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(vi) Flow net When streamlines and potential lines are 2

KINEMATICS OF FLOW drawn for a flow, the pattern obtained by the intersection of 1
5.0 Introduction. the two sets of lines is called a flow net (Fig 5.6). A flow net
Kinematics (or kinetics or hydrokinematics) is defined as that branch of science which deals with helps in depicting and analyzing the behaviour of irrotational v2 d2
motion of fluid particles without considering the forces causing motion. It deals with the geometry of the flow. d1
fluid particles, thus giving an idea about the velocity and acceleration of fluid particles in motion. For sections 1-1 let d1, v1 be the spacing and velocity
of liquid particles between two consecutive streamlines
5.1 Methods of Describing Fluid Motion. respectively. The corresponding values at section 2 are d2, v2 1
A fluid in motion may be described using one of the following methods: respectively. Since there can be no flow across the streamlines,
the discharge per unit width between two consecutives
(i) Langrangian Method : This deals with the study of flow pattern of a single fluid particle in motion. streamlines will be equal. Fig 5.6
The velocity, acceleration, density etc are described. However, the study of an individual particle is not of Thus q= d1v1 = d2v2
much importance. The path of particle (pathline) is the curve of fundamental importance.
5.3 Types of fluid flow
(ii) Eulerian Method : This deals with the study of flow of all the particles (flow field) simultaneously A fluid flow may be classified as:
at one section. The velocity, acceleration, pressure, density etc are described at a point. The curve of (i) steady and unsteady
fundamental importance is the streamline. The method is widely used because of its simplicity. (ii) uniform and non-uniform
(iii) laminar (or streamline) and turbulent
5.2 Types of Flow Lines (iv) compressible and incompressible.
P (v) rotational and irrotational
(i) Pathline This is defined as the path or line described (vi) one, two and three dimensional flows
by a single fluid particle as it moves during a period of time (vii)critical, subcritical and supercritical flows.
The pathline indicates the direction of velocity of the same
Fig 5.1: Pathline.
fluid particle at consecutive instants of time. In Fig 5.1, the x Steady and unsteady flows.
dotted line shows the path traced by the fluid particle P. A steady flow is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid characteristics like velocity, pressure,
Y density etc. at a point do not change with time. i.e. (∂v/∂t)x, y, z = 0; (∂p/∂t)x, y, z = 0; (∂ρ/∂t)x,y,z = 0; where
(ii) Streamline: This is an imaginary continuous line (x,y,z) is a fixed point.
drawn in a fluid so that the particle always moves Usteady flow is that type of flow in which the velocity, pressure, density etc. at a point changes with
tangential to a streamline. There can be no flow across a O respect to time. i.e. (∂v/∂t)x, y, z ≠ 0; (∂p/∂t)x, y, z ≠ 0; etc.
streamline. Fig 5.2 shows streamlines of two-dimensional X
Fig.5.2 Streamlines
flow in a right angled corner. x Uniform and non-Uniform flows
Uniform flow is that type of flow in which the velocity at any given time does not change with respect
(iii) Streakline (or filament line): This is the locus of to space (i.e. length of direction of flow). (∂v/∂s)t = a constant = 0; where ∂v = change of velocity, ∂s = length
the position of fluid particles which have (or will pass through) of flow in the direction S.
passed through a given point in succession. The locus of fluid Non-Unform flow is that type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes with respect to
particles which will have passed through a space point A (Fig 5.3) A space i.e. (∂v/∂t)t = a constant ≠0
Fig 5.3: Streakline
constitute a streakline.
x Laminar and Turbulent Flows.
(iv) Stream tube : This is an imaginary tubular space Laminar flow is that type of flow in which fluid particles move along well defined paths or
formed by a number of stream Lines (Fig 5.4). Since there streamlines and all streamlines are straight and parallel. This type of flow is also called streamline flow
is know flow across a streamline, the fluid inside a stream-tube or viscous flow and exists only at low velocities.
cannot escape. Turbulent flow is that type of flow in which the fluid particles move in a zig-zag fashion. As a result,
Fig 5.4: Stream tube eddy currents are formed, which are responsible for high energy loss.
