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* TỪ VỰNG – Vocabulary
city dweller /ˈsɪti These city dwellers are friendly and sociable.
ˈdwelə(r)/ (Những cư dân thành thị này rất thân thiện và
hòa đồng)
detect /dɪˈtekt/ v. The alarm goes off automatically as soon as
smoke is detected. (Chuông báo động tự động
đổ chuông ngay khi phát hiện khói)
infrastructure / n. The war has badly damaged the country’s
ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə infrastructure. (Chiến tranh đã làm tổn hại
(r)/ năng nề cơ sở hạ tầng của đất nước này)
inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ n. My grandparents are the original inhabitants of
this island. (Ông bà tôi là những cư dân đầu
tiên của hòn đảo này)
liveable /ˈlɪvəbl/ adj. I wonder if there’s other liveable planets apart
from the Earth. (Tôi không biết liệu có hành
tinh nào khác có sự sống ngoài Trái Đất không)
optimistic /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ adj. Staying optimistic is the key of happiness.
(Luôn giữ lạc quan là chìa khóa của hạnh
overcrowded /ˌəʊvə adj. We were almost lost while walking the
ˈkraʊdɪd/ overcrowed streets. (Chúng tôi suýt bị lạc khi
đi dạo trên những con phố quá đông người)
pessimistic /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ adj. Don’t be pessimistic about what awaits you
ahead. (Đừng bi quan về những điều đang chờ
đợi bạn phía trước)
quality of life /ˌkwɒləti əv Quality of life refers to how well people live.
ˈlaɪf/ (Chất lượng cuộc sống nói tới mức độ con
người sống tốt như thế nào)
renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ adj. We should use renewable energy sources
more. (Chúng ta nên sử dụng các nguồn năng
lượng tái tạo nhiều hơn nữa)
upgrade /ˌʌpˈɡreɪd/ v. We’ve decided to upgrade our old computer.
(Chúng tôi đã quyết định nâng cấp máy tính cũ

Trang 1
của mình)
sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbl/ adj. We have to promote sustainable development
in tourism areas. (Chúng ta cần phải khuyến
khích phát triển bền vững ở các khu du lịch)
urban /ˈɜːbən/ adj. The elderly have a tendency to choose rural life
over urban life. (Người già có xu hướng chọn
cuộc sống nông thôn hơn là đô thị)
urban planner /ˈɜːbən The urban planners are overseeing city
ˈplænə(r) / projects. (Các chuyên gia quy hoạch đô thị
đang giám sát các dự án của thành phố)
Ngữ điệu: Câu hỏi đuôi
(Intonation: Question tags)
Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống (falling Ví dụ:
intonation) với câu hỏi đuôi khi đã biết câu trả lời. * This cake is tasty, isn’t it? 
Phần láy đuôi không phải là một câu hỏi thật sự * You’ve eaten breakfast, haven’t you? 
→ người hỏi đã biết câu trả lời.
* Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi lên (rising Ví dụ:
intonation) với câu hỏi đuôi khi thực sự muốn biết * She is a city dweller, isn’t she? 
một điều và ta không chắc chắn câu trả lời. Phần * They’re drinking coffee, aren’t they? 
láy đuôi là một câu hỏi thật sự. → người hỏi chưa chắc chắn về câu trả lời

Chú ý: Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi lên (rising Ví dụ:

intonation) trong câu hỏi đuôi sau những lời nói thể You need to upgrade this phone, don’t you? 
hiện sự gợi ý hay yêu cầu lịch sự. → lời nói thể hiện sự gợi ý.
a. Cách dùng
Câu hỏi đuôi là một phần ngắn được thêm vào lời nói khi:
* Muốn nhận được sự đồng tình Ví dụ:
We’re stuck in a traffic jam, aren’t we?
(Chúng ta bị kẹt xe rồi nhỉ?)
* Xác minh độ chính xác của thông tin Ví dụ:
Solar energy is renewable, isn’t it?

