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‫استراتيجية قائمة على مدخل علم لغة النص لتنمية مهارات تحليل الخطاب في المجال اإلعالمي‬

‫لدى دارسي اللغة العربية ألغراض خاصة الناطقين بغيرها ‪.‬‬

‫د ‪ .‬سيد رجب محمد إبراهيم‬
‫كلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس‬

‫نا اس راتي اسةةةةيساة ق ى ةدر ةةةة ى ت ى نلك ةوجهتت مدخل نلم لغى الاص‬ ‫هدفت الدراسةةةةى الك العنةةةة‬
‫و سة ة فم ةا ى مهترات ة ل ل ال اتع اينلمم لدن الات ب ا رلغتت خسن فم ال ةةيون ال يبدج فم مقت‬
‫اينلج روصف غسضت ختصت ما غساض ةعل م العسر ى للات ب ا رلغتت خسن ‪.‬‬
‫الدراسةةة ا فم ال ةةةيون ال يبدج للغى العسر ى فم ه ا ال قت ما‬ ‫و ةل صةةةت منةةةعلى الدراسةةةى فم ضةةةع‬
‫مهترات ة ل ل ال اتع اينلمم ‪ ،‬واالفيبتر الك ةابك رعض ال داخل ال د ثى فم ةا ى ه ه ال هترات ‪.‬‬
‫وةضةةة ات الع اى الاى ننةةةس ارسةةةت‪ ،‬وهم ن اى ةقس ب ى واحدة ُببت نل هت االسةةةيساة ق ى ال بيسحى ‪.‬‬
‫وةض ات الدراسى ل ل لل علم وارشت ات لياب ق االسيساة ق ى ‪ ،‬فضل نا ةض ا الدراسى الخيبتر مهترات‬
‫ة ل ل ال اتع اينلمم ال ي بق بل ت ورعد ت ‪ .‬و ظهست الايت ج فتنل ى االسةةةةةةيساة ق ى ال بيسحى ح‬
‫شترت الك وجو فسق ذي اللى احصت ى ر ا الياب ب ا الببلم والبعدي للدارس ا فم ال يون ال يبدج لصتلح‬
‫الياب ق البعدي ‪ .‬ك ت خلصةةةت الدراسةةةى الك ج لى ما اليوصةةة تت ال تصةةةى ريضةةة ا مهترات ة ل ل ال اتع‬
‫اينلمم فم رسامج ةعل م العسر ى ألغساض ختصةةةةى وةدر بتت ال عل ا نلك ة ب بهت ‪ .‬ك ت ا يسحت الدراسةةةةى‬
‫ند ا ما ال نسونتت الب ث ى ال يعلبى ر دان الدراسى ‪.‬‬
‫الكلمات المفتاحية ‪ :‬لغة النص – الخطاب اإلعالمي‬

‫‪4 . A strategy based on the introduction of text language to develop the‬‬

‫‪skills of discourse analysis in the field of media for Arabic language‬‬
‫”‪learners for special purposes‬‬
Dr. Sayed Ragab Mohamed Ibrahim: lecturer of curriculum & Instruction, Faculty
of Education, Ain Shams University.

The study aimed to test the impact of a proposed teaching strategy based on
science of text language approach to develop media discourse analysis skills
of other language speakers who were at the advanced level in the field of media
as a special purpose for teaching Arabic to speakers of other languages.
The problem of this study was related primarily to lack of media discourse
analysis skills of other language speakers at the advanced level of Arabic
language on one hand, and lack of applying modern approaches to develop these
skills, on other hand.
The sample included 30 students as an experimental group which proposed
strategy were applied on. The study included a teacher's guide and instructions
to implement the proposed strategy. Media discourse analysis skills was
applied on the experimental group pre and post implementing the strategy. The
results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the
pre-test and post-test in favor of post-test.
The study also provided some important recommendations related to the field
of this study such as embedding media discourse analysis skills in Arabic
education programs for special purpose and training teacher on developing
these skills. The study also suggested a number of research projects related to the
field of this study .

Keywords: language of text – media discourse

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