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NRICH problems (nrich.maths.

org) linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Key: Normal text: LNF Statement Area of Learning Skill  Extended skills


Strand / NRICH Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Objective
PoS Element Resources

Using Number Listen to and join in Number Rhymes Realise that Count reliably up to 5 Number Book
Skills with rhymes, songs, anything can be objects. Tidying
stories and games that counted, not just
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Use number have a mathematical objects, e.g. claps,

facts and theme.  steps. 
Using Number Recite numbers from 0 Playing Incey Recognise numbers Dice Use mark making to
Skills to 10 forwards and Wincey 0 to 5 and relate a represent numbers
Use number backwards using songs number 0 to 5 to its in play activities
facts and and rhymes. respective quantity. that can be
relationships interpreted and
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Compare and order Demonstrate an Golden Beans Use the terms
Skills numbers to at least 5. understanding of ‘first’, ‘second’,
Use number one-to-one ‘third’ and ‘last’ in
facts and correspondence by daily activities and
relationships matching pairs of play.
objects or pictures.
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Understand and use the Understand and use Use counting to Maths Story Time
Skills concept of ‘one more’ in the concept of ‘one solve simple maths
their play. less’ in their play. problems in
Calculate using everyday and play
mental and situations.
written methods
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Demonstrate an Shopping

Skills awareness of the purpose
of money through role
Manage money play.
NRICH / PoS Objective NRICH / NRICH /
Strand / National Numeracy PoS Objective National Numeracy
PoS Objective National Numeracy
PoS Element Resources Resources
Using Measuring Compare, sort and order Balances
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Skills two objects in terms of Making Caterpillars

Length, size, weight or capacity Cooking
weight/mass, by direct observation.
Using Measuring Anticipate events related Sing/chant the days Use words that
Skills to elements of daily of the week. describe temperature
routines and use the during everyday
Time terms ‘before’ and ‘after’. activities, e.g.
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Temperature hot/cold.

Using Measuring Follow two-step Demonstrate an Position with

Skills instructions for simple awareness of Wellies
Area and movements within games prepositions and Scooters, Bikes
volume and play activities. movement during
and Trikes
Angle and their own physical
activities. Queuing
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Geometry Recognise and use the Shapes in the Bag Use and build with Making Footprints Movement
Skills names for 2D shapes Exploring 2D 2D and 3D shapes Building Towers Use a variety of
(circle, square and Shapes within play-based Paths media to develop
Shape triangle) within play Making a Picture activities. concept of
activities and the symmetry.
Using Data Skills Sort and match sets of Socks Use mark making to Copy a range of
Collect and objects or pictures by Packing begin to record simple patterns and
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Nursery
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

record data recognising similarities. collections. sequences visually

Present and and aurally, e.g.
analyse data clapped patterns,
Interpret results threading

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