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- as a group of people who share the same history - is the way of living – anthropologists
- customs and traditions
- Filipinos, Chinese, Arabs Americans etc.

- the product of human interactions – sociologists

- symbolizes that group within which human beings can live a total
- Ivatans, Igorots, Ibanags, Ilocano, Bicolano Kapampangan common life


- refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors and attributes - arises whenever there are people living together in associations
that a society considers appropriate for men and women whenever they are involved in conflicts and wherever they are
(WHO,2013) subject to some kind of power, rulership or authority
- Male, Female, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and
Intersex (LGBTQI)

- origin 2 Greek words:

o “anthropos” = humans
- ideas associated with being poor and rich based on collective o “logos” = word
experiences of individuals - study of human kind whose concentration is on human and cultural
- Mahirap, Medyo Mahirap, Sakto Lang, Mayaman (Gonzales,UCSP) evolution (Jurmain, Nelson, Kilgore & Trevathan, 2000)

- people with non-average capacity: geniuses - they focus on “human diversity” and translate it into understanding
- people with disability and those physically challenge individuals between different cultures
- All that human beings learn to do, to use, to produce, to know, and o “Diversity” – to understand life in a community
to believe as they grow to maturity and live out their lives in the o “Culture Universal” – pattern of similarity within the array
social groups to which they belong. of difference (equal but different)
FIVE DISCIPLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY: 3. Social Change and Disorganization
- social and cultural interactions, interruptions (deviance &
1. Archaeology
- ancient and human population and how they adapt to their
4. Demography
- interrelationship between population with economic,
2. Cultural
political and social system
- society’s culture through their belief, practices and
5. Applied
- solve contemporary problems
3. Linguistic
- language and its relation to their culture
4. Physical
- biological development of human and their contemporary
variations 1. People are social by nature.
5. Applied 2. People live much of their lives belonging to social groups.
- solve contemporary problems through applications of 3. Interaction between the individual and the group is a two-way
theories process in which each influences the other.
4. Recurrent social patterns, ordered behavior, shared expectations,
and common understandings among people characterize groups.
SOCIOLOGY 5. The process of conflict and change are natural and inevitable
features of groups and societies.
- scientific study of human society and social interactions (Tischler,
o “Socius” – society in interaction
- focus is the group not the individual
- study forces that molds individuals, shape their behavior and o Common Sense – refers to the ideas that are so completely taken
determine social events for granted that they have never been seriously questioned and
seem to be sensible to any reasonable person
o Fact: Human tragedy can result from inaccurate common sense
o Ex. Nazi genocide and the existence of slavery both have their roots
1. Social Organization
in false beliefs about racial superiority.
- social structures
o Sociology – the use of scientific methods to test the accuracy of
- institutions, social groups, social stratifications, social
common sense beliefs and ideas about human behavior and the
mobility and ethnic groups
social world
2. Social Psychology
- impact of group life to person’s nature and personality
- The relationship between individual experiences and forces in the
1. Birds of the same feather flocks together – opposites attract larger society that shape our actions. (Charles Wright Mills, 1959)
2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder – out of sight, out of mind - focuses on every aspect of society and every relationship among
3. Look before you leap – He who hesitates is lost individuals
4. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks – it’s never too late to learn - awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider
5. Variety is the spice of life – never change horses in midstream society
6. Two heads are better than one – if you want something done right, - quality of mind that will help us to use information and to develop
do it yourself reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in
7. You can’t tell a book by its cover – the clothes make the man the world and of what may be happening within ourselves
8. Haste makes the waste – strike while the iron is hot - ability to view one’s own society as an outsider would, rather than
9. There’s no place like home – the grass is always greener on the only from the perspective of personal experiences and cultural
other side biases
o Agent of Socialization
- people and groups that influence our self-concept,
POLITICAL SCIENCE emotions, attitudes and behavior

