effects of changes in abiotic changes in one population in the ecosystem;
b. identifying the trends and patterns of events of
changes in one population in the ecosystem; and

c. drawing a conclusion about the effects of

changes in one population in the ecosystem based

Course Outline: Science Grade 7

on the trends and patterns identified.

13.4.1 Predicts the effect of changes in abiotic factors on
the ecosystem by:

Day 3 a. listing down all the important details about the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
changes in abiotic factor in the ecosystem; Manual

b. identifying the trends and patterns of events of

changes in abiotic factors in the ecosystem; and
Day 4 c. drawing a conclusion about the effects of
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
changes in abiotic factors in the ecosystem based on
the patterns and trends identified.
13.5.1 Explains the importance of individual and collective
actions on protecting and preserving ecosystem by:

a. identifying the cause and effect of the

importance of individual and collective actions on Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
protecting and preserving ecosystem ; and Manual

b. describing how these factors influence

individuals to take collective action on protecting
and preserving ecosystem by citing instances.

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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Students recognize that different forms of energy travel in different ways-light and sound through waves, heat travels through moving or vibrating particles,
and electrical energy travels through moving charges.

Students demonstrate the different mode of heat transfer.

Time Frame Learning Learning

Content Objectives
Third Quarter Constant and Uniformly Accelerated At the end of the period, the students CAN:
Week 1
1. Motion: constant & uniform 1.1 Describe the motion of an object by:
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying characteristics of constant and uniformly Manual
accelerated motion

b. illustrating constant and uniformly accelerated motion

2. Quantities of motion 2.1 Differentiate quantities (magnitude & direction) by:

Day 2 a. identifying characteristics of magnitude;

Teacher’s Guide and
b. identifying characteristics of direction; Learner’s Manual

c. identifying similarities and differences of magnitude and

3. Objects in motion 3.1 Produce visual representation of the motion of the Teacher’s Guide and
Day 3 objects by: Learner’s Manual
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a. identifying the displacement, speed, acceleration,

magnitude and direction of an object; and

b. constructing visual representation of the motion of an

object based on the displacement, speed, acceleration,
magnitude and direction recorded.
Day 4 3.2 Interpret visual representation of the motion of the
objects by:

a. Writing the meaning of the visual representation of the

motion of the object; Teacher’s Guide and
Learner’s Manual
b. illustrating the meaning of the visual representation of the
motion of the object; and

c. representing main idea into visual or performing arts;

Week 2 4. Displacement, Speed, Acceleration, 4.1 solve problems
Magnitude, Direction
Day 1 a. identifying the given in the problem; and Teacher’s Guide and
Learner’s Manual
b. compute the displacement, speed , acceleration,
magnitude and direction in the given problem.
5.Waves Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
5.1.1 infers that energy, like light and sound travel in the Manual
Day 2 5.1. What is a wave? form of waves by:

a. describing a wave;

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b. describing how do wave carry energy;

c. listing down all important details about light and sound

travel in the form of waves as energy;

d. identifying the trends and patterns of light and sound

travel in the form of waves as energy; and

e. drawing conclusion of light and sound travel in the form

of waves as energy based on the patterns and trends being

Day 3 5.2. Mechanical vs. Electromagnetic Waves 5.2.2 explains how waves carry energy from one place to

a. identifying the cause and effect of how waves carry Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
energy from one place to another; and Manual

b. describing how these factors influence of how waves

carry energy from one place to another.
Week 3 5.3. Longitudinal & Transverse vs. 5.3.1 distinguishes between transverse & longitudinal waves Teacher’s Guide and
Mechanical & Electromagnetic by: Learner’s Manual

Day 1 a. identifying unique characteristics of transverse waves;

b. identifying unique characteristics of longitudinal waves;

c. identifying similarities and differences between

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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

transverse and longitudinal waves.

