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Hi, I am Adhyayan and this was my first year at EUMIND.

I got to know a lot of new things

about various topics and along the course developed many new skills like research, the
importance of communication and discussing various ideas with my team. I had chosen the
role of the article writer. My group’s topic was Vandalism. This was a new and different
topic for me which helped me to know more about it like preventing and controlling it and
how big of a problem this is. I had to make padlets and interviews for the project. While
making my padlets I got to know how of an impact they give to our overall presentations
and what are various measures taken by people to prevent and control it. Interviewing was
one of my biggest problems, this time though I had to overcome it and complete my part in
the project. I always thought interviews were boring but when I took an interview myself, I
got to know a lot of new things like people’s perceptions of vandalism amongst the others.
Everyone in the team had taken an effort to make a nice project and complete it on time. I
would like to thank my leader, Neel for helping me to complete my work and overcome the
problems I was facing. I would also thank Dr Diptesh and Miss Deepali for mentoring us and
helping us. Finally, I’m deeply grateful to my parents for helping me and encouraging me to
join this wonderful program.

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