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My Strengths (What did I do well?) Skill My Areas of Growth (Where could I improve?

Yes, I shared responsibility with my teammate.

I shared responsibility with my team

Yes, everyone contributions were well valued.

I included all group members and
valued their contributions

Yes, I did collaborate with my group, shred my

ideas and we made a pretty good decision. I collaborated with my group to
share ideas, make decisions, and
solve problems

I agreed with all my teammates ideas

and she agreed with mien. I was able to agree and disagree
with others’ ideas

Yes, I listened to others’ ideas and after they

finished speaking, I shared my ideas. I actively listened to others and
spoke with awareness of discussion
rules and nonverbal cues

Would your group survive the Zombie Invasion? Why or why not? What changes would you make to help
your group survive? If you think you would survive, what choices did your group make that would
guarantee your survival?
(Your response should be at least one paragraph long and written in complete sentences.)
Answer: yes, I think my group would survive the zombie invasion because the item we chose to
survive if a zombie invasion came is very help full. The item we chose was a redo because a
with redo you can put the redo far away as you can and put on a very loud song and you can
get away. And how is the redo going to help us escape the zombies. The redo can help us
escape the apocalypse, because the zombies are attracted to loud noisy sounds so, the point is
while they are distracted you can get away and save our lives.

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