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Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022

By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

PLANT CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION • Polymerization – process where

microtubules are being built and
• Plant cell – rectangular and
assembled from smaller parts
comparatively larger than animal cell
• Tubulin – proteins that makes up the
• Organelles – what plant and animal
polymerization process
cell shares, “body organs” of the cell
• Depolymerization – microtubules
• Proteins – floating particles in the
coming apart
• Nucleus – contains DNA
• Cytoplasm – the inside of the cell
• Nuclear pore – holes where the RNA
• Cytosol – thick liquid inside the cell
leaves the nucleus
• Cell membrane – “skin” around the
• Proteasome – cells garbage trucks
cell, keep inside in and outside out
and recycling centers, breaks down
• Cytoskeleton – gives the cell
• Mitochondria – organelles, create PLANT CELL STRUCTURE
energy for the cell, powerhouse of
• Three basic structures that cells of
the cell
plants, animals, and related
• Ribosome – make new protein
organisms have in common:
• Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has two
➢ Cell membrane
➢ Nucleus
➢ Rough ER – has translocon
➢ Cytoplasm
• Plasma membrane – gives strength,
➢ Smooth ER – does not have
shape, and protection to the cell
translocon pores
➢ Regulates traffic flow of
• Translocon pores – ribosomes
materials between the interior
attach to these pores and push
of the cell and its environment
proteins onto the ER
➢ Microvilli - some membrane is
• Golgi apparatus – sorts, packages,
provided with this at the
and ships proteins
atypical surface to increase
• Vesicles – blobs where proteins are
surface area for absorption
➢ Glycocalyx – carbohydrate
• Kinesin – protein with “feet”, pulls
along the vesicles
complex acted as a cell coat
• Microtubule – almost like train
for cell interactions that are
tracks where the vesicle walks in
sometimes present in some
➢ Not permanent
➢ Can get taken apart and put
• Cell wall – plant cells have this,
together in different locations
providing strength and rigidity of the
depending on the needs of the
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ Gives support • Chromosomes – linear units that

➢ Resist outside pressures contains the DNA
➢ Made of polysaccharide • Chromatins – when DNA appear in
cellulose non-linear units
• Chitin – in fungi, the cell wall is • Nucleolus – dense organelle that is
composed of this found within the nucleus
• Cell walls are not solid and they • Ribosomes – formed inside before
allow products to pass through them leaving into the cytoplasm
• Phospholipid bilayer – composes the • Nuclear membrane – surrounds the
plasma membrane with proteins nucleus in eukaryotic cells
arranged at random on the outer half, ➢ Double membrane
inner half of the lipid, or extend ➢ Similar to the plasma
through membrane that consist of lipid
• Fluid-mosaic model – structure of layers
phospholipid bilayer that was • Nuclear pore – allow the nucleus to
proposed in 1972 communicate with the cytoplasm and
• Garth Nicolson and Jonathan Singer direct the activities of the cell
–proposed the Fluid-mosaic model • Nucleus – “governor of the cell”
• Semi-fluid – nature of the membrane
that allows the mobility of lipids and
proteins within the membrane
• Phospholipid – molecule composed
➢ Phosphate group (hydrophilic
➢ Two fatty acid tails
(hydrophobic tails)
➢ When immersed in water, the
hydrophobic tails may force
the structure into a ‘bilayer’
➢ Bilayer – where the water-
loving heads are “protecting”
the water fearing tails
• Prokaryotic cells – lack a true INCLUSIONS
• Cytoplasm – area between the
• Eukaryotic cells – have a distinct
nucleus and the plasma membrane
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ Contains many important ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM

structures, physiologically
• Commonly referred to as “ER” is a
active organelles, which are
series of membranes that is
permanent sub-cellular
continuous with the nuclear
structures performing
membrane and can extend
metabolic functions
throughout the cytoplasm
➢ Inclusions – temporary sub-
• two different types of ER depending
cellular structures
on the presence of ribosomes
performing non-metabolic
attached to it:
functions such as:
➢ rough ER – has ribosomes
1. Vacuoles – storage of
➢ smooth ER – do not have
2. Pigments
3. Crystals
4. Fat droplets
5. Foreign particles


• ribosomes – organelles where amino
acids are bound together
➢ commonly the cite of protein
synthesis within the cell
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• centrioles – cylinder-like organelles LYSOSOMES

composed of microtubules
• comes from the Golgi apparatus
➢ only found in animal cells
• also a drop-like sac that is full of
enzymes that move about in the
• enzymes – located in the lysosome
is used for digestion, breaking down
particles taken in and make the end
products available for use by the