The velocity at which laminar flow changes to turbulent flow in a pipe is called critical velocity. For
(v) Potential lines (or equipotential lines) These are Streamlines pipe flow, the type of flow is determined by a non-dimensional number vd/υ, called Reynolds number
imaginary lines joining points of equal potential on adjacent such that,
flow lines (Fig 5.5) and account for the loss of head of the Re = ρvd/μ = vd/(μ/ρ) = vd/υ,
fluid along the flow lines ( or streamlines). Potential lines where d = diameter of pipe, v = mean velocity of flow in pipe, and υ = kinematic viscosity.
Fig 5.5: Potential lines If Reynold’s number is less than 2000, the flow is called laminar flow, and if greater than 4000, it is
called turbulent flow. If it lies between 2000 and 4000 (transitional), the flow may be laminar or
pmk 1 pmk 2
Consider a fluid flowing through a pipe. Let A = cross-sectional area of pipe, V= average velocity of
x Compressible and Incompressible flows. fluid across the section.
Compressible flow is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid changes from point to point Discharge Q = A×V
i.e. the density (ρ) is not constant or ρ ≠ constant.
Incompressible flow is that type of flow in which the density (ρ) is constant for fluid flow. Liquids are 5.4 Continuity Equation.
generally considered incompressible while gases are compressible. This equation is based on the principle of conservation of mass, so that the total amount of fluid
entering a pipe equals the amount leaving. This occurs in case of uniform and steady flow.
x Rotational and Irrotational Flows. Consider two cross-sections of a pipe (or stream tube) as shown in Fig 5.8. Let A1, V1, ρ1 be the area,
Rotational flow is a flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along streamlines, also rotate average velocity, and the density of fluid at section 1-1. The corresponding values at section 2-2 are A2,
about their own axis. V2, ρ2 respectively.
Irrotational flow is a flow in which the particles while flowing along streamlines do not rotate about Rate of flow at section 1-1. = ρ1A1V1 2
their own axis. And at section 2-2 = ρ2A2V2 A2,V2,ρ2
According to the law of conservation of mass, 1 2
x One, Two and Three dimensional flows. flow rate at section 1-1= flow rate at section 2-2.
One dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the flow parameter such as velocity is a function Or ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2 = constant. …5.1
of time and one space co-ordinate only, say x. For a steady one dimensional flow, the velocity is a The above equation is called the Continuity equation. A1,V1,ρ1 2 Fig 5.8
function of one space co-ordinate only i.e u=f(x), v=0 and w=0, where u,v and w are velocity components If the fluid is incompressible, then ρ1 = ρ2 and equation
in x,y and z directions respectively. reduces to A1V1 = A2V2 = constant.
Two dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is a function of time and two
rectangular space co-ordinates say x and y. For a steady two dimensional flow, the velocity is a function Example 5.1 The diameters of a pipe at entrance and exit sections are 100mm and 150mm respectively. If
of two space co-ordinates only, and the variation of velocity in the third direction is negligible i.e. u = the velocity of water at the pipe entrance is 5m/s, determine: (i) the discharge at the entrance (ii) the
f1(x,y);v =f2(x,y) and w = 0. velocity at the exit.