Trang 2
(Năng lượng mặt trời có thể tái tạo được, đúng
* Thể hiện sự gợi ý hoặc yêu cầu lịch sự Ví dụ:
Take a seat, won't you?
(Anh ngồi đi nhé!)
b. Cấu trúc
Mệnh đề chính (Main clause) Phần láy đuôi (Tag)
Chủ ngữ + is/ are/ were/ was is/ are/ were/ was not
Chủ ngữ + thì hiện tại đơn do/ does not
Chủ ngữ + thì quá khứ đơn did not
Chủ ngữ + thì hiện tại hoàn thành/ hiện tại hoàn thành Đại từ
have/ has not
tiếp diễn
Chủ ngữ + thì quá khứ hoàn thành had not
Chủ ngữ + động từ khuyết thiếu Động từ khuyết thiếu not
Chú ý: Trợ động từ ở dạng phủ định trong phần láy Ví dụ:
đuôi thường được dùng ở dạng rút gọn. Jane has lived in an urban area, hasn’t she?
(Jane sống ở vùng thành thị, phải không?)
c. Quy tắc chung của câu hỏi láy đuôi
Khi mệnh đề chính có dạng khẳng định, phần láy đuôi sẽ có dạng phủ định và ngược lại.
Mệnh đề chính (+) → Phần láy đuôi (-) Ví dụ 1:
Our city will be crowded, won’t it?
(Thành phố của chúng ta sẽ đông nghịt người, phải
Ví dụ 2:
She can afford a luxury car, can’t she?
(Cô ấy có thể mua được một chiếc xe hơi sang
trọng, phải không?)
Mệnh đề chính (-) → Phần láy đuôi (+) Ví dụ 1:
Our city won't be crowded, will it?
(Thành phố của chúng ta sẽ không đông nghịt
người, phải không?)
Ví dụ 2:
She can't afford a luxury car, can she? (Cô ấy
không thể mua được một chiếc xe hơi sang trọng,
phải không?)

Trang 3
Chú ý: Nếu câu hỏi đuôi chứa một câu phức bắt Ví dụ 1:
đầu bằng I think (Tôi nghĩ), I suppose (Tôi cho I think Mike failed the test, didn’t he?
rằng), I believe (Tôi tin rằng), You mean (Ý bạn (Tôi nghĩ Mike đã thi trượt, phải không nhỉ?)
là), ... thì phần láy đuôi sẽ đi theo chủ ngữ và động
từ trong mệnh đứng sau các cụm từ đó.
d. Các trường hợp đặc biệt của câu hỏi đuôi
Mệnh đề chính Phần láy đuôi Ví dụ:
(Main clause) (Tag)
Let’s eat out tonight, shall we?
Let’s + V-bare shall we?
(Hãy cùng đi ăn ngoài tối nay nhé?)
Finish your homework, will/ would/
will/ would/ could/ won’t
Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định could/ won’t you? (Hoàn thành bài
tập về nhà, con nhé?)
Don’t get wet, will you?
Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định will you?
(Đừng để bị ướt, con nhé?)
Chứa các từ phủ định: no (không), She hardly prepares a meal for
động từ khẳng định + chủ
never (không bao giờ), little (ít), herself, does she? (Cô ấy hiếm khi
hardly (hầu như không) tự nấu ăn, phải không?)
Có chứa các chủ ngữ như: no one, Nobody believes in what he says, do
nobody, anyone, someone, they? (Không ai tin vào điều anh ta
động từ + they?
everyone, these, those, none, nói, phải không?)
This is your new cat, isn’t it?
Chứa các chủ ngữ như: nothing,
động từ + it? (Đây là con mèo mới của bạn, phải
something, everything, this, that, ...
a. Cách dùng
Câu điều kiện loại 0 được dùng để: Ví dụ:
* Nói về một sự thật mang tính khoa học If you take ice cubes out of the freezer, the melting
process begins right away.
(Nếu bạn lấy đá lạnh ra khỏi tủ lạnh, quá trình tan
chảy diễn ra ngay lập tức.)
* Nói về một điều gì đó mang tính chân lí Ví dụ:
If I travel by train, it costs me about $35.
(Nếu tôi đi máy bay, tôi mất khoảng 35 đô.)
b. Cấu trúc:

