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‫وفسکرگوپڈنشکساگ ڈ‬

Cluster Activity Type

District Name Month School EMIS Code Form #
Example: 3 Example: PISHIN Example: July Example: FGD Example: 01132 01, 02

Introduction to Discussion Participants (Guidelines):

Hello/AoA, thank you for agreeing to speak with us today. My name is [_____________] and I am from VTT Global,
a consultant firm that is working with the UNICEF-Pakistan to conduct a survey to identify reasons for dropout students
from primary, middle and secondary levels in Balochistan. The results of this study will be used by UNICEF and the
Government of Pakistan to inform future programs aimed at preventing school dropout in Pakistan, particularly in
Balochistan province.
‫اپاتسکنےکاسھتلمڈ‬-‫ےہ ڈ‬
‫ف ڈ‬‫وجہکڈاکیٹنٹلسنکرفموجوینیسی ڈ‬،‫ ولگلبےسوہں ڈ‬VTT ‫یم‬
‫انم[____________]ےہاور ڈ‬
‫االسلممکیلع! ڈآجامہرےاسھتابترکےنرپاافتقرکےنےکےیلآپاکرکشہی۔ریما ڈ‬
‫کحتماپاتسکنےکذرےعیلبقتسم ڈ‬ ‫ویللےکابلطءےکوکسل وھچڑےنیکووجاہتیک اشندنیہرکےنےکےیلرسوےرکریہےہ۔اساطمےعلےکاتنجئوکوینیسیف اور ڈ‬
‫ڈملاورڈنکیسری ڈ‬،‫رکولباتسچنیمرپارمئی‬
‫اخصوطررپوصہبولباتسچنیماوکسلوھچڑےنوکروانکےہ ڈ۔‬،‫رپورگاومںےسآاگہرکےنےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجےئ ڈاگسجڈاکدصقماپاتسکن‬
As a key education stakeholder for [District Name], we would like to have a focus group discussion with you to get
some information that will be useful for this study, including your perceptions, challenges you have faced or observed,
and other multidimensional reasons to explore and plan to improve government policies at provincial and national level
for preventing school dropouts. We aim for this FGD to last about an hour.
‫ومشبل ڈ‬،‫ےعلےکےیلاکرآدموہیگ‬
‫مہآپےسھچکولعمامت احلصرکےنےکےیلآپےکاسھتاکیوفسکرگوپڈنشکسرکاناچںیہےگوجاساطم ڈ‬،‫ڈ[علضاکان ڈم]ےکےیلاکیامہ یمیلعتاکیٹسوہڈلرےکوطررپ‬
‫دنبیرکانےہ۔ڈ ڈ‬
‫رکانڈاورانوکرتہبانبےنیکوصنمہب ڈ‬
‫التش ڈ‬
‫اوردرگیریثکیتہجووجاہت۔اوکسلوھچڑےنیکروکاھتمےکےیلوصابیئاوروقیمحطسرپکحیتماپویسیلںوک ڈ‬،‫شمدہہ‬
‫آاکپ ڈ‬
‫آپوکدرشیپزجنلیچای ڈم ڈ‬،‫ےکاترثات‬
‫یگ ڈ۔‬
‫لچ ڈ‬
‫ٹنھگ ڈ‬
‫ رقتًابیاکی ڈ‬FGD ‫ہی‬ ‫دصقمےہہک ڈ‬
All the information you provide will be confidential and will not be shared with anyone, except those involved in the
research. Your name will never be used in connection with any of the information you tell us without your permission.
Your responses will be anonymized and consolidated with the responses of other interviewees. If you allow, I will take
notes and record your interview so I can listen to it later to ensure no valuable information is missing.
‫یہن ڈ‬
‫یماامعتسل ڈ‬
‫ھبولعمامتےکےلسلس ڈ‬
‫سک ڈ‬
‫یغب ڈ‬
‫یگ۔آپاکانمآپیک ااجزتےک ڈ‬
‫ںیئ ڈ‬
‫یکاج ڈ‬
‫یہن ڈ‬
‫ئیش ڈ‬
‫سکےکاسھت ڈ‬
‫یم اشلمارفادےکالعوہ ڈ‬
‫یقحت ڈ‬
‫یگاور ڈ‬
‫یمریھکاجںیئ ڈ‬‫یک رفامہرکدہامتمولعمامتہغیصراز ڈ‬
‫آپ ڈ‬
‫یم ڈ‬‫کیر ڈڈرکوںاگاتہک ڈ‬
‫یمآپےکارٹن ڈوڈویوکونٹرکوںاگاور ڈر ڈ‬
‫ںیہوت ڈ‬
‫تی ڈ‬‫ایکاجےئاگ۔ارگآپااجزت ڈد ڈ‬
‫ںےکوجاابتےکاسھتااھٹک ڈ‬
‫نیلوڈاول ڈ‬
‫اجےئاگ۔آپےکوجاابتوکانمگمراھکاجےئاگاوردورسےارٹن ڈوڈوی ڈ‬
‫ےئ ڈ۔‬
‫ولعمامترہہناج ڈ‬
‫ڈ‬ ‫تمیق‬
‫یئ ڈ‬ ‫نیقی ڈانبڈایاجےکسہکوک ڈ‬
‫ہی ڈ‬ ‫اتہک ڈ‬
‫یمنسوکسں ڈ‬
‫دعب ڈ‬

