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Lecturer : Ns. Julita Legi, S.Kep, M.Kep

Made by :


Santika Ivana Shellin Mapahena

Isaac Randubada

Margarita Lantaa

Regina Lumingkewas

Moningka Kartika Brigita Josita

Mealy Machaenas

Lusye Saghawari

Aurora A. Salu

Rinny Gansa




T.A 2022/2023

The Chief : Good morning everyone, for the morning team, are
the members complete?
Leaders Nurse of the Morning Team : Good morning, it's complete
The Chief : For the night team members, is it also complete..?
Leaders Nurse Morning Team : It's also complete.
The Chief : Alright, when everything is complete, we will start
doing hand over from the night shift to the morning
shift. Previously, we prayed before starting our work,
praying began ………… prayer was over, well for the
night team, we invite you to report the results of the
nursing care that has been given.
Leaders Nurse Night Team : Okay, I will report the condition of the patient in the
room at this time:
“For the night team there is one old patient and no new
patient. Our patient is on behalf of Mr. Laili Arisandi
was treated in room 1 bed 2. Entered from the
Emergency Room with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus with ulcers on the left cruris, the doctor in
charge of the patient (DPJP), namely dr. Indriyani,
SpPD on October 8, 2022 at 16.00 WITA. Complaints
of pain in the wound on the left leg, the nursing
problem that we raised was acute pain.
Based on the results of the assessment, the patient had a
history of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus and had just
been hospitalized 2 weeks ago, had a wound since 1
month ago. The results of the GDS examination are 405
mg/dl, from the ER the patient has received therapy,
1. Infusion of 0.9% NaCl - 20 drops/minute
2. Metronidazole drips 500 mg/8 hours
3. Ceftriaxone injection 1 gram/12 hours
4. Novorapid injection 12 units/8 hours
5. Injection of Ketorolac 40 mg/12 hours
Pain goes away if you have given medicine and rest.
The patient's current consciousness is composmentis
with GCS 15 and stable hemodynamic status.
BP: 119/70 mmHg, pulse: 92 x/minute, temperature:
36.50c, RR: 20 x/minute, and SpO2: 98%. There are no
complaints for smooth urination / defecation. Wound
pain scale 5 with duration 5x/minute, with frequent
frequency. Here we have arranged a comfortable
position for the patient, for the doctor's instructions we
have given. For morning service nurses, please
continue to identify the pain scale and monitor the
patient's blood glucose level every 2 hours.
The Chief : Okay for the morning team, is there anything you
want to clarify?
Leaders Nurse of the Morning Team : It's clear enough
The Chief : Alright, if it's clear, we go to the patient's room to
clarify the patient's condition. (goes to patient room)

(In the patient's room)

The Chief : Good morning sir, how are you today, have you eaten
sir? How is the leg pain, does it still hurt or has the pain
Patient : Good morning nurse, how are you and I have also
eaten, my leg still hurts but the pain has subsided when
I got pain medication, a few minutes later the pain
started again.
Leader Nurse of the Night Team : Good morning sir, our night shift nurses have finished
our duty and will be replaced by the morning shift
Leader Nurse of the Morning Team : Good morning sir, introduce me to nurse Juliana and
these nurses in the morning shift there are 3 people on
duty from 08.00 am to 14.00 pm, if you have a
complaint, please contact us by pressing the bell and
submit your complaint.
The Chief : Alright sir, thank you, excuse me first, if you have any
complaints, please contact the nurse on duty this

(At the Nurse Station)

The Chief : Alright, friends, our handover is over, for the night
shift, please go home, I hope you arrive safely at your
destination and for the morning shift, have a good job.
That's it and thank you.

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