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What is the connection of globalization and communication ?

Globalization is defined as the interconnectedness or a process of interaction and

integration between people, companies and governments of different nations. And we
all know that Communication is very important in our daily life because communication
is help us build relationships by allowing us to express our feelings, pass information and
also share our thoughts, knowledge and experiences that we have and also help us
connect to others. So for me the connection between globalization and communication is
that communication is very important in globalization and globalization is very
important in communication because without communication how we can be connected
to one person to another even in different organization, institutions and nations.
Without communication in globalization it nothings happens. And also without
globalization how can we improve our communications skills and how can we have an
interconnectedness. Because of globalization connecting with other side of the world is
now much easier. And because of the connection between the two we are learning
something in different nation, we are sharing our knowledge and experiences that we
have and also we have now different kind of integration. And we have an
interconnectedness because of that so globalization and communication is always
connected to each other.

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