Two Dimensional Ideal Flow This occurs in a purely hypothetical fluid which is assumed to have no Solution
viscosity and compressibility, and in the case of liquids, no surface tension and no vaporization. At section 1: d1 = 0.1m, V1 = 5m/s
A1 = ×0.1² = 0.007854m²
Three dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is a function of time and three 4
mutually perpendicular directions. For a steady three dimensional flow, the fluid parameters are functions Discharge Q = A1v1 = 0.007854×5 = 0.0393m³/s
of three space co-ordinates (x, y and z) i.e. u=f1(x,y,z); v = f2(x,y,z); and At section 2: d2 = 0.15m
w = f3(x,y,z). π
A2 = ×0.15² = 0.01767m²
A one, two or three dimensional flow may be steady or unsteady, so that these flows may be 4
expressed as follows: Also, A1V1 = A2 V2 or V2 = A1V1 / A2 = 0.007854/0.01767×5 = 2.22m/s
Type of flow Steady unsteady 5.41 Continuity Equation in Three Dimensions.
One dimensional flow v = f(x) v = f(x,t) Consider a fluid element of lengths dx, dy and dz in the directions of x,y and shown in Fig 5.9.
Two dimensional flow v = f(x,y) v = f(x,y,t) Let u, v, and w be the inlet velocity components in x, y and z directions respectively.
Three dimensional flow v = f(x,y,z) v = f(x,y,z,t)
Mass of fluid entering face ABCD,
The velocity profiles for one and two dimensional flows are as illustrated in Fig 5.7(a) and (b) = ρ×velocity in x direction×area of ABCD.
x = ρ×u×dydz
Mass of fluid leaving face EFGH, C dx G
= ρudydz+ (ρudydz)dx.
x wx dy
x-section Ideal fluid Real fluid ? Gain of mass in x-direction, v
Fig 5.7 (a): One dimensional flow Fig 5.7(b): Two dimensional flow = mass through EFGH-mass through ABCD. B F
Discharge or rate of flow = ρudydz+ (ρudydz)dx-ρudydz w D u H
Discharge is defined as the quantity of fluid flowing per second through a section of pipe or channel. For w dz
incompressible fluid (or liquid), the rate of flow or discharge is expressed as the volume of fluid flowing = (ρudxdydz).( dydz is constant).
wx A E
across the section per second i.e. Q = m³/s or litres/s. For compressible fluids, the rate of flow is usually Similarly, the net gain of mass in y-diretion,
expressed as the weight of fluid flowing across the section i.e. Newtons/second. w Fig 5.9
= (ρv)dxdydz.
pmk 3 pmk 4
And in the z-direction, V = f(S,t)
w Velocity changes not only from point to point in space in one instant of time, but also from moment to
= (ρw)dxdydz.
wz another moment of time at any one point in space i.e.
Therefore net gain in mass, wV wV
dV = dS + dt
­w w w ½ wS wt
= ® ρu  ρv  ρw ¾ dxdydz. It may be noted that in the above relation, the partial differential coefficient is taken with respect to
¯ wx wy wz ¿ one variable only considering the other variable as constant.
Since there is no accumulation of mass, the above quantity must be zero. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. From the above equation as δt→0
­w w w ½ dV wV dS wV wV wV
Or, ® ρu  ρv  ρw ¾ dxdydz = 0 a=  V 
¯ wx wy wz ¿ dt wS dt wt wS wt
Or, w (ρu)+ w (ρv)+ w
(ρw) = 0. wV
The term V is called convective acceleration, which is defined as the rate of change of velocity
wx wy wz wS
If the fluid is incompressible, then ρ is constant and above equation becomes, due to change of position of fluid particles in a fluid flow.
wu wv ww …(5.2) wV
  0 The term is called the local acceleration, and is defined as the rate of increase of velocity with
wx wy wz wt
Equation (5.2) is the continuity equation in three dimensions. For a two dimensional flow, the respect to time at a given point in a flow field.
