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操 作 使

型 号
目 录
一、 产品简介……………………………………………2

1、产品概述………………………………………. 2


二、 配置安装……………………………………………5

1、 过滤器的标准管线………………………….....5

2、 过滤器配置安装的基本形式………………….6

3、 过滤器配置安装的其他形式………………….6

三、 选用及维护要求…………………………………...7

四、 故障及排除方法…………………………………..8

附录 本系列过滤器抗化学腐蚀性能表………………9

和压铸铝式两种基本型式(图 1、图 2)。上游压缩空气经进气口和滤芯(5)上
机外。滤壳的进出气通道有隔板(2)和 0 型橡胶滤芯密封圈(3)隔开。滤壳均
的管状零件,按不同的过滤功能分成 HC、HT、HA、HF、HH、FC 六种基本规格

型 号 结构与功能 应用范围
内部支撑特殊连接件保持滤芯稳定不受 后部冷却器的分离器,冷冻
震荡。 式干燥机的分离器,主管路
分两段过滤: 的前置过滤器。
HC 级 第一段由不锈钢网状核心,利用离心力
主管路 分离 10μm 或更大的固态粒子。
过滤器 第二段由可替换的玻璃纤维做成,可完
全过滤 3μm 或更大的固态粒子,重力作
上游气体水份负载允许达 256000PPm。去
除 99%水份,油雾剩余含量 5PPm。
震荡。 吸附式干燥机的前后置过滤
多层玻璃纤维过滤 1μm 或更大的固态粒 器,更精密过滤器的前置过
子。 滤器,气动工具、马达气缸
多孔式外部圆筒使过滤后的空气迅速排 的前置过滤器,保护自动控
出至过滤器出口。 制系统,空气系统的主管路
上游气体水份负载允许达 2000PPm。 过滤器。
去除 100%水份,油雾剩余含量 1PPm。
HA 级 药品及电子等制造业提供无
微油雾 油压缩空气。有油空压机配
纤维,可过滤 0.01μm 的固态粒子。
过滤器 置 C、T、A 级过滤器代替无
去 除 99.99% 油 雾 , 油 雾 剩 余 含 量
涂膜封闭式泡沫套筒,进行预过滤和气 关键应用场合的无油空气供
HF 级超 流分散。 气、气流接触产品的场合。
高效除油 多 层 矩 阵 复 合 纤 维 特 殊 设 计 可 过 滤 空气相关产品传输、搅拌、
过滤器 0.01μm 的固态粒子及微粒。 电子元件的制造、氮气替
油雾剩余含水量 0.003ppm. 换。前置式后置过滤器。

精密的活性炭层,过滤 95%油雾及碳氢
HH 级 食品及药物制造业的输送、
除油除臭 搅拌、酿造、发酵用气,呼
超精过滤 吸及潜水保护作业用气,去
器 除工作环境的臭味。
微玻璃纤维过滤 0.01μm 固态粒子多孔
0.003PPm 油气不含任何臭味。
使用和维修,每只过滤器均应按图 3 所示的标准管线进行安装。图中的 3、4 为
气源管道上下游的启闭阀门,过滤器正常工作时应打开,维修时应关闭;阀 5
也可以在进出口管路上安装带缓冲管的压力表来代替。2 是装在气管路上的取样

2、过 滤 器
配 置 安 装
的 基 本 形

HC 级
过 滤 器 一
般 按 图4所
示 的 形 式
配 置 和 安
装 在 由 空
压 机
( 1 )、后
部 冷 却 器
雾及 3μm 以上的尘粒,使冷冻干燥机最大限度的发挥净化干燥作用。在冷冻干
燥机以后的下游气路中,串接配置 HT 级过滤器、HA 级过滤器、HF 级过滤器,对
有异味要求的气路在装置 HH 过滤器,最终使下游气体含油水量及含尘量达到高