Trang 4
Mệnh đề có if Ví dụ:
Mệnh đề chính/ Mệnh đề kết quả If you’re travelling in London,
(Main clause/ Result clause) remember to drive to the left. (Nếu
Hiện tại đơn bạn đang đi du lịch ở Luân Đôn, hãy
Hiện tại đơn
Hiện tại tiếp diễn nhớ lái xe ở bên trái.)
Câu mệnh lệnh
Hiện tại hoàn thành
* Hai mệnh đề trong câu điều kiện có thể đổi vị trí cho nhau. Ví dụ:
Milk spoils if you leave it in the sun.
(Sữa sẽ bị hỏng nếu bạn để nó dưới
ánh nắng mặt trời.)
Chú ý: if thường có thể được thay thế bằng từ when nhưng khi Ví dụ:
sử dụng when, khả năng xảy ra của sự việc cao hơn so với if If/ When you mix red and yellow, you
get orange. (Nếu/ Khi bạn trộn màu đỏ
và màu vàng, bạn có màu cam.)
b. Câu điều kiện loại 0 và câu điều kiện loại 1
Các sự việc hiển nhiên, luôn đúng hoặc là những thực tế khoa học. Kết quả luôn mang
Câu điều tính quy luật, rõ ràng hoặc tất yếu, không bị ảnh hưởng bởi thời điểm sự việc xảy ra.
kiện loại If magma rises to the surface, volcanic eruptions happen.
0 (Nếu magma nổi lên bề mặt.) (núi lửa phun trào.)
Nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng → Kết quả tất yếu, luôn đúng.
Các sự việc có thật ở hiện tại và tương lai. Kết quả có thể xảy ra khi điều kiện được đáp
Câu điều ứng.
kiện loại If you play in the rain, you’ll get a cold.
1 (Nếu chơi dưới trời mưa,) (con sẽ bị cảm.)
Nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng → Kết quả có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
I – Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
Eg.: An urban__________is someone who develops plans and programs for the use of land in towns,
cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.
A. producer B. planner C. inventor D. artist
1. Many types of__________energy such as wind and solar energy will never run out
A. continual B. suitable C. liveable D. renewable
2. Advances in technology are believed to improve the__________of life.
A. nature B. quality C. impression D. appearance
3. This apartment is far from perfect, but it’s__________.

Trang 5
A. liveable B. common C. recyclable D. doubtful
4. In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to__________and avoid traffic jams
A. furnish B. ignore C. detect D. predict
5. Despite all the difficulties, Luke remains__________.
A. pessimistic B. doubtful C. hopeless D. optimistic
6. Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by__________energy sources.
A. renewable B. limited C. temporary D. continuous
7. If you want to raise rents, you have to__________ the housing first.
A. multiply B. thrive C. diminish D. upgrade
8. The hospital is so__________that some patients are being treated on trolleys in the corridors.
A. overcrowded B. overpopulated C. noisy D. unavailable
9. __________dwellers often accept noise as part of urban life.
A. Area B. Society C. City D. Center
10. Michael remained strongly__________that his life could be much better if he moved to the city.
A. lively B. alert C. pessimistic D. optimistic
11. Osaka is considered one of the most__________cities thanks to its comprehensive infrastructure, low
crime rates and stable public transport.
A. acceptable B. liveable C. renewable D. adequate
12. The alarm will go off automatically as soon as smoke is__________.
A. demonstrated B. encountered C. revealed D. detected
13. A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting__________development in all
A. liveable B. sustainable C. renewable D. imaginable
14. It’s important to__________the infrastructure of the city to make it more liveable.
A. accept B. support C. upgrade D. substitute
15. Many Americans were leaving their farm for the promise of life.
A. urban B. rural C. central D. local
II - Complete the following sentences using the given words in the box.
urban pessimistic sustainable infrastructure inhabitants upgrade
E.g.: The minister is responsible for the country’s transport__infrastructure__.
1. Some people took a rather__________view of the country’s recovery after the war.
2. Many of the immigrants have intermarried with the island’s original__________.
3. The plan aimed to__________existing industries and to attract a number of new ones.
4. Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some__________areas.