component w = 0. Hence continuity equation becomes, wV
wu wv When the flow is steady, =0
0 ...(5.3) wt
wx wy In general the motion of a fluid particle is three dimensional and its velocity and acceleration can be
expressed in terms of three mutually perpendicular components. Thus if u, v and w are components of
Example 5.2 The velocity distribution for the flow of an incompressible fluid is given by: velocity in x, y and z directions respectively, and ax, ay and az are the components of acceleration, the
u = 3-x; v = 4+2y; w = 2-z velocity field is defined by:
Show that this satisfies the requirements of the continuity equation. u = f1(x,y,z,t)
v = f2(x,y,z,t)
Solution. w = f3(x,y,z,t)
Equation for three dimensional flow is, and the velocity V at any point is given by,
wu wv ww V= ui+vj+wk (where i, j and k are unit vectors in x, y and z directions)
wx wy wz Or V= √(u²+v²+w²)
But wu wv ww
1, 2, 1 The change of component velocities in each direction as a particle moves in a fluid can be worked out by
wx wy wz
partial differentiation (or chain rule of differentiation):
? wu  wv  ww 1  2  1 0 (satisfies the requirements). x-direction:
wx wy wz
wu wu wu wu
du = ˜ δx  ˜ δy  ˜ δz  ˜ δt (by chain rule of differentiation)
wx wy wz wt
5.5 Velocity and Acceleration
Any particle or element of fluid will obey the normal laws of mechanics in the same way as a solid and the total acceleration in x-direction, in the limit as δt→0, will be :
du wu dx wu dy wu dz wu dt
body. When a force is applied, its behaviour can be predicted from Newtons’ laws which state: ax = = ˜  ˜  ˜  ˜
(i) A body will remain at rest or in a state of uniform motion in a straight line until acted upon by an dt wx dt wy dt wz dt wt dt
external force. Since dx/dt = u; dy/dt = v; dz/dt = w,
(ii) The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the force applied and takes place in wu wu wu wu
the direction of the force. ? ax uv w  …(5.4)
wx wy wz wt
(iii)Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
Newtons’ second law can be written as:
dv wv wv wv wv
Force = mass×change of velocity/time. Similarly , a y u v w  …(5.5)
= mass× acceleration. dt wx wy wz wt
The relationship between the acceleration, initial velocity v1, final velocity v2 and distance moved S in z-direction:
time t are given by the equations of motion : dw ww ww ww ww
and az = =u +v +w + …(5.6)
v2 = v1+at dt wx wy wz wt
1 In the above equations, the first three terms represent convective acceleration and the final term, the
S v1t  at 2
2 local or temporal acceleration.
v2² = v1²+2aS. Acceleration vector, A axi  ay j  azk
The resultant velocity V of a fluid in motion is a function of space co-ordinates and time. If S is the
displacement along a streamline and t the time, then a x 2  a y 2  az 2
pmk 5 pmk 6
wV wv wv wv wv
If the flow is steady, = 0, where V is the resultant velocity ay = u v w 
wt wx wy wz wt
? wu wv ww
0 for steady flow. ww ww ww ww
wt wt wt az = u v w 
wx wy wz wt
Example 5.3 The following cases represent the two velocity components. Determine the third velocity For velocity components we have:
component if the flow satisfies the continuity equation: wu wu wu wu
12x 2 , =0, = 0, and =0
u = x2 + y 2 + z 2 ; v = xy 2 - yz 2 + xy wx wy wz wt
wv wv wv wv
= -2xy, -10x 2 , 0, and 0
Solution wx wy wz wt
Continuity equation for incompressible fluid flow is given by: ww ww ww ww
wu wv ww = 0, =0, = 0, and = 2.0
+ + =0 wx wy wz wt
wx wy wz
Substitute values to obtain acceleration components at P (2,1,3) at time t=1:
But u = x 2 + y2 + z 2 and v = xy2 - yz 2 + xy
a x = 4x3 (12x 2 ) + (-10x 2 y)(0) + 2t(0) + 0 = 48x 5 = 48 ˜ 25 = 1536 units
wu wv
? = 2x and = 2xy - z 2 + x a y = 4x3 (-20xy) + (-10x 2 y)(-10x 2 ) + 2t(0) + 0
wx wy
Substitute values in the continuity equation: = -80x 4 y +100 x 4 y = -80 × 24 ˜ 1 +100 ˜ 24 ˜ 1 = 320 units
∴ 2x + 2xy - z 2 + x + ww = 0 az = 4x3(0)+(-10x2y)(0)+2t(0)+2=2 units
∴ Acceleration is,
Or ww = -3x - 2xy + z 2 A= axi+ayj+azk
ww = -3x - 2xy + z 2 wz Or A= 1536i+320j+2k
Alternatively resultant acceleration,
AR= 5362 + 3202 + 22
³ ww = ³ -3x - 2xy + z wz
Or AR= 1568.9 units
§ z3 ·
Or w = ¨ -3xz - 2xyz + ¸+ a constant of integration which is not a function
¨ 3 ¹¸
of z but can be function of x and y, = f(x,y) Example 5.5 A conical pipe diverges uniformly from 100 to 200mm in diameter over a length of 1m.