Day 2 5.3.1 distinguish between mechanical & electromagnetic by:

a. identifying unique characteristics of mechanical waves;

Teacher’s Guide and
b. identifying unique characteristics of electromagnetic
Learner’s Manual

c. identifying similarities and differences between

mechanical and electromagnetic waves.
Day 3 6. Characteristics of Waves 6.1 produce a model to demonstrate the relationship among
frequency, amplitude, wavelength & wave velocity by:
Teacher’s Guide and
Learner’s Manual
a. identifying the characteristics and relationship among
frequency, amplitude, wavelength and wave velocity; and
Day 4 b. constructing a model that demonstrates the and
Teacher’s Guide and
relationship among frequency, amplitude, wavelength and
Learner’s Manual
wave velocity.
Week 4 7. Sound Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 7.1 Characteristics of sound 7.1.1 describe characteristics of sound such as pitch,
loudness & quality by:

a. identifying the characteristics of sound such as pitch,

loudness & quality using the concepts of wavelength,
velocity and amplitude; and

b. illustrating the characteristics of sound such as pitch,

loudness & quality using the concepts of wavelength,
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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

velocity and amplitude

Day 2 8. Characteristics of sound 8.1 Execute changes in pitch and loudness by:

a. manipulating real or improvised musical instrument

through fair testing to show the changes of pitch and Teacher’s Guide and
loudness; and Learner’s Manual

b. comparing the changes of pitch and loudness of different

musical instruments.

9. Sound production in humans 9.1 explains sound production in human voice box & how
pitch, loudness, & quality of sound vary from one person to
another by:

Day 3 a. identifying the cause and effect of sound production in

Teacher’s Guide and
human voice box & how pitch, loudness, & quality of sound
Learner’s Manual
vary from one person to another; and

b. illustrating how the factors influence the sound

production in human voice box & how pitch, loudness, &
quality of sound vary from one person to another.

10. Frequencies of sound 10.1 describes how organisms produce , transmit & receive Teacher’s Guide and
sound of various frequencies (infrasonic, audible & Learner’s Manual
ultrasonic) by:

Day 4 a. identifying the characteristics of organisms in producing,

transmitting and receiving sound of various frequencies;
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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

b. illustrating how organisms produce , transmit & receive

sound of various frequencies.
Day 1
11. Creation of Music 11.1 Produce harmonious music using indigenous products

Day 2 a. identifying process in producing harmonious music Teacher’s Guide and

using indigenous products; and Learner’s Manual

b. composing harmonious music using indigenous products

12. Characteristics of light 12.1 Compare characteristics of light such as color and
intensity to frequency & wavelength by:

Day 3 a. identifying unique characteristics of light such as color

Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
and intensity to frequency & wavelength;
b. identifying similarities and differences of light such as
color and intensity to frequency & wavelength.

Day 4 13. Characteristics of Light 13.1design an experiment that shows that light travels in a Teacher’s Guide and
straight line by: Learner’s Manual
a. Identifying the different variables of the experiment;

b. Writing a step by step procedure of the experiment; and

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c. designing the experiment that shows that light travels in

straight line.
Week 6 13.2 implement an experiment that shows that light travels
in a straight line by:
Day 1 a. constructing an experiment that shows that light travels
in a straight line; and
Teacher’s Guide and
Learner’s Manual
b. recording the observation and data of the experiment

c. drawing conclusion on the set of data gathered in the

14. Doppler Effect 14.1 investigates the relationship between light intensity &
the distance from a light source through fair testing by:

Day 2 a. identifying the different variables used in the experiment;

b. writing a step by step process of the experiment;

Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
c. demonstrating examples where Doppler effect occurs Manual

d. recording relationship between light intensity & the

distance from a light source through fair testing; and

e. writing a conclusion based on the experiment.