Trang 6
5. What we need is a more__________transport system, in other words, more buses and trains, and fewer
Mark  (falling intonation) or  (rising intonation) after the question tags.
1. These flowers are beautiful, aren’t they? ________
2. John Herschel was an urbane, kindly and generous man, isn’t he? ________
3. A: This movie is so interesting.
B: You like the film we are watching, don’t you? ________
4. A: Do you know John Thompson?
B: He is the richest man in our town, isn’t he? ________
5. Smoking too much can damage people’s health, can’t it? ________
6. A: It’s important for us to have a good command of English.
B: Yes, English is the most popular language in the world, isn’t it? ________
7. A: I love America. I wish I could travel to America one day.
B: You’ve never been abroad, have you? ________
8. Please help me move the table to the corner, won’t you? ________
9. A: We should eat more fruit every day.
B: Fruit is good for health, isn’t it? ________
10. A: My brother graduated from university with a good degree.
B: He graduated from Havard University, didn’t he? ________
11. They live in London, don’t they? ________
12. Pollution is a common problem in big cities, isn’t it? ________
13. A: I can’t stand this cold weather.
B: Yes, the weather today is terrible, isn’t it? ________
14. A: I have no idea what to do tomorrow.
B: We can go to the cinema if you want, can’t we? ________
15. The cost of living in the countryside isn’t as high as in the city, is it? ________
16. A: Penguins cannot fly.
B: Their small wings help them swim, don’t they? ________
17. A: My parents have bought a new car. It runs more economically than the old one.
B: It Is expensive, isn’t it? ________
18. A: The government should do something to limit the number of cars on the road.
B: I agree with you. Fumes from cars cause air pollution, don’t they? ________
19. Let’s go shopping this afternoon, shall we? ________
20. Pass me the salt, will you? ________

Trang 7
I - Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
E.g.: Nick can’t speak French fluently, ___________?
A. will he B. does he C. can he D. could he
1. There are some Japanese in your class, ___________?
A. aren’t there B. are there C. weren’t there D. were there
2. Let’s go out for a walk in the late afternoon, ___________?
A. do we B. should we C. shall we D. can we
3. Everyone has been told about the news, ___________?
A. has he B. haven’t they C. hasn’t he D. have they
4. Don’t let anyone know our secret, ___________?
A. can’t you B. can you C. won’t you D. will you
5. You couldn’t understand the directions on the packet, ___________?
A. can you B. could you C. can’t you D. couldn’t you
6. You haven’t seen Rosie since you graduated from university, ___________?
A. weren’t you B. did you C. haven’t you D. will you
7. Don’t talk during the lesson, ___________?
A. will you B. won’t you C. would you D. wouldn't you
8. They did little to improve their situation, ___________?
A. didn’t they B. haven’t they C. did they D. have they
II - Match the question tags with the statements to make complete sentences
1. Caroline is good at Literature, a. did they?
2. We can leave if the party is boring, b. have they?
3. My favourite team didn’t win the match yesterday, c. won’t you?
4. You will go to the dentist tomorrow, d. hadn’t he?
5. Let’s go to the shopping mall to buy a birthday gift for
e. has he?
6. Nobody has submitted the application for this job, f. will you?
7. Don’t forget your homework any more, g. isn’t she?
8. John had lived in Moscow before he moved to Paris, h. won’t it?
9. Everything will be ok, i. shall we?
10. Daniel has never admitted his fault, k. can’t we?
1. __g__ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
III - Complete the following sentences with the correct question tags.
E.g.: I should take a bus to get there, __shouldn’t I__?
1. I suppose all the tickets have been sold out, ___________?

Trang 8
2. Peter never comes on time, ___________?
3. Inform me if there are any changes, ___________?
4. They haven’t sold their house yet, ___________?
5. Jessica was wearing a gorgeous white dress at the party last night, ___________?
6. Let’s make chocolate biscuits for the picnic this weekend, ___________?
7. Don’t make any noise while we are recording, ___________?
8. Someone is knocking at the door, ___________?
9. The thieves had escaped before the police came, ___________?
10. It didn’t take long to put the tent up, ___________?
IV - Complete the following sentences using the conditional type 0 and one of the verbs in the box.
Part 1:
get stop take start travel
feel buy taste not - know wear

E.g.: I always__wear__a jacket when it is cold.