- study of the state in all its elements, aspects and relationships

(Ayson-Reyes, 2000)
- study of the polis
ROBERTS, 2011):
- Laswell mentioned that politics is the hows, whens and wheres of
getting power and influence o Fosters greater self-awareness, which can lead to opportunities to
o Power- the ability to make a person do what he will not do improve one’s life
otherwise (Dahl) o Encourage a more complete understanding of social situations by
o State – territory, government, people and sovereignty looking beyond individual explanations to include group analyses of
o Helps people understand and evaluate problems by enabling them
POLITICAL SCIENCE SUBDISCIPLINES: to view the world systematically and objectively rather than in
strictly emotional or personal terms
1. Political Theory
o Cultivates an understanding of the many diverse cultural
2. Comparative Politics
perspectives and how cultural differences are related to behavioral
3. International Relations
4. Political Behavior
o Provide a means to assess the impact of social policies
5. Public Policy
o Reveals the complexities of social life and provides method of
6. Public Administration
inquiry to study them
o Provides useful skills in interpersonal relations, critical thinking, data - Social Darwinism – Survival of the Fittest – most ambitious,
collection and analysis, problem solving, and decision-making most intelligent rise to the top
- most of his work has been discredited
4. Karl Marx (1818-1883)
- Beginning in the 19th century, European theorists made pioneering - “The means of production/economic sector is most
contributions to the development of science of Human Behavior important in any society.”
- “Historical change occurs through class conflict between
owners and workers.”
(RITZER): - Social Integration – bonds/functions hold society together
- S**cide – social forces impact lives
1. Political Revolutions ( the French Revolution in 1789) - Types of S**cide:
2. The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of Capitalism o Egoistic – see themselves as alone or an
3. The Rise of Socialism outsider; receives little or no care
4. Urbanization (urban life and problems) o Altruistic – social involvement is too high;
5. Religious Change sacrifice for the group
6. The Growth of Science o Anomic – lack of social regulation, see
7. The Enlightenment su**ide as a means of escape from stress
and frustration that came from an
unexpected and sudden change in
1. Auguste Comte (1798-1857) o Fatalistic – kept under tight regulation;
- Used “sociology” – Greek/Latin: study of society extreme rules and high expectations
- Belief: need to understand society as it was, rather removes a person’s sense of self and
what ought to be individuality
- Positivism – path to understanding the world based - “Society is held together by mechanical solidarity (a social
on science moral consensus) and by organic solidarity (a dependency of
2. Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) roles among people)”
- Mother of Sociology 6. Max Weber (1864-1920)
- How To Observe Manners And Morals - “Verstehen or insight is important to understanding
- Theory and Practice (1837) – wherein she compared the behavior.”
European Society to the American Society - “Religion powerful in creating in economic system.”
- believed that scholars should not simply offer observations - “Rationality is more pervasive through development of
but should also use their research to bring about social bureaucratic structures.”
3. Herbert Spencer (1620-1903)
- some of proponents include George Herbert Mead, Charles
Horton Cooley, and Erving Gofman
- Ex. symbols for male and female, heart to represent love,
o Evolutionary Perspective
o Structural Functionalism
- proponents view that the world was growing progressively
- emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are better therefore, it should be left alone
structured to maintain stability - a macro theory that views society as moving towards the
- a macro perspective which views society as a living direction of greater progress
organism in which each part of the organism contributes to - “Survival of the Fittest” occur in the social world – people
its survival who are ‘fit’ would survive and proliferate (would be
- ex. Government provides education for the children of the successful) whereas ‘unfit’ would die out (deserve to fail)
family, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends - Government should not interfere against natural selection
to keep itself running. - some of the proponents include Herbert Spencer and
- Society is stable and well-integrated William Graham Sumner
- Social order is maintained through cooperation and o Exchange Theory
- Its concern is not only with individual behavior but also with
- major proponents were Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton
interaction between people involving an exchange of
o Conflict Perspective
rewards and costs.
- assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of - a micro perspective that focuses on reinforcement patterns,
conflict or tension between competing groups the history of rewards and costs that lead people to do what
- a macro perspective which views that society is they do
characterized by tension and struggle between groups - proponents include George Homans and Peter Blau
- Society is maintained through force and coercion - Ex. You asked someone out on a date. If the person says
- some of the proponents were Karl Marx, Ralph Dahrendorf, yes, you have gained a reward and are likely to repeat the
W.E.B. Du Bois interaction by asking that person out again.
- Ex. Competition between groups within society over
LIMITED resources
o Symbolic Interactionism
- Human beings are viewed in a world of meaningful objects
- People manipulate symbols and create their social worlds o Scientific Method
through interaction - a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures
- a micro perspective which views society as active in maximum objectivity and consistency in researching
influencing and affecting everyday social interaction problem (Schaefer, 2007)
- Social order is maintained by shared understanding of - for a better evaluation of an information (not be fooled
everyday behavior easily)
- a sociologist’s tool in studying/ understanding society (the
sociologist has commitment to use scientific method)

1. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
- Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
- “Species change was influenced by environmental change.”
2. Charles Darwin
1. Defining the problem. - Theory of Natural Selection – “survival of the fittest”
2. Reviewing the literature - Transmutation - the change of one species to another
3. Formulating: 3. Franz Boaz
o hypothesis – an intelligent guess or a speculative statement - Father of Modern American Anthropology
about the relationship between two or more factors known - Anti-evolutionary
o variables – a measurable trait or characteristic that is - Historical Particularism – each society has a unique culture
subject to change under different conditions that cannot be subsumed under an overall definition of
o independent – cause or influence another general culture
o dependent – its action depends on the influence of 4. Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
the independent variable - Participant Observation - requires anthropologists to
4. Selecting the research design and then collecting and then collecting participate and blend with the group of life of a given group
and analyzing data - Ethnography – practice of writing about people
5. Developing the conclusion 5. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
- “Individuals are mere products of structures.”
- Structural-functionalist Paradigm