• also called golgi body is a series of
sacs that appear to be flattened and
curled at the edges MITOCHONDRIA
• proteins and lipids – processed and
packaged here to send these to the • commonly known as the
right addresses “powerhouse of the cell” because it is
• outside sacs – often bulge and break where energy is stored and released
away and form drop-like sacs • mitochondrion is the site for cellular
• secretory vesicles – drop-like sacs respiration in which most of the
energy by the cell is produced
• ATP – formed using the energy
released by the mitochondria
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

CHLOROPLAST • Membrane-bound inclusions in the

cytoplasm for storage of substances
• Chloroplast – green plant cells
(water and food)
contain double-membrane
• Tend to be larger in plant cells
• Play an important function in osmotic
➢ Photosynthesis – main
pressure in animals
• Important in intracellular digestion
➢ Chlorophyll – pigment that
and excretion of waste product
makes the chloroplast green


• Cellulosic cell walls – defining
characteristics of a plant cell
• Organelle that provides the structure ➢ not all plant cells possess cell
for a cell walls (such as plant sperm
• Made up of microtubules (left), cells)
microfilaments (right), intermediate • cellulose – polysaccharide that
filaments (below) makes up the plant cells
• microfibril – firm structure that is
formed by the crystallization of
➢ wrap the whole cell
particularly the plasma
• intrinsic proteins – assist the
addition of cellulose molecules into
the microfibril layer
• Literally means empty space
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

microfibrils as “glue” that will keep

the crystallized cellulose together
• middle lamella – sticky substance
that glues cell walls of two different
plant cells
• pectin – polysaccharide that
composes the middle lamella

• dictyosomes - produce a
polysaccharide called hemicellulose
• hemicellulose – transported through
a vesicle, outward the cell membrane
and released towards the
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• secondary cell wall – can be present

in advanced and higher plants that is
located between the primary cell
wall and plasma membrane
➢ thicker and stronger due to
the presence of lignin
• lignin – resistant to chemicals,
fungal, or bacterial attacks
• primary and secondary cell walls –
permanent once formed and
deposited, almost never degraded

• all biological membranes are
composed of phospholipid molecule
layers and proteins
• plasma membrane – composed of
60% protein and 40% lipid molecules
• hydrophilic regions – most of the
proteins have these that expose
themselves into the surfaces of the
cell membrane
• various heterogeneous proteins – FLUID MOSAIC MODEL
reasons why the plasma membrane
is called fluid-mosaic • amphipathic – molecules that have a
hydrophilic and hydrophobic part
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

CHLOROPLAST ULTRASTRUCTURE • grana – interconnected by thylakoid

membranes and the liquid stroma
• double-membrane chloroplast –
surrounds the grana
green plant cells contain these
• photosynthesis – main function of
➢ energy is taken in from the
sun and converted into energy
that is useable by the plant
and other organisms
➢ chlorophyll – chloroplast cells
are green because of this

• plastids – have an outer and inner • thylakoid membranes – selectively

membrane permeable in which the
• but in chloroplasts, the inner concentrations of the chemicals
membrane is extensive and highly inside the space differ from those In
folded the stroma
2. grana – multiple • chloroplast – membrane bound
membranes of flattened organelles that act as main centers
thylakoid vesicles that are for photosynthesis
stacked ➢ number of chloroplasts varies
• inner membrane – provides room for widely in different plants
many copies of each enzyme 1. green algae – remains
• photosynthetic pigment – part of the constant
membrane lipid layer (approximately 2. higher plants – varies from
x30,000) cell to cell (30 to 200)
➢ generally four to five
micrometers in size
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ plants growing in shade have 2. stroma – lies inside the

