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DATE : November 20, 2022

To whom it may concern,

Good day! I am Second Engineer Antonio Cosico of Ex-MV IVY UNICORN of Mario Shipmanagement Incorporated from
October 2021 to April 2022. This is to affirm the claim of Chief Engineer Roger Ventura regarding his problem with his
spine. That he suffered back injury.

When the vessel is underway from Indonesia to China, around November 10-12 2021, the Chief Engineer and fitter is
overhauling the No.1 Main Air Compressor because it suffers severe damage of crankshaft and plywheel. The
damaged caused by the excessive vibration of the air compressor also can be felt even we are inside the
accommodation, so the Chief Engineer decided to investigate and resolve the matter by repairing and overhauling it.

As second Engineer of the vessel, I helped in the repair assisting the Chief Engineer, it is very essential to repair the
said compressor because we do not any standby compressor. We made communications with our technical
superintendent for some comments and suggestions of the repair, but due to pandemic the availability of the spare
will be in 2 to 3 months a per advised.

Due to unprecedented events in the vessel, the Turbocharger of the Auxiliary Engine No.3 also broke down, so we
decided to distribute the works to our remaining engineers. I, 3 rd Engineer, Fitter and the Oiler worked with Auxiliary
Engine No.3 to removed and repair the generator. Chief Engineer, Fitter and Electricians worked with the Main
Compressor to disconnect the crankshaft and plywheel

When the plywheel and crankshaft of main air compressor was removed, the Chief Engineer decided to transport the
said parts in the workshop, the workshop and the air compressor is in closed proximity around 8 meters. The Chief
Engineer assessed the damage and suggest to repair the damaged crankshaft by rebuilding of the shaft via welding
and using the lathe machine.

On that moment also we are working inside the workshop because we are repairing and cleaning the turbocharger
that was removed from the generator. When the Chief Engineer and the fitter started to lift up the Crankshaft and
Plywheel and transfer it to the working table, we heard a sound like a cracking/snapping sound of the bone. When I
noticed that he cannot turn the crankshaft and plywheel on the tale I immediately helped him, then the Chief
Engineer complained about a shooting pain from the back to the lower extremities.

But the next day he complained that he cannot sleep well, because of the constant pain on his back and addition to
this, he is frequently urinating ang his legs becomes swollen. He continued to work with the repair of the compressor,
because he wants it to run as soon as possibel, because the vessel has no backup for compressed air system. They
managed to repair the air compressor in 3 days, in put to service, although it has still minor vibrations but it works
until we signed-off in April 2022.

Because the vessel was put on sale, the owner and the new buyer requested that all defects in all of the machineries
must be rectified prior to take over, knowing that the vessel has so many problems when we came on board, so we
gradually rectified all the problems.

As we are repairing those defects, the condition of the Chief Engineer becomes worst both the back pain and his legs,
and noticed that he is always standing because whenever he sits on the chair he can feel the back pain. The Chief
Engineer cannot stand straight, he keeps on moving and walking in order to ease up the back pain.

I and Wiper John Carlo Pamisa witnessed his everyday agony on his back pain, and we always assist him whenever
there are heavy jobs that requires assistance.

Thank you very much indeed, And hoping for your kind cooperation.

Yours Truly

2E Antonio Cosico Wiper John Carlo Pamisa

Witness Witness

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