- a study, generally in the form of an interview or
questionnaire, that provides researchers with information 1. Alfred Boyer
about how people think and act - “Politics is the interaction between civil society and the govt
- quantitative in the governance.”
o Observation 2. Max Weber
- collections of information through direct participation and/ - “Politics is the exercise of power within the state.”
or by closely watching a group or community 3. David Easton
- qualitative - “Politics is the authoritative allocation of scarce value.”
o Experiment
- an artificially created situation that allows the researcher to
manipulate variables SOCIETY
- involves anthropology, sociology and political science can change 2. race/ethnicity
the way we see things, change people’s perspectives 3. gender – language
o Not Visible
4. body language – sense of self
5. notions of modesty – concept of cleanliness
6. emotional response patterns – rules for social interactions
7. family practices – decision-making processes
CULTURE 8. approaches to problem
9. concept of justice – values and fairness
- totality learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material 10. perceptions of mental health, health, illness, disability
objects, and behavior 11. patterns of superior and subordinate roles in relation to
- includes ideas, values, customs, and artifacts of groups of people status by age, gender, class
o Adorno: worldwide culture industry limits people choices
- implies that each society has its own way of life shared by most of
- has a powerful effect on a person’s daily as it influences his mode of
thinking, feeling and acting o Material Culture – consists of human technology – all things that
humans make or use
o Non-material Culture – consists of totality of knowledge, beliefs,
SOCIETY values and rules for appropriate behavior
- Norms, Folkways, Language
- large number of people in same territory 1. Language
- independent of people outside that area - an abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all
- has common culture aspects of culture
o Adorno: worldwide culture industry limits people choices - includes speech, written characters, numerals, symbols, and
non-verbal gestures and expressions
- According to Saphir and Worf, since people can
CULTURE AS AN ICEBERG: conceptualize the world only through language, language
precedes thought.
o Visible
o Nonverbal Communication
- Behavior
- use of gestures, facial expressions, and
o Not Visible
other visual images to communicate;
- Perceptions
learned – differs by cultures
- Attitude
o Symbols
- Values
- gestures, objects, and words that form basis
- Beliefs
of human communication
o Visible
2. Norms
1. dress – age
- established standards of behavior maintained by a society o Cannibalism – except Korowai tribe
o Formal Norms of south-east Papua and Aghoris of
- generally written; specify strict punishments India
- Law – government social control o Incest – except Turkey etc.
- School Rules o Food/Drinks – Hindus – beef, Jews
- and Muslims – pork, Jains – meat
o Informal Norms and even some plants, Muslims –
- generally understood but not precisely consuming alcohol, Sikhs – smoking
recorded - Acceptance of Norms:
- Proper Dress o People do not follow norms in all situations
- Attitudes towards Late - behavior that appears to violate society’s
- Types of Norms: norms may represent adherence to a
o Mores (Formal) particular group’s norms (teenage drinkers)
- norms deemed highly necessary to the - Norms may be violated because they
welfare of a society conflict with other norms – acceptance of
o Folkways (Informal) norms is subject to change
- norms governing everyday behavior o Conflict
- exist to reinforce patterns of male - Norms are often violated when they conflict
dominance - Acceptance of Change:
- eating behavior, appropriate dress, shaking o Political Situation
hands etc. o Economic Climate
o Sanctions o Social Conditions
- penalties and rewards for conduct - As support for a culture’s traditional norms
concerning social norm weakens, people start to feel free to violate
o Positive Sanctions – pay raises, them and when identified as doing so, these
medals, and words of gratitude people are less likely to receive serious
o Negative Sanctions – fines, threats, negative sanctions, which in turn creates a
imprisonment, and stares of “catch 22,” – momentum for change
contempt 3. Values
o Taboos and Rituals - collective conceptions of what is good, desirable, and
- a very strong negative norm; proper – or bad, undesirable, and improper
- a strict prohibition of behavior that results - influence people’s behavior
in extreme disgust or expulsion from the - criteria for evaluating actions of others
group or society - may change
- considered unfit to live in that society 4. Beliefs and Ideologies
o Philippines Taboo
- The religion and the beliefs of the people in a civilization - information about how to use material resources of
play an important role in shaping up of the culture as well the environment to satisfy human needs and
- Sociology of Religion – the study of the beliefs, practices desires (Nolan and Lenski)
and organizational forms of religion using the tools and o McDonaldization
methods of the discipline of sociology - According to Ritzer, the
5. Status and Roles McDonaldization of society is a
- Status – describes the position a person occupies in a phenomenon that occurs when
