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SCIENCE Topic - Different changes YEAR 5

Reversible Changes – This is when materials can be changed back to how they were before the reaction
took place.
E.g. When ice melts to form water. It could be frozen back to ice again.
Irreversible Changes – This is when materials cannot be changed back to how they were before.
E.g. When a piece of wood is burned to form ash. It cannot be made wood again.

Separating mixtures can be done by:

1. Sieving – when 2 solids are mixed
2. Filtration – when a solid and a liquid are mixed
3. Evaporation – when a solid is dissolved in a liquid

Mixing sand with water ………………………………………………………………………………. Change

Mixing salt with water . …………………………………………………………………………….. change
Answer key

1. Irreversible
2. Reversible
3. Irreversible
4. Irreversible
5. Reversible
6. reversible

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