larger chloroplast envelope but outside the
➢ differ in shape thylakoid membrane
1. plate-shaped – chlorella 3. thylakoid lumen
2. cup shaped - • thylakoid membrane – network of
Chlamydomonas membrane bound flattened discs
3. ribbon shaped and called thylakoid
spirally-coiled -Spirogyra • grana – stacks of thylakoid
4. star shaped – Zygnema • fret membranes – membranes of
5. spherical or ovoidal – thylakoids
higher plants • inter-granal lamellae – tubular
• chloroplast – surrounded by bilayer membranes that interconnects the
membrane grana
• chloroplast envelope – disc-shaped, • chloroplast may contain 10 to 30
surrounds the chloroplast granal clusters with a single granum
➢ outer membrane – freely containing about 20 to 60 thylakoids
permeable to molecules
➢ inner membrane – selectively THYLAKOID MEMBRANE
permeable containing • thylakoid membrane are made up of:
transporters such as: ➢ 20 to 30 percent lipids
1. integral membrane ➢ 70 to 80 percent proteins
proteins – regulate the ➢ Granular structures
passage of molecules like embedded in the membrane
sugars in and out of the • Quantasomes – granules that are
chloroplast responsible for capturing photons of
• inner membrane – encloses a solar electromagnetic radiation and
protein-rich substance called stroma act as photosynthetic units
• stroma – the fluid inside contains a • Photosystem II (PS II) – larger
host of enzymes, plastid, DNA, RNA, granules
and ribosomes • Photosystem I (PS I) – smaller
• thylakoids – membrane system granules
within the stroma • Inter-granal lamellae – lack PS II but
➢ divided into three distinct contain only PS I
internal compartments: • Thylakoid – contain photosynthetic
1. intermembrane space - pigments:
between inner and outer 1. Chlorophyll A and B – green
membranes of the pigments
chloroplast envelope 2. Carotenoids – yellow to red
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

MITOCHONDRIA • Respiratory enzymes – intrinsic

proteins embedded in the crista
• Commonly known as the
“powerhouse of the cell”
• Porins – proteins in the outer
• Place where energy is stored and
membrane of mitochondria
➢ Tunnel proteins that form a
• Mitochondrion – site for cellular
hole in the outer membrane
respiration in which most of the
➢ They do not allow large
energy by the cell is produced
molecules but small
• ATP – formed using the released
molecules (sugar and ions)
energy from the mitochondria
• Electron transport chain – occur in
the inner membrane
• Crista – fold in the inner membrane
• Cristae – folds, collection of crista
• Intermembrane space - the space
between the outer and inner
• Inner membrane does not have
porins so there are different
concentrations on either side
• ATP synthase – synthesizes ATP
• Matrix – has a much higher protein
concentrations, more viscous than

• Krebs cycle – occurring in the matrix

• Plate-like cristae – inner
• Mitochondria – has DNA essentially
mitochondrial membrane is folded
from the mother’s side
into this
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

WHAT MAKES A PLANT CELL UNIQUE? • Coal forests – also used to call scale
tree forests because of the trees’
• Plant cells have cell wall
density that they covered the whole
• Plant cells contain vacuoles
Earth and eventually fossilized into
• Plant cells contain chloroplasts
giant seams of coal
CELL WALL • Carboniferous period – named after
“carbon”, an epoch where there are
• Provides strength and support to the rich deposits of coal throughout
plant northern Europe, Asia, and
• Made up of carbohydrate molecules: midwestern and eastern North
cellulose and lignin America
VACUOLE • Angiosperms – didn’t develop until
the end of the cretaceous period (65
• Most adult plant cells have one large m.y.a)
vacuole that takes up of 30% of the
• Sometimes can take up as much as • Prokaryotic cells
80% ➢ “before the kernel”
• Function of the vacuole: ➢ Include bacteria and archaea
➢ Stores wastes and water • Eukaryotic cells
➢ Support the cell by exerting an ➢ “good kernel”
outward pressure due to the ➢ Separately enclosed nucleus
liquid inside ➢ Has organelles that are
CHLOROPLASTS suspended in the cytoplasm

• Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll CELLULOSE AND LIGNIN

• Chlorophyll – green pigment that • Prokaryotes > Green Algae > plants
gives leaves their color and absorbs • Rigid cell wall – plants inherited from
light energy their ancestors
CRASH COURSE VID (SUPPLEMENTARY) ➢ Made up of cellulose and lignin
• Cellulose – most common and easy
PLANT EVOLUTION to find complex carbohydrates
• 400 million years ago – earliest plan • Who can digest cellulose?
fossils found ➢ Termites
• Lycophytes – reproduce by making a ➢ Cows
bunch of spores and sheds ➢ Koalas
➢ Horses
• Scale trees – some lycophytes
evolved into this but are now extinct
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• A combination of cellulose and lignin HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: DISCOVERY OF