particular setting society, its institutions, and its
- Role – the set of norms, values, behaviors, and personality organizations are adapted to have
characteristics attached to a status the same characteristics that are
6. Cultural Variations found in fast food chains
- includes the degree of harmony or integration within the - includes efficiency, calculability,
various elements of culture predictability and standardization,
- includes elements like sub-cultures, local cultures and the and control
difference between historical and cultural traditions - but workers in these conditions
engage in repetitive, routinized,
highly focused and
PROCESS OF CULTURAL CHANGE AND EXPANSION: compartmentalized tasks that are
quickly and cheaply taught, and
1. Development of Culture Around the World
thus easy to replace
o Innovation – process of introducing a new idea or object to
- devalues labor and takes away
a culture workers' bargaining power
o Discovery – making known or sharing existence of an aspect o Material Culture
of reality - physical or technological aspects of daily lives
o Invention – existing cultural items combined into form that - food item, houses, factories, raw materials
did not exist before
2. Globalization, Diffusion, and Technology o Non-Material Culture
o Diffusion - ways of using material objects
- process by which cultural item spreads from group - customs, beliefs, philosophies, governments,
to group patterns of communication
- can be variety of means, among them exploration, o Culture Lag
military conquest, missionary work, and the - period of maladjustment when nonmaterial culture
influence of the mass media, tourism, and the struggles to adapt to new material conditions
internet o Limitations of The Global Theory
o Technology
- Global culture is much more advanced in some
parts of the world than in others.
- Many people cannot afford to participate in the - exist within a culture with different norms and values, just
material aspects of a global culture. like subcultures
- Different people attribute different meanings to - often oppose the dominant culture, forming from a conflict
various aspects of the global culture. a social group may have with the dominant culture
o Is Technology Promoting a Global Culture? - Homeschooling families, rebels
- new and emerging communications, computer, and - ex. The Hippie movement, (1960-70) Skinheads, cults,
other technologies punks.
- Bio Tech: 3. Pop Culture
o It provides a set of concepts that both - the latest trend
material and non-material culture need to 4. High Culture
adapt to. - museum, art gallery, opera, etc.
o It can span the globe, but not all cultures 5. Culture Shock
will accept or adopt to these technologies - feeling disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or fearful when
and the changes they cause/impose at the immersed in an unfamiliar culture
same rate. 6. Culture Lag
o East and West have different bases and - period of maladjustment when nonmaterial culture
adopt at different rates. struggles to adapt to new material conditions
3. Virtual Culture
o Today’s children are bombarded with virtual culture, images
that spring from the minds of contemporary culture-makers ATTITUDES TOWARD CULTURAL VARIATION:
and that reach them via a screen. Some of these cultural
1. Ethnocentrism
icons embody values that shape our way of life. But few of
- tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life
them have any historical reality and almost all have come
represents the norm or is superior to others
into being to make money.
o Conflict Theorists – ethnocentric value judgments
serve to devalue groups and to deny equal
o Functionalists – ethnocentrism maintains sense of
1. Subculture solidarity
- exist within a dominant culture that follow the dominant 2. Cultural Relativism
cultures norms and values while still following a different - views people from the perspective of their own culture
set of norms and values - places priority on understanding other cultures, rather than
- coexist with the dominant culture dismissing them as “strange” or “exotic
- ex. conyos, jologs, UP students, INC members, cosplayers, - promoted by anthropologists as an approach to
jejemon, Jpop, Kpop, otaku understanding diversity
2. Counter Culture - the principle that an individual human's beliefs and
activities make sense in terms of his or her own culture
- when it comes to matters of right or wrong, there is no fixed
truth but rather all is relative
3. Xenocentrism
- refers to the tendency to assume that a foreign cultural
element is superior compared to his/her own culture
4. Cultural Universal
- certain common practices and beliefs that all societies have
- Murdoch compiled list of cultural universals but they are
expressed differently from culture to culture
- ex. – marriage, sports, cooking, medicine and sexual


1. Culture is Learned Through Enculturation and Socialization

2. Culture is Transmitted
- orally and by writing
- consciously or unconsciously
- from one generation to another or within the same
generation in an endless number of ways
- conditioning, imitation, suggestion, identification, reward
and punishment, formal instruction, and mass
3. Culture is Shared in which Common Experiences Unify People
4. Culture is Adaptive and Maladaptive
- No culture is static and each individual or generation makes
5. Culture is Diverse


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