从贮气罐出来的上游气源直接串接 HC、HT、HA 三级过滤器,则可以滤去气源
1. 本产品的使用条件(过滤器安装之前,必须保证输气管道的清洁)
工作压力:0.6Mpa ~ 1.0Mpa(特殊压力可定制)
压缩空气处理量:1m3/min ~ 500 m3/min
应将实际空气流量除以表 2 所列的修正系数,再按所得数进行选用。
压力 Mpa 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
系数 Φ 0.25 0.38 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
HC-HT/FC-HA-HF-HH 的序列,绝对不能倒置错配,否则不仅达不到预定的过
初期压降约为 0.01Mpa~0.02Mpa(每支)随着使用时间增长,滤芯压降逐渐增大。
当压降达到 0.07Mpa 时说明该滤芯已被脏物堵塞,应及时更换,避免在压降过
件配合到位,并注意上端密封圈是否完好,更换 HA 型、HF 型、HH 型滤芯时不
要用手直接捏在滤芯的泡沫层上。更换滤芯的具体步骤: a 放尽容器的压缩空
气;b 松开容器法兰紧固件,打开滤壳筒体;c 松开滤芯,使之与定芯隔板上的
连接件脱开,卸下失效滤芯;d 更换新滤芯,若发现密封件失效,则同时更换
新件;e 安装好筒体。
5.严格遵守上述使用条件,本系列 HC、HT、FC、HA、HF 型滤芯使用寿命可达
8000 小时以上,HH 型滤芯的工作寿命为 2500 小时(均以单支滤芯工作压降达
0.07Mpa 时,为工作寿命期)。
故障状态 原 因 排除方法
1. 端盖不严 旋紧端盖
2. 配管阀门未打开 打开阀门
3. 进气压力低 检查 原因 , 提 高进 气压

4. 0 型密封圈漏气 调换
5. 配管漏气 修复配管
1. 滤芯堵塞或吸附量大 调换滤芯
2. 滤芯衰老 调换滤芯
3. 进气杂质负载大 进行预处理
4. 滤筒积水 找出原因,排除积水
5. 自动排水器失灵 调整修复或调换排水器
6. 过滤器安装不水平 重新安装
过滤效果差 1. 对进气未经预处理 增设前置过滤器
2. 滤芯衰老 换调滤芯
3. 空气含有滤芯不能吸附的 针对情况预先处理
4. 流量超过额定值 调换大流量过滤器
5. 过滤器内部有气流短路 找到原因,对症处理
6. 滤芯安装不到位 重新安装
7. 过滤器进出口接反 认准标记方向重接
8. 下游管道不清洁 冲洗下游管道
9. 使用点有残留污染物 清除残留污染物
10. 旁路阀门未关紧 关紧旁路阀门
1. 进、出气口阀门未打开 打开阀门
2. 滤芯严重堵塞 调换滤芯
3. 过滤器损坏 调换过滤器
4. 配管堵塞 修复配管
附录 本系列过滤器抗化学腐蚀性能表
过滤器部位 无腐蚀性 亚腐蚀性 强腐蚀性
不会因水、肥皂或洗 链族碳氢化合物 强酸、氢氧化物、氯气和二
涤剂受到化学上损 会引起轻微膨 氧化硫。
HA 级、HF 级、
害,也不会因油、清 胀;芳香剂会引
HH 级 过 滤 器
洁溶剂和常温下的 起很大膨胀,胆
硝化甘油而受损。大 去除这些化合物

量的液体负载可能 可以恢复到原来
引起机械性损伤。 的大小与强度。
对大多数有机化合 苯乙醇、苯甲醛、 强无机酸和强氧化剂具有
物如酯类、甲酮、酒 苯甲酸、柠檬酸、 腐蚀作用,下列所有物质
精、碳氢化合物等不 氯化汞、亚甲氯、 将导致分解,膨胀或强度
起化学反应。对碱溶 草酸、重铬酸钾。 降低;苯胺、氯酸、水合氯
液和盐溶液具有抗 醛氯气、氟气、甲酸、冰醋酸
蚀性。 盐酸(100%)、磷酸、高锰
HT 级 、 FC 碱、弱酸、盐溶液、对 脱 氧 酸 有 轻 度 腐 可溶于芳香族溶液,如甲
级、HA 级过滤 多 数 80℃ 以 下 的 有 蚀作用。 苯、二甲苯和 80℃以上的氯
器滤芯内部聚 机溶液不发生化学 化碳氢化合物
丙烯支撑管 反应。
芳香族、环基酮、 环乙酮、醋酸溶液、丙酮、苯
盐酸、氢氧化钙、 乙烯、氯化胺、苯类、卤族化
硝酸、硫酸。 合物、乙醚、氯乙醇、甲酸|、