1. Whenever it rains heavily, Emma___________a taxi to work.
2. You___________tired the next day if you don’t sleep enough.
3. If you insert a coin, the machine___________working.
4. We___________pink if we mix red and white.
5. If you add sugar to your tea, it___________sweet.
6. If my brother forgets to take a packed lunch, he usually___________a sandwich from the canteen.
7. Mary always feels sick if she___________on a boat.
8. If my son___________a word, he looks It up in his dictionary.
Part 2:
not - have listen boil not - be turn
1. Water___________if the temperature reaches 100° Celsius.
2. If a car___________enough fuel, it doesn’t run.
3. If you press this button, the computer___________ on.
4. If there is no water, plants___________able to grow.
5. Lily___________to music if she can’t sleep.
Part 3:
get rust float stay want
1. Food___________fresh longer if you keep it in a refrigerator.
2. If you stay in the sun too long without applying sun cream, you___________sunburnt.
3. If someone___________to speak to me, put him/ her through to the extension 145.
4. Ice___________if you drop it in water.

Trang 9
5. Iron___________easily if it gets wet.
V - Combine the sentences or rewrite them to make conditional sentences. Decide whether to use
type 1 or type 0.
E.g.: The weather doesn’t improve. We will cancel our picnic tomorrow.
→ If the weather doesn’t improve, we will cancel our picnic tomorrow./ We will cancel our picnic
tomorrow if the weather doesn’t improve.
1. My dad doesn’t sleep well. He drinks green tea before going to bed.
→ ____________________________________________________
2. You don’t try your best. You won’t win any medal this season.
→ ____________________________________________________
3. It snows. My children always build a snowman in front of my house.
→ ____________________________________________________
4. You don’t put ice cream in the freezer. It melts.
→ ____________________________________________________
5. It rains today. I won’t have to water the plants in the garden.
→ ____________________________________________________
6. You watch this horror film. You won’t be able to sleep.
→ ____________________________________________________
7. A mobile phone runs out of battery. It automatically powers off.
→ ____________________________________________________
8. You mix hydrogen and oxygen. You get water.
→ ____________________________________________________
9. Jane buys a new house. She will hold a housewarming party.
→ ____________________________________________________
10. You press this button. The doorbell rings
→ ____________________________________________________
You have probably seen a lot of companies create vehicles that they believe will play a major role
in the coming age of the smart city.
From Toyota to Renault, these companies have showcased fully autonomous vehicles, cars capable
of understanding their surrounding environment to make decisions.
You might not ever drive in the smart city. You will step into a smart vehicle that commu¬nicates
with the other surrounding vehicles to ensure that you get from point A to point B both as quickly
as possible and as efficiently as possible.

Trang 10
I - Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Urbanisation is a trend with no end. It is estimated that up to 66% of all people will live in cities by 2050.
At the forefront of potential problems that this may cause are environmental, social and economic
sustainability. The smart city is one solution.
Wireless connectivity is changing the way we see and control traditional elements in our daily city lives.
Streetlights with sensors are able to detect available parking spaces and alert drivers where they not only
can park their cars but charge them as well. They can also turn themselves off, saving energy, and turn
back on when it senses a car or person in close proximity. High-powered LEDs can alert commuters of
traffic congestion and re-route them and, at the same time, provide severe weather warnings. Rubbish
bins can send data to the waste management authorities, alerting them to pick up the bins when they are
close to full, rather than the inefficient method of a weekly schedule, which may not be needed at all.
However, smart cities also come with their drawbacks. One argument against the implementation of smart
cities is that it will cause people to become even more reliant on technology and oblivious to their
surroundings. It’s quite common these days to have a person walking down the street, staring into their
smart phone, unaware of their surroundings. These people cross the street at a red light, bump into
strangers or even fall off a ledge marked as off-limits.
1. Will urbanisation start to slow down in 2050? Why?
→ ____________________________________________________
2. What leads to the development of the smart city?
→ ____________________________________________________
3. What can streetlights with sensors do?
→ ____________________________________________________
4. How can a smart city help solve the environmental problem?
→ ____________________________________________________
5. Why is there one argument against the implementation of smart cities?
→ ____________________________________________________
II - Read the passage and decide whether theses statements are True (T) or False (F).
Major cities are facing major crises. The United Nations estimates that by 2050, almost one billion people
with disabilities will live in cities, representing 15% of total city dwellers. With urban landscapes awash
with inaccessible subways, shops, and bathrooms, the UN has declared that poor accessibility represents a
major challenge for cities. At the same time, most cities around the world are struggling to provide safe,
respectable, affordable housing for their citizens, with rent accounting for more than 50% of some
incomes. The World Economic Forum recently warned that “a world in which only a few can afford
housing is not sustainable.”

