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School Grade Level Grade 9

Teacher Learning English

2 days Quarter
Date/Time Second

The learner demonstrates understanding of how
Anglo-American literature and other text types
serve as means of valuing other people; also how
A. Content Standards to use processing information strategies, different
forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to
play an active part in a Chamber Theatre
The learner proficiently plays an active part in a
Chamber Theatre presentation through employing
effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on
B. Performance Standard
the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Style and Body Movements or
EN9LT-IIa-15: Analyze literature as a means of
valuing other people and their various
circumstances in life.
C. Learning Competencies
EN9WC-IIa-10: Distinguish the features present in
the prose and poetry.

a. Explain what is greatness all about;

b. Share and integrate information using
Objectives graphic organizers;
c. Connect and value people’s circumstances in
real-life situation.

Subject Matter Module 2 Valuing others and their circumstances
Lesson 1 Finding Others’ Greatness


A. References
Teacher’s Guide Pages 75-89
Learner’s Material Pages 118-120
Textbook Pages None
Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources


Anyone from the group, who can recall

A. Reviewing what did we do last meeting about the
previous topic Summarizing? Or how can we
lesson or determine if we’ve done a good
presenting summary?
the new A summary is a
lesson synthesis of the key
(3 minutes) ideas of a piece of
Yes, Ms./Mr.___________? writing, restated in
your own words – i.e.,
paraphrased. You
may write a summary
as a stand-alone
assignment or as part
of a longer paper.
Precisely! Your answer is correct. Whenever you
summarize, you must
be careful not to
copy the exact
wording of the original

A good summary:

 Identifies the
writer of the
original text.
 Synthesizes the
writer’s key
 Presents the

Very good! That’s correct! I’ve noticed

that you understand the previous

Today, we will be learning new lesson

which I believe it is very interesting.
“Be not afraid
B. Establishing a Are you excited of greatness.
to know about it?
Some are born great, some
purpose for the achieve greatness, and others
Yes _______!
lesson. I will show
haveyou a thought
greatness bubble with
thrust upon
(15 minutes) the following quotes them.”and I want you to
explain the deeper the meaning of it:
― William Shakespeare,
Twelfth Night
Yes _____! For me,
Greatness makes me
of who I am and You
were the only person
who could help it, and
you did it well!

Very good! Any more ideas about the

first quotation?

How about this second quote?

“You must expect

great things of We should be
yourself before you confident in our own
can do them.” Michael self and have faith in
Jordan doing something

Yes______! It feels
good that you do
something great even
in simple ways.
Precisely! Loving your own self makes
big outcomes in life.

Very good class! I really appreciate

your being attentive in our first activity.

So, you have already an idea what is

greatness all about. Moreover, How
do we celebrate the “greatness” of the
people we know? Before we will go to
the main topic, close your eyes and
imagine that you do something good
in yourself. What did you feel? Do you
want to do best always?

C. Presenting Showing the picture of the movie

examples/ entitled “ The Little Prince”
instances of
the new
(15 minutes)
In the movie, it shows
how great the prince
in his life even though he had that kind of life.

Moreover, The girl in

the movie shows how
happy and grateful in
her life even she has
only 1 friend.
Anyone from the group who watched
already this movie? Is it nice? What
do you think is the lesson we can get
from the movie? Do you think there is
connection of this movie in our topic?

Amazing answer! It is indeed a

wonderful movie that talks about being
great whatever situation we had in our

D. Discussing (Group Activity, 35 minutes only)

new concepts
and practicing Class, let us do the activity DOUBLE
new skills #1 BUBBLE MAP. It is a tool for There will be group
comparing and contrasting things, presentation for their
including individuals, events, places, output.
ideas and artifacts. It begins with two
adjacent central bubbles in which the
two ideas are written. Bubbles are
then added between the two ideas to
capture the common elements
between them, while further bubbles
are added on the outer extremity of
the two original ideas to capture
elements that different. What you are
going to do is you used this activity for
the two writers and add more bubbles
to expand what are your ideas about
them. Be clever and attentive while
making this activity. Are you ready to
put your answers inside the bubbles?