▪ Does everyone agree to participate in this discussion?‫ضےہ ڈ؟‬

‫نیلرپرا ڈ‬
‫یمہصح ڈ‬
‫یئاسثحب ڈ‬
‫ایکرہوک ڈ‬
▪ Are there any questions before we begin?‫ںیہ ڈ؟‬
‫یئوساالت ڈ‬
‫لہپآےکپڈوک ڈ‬
‫ایکامہرےرشوعرکےنےس ڈ‬
‫ڈ ڈ‬
▪ Feel free to get up for refreshments.‫ںیہ ڈ۔‬
‫ڈآپوہفقنیلےکےئلرکےتکس ڈ‬

Let’s begin by having a round of brief introductions.‫ںیہ ڈ۔‬

‫کیدورےسرشوعرکےت ڈ‬
‫یئرصتخماعترفےکڈا ڈ‬
‫ڈآ ڈ‬

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General Information

A1. Number of participants A2. No. of male participants

‫یکدعتا ڈد‬
‫ڈرشاکء ڈ‬ ‫یکدعتا ڈد‬
‫رمدرشاکء ڈ‬

A3. No of female Participants A4. No. of HH heads among participants

‫یکدعتا ڈد‬
‫یترشاکء ڈ‬
‫وخا ڈ‬ ‫ رسربااہنیکدعتا ڈد‬HH ‫یم‬
‫رشاکء ڈ‬

A5. Source language: A6. Recording number

‫زاب ڈ‬ ‫بمن‬
‫ن ڈ‬ ‫کیرڈ ڈ‬
‫ڈر ڈ‬

A8. Start time (hh:mm)

A7. Date: (dd-mm-yy)
‫وتقآاغ ڈز‬
A9. End time (hh:mm)
‫یمو ڈ‬
‫ااتتخ ڈ‬
A10. Interview venue: A11. District (where the interview was conducted):
:‫ارٹنوویاکاقم ڈم‬ :)‫یگ ڈ‬
‫یل ڈ‬
‫علض(اہجںارٹن ڈوڈوی ڈ‬

A12. Moderator name A13. Notetaker name

‫امڈررٹیاکڈان ڈم‬ ‫ونٹرکےنواےلاکان ڈم‬

Note: Please assign “P” for participant response when you take notes and transcribe the interview and if more than one participant is answering a
single question, then assign an alphanumeric code for each participant, e.g. P1, P2…. This will allow us to differentiate responses among participants.
Please assign the same code to each respondent in all questions.