 地 址:杭州市余杭区仁和街道粮站路 8 号
 电 话:0571-86392999
 服务专线:0571-86395777
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 版 本 号:V1.0 版
SAGL Series

Compressed Air Filter

Operation Instruction

Manufacture No.
Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction


I. Product Profile.........................................................................................................................................................2

1. Product Overview.............................................................................................................................................2

2. Structure and Working Principle......................................................................................................................2

II. Configuration and Installation.............................................................................................................................5

1. Standard Pipeline for the Filters.......................................................................................................................5

2. Basic Configuration/Installation Pattern of the Filter......................................................................................5

3. Other Configuration/Installation Patterns of the Filters...................................................................................6

III. Selection and Maintenance Requirements........................................................................................................6

IV. Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................................................................7

Appendix: Chemical Corrosion Resistance Performance of the Filter Series.....................................................8

Prior to startup, please read this manual carefully

Page 1
Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

I. Product Profile
1. Product Overview

When free air from atmospheric environment is compressed by an air compressor, the hazardous substances like
moisture, dust, and oil mist are fed into the pneumatically operated equipment and instruments along with
compressed air. Such a high-temperature, high-moisture and high-pressure air flow may cause serious corrosion
and contamination inside the expensive pneumatically operated device, instruments and pipeline soon, not only
affecting the product quality, but also resulting in equipment failure/fatal accident due to inaccuracy of the
instruments and devices. Chemical fiber, printing, spray painting, mixing, pneumatic conveying, and pneumatic
automated equipment are directly connected to the process tools for working procedures, so many industrial air
sources shall be pure without any water, oil and dust. Therefore, it is essential to have the compressed air
subjected to further purification treatment so that it may meet the production requirements, and compressed air
drier supported by secondary filter can surely satisfy such requirements.

2. Structure and Working Principle

A secondary filter mainly consists of a filter element and a filter housing, and the latter may be divided into 2
basic types i.e. flange type and die casting aluminum type as per different structures (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The
upstream compressed air enters into the filter element through the air inlet and the air vent in the upper end of the
filter element (5). The filter element is composed of multiple layers of filter materials capable of different
functions. The compressed air could be separated from moisture, dust, oil mist, and chemical substances with
peculiar smell by means of interception, inertia, gravity force, diffusion and adsorption, etc. Pure compressed air
reaches the downstream from the air outlet channel in the top housing through the filter element (5), and is
continually fed into the pneumatically operated equipment. Th`e trapped hazardous substances like moisture, oil
mist and dust are collected to the bottom of the lower housing (6) of the filter housing, and are discharge out of the
machine through the valve that is automatically opened by the automatic drain trap when a certain volume is
reached. The air inlet/outlet channels of filter housing are separated by baffle (2) and O-shaped rubber seal (3) of
filter element. The filter housing is designed, manufactured and tested as per relevant technical standards for
pressure vessel. Filter elements are a type of tubular parts composed of multi-layers of different materials, and
may be divided into six basic types, named as HC, HT, HA, HF, HH and FC, as per varied filtration functions (see
Table 1):

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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

Fig. 1 Flange Type Filter Fig. 2 Die casting aluminum Filter

1- filter housing gland 2 - baffle 3- filter element seal ring 4 - cartridge seal ring
5- filter element 6- filter housing cartridge 7 - ball valve 8 - automatic drain valve

NOTE:The configuration of automatic drain will be changed with your order. Prevail in kind.

