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Transitioning from face to face

traditional classrooms to online
learning: students' perception and
attitude towards online learning
Libyan academy for
postgraduate studies /School
Fatima Saeed Ali Abdullah. of languages/ English

Q1, Do students prefer

-Quantitative traditional classrooms rather 30
-structured than online classes? -Particpants
questionnaire Q2, what are students' -convenience
perception and attitude toward
online learning?

-to present an analysis feedback from a group of Libyan

students studying at Tripoli University, in response to
question about their perception and attitudes towards
online classes during COVID-19 pandemic.
-to explore students perception of their learning and
engagement using online platform in a comparison to
traditional FTF classrooms.

-students are not fully satisfy with their learning experience during this
transition period.
-students prefer traditional face to face classrooms rather than online
- No gender differences in relative to the attitudes towards E-learning.
- Technical difficulties played a major role in the failure of the online process.

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