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The Cause and Effect of Examination Cheating to The Selected Students of 11-HUMSS 2 In CSNHS S/Y


1. Research question
What is the main reason that student cheat on exam and what can be it't long term and short
term effect on them?

2. Write your thesis statement

Cheating has become an long term problem in school as the student use cheating even though
its have long term and short term effect for them. As cheating happen on purpose and not
coincidentally there’s always a reason behind it.

3. Scope and Delimitation

This research aims to discuss the cause of why student of 11-HUMSS 2 in CSNHS cheat in their
exam and what kind of effect can they get from doing cheating.

The respondent involve in this study are selected 11-HUMSS 2 student of Camarines Sur
National High School. The researcher asked them about their experience in terms of (1) cheating
;(2)their benefits they get; (3)what pushes them to cheat; and (4) their behavior on times of

For the data collection, the researchers conducted face-to-face interviews in the
respondent’s classroom during the second semester of S/Y 2022-2023. The responses
were written and recorded on a phone and make analyzation of the data.

This study did not cover the other cheating behavior of students and the other time that
they cheated.

4. Significance of the Study

The Finding of this research will provide new insight about the cause and effect of
cheating to the students, parent and for the future researcher.
STUDENTS will benefit directly to this study because they can know what can be the
bad effect of cheating in their mental health and on how they will work on the future.
Through this study, the PARENT may know what kind of cause they give to their child to
do cheating and so that they can avoid it.
For the FUTURE RESEARCHERS this study will cover what kind of effect cheating can
give a child on their mental health and on their future or current behavior. Also this study
can be use as an RRL .

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