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Day 9 (September 23, 2021)

Today is my ninth day as a practice teacher in Bright Beginning Academy in

Tanza. My task today is to observe the classes of Grade 1 –Patience and Grade 4-Faith

and admit and checking in them in the Little Lives app. The class did their usual routine

in the morning led by Teacher Judy. After afew reminders from Teacher Judy, the class

waited until their first subject teacher arrived in their meeting. While waiting, the host

played the video of some students who passed their video for Music Festival.

In their Filipino class, Teacher Jhamina facilitated a game with the grade 4

students. Their topic today is pandiwa, the students who were picked randomly were

asked to act and let their classmate guess the word they are doing. After that, they

proceeded to their discussion until the next subject teacher joins the meeting. The

second class was Science, and Teacher Krystel facilitated the activities regarded their

topic. When they are done discussing, the class had their snack time and prepared for

their next subject. For their Math class, Teacher Pauline also did a series of review and

practice for the students in solving the math problems. She reviewed them and

reminded the students to prepare for their quiz tomorrow. After that, Teacher Leah took

over and continued their discussion in Values. When they are done, she allowed the

grade 4 student to have their lunch and comeback in their English class. Teacher Leah

was also the one taught the class and continued their lesson. Shortly after, the class

proceeded on their consultation time with Teacher Kim. To finish my task for this class, I

began checking them out in the Little Lives app.

Just like in the morning, I did my task in admitting and checking in the pupils in

the app. The grade 1 pupils did their daily routine led by Teacher Pauline. In the class’

first subject, Teacher Joy led the class to a dance let them move. She also facilitated an

activity called “Two pics one word” where the pupils guess the word by combining two

pictures. After that, she asked to them to dance again and pupils enjoyed it until their

class ended. For their Filipino class, Teacher Judy told a story to the grade 1 pupils.

She translates it in English so the pupils will understand. She also asks question

regarding the story to check if the pupils understand it. After that, the grade 1 pupils ate

snacks in snack time and waited for Teacher Pauline for their ESP class. The class

answered activites in the book for this class and since it is also in Filipino, Teacher

Pauline helps translate the questions to the class. Finally, the last class of grade 1 is

Science which was facilitated by Teacher Jhamina. She asked them to bring mirrors to

look at trhem selves and mirrors the part of body she is asking them to point. When they

are done, Teacher Kim took over to assis the class in the consultation until they are

permitted to leave the meeting. I also checked out the pupils in the app and reported to

my cooperating teachers as soon as I finished.

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