makes the growth of tall and strong THE CELL
• Roughage – cellulose and lignin, was Scientist Contribution
Robert Hooke - Reported
coined because we cannot digest
thin slices of
cork and
• Plastids – make and store needed contained
compounds minute
• Plastids and mitochondria – started partitions
as a bacteria that were absorbed into separating
plant cells cavities that
• Chloroplasts – most important of the are
plastids, light >>> sugar & oxygen eventually
named cells
actually saw
• Plant cells can push water into these were empty
organelles cavities
• Provides turgor pressure from inside
the cell, reinforcing the plant
• Storage container for the cell Anton van - Discovered
• Contain and export wastes Leeuwenhoek the
• Animal cells does not have large microscope
vacuoles, does not give the cell and “free
cells” with
nucleus (red
Dujardin - Discovered
• Cell – structural and functional units the cell
of living structures substance
• Overall function of the body = (protoplasm)
combined function of all of these Jean Baptiste de - Stated that
cells Lamarck many living
• Complex biochemical and physical body must
processes are carried out for have its
maintenance and reproduction of life parts of
tissue or
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander


such tissue
Robert Brown - Described • Prokaryotes (Greek for “before
the nucleus nucleus”)
as the ➢ Are independent, unicellular
central organisms that lack true
feature in nuclei
plant cells ➢ Have nucleoids or naked
- Discovered nuclei
movement of ➢ Absence of membrane-bound
microscopic organelles
➢ Are usually smaller than
eukaryotic cells (0.3 to 0.5 μm
in Rickettsia; 1 to 10 μm in
Theodor Schwann - Cells were
the unit of other bacterial groups)
structure in • Eukaryotes (Greek for “true nucleus”)
animals ➢ Multicellular organisms like
Rudolf Virchow - Concluded protists, fungi, plants, and
that cells animals
come only ➢ With membrane-bound
from other nucleoli containing DNA
cells ➢ Presence of membrane-
Alexander - Cells ensure bound organelles
Flemming continuity
through • Most of the cells are small ranging
mitosis from about 1-100 μ in diameter
CELL THEORY • Though some can be seen such as
“yolks” of eggs of most vertebrates
• Proposed by two German (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and
physiologists: Theodor Schwann and birds and some giant nerve cells of
Rudolf Virchow cows)
• Basic tenets: • Most of the cells are small due to the
➢ All living organisms are made ff:
up of one or more cells ➢ The ratio of the volume of the
➢ The cell is the basic unit of cell’s nucleus to the volume of
structure for all living its cytoplasm must not be so
organisms small than the nucleus in
➢ All cells come only from pre- order for it to control the
existing cells (Rudolf Virchow) cytoplasm
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ The need for cells to exchange the innermost regions

nutrients and wastes with become farther away
their external environment from the membrane
through the plasma which makes diffusion
membrane a lot more difficult and
1. As a roughly spherical would take a longer
cell becomes larger, time
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

increases their membrane

surface area



• Plasma membrane
➢ Gatekeeper of the cell
➢ Outer, limiting membrane
separating the cell’s interior
from the environment
• Cytosol
➢ Thick semi-fluid portion of the
➢ Also called intracellular fluid
➢ Contains many soluble
properties like enzymes,
nutrients, ions, and other
small molecules which
participate in various phases
of metabolism
➢ Suspends organelles and
• Nucleus
➢ Cell volume works to limit cell size ➢ A large, double membrane-
o As cell enlarges, its volume bound organelle that contains
increases more rapidly than the chromosomal DNA of a
its surface area does eukaryotic cell
o Larger cell has a greater need • The cell also includes other
for exchange of nutrients and components such as:
wastes with the environment; ➢ Organelles – highly organized
but a relatively surface area of structures with characteristic
the plasma membrane shapes that are highly
through which to make these specialized for specific
exchanges cellular activities
o Muscle cells and neurons can ➢ Inclusions – temporary
get very large due to their structures that contain
elongated shape that secretions and storage
products of the cell
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