15. Heat Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

15.1 Heat Transfer 15.1.1 infers the condition necessary for heat transfer to
occur by:

Day 4 a. listing down all important details about the condition

necessary for heat transfer to occur;

b. identifying the previous patterns and trends of heat

transfer; and

c. drawing a conclusion of the condition necessary for heat

transfer to occur based on the observed patterns and trends.
Week 7 16. Modes of Heat Transfer 16.1 conduct simple investigations to demonstrate the
different modes of heat transfer by:

Day 1 a. identifying the different variables used in the experiment;

b. writing a step by step process of the experiment;

Teacher’s Guide and
Learner’s Manual
c. Manipulating the heat exchanger to see the mode of heat

d. recording data and transforming data into graphs; and

e. writing a conclusion based on the experiment.

17. Heat Transfer in Molecular Level 17.1 explains different modes of heat transfer in the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
molecular level by: Manual

Day 2 a. identifying the cause and effect of different modes of heat

transfer in the molecular level; and
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b. describing how these factor influence the different modes

of heat transfer in the molecular level.
18. Heat conductors 18.1 describe good and poor conductors of heat and its
specific uses by:

Day 3 a. listing the characteristics of good conductor of heat; and Teacher’s Guide and
b. listing the characteristics of poor conductor of heat; and Learner’s Manual

c. illustrating good and poor conductors of heat and its

specific uses.
19. Electricity

19.1 types of charges 19.1.1 differentiates the three types of charges by:
Teacher’s Guide and
Day 4 a. identifying unique characteristics of positive, negative
Learner’s Manual
and neutral charges;

b. identifying similarities and differences of the three


Week 8 20. types of charging processes 20.1demonstrate the different types of charging processes
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying the different charging processes; and Manual

b. operating spheres and rods to show the different types of

charging processes.
21. Grounding 21.1 explain the importance of grounding by: Teacher’s Guide and
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Day 2 a. identifying the advantages and disadvantages of

grounding; and
Learner’s Manual
b. describing how these factors influence grounding.

22. lightning rod 22.1 describe how a lightning rod works by

Teacher’s Guide and
Day 3 a. identifying the characteristics of lightning rod; and
Learner’s Manual
b. illustrating how a lightning rod works.

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Course Outline: Science Grade 7

Students learn to locate places using a coordinate system. Students discover that our country’s location near the equator and along the Ring Fire influences
what makes up the Philippines environment.

Students demonstrate the occurrence of seasons and eclipses as a result of motions of the Earth and the Moon.

Time Frame Learning Learning

Content Objectives
Fourth Quarter 1.The Philippine Archipelago Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Week 1 1.1 Determining places using coordinate 1.1.1 Demonstrates how places on earth may be located
system using a coordinate system by:

a. identifying angular units, spheroid, datum and prime

meridian as components of a geographic coordinate system
; and
Day 1
b. locating places by pointing out the different coordinates
that represent the territory or boundary of a certain place or
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Day 2 1.2Location of the Philippines 1.2.1 Describes the location of the Philippines with respect
to the continents and oceans of the world by:

a. identifying the location of the Philippines with respect to Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
the continents and oceans of the world; Manual

b. illustrating the location of the Philippines with respect to

the continents and oceans of the world.
Day 3 1.3 Landforms and bodies of water 1.3.1 Describes the major landforms and bodies of water in
the Philippines by:

a. identifying the major landforms and bodies of water in Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
the Philippines; and Manual

b. illustrating the major landforms and bodies of water in

the Philippines.
Week 2 1.4 Earth materials 1.4.1 recognizes that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other
fossil fuels are Earth materials
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. identifying the different earth materials as soil, water,
rocks, coal and other fossil fuels; and

b. identifying the characteristics of each Earth materials.

Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
1.5 Earth’s resources 1.5.1 Recognizes that earth materials provide many of our Manual
resources by:
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Day 2 a. identifying resources of earth materials; and

b. choosing earth materials that can provide many of our

1.6 Protection and conservation of natural 1.6.1 Describes ways of using earth’s resources wisely by:
resources Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 3 a. identifying ways of using earth’s resources; and
b. illustrating ways of using earth’s resources wisely.
1.6.2 explain the effects of unwise use of earth’s resources

Day 4 a. identifying the cause and effect of unwise use of earth’s

Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
resources; and
b. describing how these factors influence the effects of
unwise use of earth’s resources.