Table (1)

Type Construction and functions Range of application

HC-class mail- Internal support screw rod stabilizes the filter element and Separator of after cooler,
line filter protects it from vibration. separator of freeze drier, and
2-stage filtration: pre-filter of main pipeline

Stage 1: Stainless-steel web core separates solid particles

of 10μm or greater by centrifugal force.
The second stage is made of replaceable glass fiber and can
completely remove solid particles of 3μm orgreater, and the
moisture is brought to the bottom of the filter by gravity
force and is then drained.
The allowable moisture content of upstream air is up to
Moisture is removed by 99%, and the residual content of
oil mist reaches 5PPm.

HT/FC-class oil Internal support screw rod stabilizes the filter element and Pre-filter and post-filter of
mist filter/ dust protects it from vibration. adsorption type drier; pre-filter
filter Multi-layer glass fiber filters solid particles of 1μm or of the secondary filter; pre-
greater. filter of pneumatic tool and
motor cylinder; and the main
Multi-hole external cartridge allows the filtered air to be
pipeline filter for protecting the
rapidly discharged to the filter outlet.
automatic control system and
The allowable moisture content of upstream air is up to
air system
Moisture is removed by 100%, and the residual content of
oil mist reaches 1PPm.

HA-class micro Internal support special connector can protect the Providing grease-free
oil mist filter filter core from tremor. compressed air for precision
Internal elastic sponge layer is capable of pre- instruments, spray painting,
filtering, and the micro glass fiber, which is foodstuff, drugs and electronic
specially designed and subject to particular manufacturing industries.
density/diameter/surface treatment, can remove Greased air compressor fitted
solid particles of 0.01μm. with C, T, A-class filters may
substitute grease-free air
External sponge layer can absorb and discharge oil
compressor, ensuring easy
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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

Oil mist is removed by 99.99%, and the residual maintenance.

content of oil mist reaches 0.01PPm.
HF-class ultra Internal support screw rod stabilizes the filter element and Grease-free air supply for key
high-efficiency protects it from vibration. applications, and the
degreasing filter Film-coated enclosed-type foam sleeve is adopted for pre- applications where air flow
filtration and air flow dispersion. contacts the products.
Conveying and mixing of air-
Special design of multi-layer matrix complex fiber, capable
related products, manufacturing
of removing solid particles and grains of 0.01μm.
of electronic elements, and
Residual moisture content of oil mist is 0.003PPm.
nitrogen replacement; Pre-
Film-coated enclosed-type foam sleeve. filters and post-filters;

HH-class Internal support screw rod stabilizes the filter element and Air supply for conveying,
degreasing / protects it from vibration. mixing, brewing and
deodorizing ultra Fine active carbon layer can remove oil mist and fermentation of foodstuff and
fine filter hydrocarbon compounds by 95%. medicine manufacturing
industries, air supply for
Specially patented fiber layer can remove finer particles
breathing and diving
and residual oil mist.
protection, removal of odor in
Micro glass fiber can remove solid particles of 0.01μm, and
working environment.
the multi-hole external sponge can prevent the fiber filter
material from being washed away. The residual 0.003PPm
oil gas is free of any odor.

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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

II. Configuration and Installation

To ensure the filtering apparatus achieve the anticipated effects, correct configuration and installation are
extremely important in addition to guaranteed quality of products.

1. Standard Pipeline for the Filters

A complete set of compressed air purification system is composed of several equipment and relevant filters. To
ensure easy operation and maintenance, each filter shall be installed as per the standard pipelines shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3, 4 is respectively the opening and closing valves at upstream and downstream, which shall be turned on
when the filter works normally and shall be turned off prior to maintenance. Valve 5 is fitted in the air-supply
branch and shall be turned off when the filter works normally and turned off prior to maintenance; it alarm s
automatically once pressure drop of air inlet/out exceeds a certain value to prompt the operator to check the
filtration capacity of filter elements; it may also be substituted by fitting a manometer with buffer tube in the
inlet/outlet pipeline. Item 2 is a sampling valve fitted in the air-supply pipeline and is designed for sampling prior
to determining the degree of purification of the air supply. Note: Piping shown in the figure shall be installed
by user.