PLASMA MEMBRANE o Proteins – specific

functions of
• Cell’s gatekeeper membranes depend on
• Must perform these functions: them
➢ Isolates/separates the
internal components of the PLASMA MEMBRANE COMPONENTS
cell from the extracellular
• Membrane lipids
environment (extracellular
➢ Phospholipids (75%) form the
bilayer; the arrangement
➢ Being semi-permeable
occurs because the
(selective allows passage of
phospholipids are
selected molecules) regulates
amphipathic having both polar
the exchange of substances
and nonpolar components
between the cell’s protoplasm
o Polar phosphate
and the ECF
“heads” – hydrophilic
➢ Communicates with other
o Nonpolar lipid “tails” –
• The key to membrane function lies in
o Heads face outward on
its structure
either side towards the
➢ Fluid Mosaic Model -
watery cytosol and
developed by Jonathan Singer
ECF, while the tails face
and Garth Nicholson (1972)
each other in the
o Described the
bilayer’s interior
➢ Glycolipids (5%) – amphipathic
arrangement of the
occurring only on the
plasma membrane and
membrane layer facing the
other membranes in
ECF and are important on the
living organisms
o Mosaic – pattern of
o Adhesion among cells
many small pieces
and tissues
fitted together
o Mediating cell-to-cell
o According to the model,
recognition and
the membrane is a
communication via the
double layer (bilayer) of
surface markers
proteins floating like
2. e.g. Gangliosides –
icebergs in the sea of
exposed on brain and
nerve cell membranes
o Membrane – must be
as antigens recognized
fluid in nature in order
to properly function
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

by antibodies in
immune reaction

o glycosphingolipids – ➢ intrinsic/integral proteins –

serve as antigens on extend across the phospholipid
surfaces of RBCs for bilayer among the fatty acid tails;
blood group interaction most of the integral proteins are
➢ cholesterol (20%) – located glycoproteins
among the phospholipids in both ➢ extrinsic/peripheral proteins –
sides of the bilayer; these loosely attached to the inner and
molecules strengthen the outer surfaces of the membrane
membrane but decrease its and are easily separated from it
flexibility ➢ membrane proteins ang
➢ phospholipids bilayer is very glycoproteins determine what
dynamic and is also self-healing functions a cell can perform;
• membrane proteins ➢ proteins can act as
➢ are of two types: integral and
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

1. channel – allows passage of cyclase converts ATP to

specific molecules (K+, Cl-) to cAMP)
move through the pore 4. cell identity markers –
2. transporter – carries specific distinguishes cell from other
substance across the cells (e.g. glycosphingolipids
membrane by changing its serve as antigens on surfaces
shape (e.g. amino acids) of RBCs for blood group
3. enzymes – catalyzes different interactions
reactions (e.g. adenylyl
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

5. receptor – recognizes specific channels in the plasma

molecules (e.g. hormones) membrane and thus permit
and alters cell’s function in passage of large molecules
some ways such as RNA and various
6. cytoskeleton anchor – proteins
attaches filaments and • nucleoli
tubules inside cell to the cell ➢ “nucleus inside a nucleus”
membrane to stabilize the ➢ Are aggregations of proteins,
structure and shape of cells DNA, and RNA that are not
bounded by a membrane
➢ disperse and disappear during
• usually spherical or oval organelle cell division and reorganize
and is the largest structure in the cell once new cells are formed
• contains the hereditary units of the ➢ sites of assembly of
cell called genes which control ribosomes which contain a
cellular structure and direct many type of RNA (rRNA) which
cellular activities plays a key role in protein
• most body cells contain a nucleus, synthesis
although some (e.g. mature RBCs) do • chromatin
not ➢ in a non-dividing cell, DNA and
• skeletal muscle fibers contain associated proteins are
several nuclei (multinucleated) loosely packed and form a
network called chromatin
NUCLEUS COMPONENTS ➢ cell division – during this, DNA
• nuclear envelope or membrane and certain protein condense
➢ separates the nucleus from and coil into rod-shaped
the cytoplasm bodies called chromosomes
➢ both the inner and outer ➢ TLDR: chromatins = non
nuclear membranes and dividing, chromosomes =
phospholipid bilayers are during cell division
similar to the plasma ➢ Chromosomes – contain a
membrane very large amount of DNA
➢ water filled nuclear pores in relative to their size
the envelope allow most ions ➢ Each chromosome is thought
and water soluble molecules to be a single DNA molecule,
to shuttle between the highly folded and coiled,
nucleus and cytoplasm combined with a variety of
➢ nuclear pores are about ten protein molecules
times larger in diameter than
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ Through an electron o Chromatin fiber –

microscope (EM), chromatin histones that promotes
appears like “beads-on-a- folding of nucleosome
string” into a large diameter
o Nucleosome – each structure
bead that consists of o Chromatin fibers, in
double stranded DNA turn, fold into large
wrapped twice around loops (end of DNA
a core of 8 proteins packing in non-dividing
o Histones – 8 proteins cells)
where nucleosome is ➢ Before cell division, DNA
wrapped twice around duplicates and chromatin
in strands subsequently shorten
o Linker DNA – strings and coil to form chromatids
between beads, which ➢ A pair of chromatids make a
folds an adjacent chromosome (during certain
nucleosomes together stages of a cell in division)
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