Week 3


Day 2 2. Interactions in the atmosphere 2.1 Describes the different layers in the atmosphere by:
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
a. identifying the different layers of the atmosphere; and
b. describing the different layers in the atmosphere.
Day 3 2.1 Ozone depletion 2.1.1 explain how some human activities affect the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
atmosphere by: Manual
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a. identifying cause and effect of human activities in the

atmosphere; and

b. describing how these factors affect the atmosphere.

2.2 Heat transfer in the atmosphere 2.2.1 Explains how energy from the sun enters the
atmosphere by:
2.3 Greenhouse effect
a. identifying the characteristics of the energy of the sun Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 4
enters in the atmosphere; and Manual

b. describing how these characteristics influence the

energy of the sun enters in the atmosphere.
Week 4 2.4 Land and sea breezes 2.4.1 Describe how land and sea breezes happen by:

Day 1 a. identifying the characteristics of land and sea breezes; Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
and Manual

b. describing how the land and sea breezes occur

2.5 Monsoons 2.5.1 explain the occurrence of monsoon by:

Day 2 a. identify the characteristics of monsoon; and Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
b. describing how these characteristics influence the
occurrence of monsoon.
2.6 Intertropical convergence zone 2.6.1 Gives reasons for occurrence of the intertropical Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
convergence zone by: Manual

Day 3 a. identifying factors for the occurrence of the intertropical

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convergence zone; and

b. describing how these factors influence the occurrence of

the intertropical convergence zone.
2.7 Effects of weather systems in the 2.7.1 Describes the effects of certain weather systems in
Philippines the Philippines by:
Day 4
a. identifying the cause and effects of certain weather Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
systems in the Philippines; and Manual

b. illustrating the effects of certain weather systems in the

Week 5


3. Seasons in the Philippines

3.1 Day length

3.1.1 Using models, relates the tilt of the earth to the length Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 2 of daytime by: Manual

a. identifying at what degree of the earth’s tilt that makes

the length of day time longer and or shorter.
3.2 Solar energy from day length 3.2.1 Using models, relates the length of daytime to the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
amount of energy received by: Manual
Day 3
a. identifying the length of daytime; and

b. illustrating how the length of the daytime relate to the

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amount of energy received.

3.3 Height or Position of the Sun 3.3.1 Using models, relates the position of the earth in its
orbit to the height of the sun in the sky.
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 4 a. identifying the position of the earth; and
b. illustrating how the position of the earth in its orbit
relate to the height of the sun in the sky.
Week 6 3.4 Height of the Sun & Solar Energy 3.4.1 Using models, relates the height of the sun in the sky
to the amount of energy received by:
Day 1 a. identifying the height of the sun in the sky; and
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
b. illustrating earth’s distance from the sun to amount of
energy received through comparing results gathered from
getting the theoretical temperature of earth.
3.5 Insolation 3.5.1 Using models, relates the latitude of an area to the
amount of energy that the area receives by:
Day 2
Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
a. identifying the latitude of an area; and
b. illustrating latitude with insolation values to the amount
of energy that an area receives.
3.6 Change in Seasons 3.6.1 Using models, explain what causes the seasons in the Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Philippines to change by: Manual

Day 3 a. identifying the cause and effect of the seasonal changes

in the Philippines; and

b. describing how these factors influence the seasonal

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changes in the Philippines.

3.7 Eclipses 3.7.1 explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur by:

Day 4 a. identifying the previous pattern and trends of the solar

Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
and lunar eclipses; and
b. describing how these previous patterns and trends
influence the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipse.
Week 7 3.8 Beliefs on Eclipses 3.8.1 Collects, records and reports data on the beliefs and
practices of the community in relation to eclipses by: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 1 a. recording data gathered

Day 2 b. transforming data into graphs or maps Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s
Day 3 c. writing a data commentary about the graph and map. Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s

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