(The teacher will distributes template,

cartolina and markers )



Based in your activity, Do you think

William Shakespeare and Michael
Jordan influences other people to do
well? To achieve greatness in their
In that, what do you think what is
greatness means? How can we
identify if we do something great?

(Use PPT during the discussion)

According to the bible, the clearest

view of God's greatness comes from
his actions toward creation, especially
toward his people. Creation records
his greatness and leads to our praise (
Psalm 145:6 ). Moreover, We all have
our own definitions of greatness. But,
how does the world define true
One way is by a person’s talent and
abilities. In 2015, a 21-year-old kid
from Dallas, Jordan Spieth, won the
Masters when most of his peers were
still in college! Others define
greatness by their accomplishments.
What Steve Jobs did in building Apple
to the point that many business
experts think Apple might become the
first trillion-dollar company in
American history – that’s pretty
phenomenal. Looking back at
historical accomplishments, think
about George Washington, Abraham
Lincoln, Alexander Graham Bell,
Thomas Edison and Susan B.
(Students answer may
Anthony, to name a few. The impact
they had on American history is
How about in our country? Our
national heroes do something great in
our history like Jose Rizal, Andres
Bonifacio and others. In addition,
Others think greatness is really all
about power. And who’s the big
enchilada when it comes to power?
It’s the President of the Philippines.
We’re talking about the most powerful
position in all the world!
Similarly, some people define
greatness by how quickly someone
climbs the ladder of a large
corporation – who has the biggest
staff, the most prestigious title, and Greatness achieved
makes the most money. within yourself.
So, what does it really mean to be
truly great? It means to be a servant.
Really? How can you be considered
great and be a servant at the same Yes Maam/Sir!
time? Unfortunately, much of the world
has the wrong definition of what
greatness really is. The Bible tells us
that true greatness is being a servant,
and the greatest person of all time is
Jesus Christ. Being a servant is
having an attitude exemplified by
Christ, “Who, being in very nature
God, did not consider equality with
God something to be used to his own
advantage; rather, he made himself
nothing by taking the very nature of a
servant, being made in human
likeness.” (Philippians 2:6-7)

To sum up, to care and to show love is

what greatness it all about. And it
begins with serving God, because our
love for God will be expressed in our
love for others. And that, my friends, is
true greatness.

Hence, may I request 2 students to

give ideas about we’ve discussed?

Did you understand the lesson? Any


E. Discussing For more understanding about the (Students answer may

new concepts topic, I will show you a video about vary)
and practicing greatness by Jack Canfield.
new skills #2
(15 minutes) After watching, I will provide an activity
entitled Share-Pair- Circle. You will
have the same group and form two
circles. The outer circle will face the
inner circle and choose a classmate to
raise a question and share your ideas
to the class. At a certain time, you will
rotate and share with another pair and
ask another questions.

F. Developing To wrap up the lesson, you will do the (Students output may
mastery activity called Doodle It wherein you vary)
(Leads to draw what you’ve understand, instead
Formative of writing it.
Assessment With the following rubrics for your
3) output:
(10 minutes) Rubric for Drawing
Relevant to the lesson 5
Concept/Explanation 10
Craftmanship/Neatness 5
Creativity 5
Total 25

G. Finding Connecting Lives

practical In the picture, how the mother shows The picture shows that
applications greatness to her daughter? they had a great time
of concepts talking with her
and skills in mother.
daily living
( 7 minutes)

H. Making The students will answer the following

generalizations questions: (answers may vary)
and abstraction
about the 1. What makes a person being A person will be great
lesson great? if God will be the
(2 minutes) center of everything
2. Do we need to be value he does.
people’s life?
We value people
because we love them
and care for them.

3. Can we achieved easily the We can achieved it

greatness in our own self? easily if we as an
individual knows our
own self and purpose
in life.
Precisely! Very good answers.

So, to appreciate more our topic,

I want you to complete the Amazing
Notes wherein you will write an
incredible notes in 1/8 sheets about
our lesson and you will post in the

I. Evaluating Oh! Situation! Be Attentive!

Learning (by group)
(10 minutes) In this activity, the students are given
different situations; however, they will
chose only 1. The students will give
reactions about the situation, action of
the persons involved in the story, how
they deal with their problems and
relate it in the topic through Situational

They will be graded with the

following rubric:
Organization – 5 pts
Content - 10 pts.
Delivery - 10 pts.

