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Rebusan mandian serum ini sangat mudah disediakan. Daun-daun yang saya gunakan pula
adalah daun-daun yang mudah untuk didapati di sekeliling rumah, juga dari rumah adik saya
Antara daun-daun serum dan bahan-bahan yang saya guna ialah:
1- Daun mengkudu
2- Daun lengkuas
3- Daun ganda rusa
4- Daun serai wangi
5- Daun jambu batu
6- Daun limau purut
7- Daun pandan
8- Halia
9- Halba
1. Ambil periuk ukuran sederhana.
2. Sediakan daun-daun serum. Basuh bersih-bersih dan jerangkan bersama air di atas api yang
3. Masukkan halba dan hirisan halia. (halba juga boleh dipunjutkan)
4. Setelah mendidih, air rebusan ini dipindahkan ke dalam besen mandian yang besar dan
dicampurkan dengan air pili dan pastikan suhu air suam-suam kuku sahaja.
5. Sedia untuk digunakan semasa mandi.
1. Mandi dalam keadaan duduk atas bangku atau kerusi. Dilarang mencangkung.
2. Mulakan menjirus pada bahagian ibu jari kaki kanan dahulu diikuti kaki kanan hingga ke
pinggang. Ulang pada kaki kiri.
3. Nota : adalah penting menjirus air di bahagian kaki dahulu supaya urat tidak tersentak apabila
terkena air dan boleh menyebabkan sakit kepala.
4. Kemudian ulang semula menjirus kaki hingga ke bahu kanan. Proses yang sama dilakukan
pada bahagian kiri.
5. Seterusnya barulah mandi keseluruhan badan.
6. Daun-daun rebusan tadi boleh digunakan untuk menggosok badan agar khasiat dan
harumannya meresap ke dalam kulit.
7. Punjut halba juga boleh digunakan untuk menggosok badan kerana ia dapat membantu
memejalkan otot di samping menghalang air dari masuk ke dalam badan.
1. Mewangikan badan
2. Mengendurkan dan melembutkan urat-urat yang menegang semasa proses bersalin
3. Mengurangkan stress
4. Membuang rasa letih dan lesu
5. Melancarkan peredaran darah
6. Menyegarkan tubuh
7. Mengeluarkan angin
8. Memulihkan tenaga
9. Menghaluskan kulit
10. Awet muda
Ibu berpantang sangat digalakkan untuk mandi serum setiap hari selama 44 hari tempoh
berpantang atau sekurang-kurangnya 2 minggu selepas bersalin.
Mandi serum sesuai dilakukan setiap pagi selepas selesai berurut dan bertungku.
Sangat bagus mandi menggunakan air rebusan daun daripada air biasa, kerana setiap daun
yang digunakan mempunyai khasiat tersendiri.
Sebelum mandi air serum, ibu-ibu boleh bercebok dengan air rebusan sireh untuk
mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka-luka lepas bersalin.
Okay, sekian sahaja perkongsian saya untuk ibu-ibu dalam pantang. Moga bermanfaat ya.
Now if you know Nisha; she doenst believe in blogs or some random articles. Only
proper research studies and proper authorities can convince her. 

And so; upon reading research by CDC and some other journals; most says one needs
at least 50% and above alcohol to kill the germs and viruses.  Minimum is 50%, and
maks is 99%. 

Now just as a side note; why one cant use 100% alcohol? Thats because alcohol
evaporates very fast in heat. So there are chances that the moment it touches the skin,
it will evaporate; not giving it time to actually kill the germs. therefore; when using
lower concentration (like a 70% alcohol); the product will have 70% alcohol, and 30%
water. Since there is water, it doesnt evaporate that fast; giving the alcohol some time
to kill the germs. 

So anyways, back to Nisha; even though she doesn't like alcohol, she didnt really have
a choice but to use it in her hand sanitiser. 

She tested and tried different dilution rate and finally found a perfect balance that
sanitises the skin, effectively eliminate all the virus and bacteria; but also moisturises
and doesn't flare up the eczema! 


Now since Im Nisha; and im the one who formulated this. i would like to share the
recipe to you.

heres the recipe to make 100g of hand sanitiser

1. 38g SoapLab's Jojoba Lotion Base
2. 60g SoapLab's Rubbing Alcohol
3. 2g of Tea tree oil or Eucalyptus Oil or Rosemary Oil
4. Fragrance oil of choice (optional)
Now why am i using the jojoba lotion base? One of the reason is because its very
moisturising and is tested to help prevent eczema flares. besides its loaded with anti
inflammatory jojoba oil, and allantoin ( 100X more potent than aloe vera extract).
Because of that we are using this lotion base.
As for the rubbing alcohol that we are using has 99% concentration. If you were to use
supplies from elsewhere, please make sure the rubbing alcohol is 99%. if its 70% etc,
make sure that you reformulate this recipe to have 50% concentration of alcohol.
because anything else would be less effective;-)

Now this recipe will create a product that is a bit watery/ runny. so its the best if you
could use packaging that is 'sprayable' instead of pouring/pump

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