§ z3 · Determine the local and convective accelerations at the mid-section assuming (i) a constant flow rate of
? w = ¨ -3xz - 2xyz + ¸ + f(x, y)
© 3 ¹¸ 0.1m3/s (ii) the rate of flow varies uniformly from 0.1-0.2 m3/s in 5 seconds, at 2 sec.
Example 5.4 The velocity vector is given by; Given: Diameter at inlet, D1= 0.1m
V=4x3i -10x2j +2tk Diameter at outlet, D2= 0.2m
Determine the velocity and acceleration of a fluid particle at (2,1,3) at time t=1 Length L=1m
Diameter at any distance x m from inlet, L=1m
Solution § D - D1 ·
D x = D1 + ¨ 2 ¸x
The velocity components u,v, and w are: © L ¹
u=4x3, v=-10x2y, w=2t § 0.2 - 0.1 · D1 Dx D2
For point P (2,1,3), we have x=2, y=1 and z=3 at time t=1 = 0.1 + ¨ ¸x
© 1 ¹
Hence velocity components at (2,1,3) are: = 0.1 + 0.1x = 0.1(1 + x) x
u = 4 ˜ 23 = 32 units ? Cross-sectional area, Fig 5.12
v = -10 ˜ 22 ˜ 1 = -40 units π π
× D2x = ^0.1(1 + x)`
w = 2 ˜ 1 = 2 units Ax =
4 4
∴ Velocity vector V at (2,1,3) =32i -40j +2k = 0.00785 1 + x
Or resultant velocity VR = (u)2 + (v)2 + (w)2 Q Q
Velocity of flow, u x = u = =
VR = 32 + -40
2 2
+ 2 = 51.26 units
2 A x 0.00785 1 + x 2
Acceleration is given by the equations: wu w ª« Q º
»= -2Q
wu wu wu wu Velocity gradient, =
ax = u v w  wx wx « 0.00785 1 + x 2 » 0.00785 1 + x 3
wx wy wz wt ¬ ¼
pmk 7 pmk 8
(i) Discharge Q= 0.1m3/s (= constant at any section):
wu wu
Acceleration = +u
wt wx
ƒ The local Acceleration: dy dθ
wu O X O X
The local acceleration = = 0 since the flow is steady dx
ƒ The convective Acceleration: (a) Translation (b) Rotation
The convective acceleration is
෕u Q -2Q
ax = u = × since the flow is steady Y Y
෕t 0.00785 1 + x 2 0.00785 1 + x 3
0.00785 2 1 + x 5 X O X
?The convective acceleration at mid-section, (c) Linear deformation (d) Angular (or shearing) deformation
-2 u 0.10
Fig 5.13: Rotational flow
D [ [ = -42.74m/s2 In Fig 5.13, the displacements (a) and (b) are a type of motion, and may be termed pure translation or
0.00785 2 1 + 0.5 5
pure rotation. The displacements (c) and (d) are a kind of deformation and may be termed linear or
The –ve sign indicates decrease in velocity along the direction of flow (this is so angular deformations.
as the cross-sectional area is increasing). Now, consider a motion of fluid in which the
(ii) Discharge Q varies w.r.t. time: rotation of fluid elements is superimposed on their Y
The discharge Q varies from 0.1m3/s to 0.2 m3/s in 5 seconds translation. In time dt, point A on fluid element aAb udt (∂u/∂y)dydt
moves to A’ and the element assumes position a’A’b’
as shown in Fig.5.14. a'
At t=2s, discharge is The two angles of rotation α and β will not be the
§ 0.2 - 0.1 · same if deformation takes place.