‫فدع ڈد ڈ‬
‫کیرح ڈ‬
‫ےیلڈا ڈ‬
‫کیےک ڈ‬
‫رش ڈ‬
‫وترہ ڈ‬،‫ںیہڈ‬
‫کیوسالاکوجابدےرےہ ڈ‬
‫کیےس ڈز ڈاید ڈہرشاکءڈا ڈ‬
‫یاورارگڈا ڈ‬
‫رک ڈ‬
‫ی ڈ‬‫فت ڈ‬
‫" ڈ‬P" ‫ںیہوترباہرکمرشتکدننکہےکوجابےکےیل‬
‫ںیہاورارٹن ڈوڈویوکلقنرکےت ڈ‬
‫تیل ڈ‬
‫بجآپونسٹ ڈ‬:‫ونٹ‬
‫ی ڈ۔‬
‫رک ڈ‬
‫ی ڈ‬‫فت ڈ‬
‫یہوکڈ ڈ‬
‫کی ڈ‬
‫یمرہوجابددنہہوکڈا ڈ‬
‫یکااجزتدےاگ۔رباہرکمامتموساالت ڈ‬
‫نردلمع ڈوکفلتخمرکےن ڈ‬
‫یم ڈ‬
‫یمہرشاکءےکدر ڈ‬
‫ہی ڈ‬‫ ڈ‬P2…. ، P1‫سیج ڈ۔‬
‫ ڈ‬،‫یڈ‬
‫رک ڈ‬
‫ی ڈ‬‫فت ڈ‬
‫وکڈ ڈ‬

Page 2 of 5
Participants’ Profile:

Sr# Name of Participant Gender (M/F) District UC Village Respondent Category (Teacher, Influential Preferred Contact Number
‫رشاکءےکانم‬ (M/F)‫فنص‬ ‫علض‬ ‫ویسڈ‬ ‫اگؤں‬ Person, Religious Leader, UC Nazim/ ‫رتیحیجراہطببمن‬
Councilor, Businessperson, Local Farmer)

Discussion Questions:

Q.1: How important do you think Education is for children?

‫آپےکایخلیموچبںےکےیلمیلعتینتکرضوریےہ ڈ؟‬

1.1. In your opinion, what is the minimum education level that they should study up to? Probe separately for boys
and girls.
‫مکازمکیمیلعتحطسایکےہسجکتایہنڑپانھاچےیہ؟ڑلوکںاورڑلویکںےکےیلاگلاگلوپںیھچ ڈ۔‬،‫آپیکراےئیم‬1.1

1.2. If this is different for boys and girls, ask why is this different for boys and girls?

1.3. In your opinion, what is the maximum education level that they should study up to? Probe separately for boys
and girls.
‫ڈ‬ ‫آپیکراےئیممیلعتیکزایدہےسزایدہحطسایکےہسجکتایہنڑپانھاچےیہ؟ڑلوکںاورڑلویکںےکےیلاگلاگل‬1.3

1.4. If this is different for boys and girls, ask why is this different for boys and girls?

Q.2: Do you think that all children of school going age (4 to 16 years specifically) in your area are enrolled to get
‫دالخےیکےئگںیہ ڈ؟‬
‫ ڈ‬/‫اسل)میلعتاحلصرکےنےکےیلادنراج‬16‫ےس‬4‫رپڈ‬
‫ایکآپوکاتگلےہہکآپےکالعےقیماوکسلاجےنیکرمعواےلامتمےچب(اخصوطر ڈ‬Q.2:
2.1. If no why not?
‫ارگیہنوتویکںیہن ڈ؟‬2.1
2.2. What are the major reasons that they are not enrolled?
2.3. Are these reasons different for boys and girls? How?

Q.3: Are there any instances where children were enrolled and later dropped out of schools?
‫ایکایسیوکیئاثمںیلںیہاہجںوچبںاہجںوچبںاکوکسلیمداہلخرکوااییگوہاوردعبیموکسلڑھچوادایوہ ڈ؟‬Q.3:

3.1. If yes, what are the reasons behind these dropouts in general?
‫وکسلڑھچواےنےکےھچیپایکووجاہتںیہ ڈ؟‬/‫وتاعموطررپانڈراپآؤٹ‬،‫ارگاہں‬3.1