ORGANELLES ➢ Matrix – central cavity of a

mitochondrion that is
• Specialized structures that have enclosed by the inner
characteristic appearances and membrane and cristae
specific roles in growth, ▪ also contains
maintenance, repair, and control ribosomes,
• The numbers and types of organelles circular DNA,
vary in different kinds of cell and other
depending in their functions materials
➢ The liver cell contains
numerous ER and golgi RIBOSOMES
complex to meet its function of
• Tiny spheres that contain ribosomal
production and secretion of
RNA (rRNA) and several ribosomal
➢ Mature red blood cells do not
• with large and small ribosomal
have mitochondria that would
consume O2
• sites of protein synthesis
MITOCHONDRIA • some are free and some are attached
to the ER
• Universally present within animal ➢ free ribosomes – manufacture
cells except in mature red blood cells proteins for domestic use
• Capable of self-replication i.e. they o membrane proteins
divide to increase in number in and enzymes (e.g.
response to cellular need for ATP catalase) which form
and cell division peroxisomes
• Due to their function in generating ➢ attached ribosomes –
ATP, an energy rich molecule, they manufacture proteins for
are called powerhouses/power “export” use
generators of the cell o secretory proteins like
• Structure: enzymes and different
➢ The mitochondrion consists of hormones
two membranes:
1. Outer mitochondrial ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM
• system of membrane-enclosed
channels of varying shapes called
2. Inner mitochondrial
• continuous with the nuclear envelope
(arranged in series
• two types of ER:
of folds called
➢ Rough ER (RER)
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

o Studded with reticulum stores

ribosomes and releases
o Functions: calcium during
▪ Protein relaxation and
synthesis contraction
▪ Glycosylation – respectively)
addition of • Glucose-6-phosphatase –
carbohydrate membrane bound enzyme that
groups to breaks down glycogen
➢ Smooth ER (SER)
o No ribosomes
o Functions:
▪ Triacylglycerols,
and steroid
▪ Drug
hydroxylation or
addition of OH
solubility of
drugs in water
so they can be
easily excreted
from the body)
▪ Carbohydrate
(breakdown of
glycogen by
▪ Calcium storage
(in muscle cells,
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

enzymes capable of breaking down a

wide variety of molecules; enzymes
are very active in an acidic pH
• Act as waste disposal units,
digesting, and removing foreign
material brought into the cell from
outside or removing cellular
organelles which are not needed
• Specific functions of lysosomes:
➢ Intracellular digestion
o Lysosomal enzyme
GOLGI COMPLEX digest bacteria and
• Located near the nucleus other substances that
• Consists of 4-6 flattened sacs called enter the cell in:
cisterns stacked upon each other like ▪ phagocytic
a pile of plates with expanded bulges vesicles
at their ends (phagosomes)
• Also associated are small golgi during
vesicles which cluster along the phagocytosis
expanded ends of the cisterns ▪ pinocytic
vesicles during
• Vesicles – shuttle protein and lipid
products among the cisterns for pinocytosis
▪ endosomes
further processing and modification
during receptor-
• Function: processes, sorts, packages
and delivers protein and lipids to the
plasma membrane, lysosome, and
➢ autophagy
secretory vesicles
o lysosomes also use
• Route of proteins to be exported:
their enzymes to
➢ Ribosomes → RER →
recycle the cell’s own
transport vesicles → golgi
complex → secretory vesicles
o a lysosome can engulf
→ released to the exterior of
another organelle,
the cell by exocytosis
digest it, and return the
LYSOSOMES digested components
to the cytosol to reuse
• Membrane-enclosed vesicles that
o very old organelles are
form in the Golgi complex
continually replaced
• Inside are as many as 40 kinds of
powerful digestive (hydrolytic)
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

