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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

I. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to;
 Summarize various text types based on elements: Enumeration text
 Identify the signal words to show enumeration

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Summarizing an Enumeration Texts
B. Reference: Module

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s
A. Review/ inventory Activities
Opening prayer Our
Who art in
(Select one pupil to lead) heaven,
be Thy
name; Thy
come; Thy
“Good afternoon class.” will be
done on
earth as it
is in
“Please remain standing for we are going to have a short energizer.” heaven.
(insert: Action Song) Give us this
day our
daily bread;
“Okay, sit down” (Checking of Attendance) and forgive
us our
“Okay, in our previous lessons you have learned that a summary is a brief as we
statement or condensed version of a selection. Summarizing is a way of forgive
understanding a text by identifying the main idea and its important supporting those who
information. It is a short retelling wherein only the important details are trespass
included. against us;
and lead us
When you summarize a classification text type, you have to take note of its not into
feature. temptation
, but
Classification is a text type in which writers sort ideas into common deliver us
categories, types, or kinds according to a specific basis. Classification allows the from evil.
author to take an overall idea and split it into parts for the purpose of providing Amen.
clarity and description. Sorting can take place on many levels with topics,
subtopics, categories, subcategories, and so on.
In classifying text there are sets of signal words to introduce a classified ideas it “Good
could be: afternoon
A. One, Another, Also, Finally/Lastly ma’am,
B. First, Second, Third, Finally/Lastly Good


The word “enumeration” comes from the Latin meaning “counting up.” Enumeration is
the technique in which a writer spends lines of poetry, paragraphs of prose, or other
explaining parts of the plot. Often, it’s used to emphasize a certain situation or action.
Or if a writer feels like they need to elucidate a particular portion of their story.

 In the English language, enumeration is rhetorical device used for listing details
or a process of mentioning words or phrases in an organized manner. You can
also say that the process is explained step by step.
 Enumeration is used by the English authors in a form of amplification.
Sometimes, you can consider it a division that categorizes the subject into
different components or parts. When the writers are trying to elucidate a topic,
to make it understandable for readers.

An enumeration can be used to break down arguments, conflicts, and phrases. It is

often used for listing details and to provide readers with more information about
anything in the plot. This might be what a place looks like, how a character acts, what
they feel, or anything else. By using enumeration, the author makes sure the reader
won’t encounter ambiguity.

An enumeration text type lists the kinds, A characters, classes, types, parts, ways, and
groups of a thing or subject. Transition/signal
The Big Catswords used to show enumeration are the
 in many ways Jennyfer J. Cusi
 such 1 as
Cats of the genus Panthera are the big cats found all over the world. 2They
 befirst
can veryordangerous
one because of their sharp teeth and claws. 3They are known to
second, or next,
wild, and fast. and
One so
is aon.
lion. It is well-muscled, has a long body, large head,
and short legs. Another is tiger. dash
The punctuation
5 marks like (--)largest
It is the and colon (:) are
cat specie in also used reaching
the world to enumerate
examples. 6
to 3.3 meters in length and weighing up to 670 pounds. Cheetah is also a member.
It is smaller than a lion and known to be the world's fastest land animal. 7Jaguar is a
In good
writing a summary
swimmer and isofknown
an explanation text, you
to have stronger jawsshould:
than any other species of cat.
8  Read and understand the passage.
Lynx has a short tail, black hair on the tips of its ears, long whiskers on the face, and
 Identify
padded thewalking
paws for main ideaon and
9 supporting details.
Cougar, also known as puma, is an excellent
climber, has a tail which is nearly as long asthe
 Write the main idea first and then itemsand
its head enumerated.
body combined, and has a
 Use your own words. 10
flat face with prominent front-facing eyes. Lastly, the tree climber leopard has
 Compare
relatively what
short legs andyou have
a long written
body with awith
largethe original text.
 Write the final draft of your summary.

The cats of the genus Panthera are the dangerous, huge, wild and fast big cats all
around the world. Examples of these are the lion, a well-muscled big cat; tiger, the largest cat
specie; cheetah, the world’s fastest land animal; jaguar, the good swimmer; lynx, the snow
walker; cougar or puma, the excellent climber; and leopard, another tree climber.
How is Text A different from Text B? Text B is the summary of Text A which is
the original text. How are the two texts the same? Do they contain the same main idea
and details?

