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Cover Letter

Digital Egypt Builders Scholarship Program

To whom it may concern,

My name is Adel Hany. I have attended my bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering from Mansoura
university with overall grade Excellent with honor. I am interested in Data Science, so it would be very
helpful to me taking this scholarship in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence which will help me in my
career path.
I work very hard and always try to improve my skills by learning new topics. I showed my interest in Data
Science by taking serious steps. As an engineering student, I had a strong background in statistics,
mathematics and programming languages accompanied with machine learning. I learned that data science is a
powerful tool that can help businesses to analyze the mass of data they deal with and to make decisions. I
wanted to improve my knowledge and gain further experience by building real-world projects.
As part of a team with my colleagues we tried to connect what we have learned to our major of studying so
we used Deep learning to make a medical image analysis platform as our graduation project. We implement
convolution neural networks and trained it on real-world dataset of medical images. We tried to utilize AI to
assist radiologists and physicians in medical diagnostics. In this project, we worked on quantifying
Alzheimer's disease progression with hippocampal volume using hippocampus segmentation from MRI
images of the brain, classifying skin lesions from optical images and classifying pneumonia patients from
chest X-Ray images. We faced difficulties doing the project but we had the motivation and power to search
and dig deeper to find solutions.
I wish to learn more into the subjects to be able to carry out independent research and analysis. My long-term
goal is to be an expert in the data science field and to be able to use AI to help our community. I am willing
to start a new journey full of learning and improving day after day.
This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with experts and scholars
from diverse professional backgrounds. I strongly believe that a Degree in Data Science and AI, would
certainly be valuable in allowing me to catch my goals.
The reputation of high-quality education standards and program’s commitment and vision are the main
factors that have encouraged me to apply for this scholarship. Finally, I desire to catch up on my dream to be
a professional in data science that will benefit many people. Completing this degree should provide the
experience for me to achieve my aspirations.


Adel Hany Abdelfattah

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