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MM Blended


The Four Types of Strategic

Visionary Leaders
Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah
Learning Objectives
MM Blended

• Students should be able to identify/ recognize and explain

Visionary Leadership
MM Blended

• Easy to identify – charismatic and often controversial. People

usually find them exciting to be around.
• Diverse, as they appear across wide range of situations. They
appear anywhere, regardless of role, title, experience level,
social status, education or background.
• Visionary leaders described as having the ability to see the
future and anticipate change. Two words most related with them
are ‘insightful’ and ‘inspirational’.
• They inspire through both the compelling vision that they
communicate and their personal passion.
• Two shortcoming qualities usually ‘impatient’ and ‘difficult to
work with’.
Focus of Visionary Leaders
MM Blended

• The primary focus usually their own world view, in which priority
is their own vision that serves as centerpiece and guiding
principle for all their energy, perceptions, priorities and actions.
• The scope and time horizon of visionary leaders usually
‘expansive’, although sometimes they also do have a short
attention span.
Five Actions that Uniquely Distinguish Visionary
MM Blended

Develop Insights Design Solutions

The ability to combine The ability to forming solutions which
relevant information in crystallizes the integration of all prior
inputs, derived from observation and
unique and revolutionary analysis to form a coherent view
ways Monitor Trends regarding future opportunity
They acutely aware of the
environment, particularly
trends and disruption

Iterate Enroll Others

The ability to rapidly move through stages of The ability to motivate other
evolution and adapting their vision to
accommodate new information/
stakeholders to support and
environment change participate in their worldview.
The Impact of Visionary Leaders
MM Blended

Visionary leaders are passionate and unrelenting in the pursuit of a

particular view of the world. They form their worldview through an acute
understanding of the environment and emerging trends, using that
understanding to identify existing or emerging problems, and craft novel
solutions to those problems that are demonstrably better than existing or
possible alternatives. Having formed a coherent vision, they drive
strategic change through rapid, iterative application of their vision,
adapting their vision when confronted with new or changing information,
and enrolling others to share and participate in that vision in ways most
critical to ensuring its realization.
MM Blended

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