When you summarize an enumeration text, you give the main idea first, then
the supporting details.

Read the texts again. What are being talked about in the paragraph? What
things are enumerated to show the different types of big cats around the world? What
words are used to show enumeration?

See how the graphic organizer shows the structure of the paragraph.

Lion Types of Big Cats Leopard

Tiger Cougar or

Cheetah Lynx

The words used to show enumeration are:

 One
 Another
 Lastly

(Presenting of examples)
When you are using enumeration, you are putting emphasis on certain ideas to
elaborate on them further. In fact, enumeration easily creates an impression on the
minds of the readers. The details and listing make it easy for them to convey the real
message they want to impart. However, if there is no use of enumeration in a text, it
might become difficult for the reader to get the true meanings of ideas.

Why Do Writers Use Enumeration?

Writers use enumeration when they want to dedicate a portion of their text to
broadening the exposition in a short story, novel, or poem. It’s an important way of
expanding the story, bringing the reader closer to the details, and fully explaining the
fictional or non-fictional world.


Read the following texts and do the tasks that follow. Write your answer
on your paper.

For numbers 1 and 2

Health experts strongly discouraged everyone from going out of the
house in this time of pandemic because of the risks of getting contacted with the
COVID-19. However, if going out of the house is inevitable, never forget to bring
the anti-COVID 19 essentials. One is mask. It helps prevent your respiratory
droplets from reaching others. It will likewise protect you against respiratory
droplets from other people. Another is face shield. It will block the respiratory
droplets from getting into your eyes and nose. Finally, alcohol-based sanitizer.
It will kill the germs that stick to your hands. These three things along with
physical distancing will surely protect you from COVID 19 but staying at home is
still the best option.

1. Fill in the graphic organizer with the correct information sequenced in the

2. What signal words are used to introduce the listed items in the text?
A. face mask, face shield, and alcohol-based sanitizer
B. one, another, and finally
C. pandemic, COVID 19, and virus
D. physical distancing and staying at home

For numbers 3 and 4

The two subjects I love best may be hated by other learners. One is
English. I like this subject because I am guided by the grammar rules when I
express my thoughts. Another is Mathematics. I am really fascinated of the
wonders of numbers. No matter what other people say, only these two subjects
challenge me a lot.

3. Fill in the graphic organizer with the correct information sequenced in the text.

4. What signal words are used to introduce the listed items in the text?
A. Challenging and fascinating
B. English and Mathematics
C. Loved, and Not hated
D. One and another


Make a summary by arranging the sentences after the text. Write your answer on
your paper.
For Number 1
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram shows the three very different types of stars. The
first type is called the Main Sequence which includes the sun. These stars 3are fueled by
nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen into helium. The hotter they are, the brighter they
become. They last for about five billion years. The second type 5includes the supergiants. As
they reach old age, they deplete their hydrogen supply. Their core contracts as their outer
layers expand. Eventually, they will explode 7becoming nebula or supernova, then white
dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. Third, smaller stars consequently become white
dwarfs, shrinking and depleting their 9nuclear fuels, finally becoming cold, dark, black dwarfs.

I. Third, the smaller stars which shrink and deplete their nuclear fuels until they
become cold, dark, black dwarfs.
II. The Hertzsprung-Russel is a diagram that shows the three different types of stars.
III. First, the main sequence which is fueled by nuclear fusion.
IV. Second, the super giants which deplete their hydrogen supply as they reach old age.
A. II – I – III - IV C. II – III – I - IV
B. II – III - IV - I D. II – I – IV - III

Activity 3B: Supply the missing idea and arrange the sentences to summarize the
text. Write the summary on your paper.
For Number 2

The atmosphere is composed of different levels. The first level, called troposphere,
is the nearest to Earth, about 11 km thick. Most clouds and weather are found in this layer.
Next is the stratosphere which is about 11-48km above the Earth’s surface. In it is the
ozone layer which absorbs the most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The
mesosphere is above the stratosphere in which the atmosphere is very rarefied and the
temperature decreases with altitude. The fourth layer is the thermosphere which starts at
about 55 km. The temperature is so hot that it cannot be measured by a thermometer.
Temperature may be thousands of degrees high. The second to the last is the exosphere,
the region beyond the thermosphere. Finally, the ionosphere overlaps the other layers

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