Trang 11
At a time when the future of urbanism is increasingly being defined by new technologies designed to
enhance the everyday life of the user, architects and urbanists must remember that a smart city is an
accessible city, and also an affordable city. It is important to note that a truly accessible city is one where
people of all abilities, incomes, races, genders, and religions can live and thrive in an urban environment
centered on the human experience.
This is not to suggest that technology does not have a role to play. In fact, as we are about to see, both
architects and end-users are being exposed to a wide variety of smart innovations to further advance the
cause of universal design, from navigating the city for a wheelchair user, to building homes in urban
centers for an affordable housing market.
(Arch Daily, 2019)
1. Disabled people will account for 15% of city population by 2050. 
2. People in the cities are spending less than 50% of their incomes on housing. 
3. A sustainable city is a city which can provide housing for all of its citizens. 
4. Technology has nothing to do with an accessible and affordable city. 
5. One of the smart innovations architects and end-users can make is building affordable 
housing in the city centers
Listen and fill in the blanks with ONE appropriate words.
1. The global population is predicted to reach___________billion in the future.
2. Most of the growth in population will happen in the urban areas of the world’s___________countries.
3. The world will have to provide sufficient food, sanitation and___________for all people.
4. In the future, food might be produced in vertical farms and___________.
5. Cities in the future will no longer be built around a single___________.
Talk about problems a city will have to face up to in the future.
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What are the environmental problems?
• What are the problems of resources?
• What are negative effects of technology?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
* climate change * In my opinion, the more populous cities are, the
* air pollution more problems they have.
* natural disasters * Firstly, a future city will have to face up to
* water pollution environmental problems ...
* shortage of resources * Secondly, city dwellers will also have to cope

Trang 12
* lack of agricultural land with the shortage of resources ...
* lack of fresh water * In addition, there are several problems that are
* shortage of fuel related to technology...
* dependent on technology
* face-to-face interaction
* unemployment
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What are the environmental problems? __________________________________________
What are the problems of resources? __________________________________________
What are negative effects of technology? __________________________________________
Now you try!
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. In my opinion, the more populous cities are, the more problems they have.
2. Firstly, a future city will have to face up to environmental problems ...
3. Secondly, city dwellers will also have to cope with the shortage of resources ...
4. In addition, there are several problems that are related to technology ...
Now you tick!
Did you ...
 answer all the questions in the task?
 give some details to each main point?
 speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?
 use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?
 use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?
 pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?
Let’s compare!
Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 190.
I - Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use
others words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.

Trang 13
1. Will/ gap/ rich/ poor/ solve/ future?
→ ________________________________________________________
2. I/ think/ life quality/ city/ improve a lot/ next 30 years.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. Many/ expert/ say/ change/ next century/ be/ unbelievable.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. First change/ city/ future/ be/ change/ infrastructure.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. I/ strongly believe/ my city/ become more liveable/ its inhabitants/ futureher words in addition to the
cues to complete the sentences.
→ ________________________________________________________
II - Write an essay (150 -180 words) about improvements we will see in the cities in the future.
You can use the following questions as cues:
* How will transportation change?
* How will buildings change?
* How will entertainment change?

Trang 14

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