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Age : 27 years

City : Hyderabad

Profession : software engineer

1.Sustainability is essential for a healthy planet, thriving economies, and equitable societies.

2.Technology can be used to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste and emissions, and
promote renewable energy sources.

3.Businesses and organizations can contribute to a sustainable future by adopting sustainable

practices, reducing carbon footprint, and supporting renewable energy sources.

4.Electric cabs are environmentally friendly, emit fewer pollutants, and reduce dependence on
fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

5.Electric cabs can be cheaper than traditional taxis or ride-hailing services due to low electricity
costs and incentives.

6.Electric cabs are more environmentally friendly than traditional vehicles due to their use of
renewable electricity.

7.Electric cabs are a sustainable transportation option that reduces air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions.

8.Improve battery technology and charging infrastructure to extend range and reduce charging

9.Electric cabs will become more popular due to increased awareness of environmental issues
and government incentives.

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