The different situations are the


1. One by one the employees got

closer to the coffin and when they
looked inside they suddenly became
speechless. They stood over the (Students answer may
coffin, shocked and in silence, as if vary)
someone had touched the deepest
part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffin:

everyone who looked inside could see
himself. There was also a sign next to
the mirror that said: “There is only one
person who is capable to set limits to
your growth: it is YOU.”

2. Once upon a time a daughter

complained to her father that her life
was miserable and that she didn’t
know how she was going to make it.
She was tired of fighting and
struggling all the time. It seemed just
as one problem was solved, another
one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the
kitchen. He filled three pots with water
and placed each on a high fire. Once
the three pots began to boil, he placed
potatoes in one pot, eggs in the
second pot, and ground coffee beans
in the third pot.
He then let them sit and boil, without
saying a word to his daughter. The
daughter, moaned and impatiently
waited, wondering what he was doing.
After twenty minutes he turned off the
burners. He took the potatoes out of
the pot and placed them in a bowl. He
pulled the boiled eggs out and placed
them in a bowl.
He then ladled the coffee out and
placed it in a cup. Turning to her he
asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she
hastily replied.
“Look closer,” he said, “and touch the
potatoes.” She did and noted that they
were soft. He then asked her to take
an egg and break it. After pulling off
the shell, she observed the hard-
boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip
the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a
smile to her face.
“Father, what does this mean?” she
He then explained that the potatoes,
the eggs and coffee beans had each
faced the same adversity– the boiling
However, each one reacted differently.
The potato went in strong, hard, and
unrelenting, but in boiling water, it
became soft and weak.
The egg was fragile, with the thin
outer shell protecting its liquid interior
until it was put in the boiling water.
Then the inside of the egg became
However, the ground coffee beans
were unique. After they were exposed
to the boiling water, they changed the
water and created something new.
“Which are you,” he asked his
daughter. “When adversity knocks on
your door, how do you respond? Are
you a potato, an egg, or a coffee
bean? “

3. Once, there was an older man, who

was broke, living in a tiny house and
owned a beat up car. He was living off
of $99 social security checks. At 65
years of age, he decide things had to
change. So he thought about what he
had to offer. His friends raved about
his chicken recipe. He decided that
this was his best shot at making a
He left Kentucky and traveled to
different states to try to sell his recipe.
He told restaurant owners that he had
a mouthwatering chicken recipe. He
offered the recipe to them for free, just
asking for a small percentage on the
items sold. Sounds like a good deal,
Unfortunately, not to most of the
restaurants. He heard NO over 1000
times. Even after all of those
rejections, he didn’t give up. He
believed his chicken recipe was
something special. He got rejected
1009 times before he heard his first
With that one success Colonel
Hartland Sanders changed the way
Americans eat chicken. Kentucky
Fried Chicken, popularly known as
KFC, was born.

4. There once was a very wealthy and

curious king. This king had a huge
boulder placed in the middle of a road.
Then he hid nearby to see if anyone
would try to remove the gigantic rock
from the road.
The first people to pass by were some
of the king’s wealthiest merchants and
courtiers. Rather than moving it, they
simply walked around it. A few loudly
blamed the King for not maintaining
the roads. Not one of them tried to
move the boulder.
Finally, a peasant came along. His
arms were full of vegetables. When he
got near the boulder, rather than
simply walking around it as the others
had, the peasant put down his load
and tried to move the stone to the side
of the road. It took a lot of effort but he
finally succeeded.
The peasant gathered up his load and
was ready to go on his way when he
say a purse lying in the road where
the boulder had been. The peasant
opened the purse. The purse was
stuffed full of gold coins and a note
from the king. The king’s note said the
purse’s gold was a reward for moving
the boulder from the road.
The king showed the peasant what
many of us never understand: every
obstacle presents an opportunity to
improve our condition.

J. Additional The students will create an essay that

Activities for talks about how grateful they are in
application or their own life. The following rubrics will
remediation be their guide:
(8 minutes)
Objectives are


Not Attained Reason: ____________________________________

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


English Teacher

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