Q = 0.1 + ¨ × 2 = 0.14m3 /s A'
© 5 ¹¸ Therefore, average rate of rotation in time dt : α
α + β 1 1 (α + β) a (∂v/∂x)dxdt
ƒ The local Acceleration:
ω= × = vdt
wu w ª Q º 1 wQ 2 dt 2 dt dy
The local acceleration = = « »= × But for small values (and taking anticlockwise bc
wt wt « 0.00785 1 + x 2 » 0.00785 1 + x 2 wt
¬ ¼ rotation as positive), A b
§ 0.14 - 0.1 ·
1 Arc wv 1 wv dx
= ר ¸ α= = dxdt × = dt
0.00785 1 + 0.5
© 2 2
¹ Radius wx dx wx O X
wu 1 wu
(Since discharge changes from 0.1m3/s to 0.14 m3/s in 2 seconds ) and β = - dydt = - dt Fig 5.14 Rotation, translation and deformation
=1.132m/s2 wy dy wy
The rate of rotation about z-axis is therefore:
ƒ The convective Acceleration at the mid-section: 1 § wv wu · 1 1 § wv wu ·
The convective acceleration is,
ω= ¨ dt - dt ¸ = ¨ - ¸
2 © dx wy ¹ dt 2 © wx wy ¹
-2Q2 -2 × 0.142
a x x=0.5m = = = -83.77m/s2 The expression in brackets,
0.00785 2 1 + x 5 0.00785 2 1 + x 5 wv wu
- =ξ …(5.7)
wx wy
5.6 Rotational and Irrotational Flow is called the vorticity and is denoted by ζ (zeta).
Rotational flow: This is a flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along streamlines, also Thus, ζ =2ωz …(5.8)*
rotate about own axis. where ω is the angular velocity of the fluid elements about their own mass centre in the x-y plane (or
Irrotational flow: This is a flow in which the particles while flowing along streamlines do not rotate OXY plane).
about their own axis. In three dimensional flow, ωz would represent only one of the three components of angular velocity ω
A fluid particle may undergo one or a combination of displacements. Assuming the element is a and vorticity would be equal to 2ω.
square, the displacements may be as illustrated as shown in Fig.5.13. *Note: Other components can similarly be derived through device of cyclic interchange i.e for Plane
pmk 9 pmk 10
ξ (xi) =
and for Plane OYZ, η (eta) =
. Γ -v drδθ - rdvδθ
ξ= =
wy wz wz wx Area r δθdr
Eq.(5.7) was obtained by stipulating rotation of fluid elements to exist and to be superimposed on § v dv ·
their translation. Such a flow is known as rotational. If there is no rotation, the expression (5.7), and Or ξ = -¨ + ¸ …(5.12)
© r dr ¹
hence vorticity must be equal to zero. Hence if the motion of particles is purely translational and
distortion is symmetrical, the flow is irrotational and the condition which it must satisfy is,
Example 5.5 The velocity field (Fig 5.17) is given by u=(16y-8x) and v=(8y-7x). Determine the
wv wu
- = 2ωz = 0 …(5.9) circulation around the closed curve defined by x=4, y=2, x=8 and y=8.
wx wy
Condition of irrotational flow is important. For example Bernoulli’s equation derived for a streamline Y
applies to all streamlines in a flow field only if the flow is irrotational. A steady irrotational flow is called X=4
potential flow. D C
5.7 Circulation and Vorticity y=8
Consider a fluid element ABCD in rotational motion. Let the velocity components along the sides of A B
the element be as shown in Fig 5.15. Since centre of rotation is not known, conveniently relate rotation to y=2
the sum of products of velocity and distance round the contour of the element. Such a sum is of course O X
the line integral of the tangential velocity around the element about a closed path or contour and is called Fig 5.17
circulation, denoted by Γ(gamma).