o human liver – recycles o oxidase- generate

about half of its hydrogen peroxide
contents every week (H2O2)
➢ autolysis o catalase – degrades
o lysosomes act as H 2O 2
“suicide bags” during o these enzymes are
apoptosis or localized in the same
“programmed cell compartment to ensure
death” that H2O2 would not
o apoptosis – cells harm cells
themselves die in order ➢ detoxification of harmful
to go about normal compounds
development o catalase – detoxifies
o during development of methanol, ethanol,
the vertebrae hand and formic acid,
foot, cells between the formaldehyde, nitrites,
digits die by apoptosis and phenols
to generate free fingers ➢ oxidation of fatty acids
and toes o peroxisomes – shorten
➢ extracellular digestion fatty acids in
o lysosomal enzymes preparation for
released at sites of subsequent
injury help digest metabolism in
cellular debris, which mitochondrion to
prepares the injured produce acetyl
area for effective repair coenzyme A

• another group of organelles similar • complex internal network of

in structure to lysosomes but filamentous proteins in the
smaller cytoplasm
• capable of self-replication like • cellular shape and has the capability
mitochondria to carry out a variety of coordinated
• numerous in kidney and liver cells movements
• functions: • responsible for the movement of
➢ H2O2 metabolism whole cells, such as phagocytes, and
o Contain enzymes like the movement of organelles and
oxidase and catalase chemicals within the cells
• three main types of protein filaments:
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

➢ microtubules – hollow, o provide structural

cylindrical structures about reinforcement inside
25nm in diameter cells
➢ tubulin – protein that o hold organelles (e.g.
assembles microtubules nucleus) in place
➢ functions of microtubules: o associate closely with
o help support and shape microtubules to give
cells together with shape to the cell
microfilaments ➢ microfilaments - twisted double
o function as a “conveyor strands, each consisting of a string of
belt”, “roads”, or protein (actin) subunits
“tracts” to move o about 8nm in diameter
various substances o function: play a key role in
thru the cytosol almost all types of
o assist in movement of contractility and motility
pseudopods that are ▪ muscle tissue – slide
characteristic of past one another to
phagocytes produce contraction
o form structure of (shortening) of muscle
flagella, cilia, fiber
centrioles, and mitotic ❖ actin filaments (thin
spindle filaments)
➢ intermediate filaments – ❖ myosin filaments
composed of ropelike protein (thick filaments)
strands which are 8-12nm in ▪ non-muscle cells
diameter ❖ actin filaments –
➢ exceptionally strong and provide support and
tough and are resistant to shape and assist in:
tensile forces and are - cell
relatively insoluble movement
➢ functions: (e.g.
o mechanical stability phagocytic
due to plectin cell)
crossbridges that bind - movement
intermediate filaments within cell
together and also bind (phagocytosi
microtubules and s and
microfilaments phinocytosis)
Lesson 3: Plant Cell Structure︱ BIO13 ︱September 23, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander


➢ Dinoflagellates
• cilia (latin for “eyelash”) • Flagellated
• flagella (latin for “whip”) ➢ Sperm cells
• slender extensions of the plasma ➢ some spiral and rod-shaped
membrane bacteria
• both contain a ring of 9 fused pairs of • Ciliated cells – propel substances
microtubules, with an unfused pair of along their surfaces
microtubules at the center (forming a ➢ Gills of oysters
“9 + 2” arrangement) ➢ Oviducts of females
• main differences between cilia and ➢ Respiratory tracts of most
flagella: land vertebrates
➢ length
➢ direction of force they
• Centrosome – dense area of
cytoplasmic material near the
Flagella Cilia • Centrioles – pair of cylindrical
Length 50-75 μm 10-25μm
structures found within the
long long
Number Few numerous
• Each centriole is composed of:
Direction Perpendicular Parallel to
of force to the plasma the plasma ➢ Nine clusters of three
membrane membrane microtubules (triplets)
Motion - undulate -Stiff arranged in a circular pattern
with “rowing” • Centrioles – serve as:
continuous during the ➢ centers for organizing
bending powerstroke microtubules in nondividing
wavelike -flexible cell
motion return ➢ organizing the mitotic
- without stroke that spiondle during cell division
distinct power brings the
and return cilium to the VACUOLES
strokes original
• fluid-filled sacs surrounded by a
single membrane
• ciliated protozoans include:
➢ Paramecium • food vacuoles – temporary features
➢ Dinidium of the cell, form during phagocytosis
➢ Euplotes • contractile vacuoles – freshwater
• Flagellated protozoans include: microorganisms have this in order to
➢ Euglena withstand a hypotonic environment

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