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CONDUCTORS – conducts electricity since it offers little LINEAR RESISTORS – obey ohm’s law
or no resistance to the flow of electrons, thus leading to
a flow of electrical current. NON- LINEAR RESISTOR – consist of three types in
common use:
INSULATORS – a material which does not easily heat 1. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) – light
and/or electricity to pass through it. sensitive
2. Thermistor – heat sensitive
ELECTRONICS PARAMETER 3. Voltage – dependent Resistor (VDR) - surge
suppression voltage
CURRENT – flow of electrons within an electronic
circuit. / Ampere / A / Amps CLASSIFICATION OF RESISTOR
Linear Resistors – obey ohm’s law
RESISTANCE - opposition to the flow of electrons in an - Value changers with applied
electronic circuit. / Ohms / R / Omega temperature and voltage.
Fixed resistors
VOLTAGE - potential, or pushing power, of electricity -thin/thick film
available to a circuit. / Volts / E or V / V -carbon composition
POWER - measure of the ability of an electronic circuit
to accomplish a task. / Watts / P / W Variable Resistors
- consist of a slider which taps onto
OHM’S LAW the main resistor elemen and a
Current ( I), Voltage (E) and element and a fixed resistor.
Resistance (R) -Potentiometer
➢ E = IXR -Trimmer resistor
➢ I = E/R

PASSIVE COMPONENTS Photo Resistor or LDR (Light Dependent Resistors)

-does not have any internal capacity to change energy Or Photo conductive cell – a light controlled variable
from one form to another. resistor. The photo resistor resistance decreases with
-don’t need an external power source to function. increase in incident light intensity.

RESISTOR – an electrical component that limits or Surface Mount Resistor – also called SMD resistor are
regulates the flow of electrical; current in an electric reactangular in shape. An SMD is an electronic
circuit. components that is made to use with SMT or Surface
Mount Technology.
Unit: Ohms
Resistance – Value in ohms
Power – handling capabilities in watts

CAPACITORS – simply passive device that can store

electrical charge on their plates when connected to a
voltage source.

Think of a capacitor as very small, temporary storage




Ceramic & Film

- non polarized
- AC or DC operation
- Lower Capcitance


Aluminum & Tantalum

Basic types of polarized capacitor:
- Polarized -Electrolytic Capacitor
- Dc operation -Tantalum Capacitor
- Higher Capacitance -Can Capacitor

Types of Electrolytic Capacitor

Non-Polarized VARIABLE CAPACITOR – a capacitor whose
Common capacitance rangers are: capacitance may be intentionally and repeatedly
change mechanically or electronically.

Types of variable capacitor:

Types of Dielectric used:

Paper, Ceramic, Glass, Mica, Polyester, Mylar

1. DE-Couping
2. Noise Filter
3. Power Conditioning
4. Resonance
5. Timer
6. Snubber
7. Motor starter
8. Sensor
9. Touch switch
10. Signal processing

INDUCTOR - is a coil wire through which electrons

move, and energy is stored in the resulting
magnetic field.
-store energy in magnetic field not an electric field
-measured in henry

Core Types
-molded inductor
-air wound inductor
-iron powder toroidal inductor
-ferrite core toroidal transformer inductor
-adjustable air-wound inductor
-variable inductor

Factors Influencing Inductors

The amount of insuctance is infkuence by a number of

-number of coil turns

-diameter of coil
-spacing between turns
-size of the wire used
-typed of material inside the coil

. wide spacing between turns – low inductance

. close spacing between turns – higher inductance
. small diameter – low inductance
. larger diameter – higher inductance
. air core – low inductance
. powered iron core – higher inductance
. soft iron core – higher inductance


1. Resonant circuits
2. Tuned circuits in Radio Receptions &
3. antena
4. electric transmission
5. filter in power supplies
6. energy stored devices SMPS
7. Audio frequencies

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