3.2. Are these reasons/trends different for boys and girls? Kindly elaborate?
‫ڈ‬ ‫راحجنڑلوکںاور‬/‫ایکہیووجاہت‬3.2

3.2. Are these factors different for different schooling levels like for Primary, middle and secondary levels? How?

Q.4: Have the dropout trends remained same over the years i.e. from 2015 to date?
‫ےسآجکتڈراپآؤٹےکراحجانتاکیسیجرےہںیہ؟‬2015‫ینعی‬ ‫ربوسںےس ڈ‬
‫ڈ‬ ‫ئک‬
‫ ڈ‬Q.4:
4.1. If no, what changes have you observed? Are these changes/trends different for primary, middle and secondary
levels? How?
‫ڈملایڈنیکسریوحطسںےکےیلفلتخمںیہ؟ےسیک ڈ؟‬،‫راحجانترپارمئی‬/‫وتآپےننکدبتویلیںاکشمدہہایکےہ؟ایکہیدبتایلیں‬،‫ارگیہن‬4.1
4.2. What, in your opinion are the reasons for an increase or decrease in dropout trend? Ask separately for
primary, middle and secondary levels.
‫ڈملاورڈنکیسریویللےکےیلاگلاگلوپںیھچ ڈ۔‬،‫آپیکراےئیمڈراپآؤٹےکراحجنیمااضہفاییمکیکایکووجاہتںیہ؟رپارمئی‬4.2

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Q.5: How has the recent COVID-19 pandemic influenced an increase/decrease in school dropout? Kindly
‫یمکوکےسیکاتمرثایکےہ؟رباےئرہمابینلیصفتےساتبںیئ ڈ؟‬/‫ وابیئارماضےناوکسلوھچڑےنیمااضےف‬COVID-19 ‫یل‬ ‫ اح ڈ‬:Q.5
5.1 Was this affect same (dropout rate) across different schooling levels like primary, middle and secondary?
5.2. Was this affect same (dropout rate) across boys and girls? How?

5.3. Was this affect same before and after Covid-19?

‫ ےسلہپاوردعبیماساکارثاسکیںاھت ڈ؟‬CoVID-19 ‫ایک‬
‫ ڈ‬5.3

Q.6: What measures have been taken at individual level and community level to ensure that it (pandemic) has
lesser effect on school dropout? Were they effective? How?
‫یکحطسرپایکادقاامتےیکےئگںیہ؟ایکوہومرثےھت؟ےسیک ڈ؟‬
‫یحطسرپاورویمکیٹن ڈ‬
‫ی)اکاوکسلوھچڑےنرپمکارثڑپےارفناد ڈ‬
‫نیقیانبےنےکےیلہکاس(وابیئامیبر ڈ‬
‫اسابتوک ڈ‬Q.6:

Q.7: What measures have been taken at government level to ensure it has lesser effect on school dropout? E.g.,
communication between school and parents, online learning platforms etc., Were they effective? Why?
‫آنالنئےنھکیسےکٹیلپ ڈ‬،‫اوکسلاوروادلنیےکدریمنوماتلص‬،‫اسابتوکنیقیانبےنےکےیلکحیتمحطسرپایکادقاامتےیکےئگںیہہکاساکاوکسلوھچڑےنرپمکارثڑپے؟اثملےکوطررپ‬Q.7:
‫ایکوہومرثےھت؟ویکں ڈ؟‬،‫وریغہ‬

Q.8: Based on your own experiences, what strategies were effective or can be effective in reducing school drop
8.1. Kindly elaborate on school/community level efforts that can be effective in reducing school dropout?
‫رپےئکےئگادقاامتےکابرےمیںواضتحرکیوجاوکسلوھچڑےنوکمکرکےنیماکررگاثتبوہیتکسںیہ؟‬ ‫ویمکیٹنیکڈحطس ڈ‬/‫رباےئرہمابیناوکسل‬8.1

8.2. Kindly elaborate on district / provincial level efforts that can be effective in reducing school dropout?

8.3. Kindly elaborate on national or policy level- Steps required to be taken by Federal/Provincial Government to
reduce dropout?
‫وصابیئکحتموکایکادقاامترکےنیکڈرضورتےہ؟‬/‫ڈراپآؤٹوکمکرکےنےکےیلوافیق ڈ‬-‫رباےئرہمابینوقیمایاپیسیلحطسرپلیصفتےساتبںیئ‬8.3

Q.9: Are there any additional comments or lessons learned in regard to dropout prevention that you would like
to share with us?
‫ایکڈراپآؤٹیکروکاھتمےکےلسلسیموکیئااضفرصبتےایقبسےھکیسےئگںیہوجآپامہرےاسھتئیشرکاناچںیہےگ ڈ؟‬Q.9:

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions. Do you have any questions for our team?
‫امہرےوساالتےکوجاابتدےنیےکےیلوتقاکنےنلےکےیلآپاکتہبتہبرکشہی۔ایکآپےکاپسامہریمیٹےکےیلوکیئوسالےہ ڈ؟‬

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