Thus, circulation , Γ = ³ vs ds …(5.10) Solution
Circulation is by convention, regarded as B
Y u+(∂u/∂y)dy
Given: u = 16y - 8x , v = 8y - 7x ...velocity field
positive for anticlockwise direction of integration. From the Fig 5.17,
?For the fluid element ABCD and starting from side AD, ΓABCD = ³ udx + vdy
§ wv · § wu · ABCD
ΓABCD = udx + ¨ v + dx ¸ dy - ¨ u + dy ¸ dx - vdy v Direction of v+(∂v/∂x)dx
© wx ¹ © wy ¹ integration = ³ udx + vdy  ³ udx + vdy  ³ udx + vdy  ³ udx + vdy
wv wu AB BC CD DA
= dx ˜ dy - dx ˜ dy A D 8 8 8 2
wx wy
³4 16y - 8x dx + ³2 8y - 7x dy +³4 16y - 8x dx + ³8 8y - 7x dy
§ wv wu · O X 8 8 4 2
= ¨ - ¸ dx ˜ dy = ª16yx - 4x 2 º + ª4y 2 - 7xy º + ª16yx - 4y 2 º  ª4y 2 - 7xy º
© wx wy ¹
Fig 5.15 Circulation ¬ ¼4 ¬ ¼2 ¬ ¼8 ¬ ¼8
§ wv wu · i ii iii iv
But ¨ - ¸ = ξ In integral (i): y=2
© wx wy ¹
In integral (ii): x=8
For the two dimensional flow in the X-Y plane, therefore is the vorticity of the element about the z
In integral (iii): y=8
axis, ζ . The product dx˜dy is the area of the element dA. Thus,
In integral (iv): x=4
§ wv wu · Substituting these values, we have
ΓABCD = ¨ - ¸ = dx ˜ dy = ξ Z da …(5.11)
© wx wy ¹ ΓABCD = ª16 × 2 × 8 - 4 × 82 -16 × 2 × 4 - 4 × 42 º  ª 4 × 82 - 2 × 82 - 4 × 22 + 7 × 8 u 2 º
¬ ¼ ¬ ¼
Note : Vortex line- is a curve lying in the fluid such that its tangent at any point P is parallel to the
vorticity at P at the instant considered. Other terms to study include: Vortex tube, vortex filament, and  ª16 × 8 u 4 - 4 × 42 -16 × 8× 8 = 4 × 82 º  ª4 × 22 - 7 × 4 u 2 - 4 × 82 + 7 u 4 × 8 º
¬ ¼ ¬ ¼
vorticity vector.
5.8 Circulation in polar Co-ordinates
>256 - 256 -128 + 64@  >256 - 448 -16 +112@
Consider an element of fluid in a curved flow  >512 - 64 -1024 + 256@  >16 - 56 - 256 + 224@
as shown in Fig 5.16. The circulation around the -64 - 96 - 320 - 72 = -552
element ABCD is,
Area of the curve, ABCD = 8 - 4 × 8 - 2 = 24
ΓADCB = vrδθ-(v+dv)(r+dr) δθ Г 552
= -vdr δθ – dv dr δθ - rdr δθ A dr v+dv ? Circulation per unit area = - = -23
D 24
Neglecting infinitesimals of the third order,
this reduces to r
ΓADCB = -v dr δθ – rdv δθ dθ
But the area of the element is r δθdr, so that
the vorticity is given by, Fig 5.16 Circulation in polar coordinates
pmk 11 pmk 12

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