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Detailed Lesson Plan

Table Tennis

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
1. understand the Basic Hand Grips of Table Tennis;
2. execute the Basic Hand Grip of Table Tennis; and
3. value the importance of table Tennis.

II . Subject Matter
A. Topic: Individual and Dual Sports (Table Tennis)
B. Sub-Topic: Basic Hand Grip
C. Reference:

D. Material: Racket, Ping pong ball, Laptop, PowerPoint, Projector



A. Preparatory Activity
1. Greetings
Good morning class! - Good morning, Ma’am!
Please remain standing for prayer.
2. Prayer
(Video Presentation for Prayer) - Thank you, Ma’am!
You may now take your seat.
3. Checking of attendance
Miss Patricia, can you check the attendance. - Yes, Ma’am

4. Energizer

(The students will follow)

5. Review
Before we move on to our next topic, let’s have a short
What topic we discussed yesterday? Ma’am the topic that we discussed yesterday is
all about the nature, rules, and equipment of
table tennis.
Very good.

I will group you first into 4 group I have here a box that
contained 4 different colors for you to identify what is
your group. Each team should have a representative.

I will be going to flash some question and you just going

to answer if it is a FACT or BLUFF, the representative is
the one who will raise the answer, I will give 5 minutes
for you to identify the answer.

1. A let is a rally in which the result is not scored. - FACT

2. The ITTF is stand for international table tennis - FACT
3. The USA generally uses the term “bat.” - BLUFF
4. A let is a rally in which the result is scored. - FACT
5. The ball shall be spherical with a diameter of 50 - BLUFF

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

- (The students will watch the video)

Motive question:

1. How do you find the video?

- (The students will answer)
2. What do you observe?
3. Are you familiar with what they are doing?
4. What kind of play is it?
5. What about the position of their hand when they are
playing? What do you call to that?

2. Discussion
The video I’ve shown to you is the game table tennis as you
observed there are different grips in handling the racket, and shot,
but as what you have seen on the video clip there is still more to
know about the game.

So now les us tackle about the Basic Hand Grips in Table Tennis. - The students attentively listening.
In your own idea, how can you identify the grip and shot in table

That’s correct!


Table tennis is a racket sport, which means that a player’s main

weapon at hand is his paddle. Putting aside skills, techniques, and
footwork for the moment, one of the most initial and basic things a
player must learn is how to wield his weapon, i.e., the ping pong
paddle or table tennis racket. But before one learns about angles
and swinging, one of the most foundational choices a player must
make, or one that is made for him by his coach or trainer, is how to
hold the racket. We have 4 types of grips.
- The "shakehand" grip is the typical
European type of grip where the head
1. First, we have the shakehand grip: of the racket faces up, and your hand
looks like it's ready to shake a
person's hand. Players using the
shakehand grip use both the front and
back sides of the paddle, whereas
penhold players often use only one
side of the paddle (though modern
penhold players are now often using
the backside as well).

- Penhold is the Asian-style grip of

holding the racket, where the head of
the racket is facing down and is held
the way a person holds a pen or
2. Penhold Grip pencil. Often penhold players don't
use a rubber sheet on the backhand
side and only play with the forehand
side of the paddle (though with the
modern style many players are now
using the back side as well). Penhold
blades have a shorter handle than
Shakehand blades.

- The V-grip is when the blade is held

between the index and middle finger,
spread apart at first to form a letter
V. When the blade is in place, the
3. V-Grip index and middle fingers curl down
the blade, gripping it, and the ring
and pinky fingers are wrapped
around the handle of the paddle. The
thumb can be placed wherever it
feels most comfortable for the player.

- Another minor grip is known as the

Seemiller grip, made popular by Dan
Seemiller, an American player who
won five U.S. Men’s Singles
4. Seemiller Grip
Championships, became number one
qualifier for the U.S. World Team in
1972, and was once rank 19 on the
international scale. It can be
observed to be a variation of the
shakehand grip, but the tip of the
forefinger is placed near the edge of
the paddle, or around the edge of the
paddle. There is a 90-degree turn so
that both thumb and index fingers are
grasping either side of the paddle.
Most players using this grip will put
either put long pimpled rubber or anti
rubber on the back, as the
combination rubber and occasional
twiddling can confuse opponents
with their varied returns.

- The students will perform.

Note: the students will execute the Hand Grip. Shakehand
grip, Penhold Grip, V-Grip, and Seemiller Grip


- The students will watch the video.

QUESTION: - The students will answer.

1. What is the video all about?
2. What ae the health benefits we get in playing table
3. How important that we engage our self in sports
activities like table tennis?


I. Fill in the blanks.

Note: The teacher will provide a photocopy of the activity and the students will answer.
Direction: Fill in the blanks. Complete the following statements by adding the correct answer. Choose your answers from the

Players Penhold V-Grip Blade Table Tennis

Shakehand Asian Racket Rubber Sheet Thumb

1. ________________ is a racket sport, which means that a player’s main weapon at hand is his paddle.
2. When the ________________ is in place, the index and middle fingers curl down the blade, gripping it.
3. _______________ blades have a shorter handle than Shakehand blades.
4. The ____________________ grip is the typical European type of grip where the head of the racket faces up, and your
hand looks like it's ready to shake a person's hand.
5. The _______________ is when the blade is held between the index and middle finger, spread apart at first to form a
letter V.
6. ___________________ using the shakehand grip use both the front and back sides of the paddle, whereas penhold
players often use only one side of the paddle.
7. Penhold is the _________________ style grip of holding the racket, where the head of the racket is facing down and is
held the way a person holds a pen or pencil.
8. Table tennis is a _________________ sport, which means that a player’s main weapon at hand is his paddle.
9. Often penhold players don't use a ________________________ on the backhand side and only play with the forehand
side of the paddle.
10. The ________________ can be placed wherever it feels most comfortable for the player.


 Make an advance reading about the basic shot of Table Tennis

 Please wear P.E uniform next meeting
Prepare by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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