Fig. 3 Standard Pipeline for Filters

2. Basic
Pattern of the Filter

HC-class filters are usually installed in the upstream pipeline composed of air compressor (1), after cooler (2) and
air tank (3) as per the pattern shown in Fig. 4 to trap tmost of the moisture content, oil mist and dust particles of
3μm or greater contained in the upstream air channel, so that functions of purification and drying of the
freezingdrier may be brought into full play. HT-class filter, HA-class filter and HF-class filter shall be connected
in series in the downstream air channel after the freeze drier, and the air channel with peculiar smell shall be
additionally equipped with a HH filter so that oil, water and dust contents at downstream may achieve high purity

1 - air
2 - after
cooler 3-
air tank 4
– HC-class filter 5 - freeze drier
6 - HT-class filter 7 - HA-class filter. 8 - HF-class filter 9 - HH-class filter

3. Other Configuration/Installation Patterns of the Filters

The above-mentioned configuration pattern may be altered according to the circumstances as per user’s different
requirements for air supply purification. For instance, when 3-stage HC, HT and HA filters are directly connected
in series for the upstream air supply from the air tank, most of moisture, oil mist and dust particles contained in

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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

the air supply may be removed, satisfying the ordinary applications that require not so high purification of air
supply. Some production processes, such as production of lens and integrated circuits, may require hyper -normal
purification and dryness of air supply; for such applications, adsorption type drier may be additionally fitted after
the freeze drier so that the air supply may meet the nearly ideal requirements for moisture free, grease free, and
dust free purification and dryness.

III. Selection and Maintenance Requirements

1. Service conditions for the product (air delivery pipeline must be kept clean prior to installation of the filters)

Working pressure: 0.6MPa-1.0MPa (Special pressure can be customized)

Operating temperature: ≤50℃

Supply air shall be free of corrosive elements

Compress air throughput capacity: 1m3/min- 500m3/min

If input pressure is not standard pressure for operating mode, actual throughput capacity of filter element
may vary; in such a case, actual air flow shall be divided by the correction coefficient given in Table 2, and
select the value as per the obtained result.

Table (2)

Pressure (MPa) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5

Coefficient (Φ) 0.25 0.38 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

2. Due to different liquid load capacity of filter cartridges, filters’ selection and installation must strictly follow
the sequence of HC-HT/FC-HA-HF-HH. And they must not be converted or mismatched; otherwise, not only
the expected filtration effect may not be achieved, but also the filter elements may be prematurely damaged.

3. As a pressure vessel, filter housing is designed and manufactured as per the above-mentioned working
pressures; it shall work within the range of allowable pressure indicated in the name plate; no over-pressure
ultra-temperature operation is allowed.

4. Filter element is a critical component of a filter; when it works, it shall be regularly checked for pressure
drop of inlet/outlet air. The initial-stage pressure drop of this product series is about 0.01Mpa ~ 0.02MPa
(each piece). Along with the increase in service time, the pressure drop of filter element may gradually
increase. When pressure drop reaches 0.07MPa, the filter element is already jammed with filth and shall be
replaced in time, and it must not be subject to operation when the pressure drop gets too great. To replace a
new filter element, the middle long screw rod shall be tightened, and the upper-end seal ring shall be checked
for good condition. To replace HA type, HF type or HH type filter elements, do not directly grip the foam
layer of the filter element by hand. Specific procedures for replacement of a filter element: a. Discharge
completely the compressed air from vessel; b. Unscrew the fastening parts of vessel flange, and open the
filter housing cartridge; c. Unscrew the drag-link nut of filter element, and remove the used filter element; d.
Fix a new filter element, and replace the sealing members if they lose efficiency; c. Install the cartridge

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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

5. The above-mentioned operating conditions shall be abided by strictly. The service life of this series of HC,
HT,FC,HA and HF filter elements may reach 8000 hours or higher, and the working life of HH-type filter
element is 2500 hours (the working life is counted when pressure drop of single filter element reaches

IV. Troubleshooting
Fault condition Cause Corrective action

1. End cap is not tightened Screw up the end cap

2. Piping valve is not opened Open the valve

Find out the cause, and raise air inlet
reduction of air 3. Air inlet pressure is low
4. Air leaks from O-ring Replace it

5. Air leaks from piping Repair the piping

1. Filter element is jammed or amount of adsorption

Replace the filter element
gets high

2. Filter element is aged Replace the filter element

Pressure drop 3. Load of air-inlet foreign substance is too high Conduct pretreatment
increases Find out the cause, and remove the
4. Water is accumulated inside the filter cartridge
accumulated water

5. Automatic drain trap malfunctions Adjust, repair, or replace the drain trap

6. Filter is installed with poor levelness Reinstall it

Filtration effect 1. Inlet air is not pretreated Install one more pre-filter
is poor
2. Filter element is aged Replace the filter element

3. The air contains chemicals that can’t be absorbed Conduct pretreatment as per specific
by the filter elements. condition

Replace the old with a filter allowing

4. Flow exceeds the rating value
higher flow

Find out the cause and solve it

5. Air flow is short-circuited inside the filter

6. Fastening screws of the filter element are not

Tighten the filter element

Connect them again as per the

7. Inlet and outlet of the filter are connected reversely
indicated direction

8. Downstream pipeline is unclean Purge the downstream pipeline

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Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

Fault condition Cause Corrective action

9. Residual pollutants exist at the point of application Remove the residual pollutants

10. Bypass valve is not shut tightly Shut tightly bypass valve

1. Air inlet/outlet valve is not opened Open the valves

Filter fails to 2. Filter is jammed severely Replace the filter element

work 3. Filter is damaged Replace the filter

4. Piping is jammed Repair the piping

Appendix: Chemical Corrosion Resistance Performance of the Filter Series

Filter location Non corrosive Hypo corrosive Highly corrosive

They cannot be chemically compounds may cause
External foam damaged by water, soap or slight expansion;
sleeve for HA- detergent, and cannot be damaged Aromatics may cause Strong acid, oxyhydrate,
class, HF-class by oil, cleaning solvents or significant expansion, chlorine gas, and sulphurous
and HH-class nitroglycerin at normal atmospheric but the original size anhydride
filter element temperature. High liquid load may and strength may be
cause mechanical damages. recovered once these
chemical compounds
are removed.

Strong mimeral acid and

strong oxidizing compounds
may have corrosive action.
The following substances
Phenylethyl alcohol, may cause decomposition,
All models of The majority of organic
benzaldehyde, bezoic expansion or reduction of
filters are filled compounds, like esters, ketone,
acid, citric acid, strength: aniline, chloric
with inorganic alcohol, and hydrocarbon
mercuric chloride, acid, chloral hydrate,
material filter compound, cannot produce a
methylene chloride, chlorine gas, fluorine gas,
cores, nylon chemical reaction. They have
oxalic acid, and methanoic acid, glacial
covers. corrosion resistance to alkaline and
potassium lichromate acetic acid, muriatic acid
salt solution.
(100%), phosphoric acid,
potassium permanganate,
dimethylbenzene, and

Polypropylene Alkali, weak acid, salt solution; Dearating acid is They are soluble in aromatic
supporting tubes most of the organic solutions lower slightly corrosive. solutions, such as methyl

Page 8
Compressed Air Filter
Operation Instruction

benzene, dimethylbenzene,
inside filter
than 80℃ may not cause chemical and chlorated hydrocarbon
elements of HT,
reactions. compounds higher than
HC, HA filters

Chclohexanone, acetate
solution, acetone, styrene,
sal ammoniac, benzenes,
Aromatics, halogen-family compounds,
Filter casing of
chclohexanone, ether, chlorohydrine,
muriatic acid, caustic methanoic acid, Freon,
lime, nitric acid, vitriol nitrobenzene, phenol,
phosphoric acid compounds,
propionic acid, sodium
sulphate, chlorate

Page 9
 Add: Liangzhan Road, Renhe Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, 311107, China

 Tel: 0571-86392999

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